• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,944 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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My Name is Custard?!

It seemed to be one of the largest gatherings since the Apple family reunion. All of Sunny's little bothers, sisters, cousins, a few aunts and uncles and his mother had gathered at Sweet Apple Acres when they heard the news that he had been found. She had sent word and fast to call off the search for him as soon as she released him from her death lock hug. They all couldn't wait to come down and see that he was ok. Applejack and the rest of the Apple were more then happy to host a reunion party for Sunny and his family.

"So... My name isn't 'Sunny'?" The yellow stallion said, readjusting his Stetson hat nervously. He was sitting at the picnic table outside with his mother and Applejack,while all the little ones played with Apple Bloom near by.

"I'm afraid not" his mother replied, tucking a lock her mane behind her ear as she held out a family photo album. "We named you 'Custard Glaze' after your great grandfather 'general Custard Glaze IV', my grandfather, who fought in the Griffin wars..." She then pointed to a worn and torn photo on an open page of the album.

AJ peeked over and looked at the photo, slightly annoying Sunny's, or Custard's , mother. "Wow wee, Sunny! Never knew ya wer' related ta' a war hero! He even has yer strong chin!"

Custard's mother pulled the album away from Applejack's sight and began pointing out more picture's of their family out to Custard. Some of her and her mother, some of Custard's father when they first met. "Oh I do wish your father would just ask his mother for some of their family photos, he was such a good looking colt" she smiled at her son "you look just like him when he was your age."

The complement made Custard beam a little, but the joy was short lived. He looked at several of the photos on the open pages of the album, then at all his cousins, sisters, brothers and elder family members that had gathered at the farm who were celebrating, laughing, enjoying the food provided and seemed to be happy. 'A family... My family.... Why... Why am I not happier?... This is what I wanted... Right?...' Sunny, or Custard, gave his mother a half smile when Applejack spoke up and tore him from his thoughts.

"How about a big ol' family dinner tonight! Sunny, er, Custard's family and the Apples! One big happy family dinner!" Applejack suggested.

"Why that sounds just lovely" Custards mother commented, narrowing her eyes at Applejack, speaking through her teeth. But her face relaxes as she turned back to Custard. "Then after dinner, we'll head back to Boltimare, your father has been worried sick, and your grandmother-"

"Wait, what?!" Custard spoke up, his ears dropping down to the side of his head. "W-we're leaving Ponyville ?"

(Insert mlp fim opening theme song)

Twilight was walking with Fluttershy down the dirt road leading to Sweet Apple Acres, excited by the news that Rainbow Dash had told them.

"I still can't believe Sunny's family found him!" Fluttershy said in her quiet tone of voice. "He must be so happy!"

"I know, after months of wondering, he now has his answers" Twilight added, smiling at her timid friend. "Kinda supposed by his real name though..."

"I know, right!" Rainbow Dash joined them, zooming up beside them, still slightly hovering above the ground. "'Custard Glaze'? I mean, it's better then some names, but if I were him, I'd change it to Sunny."

Rarity came trotting up, almost completely out of breath as she was huffing and puffing when she finally rejoined her group of friends. "Really... He he....Rainbow Dash....you .... You could have waited ...up for me!"

"Eh, you were taking too long!" The cyan colored Pegasus said nonchalantly as she flew backwards casually in her back to face her friends as she took the lead. "Besides, you caught up."

"Yes, but just look at me!" The white unicorn mare pulled out a compact mirror and glanced at her reflection. "I'm sweating! Oh! Sunny's mother is going to think I'm some kind of a slob!"

Rainbow dash just rolled her eyes as the other girls lightly laughed. Then twilight noticed something about her group. "Hey girls, where's Pinkie pie?"

Rainbow dash did a slight flip and landed on the ground. "She's already at the farm, probably playing some games with 'Custard''s little brothers and sisters"

Rarity shuttered half as badly as Rainbow dash did at Sunny's real name. "My gosh, that name still isn't sitting right with me."

"I know" Twilight commented as she and her group of friends reached the opening arch for the apple farm. "But we need to use it. Apparently it's a name passed down in their family. Let's respect it and try and be supportive of him and his family..."

