• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,956 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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Attack On IronLock!!!

A roaring laughter from Sombra's new army echoed off the matalic prison walls as Princess Twilight's cold gaze peered through her snow mask and froze onto Snowstorm's own leering eyes.

Gathering himself, Snowstorm wipped away his tears of laughter. "What did you say, again, Your majesty? You are giving us, what?"

"One last chance to surrender. Have all the prisoners disarm and return to your respective cells and all royal guards file out to be examined and cured of any and all spells they may be under." The covered up princess spoke up as loudly as she could, small chattering coming from her teeth.

Neither Snowstorm nor any member of Sombra's army could believe what they just heard. It made the former Warden nervous to have a surprise visit from the princess of friendship, especially this close to the night of the Grand Galloping Gala. But when he saw Princess Twilight was only accompanied by two royal guards, covered almost from horn to hoof in heavy snow wear and shivering like a foal, Snowstorm couldn't help but feel a great opertinity had just walked through the front door.

'Not only did a princess walk right into our hooves, but an element of harmony as well!" The dark grey unicorn smiled to himself. 'With her in our possession, our victory is assured!'

As the chuckling died down, Snowstorm addressed the purple princess once more. "Forgive me, princess. But I don't think you realize just what you just walked into."

"On the contrary" the princess spoke over her chattering teeth. "My friends and I all know that you have raised an army and plan to conquer Equestria in the name of King Sombra."

"You are well informed, Princess" Snowstorm's confidence remained unshatered. "But it doesn't matter who else knows about us. Our plans cannot be stopped. We are now more then ready to take Equestria by storm. And with 'you' in our ranks, there's little anypony can do to stop us."

"What makes you think I'd ever join the likes of 'you'?" Twilight asked, her tone remaining the same as it did when their conversation began.

The smile on Snowstorm's muzzle cracked even wider as small purple flames began to flair out of the corners of his eyes, his eyes themselves began to alter and change in color. The irises turned red, with the whites of his eyes turning green as he took a few steps closer to the purple alicorn princess. "Because, your highness, you won't be able to resist fighting your friends. Not when I'm done with you!"

Snowstorm stomped his hoof, signaling several guards. Four to take the two guards away and restrain them, to which the guards went willingly, and three more to hold Twilight's hooves and wings so she could not escape. The grey unicorn had been waiting to test his mastery over dark magic, if anything were to test him, it would be overpowering and controlling an alicorn princess. But as Snowstorm focused his magic on the restrained Twilight, he noticed something off. The princess wasn't putting up a fight, but she also wasn't blinking. Her eyes just remained staring coldly at Snowstorm. Thinking for a moment, Snowstorm grabbed the thick scarf around the princess's neck and yanked it off. Without the scarf, the hindged jaw of the being before him clicked rappidly as it's head bobbled a little. The top part of the head, mane and eyes all appeared to resemble Princess Twilight Sparkle to a T, but besides that and the points of her hooves, the rest of her was all wooden.

"What is this!?" Snowstorm spat as he took a step back away from the contraption like creature.

Before the three Sombra guards could get away, the fake Twilight threw off her cloths , reveiling her to he a giant pony puppet with multi color balloons strapped to it underneath. When the puppet moved, it popped several of the balloons and released a light purple sleep powder into the air. Once the guards surrounding her enhailed the sleep powder, they fell fight to sleep. The puppet looked back at Snowstorm and began to speak in a more matalic voice. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but we were on to you and had a plan of our own. Surrender now and we might go easy on you."

With rage and fury boiling over in Snowstorm's heart, the grey unicorn released a mighty blast of magic from his horn that hit the pony sized puppet resembling princess Twilight, blowing it to pieces, but also popping the sleep powder filled balloons still attached and unpopped to it. The shockwave from the magical blast then spread the sleep powder to a dozen more zombified guards, causing them to almost instantly fall right into a peaceful sleep.

Still flaring mad, Snowstorm turned to the rest of the guards and bellowed "man your stations! We're about to have some unwelcome guests!"

The Sombra guards then began scrambling to get their battle armor, various wepons, and readying to their battle positions.

"My son seems to have chosen his side" King Sombra appeared out of the darkness, casually walking to Snowstorm's side, watching as his army scrambled.

