• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,958 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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An Honest Family

“An’ then what happened?!” Apple Bloom asked, wide eyed, her full attention on Sunny and Applejack as they finished telling their side of the story, barely able to contain her excitement.

“We all woke up from our dream” Sunny continued. “Twilight and th’ others went to go check on th’ town’s folk while yer Brother, th’ rest of th’ new Guardians an’ ah looked high an’ low fer Knightmare, but he was long gone.”

After the whole ordeal, Applejack, Sunny and Big Mac returned to Sweet Apple Acres, with little Apple Bloom sleeping soundly on Big Mac’s Back. They had found Granny asleep in her favorite rocker in the living room and left her there, providing a pillow and thick warm blanket to help her sleep trough the night. Pappy had apparently fallen asleep on the couch, possibly talking with Granny. Sunny showed him the same care as Granny, and thought how happy he was to have his adopted grandfather here with him on the farm.

By the morning sun, Sunny knew it was time to have that talk. The talk where he revealed everything he knew, everything he had hidden, and came clean with his new family. As Pappy cooked breakfast for Sunny and the Apples, the former prince began to tell his tale, starting off with his fight with his father 1000 years ago, ending with what had happened the previous night.

“Ah still can’t believe that nice Mr. Alister was really Charming Knightmare” Granny rubbed her chin, sitting on the edge of her rocker’s seat.

“Ah can’t believe we’re special like Twilight and her friends!” Big Mac added, taking a big bite of flap jacks that Pappy made for him.

“Ah can’t believe yer father cast that spell on you...” Pappy spoke up, having been quiet most of the morning. “What would possess him to do that?”

Before Sunny could answer, Apple Bloom popped up between him and Applejack.

“I CANT BELIEVE SUNNY’S A PRINCE! A REAL PRINCE!!!” Apple Bloom was full of more energy then Pinkie after Rainbow challenged her to a cupcake eating contest. Who knew that little pink mare could eat over two hundred cup cakes and not explode?! Turning her wide smile and even wider eyes to Sunny, Apple Bloom began reeling off a million questions a minute. “Does this mean you’re gunna turn the farm house into a castle?! Or build ah castle addition onto th’ farm house?! Are we all gunna get fancy new clothes?! And fancy new plates?! Silverware?! Beds?! Are you going to bring some tiny ewes from the Crystal Empire?! Is Appeljack going to be a princess when you two get married?! Does that mean I’ll be a princess too ‘cause Ah’m her sister?!”

Nearly chocking on her morning cup of Apple juice, Applejack wasn’t surprises by her younger sister’s million questions, but was caught off guard by Apple Bloom’s second to last question involving her marrying Sunny. They had just become a couple the other night and already her sister said the word ‘marriage’. Granted, Applejack wouldn’t hesitate one bit if Sunny ever did propose to her. She knew from the moment he confessed his love for her that this was the stallion she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She just didn’t know that anypony else thought that too!

Clearing his throat, also having been taken off guard by Apple Bloom’s question, Sunny did his best to answer all her questions as best as he could. “Well, Apple Bloom, Ah hate ta disappoint ya, but ah ain’t ah prince no more.

“See, mah dad, King Sombra, was only ‘King’ as a temporary position” The yellow unicorn continued to explain. “An’ once either princess Amore or Somepony else came to claim the thrown who the Crystal Heart would accept, he would step down and either retire to ah civilian position, or if he wanted to, back ta his captain’s position in th’ royal army.”

“So Ah ain’t gunna get ta be ah princess?” Apple Bloom sounded slightly disappointed.

Wanting to be honest and cheer the little filly up, Sunny tossed her a soft smile. “Th’ royal life ain’t all what it’s cracked up ta be, Apple Bloom. Yeah, ya get all them fancy things an’ get ta go to them fancy balls and what not, but ya get surrounded by ponies who might not be genuine.