It took the girls no time at all to find Sunny, er, Custard and his mother, along with Granny, Big Mac and Apple Bloom around the field, where a giant table was set up with food of all kinds. Pinkie was setting up a bouncy castle that Custard's younger family members looked like they couldn't wait to play in. The girls quickly joined Applejack and Custard at the table in the field.

Custard's ears were dropping, and his normal sun colored coat had some what dimmed from its usual glow, but he was smiling, kind of. It was a hollow smile, he trying to be as happy as he could. But the girls could see he honestly wasn't happy about something. Still, they all tried their best to brighten up his mood.

"Hey S- ugh, Cuatard!" Rainbow was the first to approach the yellow stallion.

For a moment, the Stetson wearing stallion brightens up, but when he heard his name spoken, she light vanished, but the shadow of a real smile remained. "Hey girls, glad you could make it."

"Oh!" Fluttershy spoke up. "Thunder Lane wanted me to tell you he said congratulations on finding your family! He really wanted to be here, but he's still stuck in bed."

"Yeah, and don't worry about him" Rainbow commented. "Flitter has been taking care of him. I think she even moved into his place just to be with him around the clock."

This made Sun-, ugh, Custard truly happy. He knew his good friend must have been on cloud nine with that. Maybe Thunder could finally gather up the nerve to just ask her out in a date... When he gets out of his casts, that is.

"Oh, Custard!" His mother spoke up in a screeching way, pushing herself into the group. "Are these your friends? You must introduce me to them!"

"Oh, r-right, girls, this is my mother, Lemon Marmalade " Custard motioned to the rather tall earth pony mare who's mane and coat color almost fully resembled his own. She shot them a smile and tucked her mane behind her hear.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you" she said, holding out her hoof. Her words and physical actions seemed to scream two entirely different things. Perhaps even it was all the stress she had been under. But the mare seemed to grow more annoyed at the arrival of Su-Custards friends.

All the girls went around shaking her hoof, introducing thenselves. Well, all except Rainbow Dash who met Lemon'a hoof with a hoof bump rather then a hoof shake. But Lemon just forced a smile, gritted her teeth, and laughed lightly.

"It truly has been wonderful meeting all of you" Lemon began. "And it does break my heart to have to take Custard back home with us, but-"

All the girl's eyes go wide as a bolt of shock ran threw them. They then realized that's why S- er, Custard looked to grim, and why when she said that he ducked his head away.

"What do you mean?!" Pinkie Pie was the first of the girls to speak up. "He live here, in ponyville!"

"I'm afraid not" Lemon sad as she ran a hoof over the family album. "Custard is the soul Eire to a multi-million bit company, and now that his father is too injured to run it, the responsibility fall in him."

"What? Injured?" Custard's ears picked up a little, fueled by worry.

"Yes" Lemon spoke. "You see, we all had taken a Zeppelin cruse together, as a family. Your father, Fudge Brownie, felt as though he hadn't been spending enough time with you and his other children, so he arranged for a week long cruse aboard his best Zeppelin."

"Oh you lucky stallion" Rarity commented with a smiling sigh. "What I wouldn't give to go on such a cruse..."

Lemon cleared her throat as she angrily shot a look at the white unicorn. "As I was saying; but our ship was attacked by a few dragons. We must have interrupted their mating ritual, and they blew a hole right through the balloon!" All the girls gasped.

"Most of us were fine, my husband received most of the blow, but our eldest son..." Lemon pulled out a white cotton tissue from the family album. "He... He was no where to be seen! We assumed he had been blasted away!" She then began to wipe away fake tears.

"That musta been when Goldie found ya over on that side of the road!" Applejack finally spoke up and put a hoof on Custard's back.

"We've been searching this whole time! We looked back in Boltimare, Vanhoofer, Manehatten, Los Pegusus, and just last week, Canterlot!"

"Oh my! We where just there!" Rarity commented.

"You must have just missed them" Fluttershy added.

