• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,944 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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1000 year nightmare

It was black and cold wherever he was. Sunny didn't feel like he was falling, but when he felt ground appear suddenly underneath him, landing face first, he guessed he had been indeed falling. Getting to his hooves, he looked around, images began to take form. It appeared to be some dark world who's only inhabitants, other then himself, were large cube like formations that just remained floating in the air all around him.

The temperature seemed to be dropping by the moment, Sunny felt a chill run down his spine as he called out into the void "h-hello!... Anypony there?!" The most eerie part of his action, was that there was no echo. It was as if the darkness just swallowed up the sound. Sunny gazed out into the vast open blackness, only to shudder both from the cold and the empty feeling he recieved from his horrable place.

Trying to keep warm, Sunny decided it was best to keep moving, and get a better look at his surroundings. The cube he stood on was rather large. About the size of a hoof ball field. And as he reached the end of it and looked down, his heart sank again. There, on another cube not far from him, were ponies he knew from the empire. Ponies, again, in chains, excavating and pulling carts full of crystals for the king. Sunny then looked around at the other surrounding cubes. More and more images of the enslaved crystal ponies began to pop up, until all the floating black cubes around Sunny were covers with the enslaved citizens of the Crystal Empire!

"Look!" One of the crystal ponies cried out. "It's him! It's Sunny!"

"Sunny!" Another called out in pain. "Why didn't you help us?!"

The other enslaved ponies began to drop their pick axes ans had siesed pulling their carts and now were chanting at him from the edge of their resprctive black cubes.

"I-I tried" he began pleading to them, his heart sank heavily. "I'm sorry, I tried but-"

"You failed!" Another pony interrupted him, rattling his chains. "You failed us!"

Sunny gulped, a slight since of fear began to build up "I'm sorry, I did my best."

The crystal pony's pain burned and changed into anger. A mare cried out while slamming her hooves on the ground "You failed us!"

"Because of you we are in pain!" Another called out, dropping her pic ax.

"We trusted you!" Another mare screamed.

"We believed in you!" A stallion yelled as he stopped pulling his cart.

"You were our friend!" Another stallion added.

"We hurt now, so much" a small filly told Sunny, appearing behind him, no anger to her voice, but tears ran fom her eyes.

"It's your fault we hurt" another filly added, taking her place beside the first filly. Both of their eyes were filled with tears now, as their necks were weighed down by heavy chains.

Sunny's sunken heart began to race, as the enslaved crystal pony's began to gather all around him, yelling at him. Their voices echoing in his ears, tearing at him.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I did my best!" Sunny pleaded to them, to the ponies that he cared for so much. His eyes darted all around, but only saw anger filled eyes with crystal pony body's that became swallowed up by shadows. Forming one dark mass of hate and pain. As the dark was began to engulf Sunny, the ponies' words still rang like war bells in his ears, rattling his very soul like the chains they were forced to wear.

"You failed us!"
"It's all your fault!"
"You hurt us!"
"It's all your fault!"
"We're in pain!"
"It's all your fault!"



-1000 years later, atop a hill just outside of Ponyville-

"Hurry up Rarity! We're going to be late!" Rainbow Dash rushed her friend along. Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell already a few yards ahead of the two mares.

"Sorry Darling, but I simply had to dress for such a grand occasion". Rarity chimed as she flashed her newest dress. A midnight blue, accented with some sparkling gem dust that shimmered like starlight.

The girls, along with Spike and the Cutie mark crusaders had gathered for a meteor shower atop a hill not far outside of Ponyville. As the last two members of the group rejoined their friends atop of the hill, the first of the stars began to fall. They all released 'awes' and 'owes' as the stars began to shoot across the night sky. Princess Luna always loved to perform with her stars in such a way.

"They are so beautiful!" Flittershy spoke in her soft tone, eyes open wide to catch every sight.

"It's really somethin'" Applejack added, feeling a since of calm peace from the whole event.

"The best is yet to come girls" Twilight began, without tearing here eyes from the sky. "The real sight is the 'Gazer comet.' A comet that has been traveling the stars for 968 years!"

"Wait, are you sure?" Rainbow asked her alicorn friend, skepticism highlighting her tone.