"If he's sided with Princess Twilight, we can't go easy on him" Snowstorm narrowed his eyes at the thought of the king's son.

"Quite the contrary" a small smile broke across Sombra's muzzle. "We don't have as much to worry about as I once thought. But we need to tread carefully. Exicute plan 'Alpha Flight'."

This shook Snowstorm a bit. "Sir? Do we really need to resort to that? We can take them with a simple 'Delta formation'. They are but maybe two or three dozen ponies-"

Just then, a loud crash rattled the entire prison, causing a loud matalic eco to ring in everypony's ears. Shortly after the first, several more loud rings filled the air.

Once the bombardment of rings paused, King Sombra steadied himself, locked his red eyes with Snowstorm's and commented "If my son is attacking, you can bet he brought fire power.

"Exicute 'Alpha Flight', I'll be in the dinning Hall. You know what to do" Sombra stated flatly and left Snowstorm to follow out with his orders whilst he prepared for Sunny. 'I wonder how much firepower you brought, my son….'

Surrounding the IronLock prison, Windigos continued to brew their endless storm, sheilding the prison in a flurry of ice and snow. The whispy beings feeding off the rage and hatred the inmates had for their captors, keeping the Windigos strong and their storm just as strong. Only love and unity could harm them. As they continued their endless job, something arose on the horizon, a flight of silhouettes, small at first, but growing. Little did the Windigos know that they were about to have a serious fight on their hooves.

Upon the back of the former dragon Lord, Torch, rode Sunny, Twilight Sparkle, and the new Dragon Lord, Ember, the daughter of Torch himself. With them a flight of battle ready dragons, beaming with pride, excitement for battle, and an egagerness to fight that most ponies would find unsettling. They knew what they were up against and had prepared everything according to Twilight and Sunny's plans.

"Looks like they aren't going to just accept defeat" Sunny noted, still using his long distance puppet controlling spell.

Twilight stopped her flow of magic that traveled through Sunny's own stream of magic and fed into his puppet, allowing her to project her voice and hear what the puppet would hear. "I'm afraid it doesn't. It's a good thing I looked into that ventriloquism spell way back when Celestia sent me that pony sized puppet. I didn't think I was going to get another chance to use it."

"It sure came in handy" Sunny added, now cutting off his own flow of magic, the puppet having served more then it's purpose. "And I'm glad Zecorra could give us a hand too. That sleep powder she had been saving for a rainy day was perfect."

"I can't wait to see the looks on their muzzles when that polymorph potion wears out on the puppet's two 'royal guards'" Twilight smirked, starting to enjoy having the upper hoof on her opponent. She was against the use of violence, but was all for Sunny's cunning ideas to outsmart them.

"Ok, enough you two" Ember stepped in, growing impatient as we're her followers. "Do we start now?"

"Wait! One more thing!" Sunny put up a hoof, then ran over to the edge of Torch's back. Closing his eyes, Sunny consintraited all his magic into his horn. For a moment, his hooves lifted off the ground, then the white sky turned several shades darker, signaling a smaller group of musically talented dragons to begin their own attack.

By attack, it was more of a bombardment of magic that fueled the hearts of the battle ready dragons. Both filling their fiery hearts with brovado as well as a sense of unity, not just amongst their fellow dragons, but with the ponies and others who would joined them on this battle field. For every single one of them were ready to fight with the heart of a dragon!


With the band known as DragonForce playing, raising their spirits, the flight of dragons began their attack on the Windigos, shooting streams of fiery dragon breath at the chilly ice spirits. At first, the Windigos thought nothing of the attack and mearly let out their own battle cries as they tried to raise their storm further. But only after attempting so did they realize that there was no longer an overwhelming atmosphere of conflict and hatred in the air. Something was overpowering the inmate's anger and hatred. The unity between the ponies and dragons had washed away most of the anger and hatred the Windigos fed and thrived on. It wasn't long before the ghosty creatures let out one last haunting cry before galloping away, taking what little storm wasn't melted away with them.

The skies were clearing up, with now the solar eclipse Sunny had started in the skies above the attacking group. The black orb released flares of rainbow in the sky that both represented the unity of the different groups, as well as their march towards a brighter tomorrow beyond this darkened day.

"Attack!" Ember ordered the flight of her dragons.

