• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,958 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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In Doc Discord's World!

Discord was finnaly free from his 1000 years as a statue, free to spread his mismatched wings and spread the joy of his funnderful chaos to Equeatria and beyond. This time the Princesses couldn't get to their precious elements of Harmony to seal him away. This time he got to the elements forst and hid them away in a place nopony will ever find them. This time, there would be nothing to stop him from making the world the way HE wants it!

At first, Discord made the roads soap covered tile floors, nice and slippery. Then, cotton candy clouds were scattered here and there, raining down chocolate milk in scattered showers. The hills were repainted in checkerboard design. Flying pigs and 12 ft tall bunnies roamed the country side. Buildings began to float on their own accord, some even flipping upside down, spinning, or bouncing. But all this was just for starters. He had a pair of certain exstudents of his he wished to pay a visit to. Upon arriving at the Canterlot castle, Discord turned the entire building from purple stone, marble and gold into marshmallow, gramcracker and chocolate. The princesses recognized the mad handiwork of the master of chaos and flew out to confront him. At first Discord snapped his fingers and made their horns and wings disappear. But he didn't just want to stop at preventing them from harming him or running away, no. It was time for payback for putting him up as a decor in their garden! Snapping his claw again, he made silly clown outfits appear on the two princesses, another snap of his claw made their flowing beautiful manes frizz up into giant afros, and just to add insult to injury, with one last snap fingers, Discord made a golden crown appear on his head, a royal cloak hung from his shoulders, and a scepter appear in his left paw.

The princesses were powerless, and both decided their best course of action was to try and run away, then think of a new plan. But everyday they returned, Discord appeared and bonked them on their heads, the scepter being made of rubber bounced right off their heads and made a squeak as it did. Now the princesses just were trying to run away from their tormentor. To which, Discord happily chaised after them, now wracking the backs of their legs! For less violent fun, Discord decided to chace the two princesses in a small circle. Around and around they went, never realizing that he was just toying with them. For a small moment, Discord could have sword he saw somepony out of the corner of his eye pop out a time vortex. But when he looked, he only saw a pile of cherry pies that fell from the sky. He knew somepony WAS there a moment ago, but they seemed to have vanished. Well no matter, he had some well deserved former students to teach a lesson to.

With another snap of his fingers, Discord turned Star-Swirl's former pupils into a pair of dice, which floated up to him, and landed in a cup. "Well that's two problems down."

"Discord?" An all too familiar voice called out as a figure emerged from the corner of what was the Everfree forest. The yellow unicorn, now fully remembering his name to be Sunny, or Soleggiato, ran over to the master of chaos, smiling. His mane was a mess, and his body's muscle mass and tone was once again normal, but dark rings under his eyes suggested he had dealt with many sleepless nights. "Boy am I glad to see you. Things have been really crazy, and I -"

"Well thank you, I've worked very hard to turn Equestria into the chaos capital of the world" the draconaquis chuckled, beaming with delight.

"No, that's not what I mean" Sunny started to say, but was silanced when Disocrd's claw, that was somehow separated from his arm, put a didget over his mouth.

"Wait one moment, my little pony, while I check something..." Discord's separated claw returned to its proper place on his body while the master of chaos snapped his other claw, producing a clipboard and some reading glasses out of two small flashes of light. The Draconaquis ran a claw down the paper on the board, which, Sunny didn't know only had a drawing of Disocrd himself with a crown and a king's cloak on, water skiing while eating a banana split. After a few moments, Discord remembered that he didn't care for bananas and returned his attention to the pony who strutted right up to him with such familiarity. Looking over his board and turning his gaze at the yellow unicorn, it took Discord a minute, but he couldn't believe his luck! There were very few ponies he had a grudge against, and the last one he needed to deal just happened to come walking up out of nowhere!

Ominous and dark music began to play after Discord snapped a hand hus tail made, with random trees playing trumpets, bunnies with antlers and long legs picking up and playing clarinets, a few cotton candy clouds grew some arms and began plating violins, and a bookshelf the size of a sky scrapper with various nick-nacks appeared in the distance. The varieties of nick-nacks on the shelves ranged from snow gloabs, to funny looking statues with fun phrases etched on their bases. But all appeared to be made in the image of ponies.

"Discord, listen, I need your help" Sunny tried to plee to the master of chaos as best he could. "We are really friends, and something has changed the past, and that's been causeing all kind of-"

But some kind of wicked jazz music silanced Sunny's plee.

(Autio only https://youtu.be/vZaKmJES4JQ)

"Well well well, What have we here?
Prince Soleggiatoooo, ha, oh, I'm really scared!
What rock did you come crawling out from? Ha ha ha ha!

"You're joking, you're joking
I can't believe you're here
You're pranking me, you gotta be,
This cant be 'the' colt!
He shaky, he's shaggy,
I dont know which is worse,
I might just crack up,
If I dont die laughing first!

