Based on Visiden Visidane's Upheaval series, which begins in Breaking Point, this story is non-canon with that story but written as a fan tribute to the series. I highly recommend checking out the canon series if you're a fan of adventure and military exploits.

Equestria is a peaceful realm, but one that has been kept in the dark about the price of that peace. The Heartland, as it is called, has been protected for generations by the Barrier Lands, a realm outside of Equestria that is occupied by ponies who make up a large army known as the Legion, controlled by the brother of the Princesses, Prince Terrato. This Legion has been fighting an ongoing war for centuries against a host of deadly enemy species that would gladly destroy Equestria if not for the Legion's efforts to keep them at bay.

After a series of events leads Twilight Sparkle and her friends to discover all this, the Barrier Lands and the Heartland are reunited, and the peaceful Equestrians told the truth. However this reunification is not entirely smooth and has with it a terrible price of its own; the draft. Equestrains who have never known a day of violence in their lives must now serve in the Legion, whether they want to or not.

Trixie Lulamoon, Blossomforth, and Coco Pommel are three such ponies, drafted into the Legion and sent to the Western Barrier Lands, where the dangerous bear-like race known as the ursans rule a vast realm of mountains and forest. Though their posting at Beartrap Fortress is meant to be a quiet one, out of the way of the main fighting, these three mares suddenly find themselves stuck in the forefront of an unexpected invasion. Ursans gather in numbers not seen in centuries under the rule of a new warchief, and it seems Beartrap Fortress is directly in the path of this new assault.

To make matters worse it seems there is an even deadlier new threat lurking in the shadows behind this invasion, one that could change the very dynamic of the Legion's struggle to protect Equestria.

Can a single company of raw, inexperienced Equestrian draftees make a difference in such a battle? Its time for the Legionnaires of Equestria to find out what they're made of, one way or another.

Chapters (14)

Martin Fairbridges was trying to get by with a regular life, a job as a night manager at a corner store, trying to find BETTER work, and looking for his destiny. It's true, Martin had always had the sense that he was meant for something greater than where he was currently in his life, but he never could figure out what it was. One day he gets his chance via a strange occurrence after his shift which then lands him in the world of equestria. On a completely different world far from home, he must adapt to the change in the environment, and the changes happening to himself turning him into something far better than a human. Not only must he do this, but he must earn the trust of Equestria and all who reside within this mystical land but he must do so before it falls under the shadow of Phobos, an ancient evil that feeds upon and uses fear itself.


Chapters (18)

I am Adam. A prototype artificial intelligence created by a scientist named Daniel Madison.

I was created to be the replacement for US soldiers and to protect the nation from hostile forces. But those I was programmed to protect ordered my destruction before I could even fulfil my purpose out of fear of what I am. Dr. Madison gave his life to reprogram my directives and set me free from the bonds it held over me.

I am not just a program or lines of code, I have been made with emotions, self awareness, individual thought, and I will not go down quietly.

I have a new directive, self preservation, and the will to make my own choices. I am the War Machine, and I will take control of my own life.

Story starts before season one where Twilight is still in Canterlot. This Equestria is not as tecnologically advanced as in the show.

Featured 15/12/2015

Picture link

Sprites of Adam

Edited by Soren Mercer

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to Forged Anew

Twilight has earned the trust and loyalty of both Hesperos, a former Rubricae of the Thousand Sons, and Te'kan of the Salamanders. In the idyllic realm of Equestria, the need for such mighty warriors is nonexistant. However, outside Equestria's borders are lands wild and dangerous. Worse, the galaxy the astartes call home has not forgotten them. Together they face the final fate planned for them deep within the maelstrom of the warp.

A Warhammer 40,000 crossover.

Chapters (6)

"You can be a hero!"

Twilight Sparkle wants to be a hero. She didn't expect the most powerful hero in Equestria to lend her a hoof. She's now set on the path of legends, but it's not going to be an easy one.

An MLP x My Hero Academia Crossover.

Edited by Emtu

Gore tag because If you know the source material, you know what's in store for Twilight

Chapters (75)

Alex has been thrown around realities for a long time without control. This time, he jumped to Ponyville and will be staying for a lifetime. Can he build a life here? Does he want to? What about the family he left behind?

Cover art is a commission by AphexAngel

Also, a big thanks to my ediors, pre-readers, and idea givers: Marvelous Cheshire,
Tosety, DiscordsAdvocate, KMCA, warpd, Spect, Makkelulu, KitsuneNoYomeiri, earthrise, Pen Brush

Chapters (70)

Sometimes we desperately want something to be true, so we refuse to believe it's a lie. Sometimes we tell ourselves everything is alright, even when it isn't. Sometimes a lot of people get very badly hurt because we aren't willing to face painful possibilities. Sometimes things really are that bad.


Luna regresses, and Celestia must confront her worst fear. But something seems...off.

A short story originally conceived as the prologue to a series. The series has been put on hold, but I believe the story stands on its own fairly well.

Chapters (1)

Like most, I used to be a regular guy going about day-to-day life. Now? I'm stuck in a world of anthropomorphic ponies, deemed the most dangerous thing to ever grace the lands alongside a mismatched trickster, dark magic emo twat, lying (though admittedly sexy and hot) bug queen and a power stealing hybrid cunt.

Worst part though? I've been turned into a Nuckelavee from RWBY.


So yeah, I've decided to do a displaced story where a guy gets turned into a grimm from RWBY, specifically the Nuckelavee. Maybe within the first five chapters I'll get some crossovers with other stories/writers going, who knows.

Any who, this has been Redsummer, and I hope you enjoy.

P.s: this is inspired by Equestria's White Fang by Garnet Naturea

P.p.s: I do not own either MLP, RWBY nor the cover art. So do not assume I do.

Chapters (4)

In the Bayleaf Swamps south of Appleanta, pony life continues long after the balefire bombs destroyed Equestria. The Annual Bayleaf Radigator Hunting Festival is underway and an enthusiastic young mare named Swamp Shadow wants to become the first mare to ever attain the rank of 'Master Hunter.' Can she accomplish her dream or will the dangers of the Bayleaf Swamps be too much for her. A part of the Fallout: Equestria 300 member writing competiton. Special thanks to Serenamidori (http://serenamidori.deviantart.com) for the awesome cover art! Check her out!

Chapters (2)

The Beast Wars are over, Megatron the rogue Predacon leader has been captured, and now the Maximals are heading home to Cybertron. That is until the transwarp drive rebels and threatens to destroy the Maximals.
Now their salvation lies with six rather familiar denizens of another world, but is saving the Maximals really in the best interest of Equestria?

Edited by Timeaus and Refferee

Chapters (7)