That was all the eager creatures needed to begin attacking the prison itself. Blast after blast, the dragons dove down, shooting fire balls at the iron walls. Upon some of their backs were pony accomplances. Rainbow dash in particular was enjoying the ride, rather then fly with her own wings for once. Fluttershy held on for dear life as the large dragon she flew on dive bombed the main wall and shot a large blast, wishing she had stayed home today. Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack were part of the ground attack and were waiting in position for their own signal, along side Octavia, Big Mac and Spike.

As the flight of Dragons began to turn the cold iron red with their constant fire attacks, groups of armored ponies began to flood to the outside, all armed with black iron tipped bows and arrows. Once in position, the marksmen took aim at their attackers and awaited for their Captain's order to fire. An order that wouldn't be heard.

Twilight shot up a purple flare into the sky to signal the ground troops to begin their own attack. Applejack saw the signal and let out a loud "YEE-HAAAA!"

With the cowgirl's own signal, the yeti team of warriors emerged from the blanket of snow and began their attack, letting several large snow balls the size of bolders fly through the sky, and abruptly land on the armored archers. With their only threat now nutralized by their yeti allies, the Dragons then continue their attack on the main gate. While the dragons continued to bombard the gates with their dragon fire, and the yeti pumaled the hot metal with giant snow balls, rappeidly cooling the metal, more and more of Sombra's army began to flood the courtyard, ready to meet the attackers.

"Are you guys ready?' Ember asked Twilight and Sunny, tearing her attention from all the action.

"Are you sure you'll be ok?" Twilight still seemed worried, having never gone into such battle before.

"We'll be fine" Ember stated proudly. "We're dragons. We could have delt with this on our own if we wanted. Now get in there and do what you need to do!"

Twilight then looked to Sunny, nodded, then the purple princess shot another purple flare into the sky , signaling their friends both on the ground and in the sky. After seeing it, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy jumped off their respective dragon rides and flew towards Torch. They quickly picked Sunny up and all togeather, the four ponies began to float down towards the ground. Once all their hooves crunched the snow below, Sunny used his hoof to clear an area and began setting up the teleportation crystals. Once they were in place, Sunny just had to wait for the signal from their friends on the inside…

Inside the newly renovated IronLock prison every member of Sombra's army were scrambaling, readying themselves for the battle at hoof. Their enemy was unknown beyond the fact that some if not all of them were dragons. With such serious threats, they didn't have time to do much with the captured royal guards that accompanied the fake princess Twilight, except throw them in a cell with their wings and horn bound, before running back to prep for battle. Once the two 'royal guards' were alone, they smiled at each other and waited for the polymorph potion to wear off. If Twilight's calculations were correct, they only had a few more minutes.

Those few minutes seemed to go by fairly fast for the two disguised brothers as they watched Sombra's army scramble. The two didn't waste time and observed where more guards were coming from, where they seemed to be getting their weapons from, and most importantly, where the leavers were that controlled the front gates of the actual prison. The unicorn brother stepped off to the side to draw something on the ground, then placed three stones down specifically on a circle he drew, waiting for just the right moment to activate the spell. As their body began to shift and change back to their normal states, long hairy arms instead of fur covered hooves, thick white fur covering their bodies, hand like appendages for feet, and an extra several feet in hight as they resumed to walking on their two back legs, the two yeti brothers with one swift streach broke down the door to their cell like it was made of aluminum foil.

One brother with a right brown eye and a blue left eye stepped out and looked around at the halarious sight of shocked guards around them. "Mac, I do believe that we startled our captors a little."

"I do believe you are right, Tosh" the second brother then joined Mac outside their rather cramped cell, his eyes mirroring his brothers, with his left being brown and his right blue. But other then that, the two brothers seemed perfectly identical. Large, seven or eight foot tall ape like creatures covered in thick white fur, say for their feet and hands.

"Should we show our appreciation for their hospitality, my dear brother?" Mac asked, smiling as he reached over, grabbed hold of a stalagmite, broke it off the floor of the cave and batted it against his free hand, appearing even more intimidating then before.

"Now now dear brother, as much as I enjoy repaying courtacy, we have a job to do" Tosh reminded his brother and pointed to the front doors.

"You are right, dear brother" Mac sighed with a smile, but kept his new weapon.

"Of course, there might be time after we do our job to have a little fun" Tosh knew just how to appease his brother.