"When Mr. Discord says
there's chaos to be had,
You'd better pay attention now,
'Couse I brought my chaos band!
And if you aren't nervous,
There's something very wrong,
'Couse this won't be the last time,
You hear my chaos song! Ohhhh…"

The nick-nacks on the shelves all seemed to come to life and flash Sunny a forlorn expression, showing their loss of of hope. 'Ohhhh…'

Discord smiled and chimmed in again, putting one of his claws around Sunny's shoilder "Ohhh…"

A pair of dice rolled out of Discord's claw, rolling on to the floor infront of Sunny, landing on what would have been snake eyes, but inlue of a sinlge dot, an image of Princess Celestia was on one and Princess Luna on the other, both also appearing to have lost all their fight and drive as well. "Ohhhh…"

After the sister princesses sang their part in a defeated tone, and seeing the shock on Sunny's face, Discord sang his part deeper and darker, but still with a smile on his muzzle. "Ohhhh…!!!"

The long legged bunnies paused from playing their clarinets to also join in with high pitched singing voices. "Ohhh he's the chaos man!"

Sunny, shook free from ubder Discord's arm only to run into a funhouse mirror. Looking around, Sunny realized he was in a hall of mirrors not until the one at the Ponyville Nightmare Night carnival. "Please stop this, I need your help,
All our friends are in danger, please you must listen to me!"

But Discord's song wasn't over and he had more lines he wanted to sing. "Ha! You're jokin' you're jokin',
I cant believe my ears!
Somepony shut this colt up!
I'm drowin' in my tears!
It's funny! I'm laughing!
This really is too much!
Now with all my power, I'm gunna do my stuff!"

Sunny looked nervously at Discord, realizing this must have been what he was like before Fluttershy and the girls helped him to discover the magic of friendship. The Draconaquis's eyes were much more cold and sharp, looking at Sunny as if he were only a play thing, not a scentian being with feelings and thoughts. "What are you going to do!?"

Discord cracked a very toothy grin at the yellow unciorn as he hissed in a sinistsr tone "Have the most fun I can!"

In another flash of light, Discord changed the stage again to that of an orchestra stage, with his musicians of chaos still playing in the background while he took center stage, Dressed as Elvis with the glittery tassel suit and all, with Sunny nervously looking around for an exit. "Flying pigs in the sky! Chocolate rain in the air!
Because I'm a mad Draconaquis and no I dont play fair!
It's so much fun, I must confess, to flip it all upside down!
This world is mine now, not yours old boy, better get in line!

With no way out, Sunny realized he might have to teach Discord a lesson in the school of hard knocks. Anger began to build, but Sunny didn't want to give into his Umbrum power if he could help it. Applejack and the others weren't around to help him if he went out of control again. Taking a deep breath, Sunny took a hard step towards Doscord and told him "we don't have time for this, the others, they need our help, let's get going!"

But Discord just snapped his fingers and Sunny and him disappeared and reappeared on what seemed to be a giant record player. The disc was running, forcing Sunny to run against it while Discord floated in the air, Still rocking out to his song, this time in a dapper coat and tails, twirling a cane, with a top hat on his head."Oh Sunny, you're something!
You make my sides split!
You aren't understanding
The situation, that you're in!
It's over, you lost,
You haven't got a friend!
Because I'm Master of this world,
And you, are just a nick-nack!

Ha ha ha!"

Discord held up his claw, his eyes burning with a deep seated hatred as he looked Sunny right in the eye and snapped his fingers once more. The world around Sunny changed once more, this time, he thought he had been transported somewhere else as he narrowed his eyes to shield them from harsh snowy winds. A violent snow storm was almost pulling him up off the ground. But Sunny fought and managed to keep his hooves planned in the snow around him. That's when he realized something was off. The snow felt wierd under his hooves. Something else felt odd about this storm. Neiyher the snow beneath his hooves nor the storm were cold at all. The snow felt closer to room temperature. Taking a step, it felt like Sunny was tredding through water. He paused. Then got a better look around as the storm seemed to die down. Then it hit him. He was completely submerged in water (but could breath. Probably some of Disocrd's doing), and the snow wasn't real snow, it was giant pieces of foam flakes and glitter! He hadn't been snapped away to some far off land, he was snapped into a giant snow globe!

"Welcome to your new home, you annoying little colt" Discord appeared as a giant on the outside of the snow globe, his giant claw picked Sunny's new prison up, then he placed it on a shelf of the building sized book shelf between a blue cuckoo clock that looked like Doctor's TARDIS and a group of ceramic ponies in Sombreros and ponchos playing trumpets with mustaches glued under their noses. Sunny recognized the group as the three mares who ran the flower shop in Ponyville.