"But now our family is back togeather and we can all go home! You our big, wonderful mansion in Baltimare!" Lemon said with a faint smile as she placed the tissue back in the album.

"I think I need to use the restroom" Custard commented, then rushed off to the farm house.

Lemon marmalade and the girls watched as the yellow stallion rushed into the Apple family farm house, the front door slamming behind him. There was a still silance that lingered in the air for a moment before somepony spoke up.

Applejack chuckled lightly and told Lemon "jitters. This is a lot for him to take in. Ah'll go and see that th' feller's ok."

"Oh please" Lemon stood up and set the family Album on the table. "Allow me... I, ugh, need to show him a mother's love and tender care..."

With that, the tall yellow mare followed quickly, but not too quickly, behind her son, leading up to the farm house. All the girls watched as she entered the farm house after him.

"So... He's really leaving?" Fluttershy out of all the girls was the first one to break the silence.

"I guess" Rainbow commented, playing it off like it was nothing.

Twilight went up to Applejack and put a hoof on her shoulder. "Are you going to be ok?"

"Of course Ah am" Applejack said with a huge smile. "After all, the' feller has family. Real family. A mansion. All the bits he'll ever need. What more could a pony ask for?..." With those last words, Applejack turned away as tears began to glaze over her eyes.

"Awww! Isn't Sunny so cute as a little baby!" Pinkie interrupted the moment , holding open the family photo album. "Just took at that cute little smile!"

All the girls, Granny, and even Big Mac and Apple bloom gathered around and peered inside the album. There were tons of pictures of Sunny as a little foal, with his messy mop of orange hair. Some of just him walking around with a big smile, some with him and his parents, a few with him going to what looks like a private school, one of him with his hair all combed properly, a school photo maybe.

"Indeed" Rarity commented. "He is one fine stallion of pedigree."

" With one large Earth pony family" Fluttershy added as she looked at all the goals playing in the field, bouncing on the bouncy castle, and snacking at the table.

Just then, Lemon began walking back to the group of girls with S-Custard trailing behind. His eyes heavily glades over, almost making his eyes look completely green.

"Custard and I had a little talk" Lemon said, walking into the middle of the group, snatching the album out of Pinkie's hooves. "And we think it's best to cut this little party short, and head home."

All the girls and the Apple family turned to the stallion in question who just glumly nodded. "It would be for the best."

"Well... If ya think its best..." Granny said with a heavy sigh.

"Ee'yep..." Big Mac added with a heavy sigh.

"Ah guess..." Apple Bloom whimpered, holding back her tears.

Applejack remained silent as she walked up to Custard, and without hesitation, gave him a huge hug, one that opened up the flood gates on both of them. As tears pored from both sets of emerald green eyes, Applejack told Cu-... Told Sunny "no matter what, we'll always be here fer ya. We're family too. No matter what...." As she released him from hug she smiled at him and held his gaze.

Sunny smiled honestly at Applejack as his coat's color began to return to normal and his ears returned to their regular position. Then the green glaze over his saddened eyes cleared up. He looked up and readjusted his hat one last time. "Applejack, I want you to have this. Keep it, and remember me by."

As he said that, he took off his Stetson hat hand handed it to the orange freckled mare. "I want you to know that you'll always be in my heart and I'll always treasure this place, our friends, and all the adventure's we've shared. And that-" Sunny stopped when he noticed every pony looking at the top of his head, jaws dropped. Even his own mother began to look nervous, as her body stiffened. Then his heart hoped into his throat and he spoke softly "please tell me there isn't a spider on my head..."

No pony moved for the longest time. Then after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, Rarity pulled out her compact mirror and flashed Sunny's reflection at him. Sunny studied his image for a moment before realizing what they saw. He turned his head from side to side, then poked it with his hoof to make sure it was real. It felt kind of sensitive, but it was real.

"Sunny... Y-yer ah..." Appejack began to say, but was still heavily confused.

"I'm a unicorn?!?!" Sunny finished her sentance. As he looked back at his own reflection in the company's mirror to see that a yellow horn, matching his own coat, standing tall amd proud in the middle of his forehead!

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