"Oh goodie!" Mac cheered as he began barreling through the opposing forces of black armored ponies, swinging his stalagmite and knocking the armored ponies away as if they were ping pong balls.

While Mac made a path, Tosh followed behind after pealing some body armor off some of the guards and equiping them to his forarms. Tosh always took up the defense for his brother, while letting Mac have his fun with the more messy parts of their jobs.

Once the two had reached the leavers that controlled the front gate, the two brothers went right to work, after lifting the leavers, the two brothers began turning the mecagnisms used to open and close the thick doors, but not before several of Sombra's armored guards began to flood over their fallen worriers and charge at the two intruders. As Mac continued to open his door, Tosh turned to the enemy, let lose a loud roar and began smacking the heavily armed ponies away. Seeing his brother struggle, Mac pushed himself harder to open his door as fast as he could, wanting to relieve his brother from guarding him. He just hopped this crazy plan would work….

On the outside, Dragons continued their attack from the sky as the yeti army continued to aid from the ground. It would appear an even stand still, with neither side getting very far with the other, that is, until a loud cheer rang out from within the prison, one that seemed to shake Sombra's guards. From behind their own gate's doors, coming from within the prison itself, cheers rang out as an army of Crystal guards came pouring out, all chanting their Crystal Empire battle chant!

The yeti cheered and dragons roared at the sound of their allies arriving to tip the scale. Behind them was none other then Doctor and Thunderlane along with a TARDIS that seemed to spew out Crystal guards like a lose fosset. The awesomeness of Doctor's time machine asside, Thunderlane was overwhelmed with the energy in the air. The battle had tipped in their favor just as a flash of green light flared behind the wonderbolt trainee and the time traveler. Both stallions turned to see their friend, Sunny, along with Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Octavia, Derpy, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Big Mac, and Rarity (who saw fit to make an outfit both battle ready and warm and fashionable for the occassion.), Who all had been teleported over the battle via the Crystal circle that Mac and Tosh set up.

"They can handle themselves, we need to get to my father" Sunny stated firmly, his voice slightly firmer then before, his instincts as a knight and a soldier kicking in.

"Where do you think he could be?" Twilight asked as she took a better look at the inner workings of of the prison. Even if she had studied the blue prints of the fortress before hand, Sombra and his army had converted it and altered it to suit their own purposes.

"We're gonna have to split up" Sunny stated flatly.

"Is that really the best course of action?" Doctor asked, trying to come up with a better idea.

"I could zoom around and look at all the rooms myself" Rainbow Dash offered. "Shouldn't take me more then a few minutes."

"Unless Sombra layed more traps" Twilight noted. "We need to be careful, and fully on guard. No rushing into things."

"We'll split up into teams of two" Sunny suggested. "Guardians, go with your respective element. Go first into ant area, and be the first to take a risk. If you fall into one of my father's traps, your element could snap you out of it. Does that sound good to everypony?"

"Splitting up is a good idea for covering ground" Octavia spoke up. "But what if a group finds your father, or even, if 'you' run into him and it's just you and Applejack?"

"Yeah, I don't think I could take on somepony like yo dad, man" Thunderlane admitted.

"The guardian will stay behind and keep an eye on him from either a distance, or if need be, engage him but keep him busy while the other pony runs and gets the rest of our friends." Sunny added to his plan, making it a little more solid of an idea, but he could still see the worry on everypony's faces.

"I know the plan isn't perfect" Sunny admitted, his tone solid as castle stone while remaining compassionate and understanding of their worry. "But it's the best shot we got. I would never put my friends, any of them, in any real danger if I can help it. But this is bigger then what 'I' want. It's what all of Equestria needs from us. If we don't stop my father here and now, he may… he may do to Equestria what he did to the Crystal Empire 1000 years ago. I don't know about you, but I could never forgive myself if that happened."

After a long moment of silent thinking, taking all of Sunny's speech in and contemplating both the stakes and the risks, Applejack gave a solid and sure smile before putting her hoof in the middle of the group. "Ah'm in. Ah ain't gonna let nothin' like that happen ever again."

"I agree" Octavia put her hoof over Applejack's and smiled at Sunny. "If you think it's our best bet, then that's more then good enough for me."

"Buck yeah!" Rainbow cheered and put her hoof over Octavia's.