“Since Ah came here, ah’ve made more friends then ah ever dreamed ‘bout when ah was ah prince. Plus, there’s so much work once ya come of age” Sunny continued, thinking back to all his responsibilities. “Yer asked to first sit in on royal court to observe how Justice is carried out, the royal lessons take almost all day ta get through, then there’s civil duties, meeting with diplomats, it’s all so-“

“Boring!” Pappy spat out as he brought Granny a plate of flapjacks and applesauce. “Ah hated seeing ya go through all of that with almost no time fer fun! If it wasn’t for me, Yer aunty Radiant, or Whittler , Ah think ya would have gone bonkers!”

Sunny paused for a moment, the last name sent a shock wave trough his head, as he remembered Somepony from long ago.

“Who’s Whittler?” Applejack asked the elderly stallion while Sunny’s mind tried to process the name, looking deep into his memory for any trace of the pony.

“Little Whittler Rosewood?” Pappy repeated the name. “Well, ta most ponies in th’ Empire, he was just Somepony with ah lot of health problems who lived at the edge of the Empire, but to Sunny-“

“He was like an older brother!” Sunny spoke up, regaining one of his few remaining lost memories. “I remember Whittler now! He wanted to be a Crystal guard like his father and older sister, but he couldn’t walk. He was stuck in a wheel chair. But I was fascinated by him and how he practiced the guard’s fighting stances while movinaround in his chair!”

“You were always fascinated by such things” Pappy chuckles. “Wheel chairs, Cuckoo clocks, anything with metal an’ wood ya had ta check out.”

“He created the puppets!” Sunny spat out, remembering something else about Whittler. “He created the giant Pony puppets!”

“That’s right” Pappy nodded as he took a seat with his own stack of flapjacks and a cup of tea. “And ya remember just ‘who’ gave him the idea?”

Pausing, Sunny dusted off the old memories of Whittler. He remembered watching the Crystal earth pony repair his wood and metal wheel chair, thinking it was such a cool thing. Sunny remembered how amazed he was by Whittler’s work shop, and by all the little projects the handicapped pony had scattered all around. Most ponies would have found the poorly lite work shop to be a terrifying place, which is why most ponies left Whittler to himself. But young Sunny was more amazed then afraid, and couldn’t help himself but wander inside for a better look...

Taking a moment to breath and wipe the sweat from his brow, Whittler wondered if his dreams of joining the guard would ever come true. The years and tireless effort seemed to all be in vein, all because he was born with such a weak body.

“What cha Working on there, mister?” A springy light voice popped out of nowhere, causing Whittler to almost fall out of his chair.

Surprised by the foal’s sudden intrusion, Whittler snapped at the foal. “What are you doing here?! Get out! No kids allowed in my work shop!”

“I won’t break anything, I promise” The little yellow unicorn’s tone didn’t waver. “I just wanted to see what you were working on.”

The handicapped stallion was about to snap at the colt again, but paused. He had never had Somepony actually take an interest in his work. Sure, Whittler made many things out of wood in his spare time, chairs, tables, clocks, and all kinds of toys. But living in the ‘Crystal’ Empire, wood wasn’t exactly a highly demand material. But seeing this colt take an interest in his work lightened Whittler’s spirit a little.

“Well... I’m just working on my wheelchair, trying to make it a little more durable but still remain light for mobility” the wood worker began to explain to Sunny. All the while, the sparkle of amazement in the little yellow colt’s eyes remained as bright as when he first entered the shop.

Almost every day, Sunny would pop into see Whittler, talk with him and see what he was working on. More and more Whittler sacrificed time he would normally apply to his guard training to work on new things to show Sunny, always pushing himself to create newer and better things. It was almost as if Sunny’s interest in his creations made Whittler want to be more and more true to his cutie mark; a hammer and chisel he had urned from carving toy soldiers from scraps of wood.

For so long, Whittler cursed his talent and hated that he wasn’t a strapping fit worrier like his father and elder sister. But since Sunny came into his life, Whittler was able to let go of his frustration and enjoy his talent, becoming better and better with every project he completed.

It wasn’t until months later that the carpenter found out that Sunny was actually prince Soleggiato, the son of the king, when Sunny invited him to a royal banquet his father was throwing. Sunny had asked his father if he could invite one friend, and after some ordeal a few years prior, Sombra was more then happy to hear Sunny had made a new friend. It was at that banquet that Whittler was offered the chance of a life time.