"Most certain." Twilight held her head with pride as she pulled up a book she brought with her for he event. "Professor Star Gazer the 3rd, discovered it just a few years after he became a professor for Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns." She pauses and looked at her cyan colored friend. "Why?..."

"Hasn't anypony noticed that bad stuff always happens every '1000 years" the Pegasus with the rainbow colored mane and tail answered.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Like Nightmare moon?! Or Discord?! Or The Crystal empire?!Or Tirek?!" Pinkie Pie took an odd delight in listing off the girl's challenges over the years as she bounced around her friends in a circle.

"Ah' think ah' see what Rainbow is talkin' bout..." Applejack replied, now tearing her eyes away from the stars above to look upon her friends with slight concern.

"B-b-but Twilight said that she was sure of the time... And it's just a rock in space... Right?!" As Fluttershy spoke, her voice shake and started to squeak as she his behind her mane, slightly shaking.

"Unless it's really some horrible monster that was locked away 1000 years ago, but was only discovered 968 years ago, and this is the year it plummets to Equestria, crashes, and plans to threaten to conquer all of ponydom!" Pinkie Pie's explanation seemed to grow in volume as she continues to speak, her smile never fading. All the girls, including the cutie mark crusaders and Spike just stared at the pink pony as she stopped bouncing and started back at them with a look of excitement. Now Fluttershy had fully retreated into her mane, shivering and whimpering in fear.

Twilight sought to comfort her frightened friend. She put on an easy going smile and patted the yellow pegusi on the back. "It's OK Fluttershy, nothing is going to-"

Just before Twilight could finish her sentence, the last of the stars fell, and now a loud crackling noise filled the night air. As the girls, and Spike, looked up, they caught the amazing sight of the Gazer comet as it soared across the sky. It was set a flame in a blazing green fire that covered the entire rock.

Everypony was in such a state of awe by the beauty and amazing sight, they quickly forgot about he previous conversation. Even the nervous Fluttershy emerged from beneath her mane and watched the bright burning rock. It made it half way across the sky, then.... Something happened.

It's trajectory changed, almost as if it ran out of gas. The glowing green fire that surrounded the meteor dissipated, and the space rock began to towards the land of Equestria! All the girls watched in horror and surprise as it crashed down, maybe about 20 miles away from Ponyville.

After it fell, the group remained silent for a very long moment, until Spike broke the silence, tugging on the wing of the purple alicorn. "Hey Twilight... Should we..."

"Spike" she told her assistant. "Take a message, to the princess..."


Princess Celestia remained in her room, relaxing after a long and exhausting day in her Royal court, when her Sister, Princess Luna burst in, causing Celestia to almost spill her tea. "Sister! Something has happened!" Luna exclaimed as she ran past her sister and over to the balcony. "Look! What do you see?!"

Celestia rose from her seat immediately, not even donning her crown before stepping out into the open air and looking to the night sky. She looked long and hard, but saw nothing. Just a calm, quiet.... Then it struck her. "Wasn't the comet supposed to be out tonight?! Gazer's comet?"

"That is what we meant, sister." Luna explained, then maneuvered Celestia's telescope to a specific area just outside of Ponyville. About 20 miles or so to be more specific. "The comet fell, and crashed there. Not only that, Sister, but I felt... Something."

Celestia looked threw the telescope at the crash site. While still looking threw the telescope, Celestia asked her sister "what did you feel, sister?"

"It was..." Luna had a hard time pushing the words from her lips. "It felt... Like him... Like Sombra's Magic..."

Celestia remained motionless and silent for what seemed like hours. "Bring me Alister and his team."

Just then a scroll appeared or of bright green fire, causing Celestia to jump a little. But she quickly realized who's green fire it actually was. Celestia opened the note and read what her most faithful student had sent her. She half smiled. "I should have known that Twilight would report to me as well."

"Should I still send for Alister, Sister?" Luna asked.

"Yes. We'll need all the help we canget to investigate whatever happened to the comet." Celestia answered. "I'll also send word to Princess Cadence and Prince Shinning Armor, to double the guards at their boarders and around the castle."

"Do you think they might be in danger, Sister?" Luna asked, her tone cold, but behind it was great concern.

"I don't want to chance it... Not again..." Celestia said, her own words weighing heavily in her own heart.

Author's Note:

Hope you guys enjoy chapter 2, dark, yes, but nessisary.

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