"I'm in too!" Thunderlane nodded and added his hoof to the pile.

"Me too! Oh! If I find him I could be really distrating! Like I could use my party cannon to blast the room full of confetti and balloons! Who can think of taking over Equestria when you think there's a party going on right in front of you?" Pinkie Pie popped in n and put her hoof over Thunderlane's. "Oh! And music! I have the perfect collection of songs for just such an occasion!"

"Ah'm in" Big Mac simply spoke up before thowing his hoof over Pinkie's.

"Count me in too" Rarity chimmed in as she gently put her hoof over Big Mac's. "I would never let my friends face such a thing without me."

"Neither could I" Derpy added as she put her hoof on the growing pile.

"It's really scary… but I can do it if it's to help my friends and keep every pony safe" Fluttershy put her hoof over Derpy's.

"I'm used to running from all kinds of monsters and threats, but never have I ever abandoned a friend in any of my running" Doctor noted before putting his hoof over Fluttershy's. "I'll never abandon my friends."

"I feel the same, Doctor" Twilight agreed as she put her hoof over his. "It's not just our friends and family who could be in trouble, but everypony in Equestria. If we don't do all we can here, facing very real dangers and fear itself, they won't have a bright tomorrow to look forward to. We have to make a stand here for them, for all of Equestria, and for ourselves."

Twilight's eyes then traveled over to the only pony who's hoof wasn't in the giant pile, Sunny. Pair by pair, the eyes of their friends began to follow Twilight's example and look to their armor clad friend.

"1000 years ago, I faced my father alone and lost. I didn't have back then what I have now. Friends. And a loving home worth fighting for. I love the Crystal Empire, but it was never as warm of a home, not more precious to me then my home back in Ponyville. A place where I can see growing up, having many more adventures, grow old, maybe get married one day and help the family grow" Sunny smiled at Applejack. "I will never allow anypony, not even my father, to threaten that home. We take out stand here and now. Let's do it!"

Sunny put his hoof on top of the pile with all his friends, showing their unity, and began a count down leading to a cheer. Once they reached one, everypony threw their hooves in the air and cheered "FOR EQUESTRIA!"

"Let's do it, everypony! Let's go save Equeatria, again!" Twilight cheered to raise the worried spirits of her friends and the guardians of harmony. It worked, but as she and Doctor Whooves dashed off down one hallway, her heart wavered. Twilight knew this was the best course of action of action, but something still didn't feel right. Something about this whole battle felt off.

Following suit, Sunny and Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane, Big Mac and Pinkie Pie, Octavia and Rarity, and Fluttershy and Derpy all disburse down similar hallways, in search of the shadow King, the ring leader of this madness, King Sombra….

For several long minutes, Sunny and Applejack galloped down a dark hallway, Sunny's horn lighting the way for them, tourches that lined the walls had all been blown out, and would not catch flame. Either by the strong wind that entered from outside during their invasion or by one of Sombra's henchmen, it didn't matter, it only slowed the couple's exploration by a fraction.

"How are ya holdin' up, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked, keeping here eyes peeled for any sign of danger.

"Ah'm alright" Sunny replied, despite the sound of his ever growing heart beat.

"What's that!?" Applejack pointed ahead to a shadowy figure in the darkness just ahead of them.

The figure was unidentifiable in the shadows it his within, but one thing that broke through the darkness that captured the full attention of both Sunny and Applejack. His eyes. The pony silhouette's glowing red and green eyes were illuminated by purple magical flames that circled them and flickered at the far corners of the orbs. Taking a defensive stance, Sunny was about to tell Applejack to get the others while he held off their primary target. But rather then attack, the eyes started to run away. A little surprised by the retreat, Applejack and Sunny started to chase them.

"You need to go alert the others, Applejack" Sunny tried to speak low enough to where he hopped his father wouldn't hear him of their plan.

"If ah leave now, he might lead ya into ah trap" Applejack explained herself. " 'sides, ah can't leave, he could lead ya down somewhere else and we might not be able ta find ya. And ah ain't gonna lose ya. Specially if ya be lookin' ta one day get hitched."

With a wink, Applejack won her argument and silenced Sunny, forcing him to work on putting thoughts of wedding bells out of his head and focusing on the task at hoof.