“I don’t know if I should do it...” Whittler admitted to Sunny. “Working in the Platinum Kindgom would indeed be a great opportunity, it would give me all the raw material and it’s I could ever need... but...”

“I don’t want you to worry about me” Sunny smiled at Whittle, shocking the carpenter. “No matter what, I’ll always be your friend. And as your friend, I want you to do what you enjoy, and I know that’s bettering yourself. You’ve become so much better then you were a year ago when I meant you! Look at your workshop!”

Pausing to take a look about his old work shop, Whittler almost didn’t recognize it. The once dark and shadowy place that had half started or less projects hanging or piled all over the place, was now brightly lit, organized, and a true wonderland of invention and art! As his eyes fell back to a Sunny, Whittler knew that it was all thanks to that little pony who wondered into his life that short year ago. He not only helped Whittler accept his destiny, but also to embrace it and become better, to raise to new heights. Which is why he was so reluctant to leave the little colt, knowing he had no other real friends. Then an idea came to Whittler.

“Sunny... I don’t want to leave you alone, but I know you’ll never forgive me if I don’t pursue this rare opportunity” Whittler began to say, a smile growing on his muzzle. “So tell you what, before the train leaves in two days, meet me back here. I’ll have a special surprise for you.”

“You don’t have to do anything for me, Whittler” Sunny started to say, but was interrupted.

“If I left you all alone, I’d never forgive myself. Now, do as I say, or I’ll tell your father who ‘really’ left that rubber snake in the maid’s break room” Whittle winked at Sunny, knowing full well the little colt blamed it on one of the guards.

Not wanting his father to find out that ‘he’ was the actual trouble maker, Sunny agreed and quickly left.

Two days later, Sunny got out of bed early and raced down and out of the castle to Whittler’s shop, knowing that his train would be leaving by lunch time. As Sunny entered the shop, he caught Whittler packing up the rest of his things, leaving just one tall object in the middle of the room, a white sheet over it.

“You ready for your surprise?” Whittler asked Sunny before tossing him a book.

Sunny was caught off guard by the book Whittler had just given him. It was one form the library, a simple book of spells that he remember glancing over in his lessons at school. Thinking this was the gift, Sunny was more surprised when Whittler pulled off the sheet and revealed what was possible the coolest thing Sunny had ever seen in his work shop!

There, before him, stood a giant pony-like puppet, carved perfectly out of Whittler’s strongest wood. “Well? What do you think? He’s durable enough to where you could toss him off the top of the castle’s tallest tower, as flexible as a real pony, and if you study the pages I marked in that book, you can learn to repair and manipulate his body using magic!

“I know he’s no replacement for a ‘real’ friend, but...” Whittler admitted, scratching the back of his head. But before he could say anything else, he was tackle hugged by the little yellow stallion. Looking down at Sunny, Whittler’s smile grew.

“I love him! I’ll take good care of him and learn how to use him better than any puppet master ever! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Sunny’s grip tightened around the stallion.

“You’re welcome...” ‘and thank you, for helping me to find my inner light’ Whittler thought as he returned the hug, grateful for the encounter he had with the little prince with the wide, wonder filled eyes who wandered into his workshop and changed his life...

“After that day, Whittler still came by for a visit every couple of moons, wrote as often as he could, and every year for my
Birthday and for Hearths Warming Eve, he sent me a new puppet. Adding new features to it whenever he learned about something new he could add to it.” Sunny thought back to all the different puppets he had received. “One shot out confetti from it’s mouth, another rubber snakes from it’s hooves, one even transformed into a chair!

“It wasn’t until he knew I had gotten really good with controlling them and became a member of the royal guard that he added features like weapons to help me on missions.” Sighing a little, Sunny realized he was tearing up and had to wipe away a small tear. “How could ah have ever forgotten ‘bout him?”

“Ah’m still ‘mazes ya don’t remember yer mother” Pappy commented as he took a big bite of his flapjacks.

Everypony’s eyes turned to Pappy.

