• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,956 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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Enter! Draquis Discord!

Working day and night while her sister was away, Luna had exhausted herself, and crashed for a couple hour long nap. She had never worked so hard in all her life, and silently begged her sister for forgiveness for all the years that she had to burden the duties of sun and moon rising and setting, coupled with her royal duties. Whilst the lunar princess rest in her chambers, two sentries stood promptly outside her room, one bat pony night guard and one Pegasus day guard. Both had been instructed by the princess with very specific orders not to let any pony bother her unless it was an absolute emergency.

There was, however, one pony they would let through, despite princess Luna's desperate need for sleep. And that pony's name was Kibitz, the right hoof pony to princess Celestia, trusted with tasks and secrets very few ponies have before. He was talented at keeping to schedules that he builds on a daily basis to help the princesses keep Equestrian running properly. Lately he's been just as much of a mess as princess Luna with trying to keep the lunar princess up on her royal obligations. Which could be part the reason he fell out of his seat this morning as he sat down to enjoy his bran muffin and tall cup of tea. He didn't know quite what was going on, but when he saw the headlines 'Prince attacked by mysterious 'Black Knight' ' and saw the picture of none other then prince Soleggiato Calevelere in his signature black armor, he knew this was at the utmost importance.

"I must tell princess Luna! We can summon back princess Celestia and reunite-" the older earth pony was saying to himself as he walked as fast as he could down the hallway, almost at Princess Luna's bed chamber doors when the doorway to the hall that would lead him there disappeared! No, more like a zipper appeared at the top of the doorway and slid down, zipping the hallway shut. "What in Eauestria?!"

"Oh sorry! That was me!" A painting off to the corner by where the hallway entrance used to be began to move, its face warped into that of the draquis mischief maker, Discord. "I sometimes forget to zip up my fly. Now, where are you off too in such a loud hurry? Don't you know princess Luna is trying to take her little nappy poo?"

"Out of my way you, you, hooligan!" Kibitz snapped, not in the mood to kid around with the master of chaos. He never cared much for Discord's antics before, or his pranks that he pulled often around the castle, especially while the princesses were preoccupied. "I have some important news for her highness. I'm sure even 'you' would agree that she and her sister, princess Celestia, must be informed right away!"

Kibitz then held up the paper with the image of the Black Knight plastered right on the front. Discord then took the paper from the frantic earth pony, eyes skimming over the headline and briefly over the story, before smacking his face with his paw and releasing a rather annoyed sigh. "What does that foal think he's doing?! I though he was going to lay low! Ugh! I guess I'll have to intervene sooner then expected."

"Wait a minute, you knew about this?!" Kibitz was beside himself with a mixture of outrage and anger. "How could you?! You know how much he means to the princesses, especially princess-"

But before the elderly earth pony could proceed further with his rant or grow more red in the face, Discord put a single finger from his bird like claw on the pony's head. Kibitz eyes began to change until they were a constant flow of yellow, green, and blue rings.

"Kibitz, you poor old colt" Discord began. "You always work so hard, you need to learn to have a little fun and relax. Why don't you go and get some sleep, forget all about this silly paper, and maybe put some more meat on those bones. You look absolutely starved!"

When Discord removed his claw, Kibitz's eyes returned to normal, but the earth pony's mood began to relax as his body's entire coat began to slightly grey. With a long yawn and a wide stretch, Kibitz began to realize just how tired he really was. He looked up at Discord and shrugged. "Like, I think I'm gunna take a nap, man. Then I think I'll hit up the kitchen for a triple decker cheese, tomato, pickle and potato chip sandwich."

"Oh my, that sounds just wonderful" Discord said with a smirk while suppressing a fit of laughter. "Want me to notify the chefs to have it ready by the time you wake up?"

"That would be awfully chill of ya bro" Kibitz commented as he yawned again. "Welp, gunna go catch some Z's. Latter mad master D of the C."

After the more relaxed Kibitz casually strolled down the hallway towards the nearest open bed that he could soon occupy, Discord snapped his fingers once again, this time, creating two dozen clouds of white smoke. Once the smoke cleared, two dozen more Discords dresses from head to hoof in ninja attire stood, ready for orders they already knew.

Reappearing in front of them was the original Discord, dressed in what appeared to be a blue and orange jump suit, sporting a ninja headband much like the other Discords. Clearing his throat, the original Discord addressed his clone copies. "Alright every pony! We have our mission! Retrieve every copy of every newspaper with Sunny's picture on it, then do whatever it takes to wipe the memories of the ponies who read it! Including using the grey spell!"

"But sir!" A Discord spoke out from the front row. "Won't princess Luna notice a ton of ponies acting weird?"

"Ah, a good point!" The original Discord noted. "But let's all look in our copies of the author's notes and turn just a little ahead..."

Simultaneously, all the Discords pulled a thick packet of papers out from behind them and began flipping through the notes. Once they all reached a highlighted page, little conversations broke out across the small crowd, with most of the draquis nodding once they understood.

"Good, now lets move out!" The original Discord ordered, and with that, all the other Discords dressed in ninja like outfits disappeared and traveled in various directions, infecting many ponies with the grey spell to wipe their memories of the newspaper headline, destroying said newspapers as they did so. Knowing exactly how well his plan was going, Discord let out a light chuckle. "Take that fox boy, mine are better then yours!"

Unzipping the hall and setting everything back to their 'normal' 'boring' state, Discord began thinking to himself. 'Guess I'm off to ponyville. Hope I don't miss the party! I have just the perfect gift in mind for the little lemon drop!'

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