After a few twists and turns, the shadow with the glowing eyes lead Sunny and Applejack to a large, open room with tables pushed to either side. Sunny and Applejack stayed out of sight on either side of the doorway, from there, they watched as the shadowy figure moved to the center of the room, alone.

Sunny nodded to Applejack, signaling her to go now, that he would stand by and wait for her to return with their friends and do is best to just watch and wait, planning only to stall if necessary. Against her better wishes, Applejack raced off, her hooves moving faster then they ever had before.

"Good, now we can have a moment alone" Sombra's voice echoed off the walls like thunder. "Snowstorm, leave us."

Sunny peered inside the room and finaly got a decent look at the pony he and Applejack had been chaising. To his sunrise, it wasn't his father! It was some unicorn in black armor, but his eyes resembled his father's own dark magic infected eyes. The grey unicorn looked up to the sky and asked "are you sure, your highness? What if the others join him?"

"It will take them some time to get down here" shadows began to shift from every corner of the room, gathering and collecting together to form the faint outline of a pony. Sunny watched in great horror and excitement as the form began to become detailed, with silver armor, a red royal cloak, and then finally his mane and muzzle formed from the shadows. A strong jaw to a masculine muzzle held two rows of sharp teeth within it's mouth, just above that lay a pair of red and white eyes, with an air about them that demanded respect, not just commanded it. And finally, above his brow formed a glowing red horn locked in a dark crown that lay just below a flowing black mane. Sombra stood as proud and as tall as he did 1000 years ago as he looked down over the enslaved Crystal Empire, when Sunny faced him last. "Besides, this is a talk between father and son. Now leave us."

The grey unicorn hesitated, looked from Sombra to Sunny, then back to his king, nodded, then levitated a special black helmet on to his head before exiting out another set of doors on the far end of the room.

Once they were alone, Sombra looked over at Sunny, and his expression melted as he took slow steps towards the yellow unicorn. "My son, it has been too long. I hated to have you see me like you did in that old castle. And I wish we had more time in your dream. But I know learning of your roots was... Well, I didn't take it so well either."

"Is that why you enslaved everypony in the Crystal Empire!? Those you swore to protect? Why you cast that spell on me and sent me away for 1000 years!?" Sunny stood his ground and refused to let the love he had for his father overpower his need to do what was right. Stalling his father was important, and what better way then by having this 'talk'? If he tried to leave before the others arrived, though, Sunny would have to engage his father in battle to further stall him.

"I am truely sorry, my son" King Sombra started off, his tone impossible to read. "I only meant to show you how fast ponies could turn on you. I needed you to see that the ponies we once saw as our friends and neighbors, our humble subjects, all could turn their backs on us and treat us worse then scum, despite all we did for them, all we sacrificed."

"So putting a curse on me and sealing me away for 1000 years was the best way to do that?" Sunny spat out.

"I only intended to hide you away until it was safe" Sombra sighed and began pulling something out from underneath his cloak. "It is a long story, but I'm more then willing to share it with you. Just not here. Not now. Not with the company you brought with you "

"The 'company' are my friends and family" Sunny pointed out to his father. "And you aren't going to go anywhere. You have alot of explaining to do! And you are going to do it here and now!"

Sombra was surprised by the authority his son was demanding. He couldn't help but respect the stallions his son was growing up to he and decided that despite the chaos happening around them, he would tell his son the truth. "Before I sealed you away and enslaved the Empire, I went on a routine search for princess Amore with some of the Crystal guard in the surrounding tundra. The other guards and I were separated by a snowstorm, and I ended up in a darker, more unexplored part of our lands. There, I came across a jagged red Crystal that acted as a way to speak to others locked away by a specific spell. The Crystal spoke to me, telling me that I was an Umbrum and was sent out to grow strong and eventually be their savior, setting the rest of the Umbrum free.

"Naturally I was taken back by this news and fled from the Crystal, running as fast as I could, and eventually found my search party. After we returned to the Empire, I did some research in the library. I researched all I could about the Umbrum until I reached a dead end. I took a small walk early in the morning, and some how wandered down to the Crystal heart. According to legend, the Crystal heart had the power to show what lies in a pony's heart, as you found out. But it can also show the future for a pony who follows that heart's desire. When I looked into the Crystal heart myself, I saw not only a monsterous pony made of living shadows, but I saw him upon a thon, with other creatures just like him bowing at his feet. They were the Umbrum, and I, their King.