“Wait, ya’ll know who his mom is?” Applejack asked, then remembered Radiant’s warning about Sunny needling to remember on his own.

“Sure do” Pappy mumbles as he swallowed his bite. “But ah can’t say. Sunny’s gunna have ta just go and see her fer himself, when he goes to th’ Grand Galloping Gala. She’s gunna be there, and she’s missed him mightily since th’ fall of th’ empire.”

“I want to go...” Sunny said, his accent lost again. “But the princesses will be there... I’ll have to be in disguise. How will she even know it’s me?”

“Truest me, Ah mother knows her child no matter what” Grann said with reassuring a grin.

“And ya won’t be alone” Applejack kissed Sunny on the cheek, making all the blood in his body rush to his head, turning him a bright shade of red. “Ah’ll be there, yer friends and mah friends will be there.”

“Count this old fuddy-duddy in too” Pappy chimmed in, after licking his plate clean, some how finishing his breakfast faster then anypony else. “Ah wouldn’t miss this reunion fer anythin’ in th’ world.”

“If an old ‘fuddy-duddy’ like you can get up and dance, ah reckon ah could too” Granny added. “Sides, we need to show these whipper-snappers what ‘real’ dancing is!”

“But wait, what ‘bout th’ paper!” Apple Bloom reached behind her and pulled out a copy of Ponyville Confidential. “Look! If yer tryin’ ta hide from th’ princesses, won’t they see this?”

“Ah wouldn’ worry none, Apple Bloom,” Sunny appeared relaxed. “Ah have a friend of mine takin’ care of the press...”


Sitting atop a cotton candy cloud that rained down on Princess Celestia’s rose garden, Discord had in his claw and paw on a copy of Ponyville’s daily paper, reading about the extraordinary event that took place the other night. Word had spread fast of the ‘New Guardians of Harmony’ even from a school run newspaper. He worked fast to conceal the news and restrict it to just Ponyville, allowing only a few copies to slip away. One, of which, he held before him. All according to plan.

As if on cue, Celestia and Luna landed in Canterlot’s royal garden, anger filled eyes burning on him. When Celestia cleared her throat, the master of chaos casually looked up and gave a small smile. “Why Celestia, welcome back. Did you have a relaxing trip?”

“You knew, didn’t you?” Celestia’s words were hard and cold, her mane flared like the flames on the surface of her sun.

“I did. And I kept his presence from you for a very good reason” Discord said as he turned his attention back to the paper. He grew excited by the contents of the open page. “Oh my! The Cakes are having a bake sale next week! I do enjoy-“

The paper began to turn black and crumble away into ash in Discord’s claw and paw, revealing an even angrier Princess Celestia behind it, glaring with the intensity of a thousand super novas at Discord. The look actually sent a chill down his spine.

“Oh relax Tia, there’s a very good reason why I kept Prince Soleggiato’s existence a secret from you.” The draconaquis stated as calmly as he could.

“And why, knowing all you know, would you do that? What REASON could you have?!” Celestia’s voice was growing louder and louder, even slightly scaring princess Luna who kept her distance from the princess of the sun.

“He asked me too” Discord noted simply, all fear appearing to disappear from his muzzle.

“He... asked you too?” Celestia’s rage wavered slightly. Long enough for her to listen more to what Discord has to say.

“As for ‘why’ he would ask such a request of me, why don’t you pop right into your ‘celestial plane’ and see for yourself” Discord suggested. “You may even like to see all of what he has been up to since returning. I’d join you, but I have tea with Fluttershy in... 38 seconds. So Chaio!”

With a snap of his fingers, Discord disappeared, leaving behind only burned remains of the Ponyville newspaper. Within the ashes of said paper remained the picture on the front page. It was normal for Twilight and the other elements of Harmony, her friends, to appear on the paper’s cover after a great victory, but this time they were joined by another group of six ponies. Sunny and the other Guardians of Harmony stood side by side next to their element counter parts, Applejack holding onto Sunny, her hooves around his neck, as she planted a kiss on his cheek, a huge smile and blushing cheeks on Sunny’s muzzle as he held his Stetson down in his head....

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