"Discord, please, you need to listen to me!" Sunny tried to reach the deranged draconaquis yet again, not giving up. "Things are different right now, but you and I are friends! And our other friends are in danger, too. We need to help them!"

"Friends? I don't have or need FRIENDS" Discord snapped at Sunny. "Friends will ultimately betray you and let you down. Putting thst much trust in others is what kmprisoned me! And imprisoned you. Or did you forget, your dear old dad sealed you away! Where were your FRIENDS then?"

"Why are you doing all of this!?" Sunny put his hooves against the edge of the plastic dome, eyes locking with Discord's. "What do you hope to gain by all of this?"

"Me? Why, I'm just having fun" Discord simply said as he snapped his claw again, this time an evening robe appeared around him, a monocal rested against one of his eyes, a fez appeared atop his head, and a pipe that blew bubbles popped into his mouth as he stood back and appreciated his collection of captured ponies that he turned knick knacks. He ignored Sunny for a moment, then took a deep breath and leaned in and told the little yellow pony inside the snowglobe "but if you are rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation. You're a toy maker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball. I wish I could take credit for those oh so fun lyrics, but I can't. But they are true. All you and everypony else are are simply my toys for me to collect and anjoy on a shelf. So take pride that I gave you such a high shelf! And maybe I won't take you down to a thrift store for store credit!"

With that, Discord left to sit in a giant arm chair that had once been Canterlot mountain. Me put a lamp shade around what was the sun, dimming the light of Equestria so he could sit and enjoy coloring what appeared to be a giant copy of 'The Elements of Harmony: a reference guide', drawing child like images over what were once great lessons in Friendship that never happened.

Looking aound, Sunny knew he had to do something. But felt the despair aradiating from the other ponies around him, and a feeling of empty hopelessness began to seep into him as well. The poor ponies frozen as statues, suvaniors and trinkets one could pick up at a bus stop, train station or novelty shop. Sunny couldn't feel any fear from them, but he could sence despair int heir hearts, resigning themselves to this terrable new life. But he didnt want to give up! Sunny couldn't give up! Discord was a nut, but there was good in him at one time! It just needed to shine through, and that was Sunny's talent. If there was anypony who could help, it was him!

'I have to fight!' Sunny got up and told himself. 'Even if I have to do it alone!'

Looking around, Sunny noticed a large plug at the center of his domed prison. Surely this could be a way out. But there was no way he could open it while the snowglobe rested ontop of it. Thinking quickly, Sunny got an idea, but not a favorable one, as he looked over the edge of the bookshelf. If he tackled the edge of the snowglobe hard enough, he might just be able to send it toppling over the edge. The fall might just be enough to either shatter the plastic dome around him or pop the cork out, allowing Sunny to escape. At the very least, the snowglobe could land on its rounded side and give Sunny a chance to pop the cork himself and break free!… Sunny just wished he had a better idea. Being afraid of heights didn't exactly make him excited about this plan, but he couldn't just sit back and let everything stay the way it was.. He saw what happened when he sat it the shadows and did nothing. The horrible images of Tirek destroying everything sent shivvers down Sunny's spine. And if Twilight and the others weren't going to do anything, it was up to him. He could gather his friends, setting them free, and work up a plan against Discord. He may be the master of chaos, but he isn't unbratable.

Taking one last deep breath, Sunny began to slowly tread back and he readied himself. He swam as hard as he could towards the side of the snowglobe that was closest to the edge of the bookself, and struck it with as much force as he could muster! The kick appeared to hardly do anything. But it did move the snowglobe just tad little bit closer to the edge. Looking over at Discord, Sunny was relieved to see the draconaquis hadn't noticed him ans was deep into the book he was coloring in. So Sunny moved back into position and swam and hit the edge once again, moving the snow globe closer to the edge. Sunny's shoulder was throbbed, but he couldn't stop, he had to keep going! He had to get free! He had to do whatever it took to save everypony! Those thoughts kept replaying in the yellow unciorn's head as he continued to tackle the side of his dome. The burning words seemed to help keep him motivated. He was just one good tackle away from pushing his plastic prison tumbaling over the edge! He paused, took a deep breath, then swam as hard as he cood, holding nothing back! That last tackle was all Sunny neededz and the snowglobe prison of his was finnaly pushed over the edge!

Time seemed to slow down as the snow globe fell from the shelf, Sunny twirling inside of it, mentally bracing for impact, pushing out all thoughts of fear. But right as the snowglobe would have hit the ground, the clock was once again rewound, and the events were wiped out of the world once more, the only evidence that this had happened was left behind in Sunny's memorie as the world once again reset…

Author's Note:

Just want to make a little note to who are reading this chapter: chapter name based off an episode of 'Courage the Cowardly dog' 'Doc Gerbal's world'

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