"I couldn't handle this news and sought comfort in the only pony I knew I could turn to, your mother" mentioning Sunny's mother made the dark king wince, as if the very mentioning of her caused him great pain. But he pressed on, knowing time was running out. "I wrote to her and asked her to come to me at once, that I had terrable news. Before the sun set, she was by my side and asked me what was wrong. When I told her, I half expected her to run away screaming, say I was over stressed and thinking too deep into things, or I hoped cling to my side in comfort. But she took a step back and said she needed to sit down for a moment. I let her rest in my study for a moment to take everything in.

"Several long moments passed, and I was about to check on your mother when I saw a carrier pigeon flying off with a scroll. Something told me to intercept it, so I wrapped it in a bubble and brought it to me. After taking the note our of it's claws and looking over it, I felt my heart crumble." Sombra paused, taking a deep breath to fight back the pain, before levitating the letter over to his son.

Sunny unravaled the letter and skimed it over a few times, trying to piece it together, his own heart sank as at that moment his friends and fellow guardians of harmony entered the room, preparing for a fight. Sunny knew they were there, and spoke the words aloud more for himself then to inform his friends. He needed to make sure he was reading it all correctly;

"Dear Princess Luna,

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you, but this matter cannot wait until I return to Canterlot.

King Sombra, my beloved, and the stallion who I had a foal with, despite everything, is without a doubt, an Umbrum, a creature of shadow that feeds on fear. Just like the creatures that burdened the land for hundreds of years before Amore banished them.

We cannot allow him to roam free.

Despite my feelings, I know it is my duty as well yours to keep the ponies of Equestria safe. Which means he, as well as our son, must be dealt with.

Sombra must be resealed with the rest of the Umbrum, using Amore's spell she left with Star Swirl.

However, that spell won't work on Sunny.

Despite being his mother, I have a duty to the ponies of Equestria.

I ask you to help me turn Sunny to stone, then carefully sealed away in the canterlot caves. There he will be close enough that I can keep an eye on him and be close, but he won't have the chance to grow into a monster like his father.

I plan to sneak away and try and rondevue with you at the halfway point. I need to take a different route to avoid being captured by Sombra.

Sincerely, you-know-who"

Sunny couldn't speak, could hardly breath. He dropped the letter, letting it fall to the ground. King Sombra cast his magical aura around it, rolled it back up, and tucked it away, back under his cloak. "I wish you didn't have to read that… but it seems you needed more convincing evidence then just my word."

"ITS A LIE!" Thunderlane yelled out from across the room.

"Yeah, don't listen to him Sunny!" Big Mac added, stepping forward, both stallions angered and appalled.

"No… it's true…" Sunny stated, his head hanging low as tears began to fall to the ground.

Stepping forward, stopping anypony else from interjecting, Applejack's eyes drawn the attention of the shadow King, and their gazes locked. For a long time, the orange farm pony just staired the king right in the eye, and King Sombra right back at her. Then the mare released her held breath, her hard expression crumbled. "He's telling the truth ..."

"What!? What do you mean!?" Rainbow Dash zoomed over to her friend, outraged by Applejack's statement. "How could you believe him!? Did you forget he enslaved the Crystal Empire!? He torchured
Sunny!? He was building an army to probably concur all of Equestria!!!"

Twilight stepped forward and put her hoof on Applejack's shoulder. Their eyes met, and Twilight could tell Applejack meant what she said and wasn't happy about it. "What makes you think he's telling the truth, Applejack?"

"She isn't the element of 'Honesty' for nothing" Sunny spoke up, his voice shaky. "we both can tell when somepony is lying."

Turning his attention back to his son, Sombra ignored the rest of the ponies in the room and souly spoke to Sunny. "I'm so sorry, Sunny. I know it's hard to swallow, but time is wasting. We need to go."

"Go?" Sunny raised a brow at his father.

"You can't stay out in the open" Sombra stated, his tone hard, but his eyes softened as he looked upon his son. "You've been lucky to avoid the princesses and your mother, myself and servents aiding in that, and even luckier to have won the favor of the Crystal ponies. But Celestia and Luna won't be swayed so easily. They won't hesitate to protect their little ponies from a possible danger."

"Sunny ain't dangerous!" Applejack stomped her hooves, breaking out of her dazed state.

"And the princesses would never do that!" Twilight added, she and the rest of the ponies stepped forward, appearing ready for a fight.

Sombra looked at them as if they were mere foals looking to play, but was rather unamused. "His power is growing, and will continue to grow. Not his unicorn magic, but his dark magic from his Umbrum heritage , which 'ponies' would have no idea how to handle."

"We, sir, aren't any old ponies" Doctor stepped forward, holding his head high. "We're his friends, all of us. And if there's anything I've learned in all my travles, it's friendship is stronger then any power any creature in Equeatria and beyond can muster."

"Doctor is right" Twilight beamed. "We will be there to help Sunny no matter what!"

Stepping forward, catching the attention of Sunny and his father, Applejack spoke up in a softer tone. "It's alright if we get ah little roughed up along the way. Ya'd do th' same for us. No matter what, we're there for ya, Sunny."

Looking up, Sunny wipped away the tears and smiled at his friends. Walking up to his father, Sunny looked his father in the eye, then calmly walked over and took his place among his friends before turning to his father again. "I'm staying with them, dad. I trust them. I'll take any and all risks. They are more then worth it."

Hurt, feeling pity for his son's ignorance, Sombra exhailed sharply, his eyes growing more fierce with rage. "I trusted your mother and the others, and look what they planned to do to us! Ponies fear the Umbrum, and they will grow to fear you too Sunny. Your Umbrum power has already awakened, you can smell fear from miles away and turn your body to shadow. You'll begin to crave fear, until you lose control again.

"I can help you master these powers" Sombra softned his eyes at Sunny. "It was hard for me to face this alone, but I learned on my own how to control dark magic. Let me be there for you, my son."

Looking onto his father with the most sympathetic eyes he could, Sunny asked his father "Then stay with us. Give up on this vendetta. If you mastered dark magic and control it, and can teach me to control it, then we can show that we aren't a danger to anypony. Maybe we can aclimate the Umbrum into Equestria some how… join us. Let's make Equestria better, togeather. Like we used to."

Sombra shook his head at his son. "You are true to your cutie mark. Always seeing the good and hope where there is none. My son, the only way to see the Umbrum free is to get them out of Equestria."

Turning his back on his son, Sombra pulled a red Crystal out from his cloak and put it on the ground with the blue and green matching ones, on a circle previously drawn. Without turning around, Sombra told his son "If you won't join us, then I can't help you. You put so much faith in your 'friends', I hope that when they are no longer your friends, you don't regret your choice today. Our kind need me to lead them to freedom. I will take them far away from here. Which will leave you behind. Goodbye, my son..."

Sombra then stepped on the red crystal, teleporting him far away to the rendezvous point to meet with Snowstorm and the guards he decided before hand were worthy to serve him, leaving Sunny, the elements and guardians of harmony, as well as his least loyal guards and empty prison castle behind in a flash of light.

Once Sombra was out of range, the guards who had been under Sombra's control, who had been fighting the dragons, yeti, and Crystal guards outside, had all been freed from the curse, and passed out. Breaking the spell was a huge relief to the guards who were forced to serve the shadow King. All those endless shifts of guard duty without sleep had taken its toll on the royal guards. Without the mindless zombified guards to aid them, the less loyal guards who used to be prisoners were quickly overwhelmed by the opposing forces, and soon lost the battle. Outside, the dragons roared and shot fire into the sky, the yeti howled and pounded their chest while the Crystal guards stomed their hooves and cheered. No pony else other then the twelve ponies in the dinning hall knew the truth, that the battle was over, but the war was lost. They had lost...

Author's Note:

Note: 'Mac' and 'Tosh' the yetti in this chapter we're a reference to two gopher brothers in old time cartoons, who opperated in a similar manner.

Also, any Doctor who fan could probably see this chapter is very similar to the episode 'Demon's run', what with several friendly allies and forces coming togeather to aid a certain friend only for the victory to be a hollow one.

One last thing to note, the band in the fic I kept the same name of 'Dragonforce' not wanting to parody the bad but still wanting them in there. So note that their music, name, ect all belong to the band 'Dragonforce'. But their music is just too perfect for several parts of my fic, and I couldn't see it any other way.

And again, thanks for reading!

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