
“I need your help Auntie Twilight. The fate of all Equestria depends on us.”

Life had been going rather smoothly for Twilight Sparkle recently, all things considered, but as was the case, life did like to throw a curve ball every once in a while. In the middle of the night, she is greeted by none other than her niece Flurry Heart, who apparently has traveled back almost five hundred years. Why? Because she needs Twilight’s help: Equestria is on course for a terrible catastrophe and only she, the Element of Magic, can help stop it.
But before Twilight can make her choice, a powerful mage, one who matches Flurry’s skills, appears to take the Princess of Friendship’s life and suddenly, Twilight is thrust into an adventure both familiar and unfamiliar to her and the fate of all Equestria once again rests upon her shoulders.

Chapters (1)

It was so simple. Go to Ponyville for the summer,have fun,come back to rule the Empire. But that all changed when Flurry saw a small filly drenched in the rain and decided to take it in. What do her parents think,how will her best friend react and most importantly is she mother material?

Chapters (4)

this is a story of Princess Flurry Heart, who has grown and is now 5 years old
since then, Flurry Heart had been passionate of herself as she learnt about the world of Equestria after being taught by her mother, Princess Candace
one day, Flurry Heart starts to know about the elements of harmony when her mother explains to her about them.
Now with the elements of harmony by her side, a new adventure for Flurry Heart is about to begin...

Note: there will be some returning characters and new characters in this story

Chapters (7)

Ever since Master Core's defeat, things were starting to return to normal, that's what the heroes of smash hoped for. It wasn't until Master Core's revival was soon heard across the smashverse, but this time things were different. Possessed and corrupted by the evil aura of Dark Matter, Master Core returns seeking revenge on the fighters of Smash. Fearing the consequences, both Master Hand and Crazy Hand uses their powers for good to seal Dark Mastter Core deep inside the hearts of Genesys Tower where Dark Mastter Core was sent into a deep slumber. But when two evil organizations joins forces, it triggers a series of events that will eventually lead to Dark Mastter Core's awakening. Seeking to use the powers of the legendary Prism Pokemon Necrozma to summon Dark Mastter Core, The Sinister Legion and Necro Zynx Empire, attempts to start the Solunar Eclipse,an event where both the Sun and Moon stops it's orbit and threatens to collide with Earth causing a massive explosion that leads to the creation of a Dark Hole. The Elements of Harmony sensing the dangers quickly takes action only for them to end up captured along with the three alicorns. Twilight Sparkle in a desperate attempt scatters the Elements across the Equestria and beyond in hopes that neither The Sinister Legion nor the Necro Zynx Empire could get to them. Now with Equestria captured and under the rule of Lord Oblivion and Cross, Flurry Heart the last alicorn must travel and find six individuals to act as temporary Elements in order to stop the oncoming threat. The only way to win, Settle it in Smash!

MLP FIM belongs to Hasbro Studios.
Super Smash Bros. belongs to Nintendo
Story takes place when Flurry Heart is grown up
Characters from both Brawl and Smash 4 along with DLC characters with appear
Rated T for mild swearing

Chapters (12)

Inspired by Mulan, Frozen 1 & 2, Aladdin, and Moana!

The land of Equestria, though filled with many different races and cultures, was once one; ponies, dragons, kirin, yaks, changelings and more were what inhabited the land. It was not to last, unfortunately, as the differences between the races drove them to war... eventually leading the fabled Windigos to the land. In a last effort, the alicorns used every bit of their magic to create a creature that could fight them, using five special stones from the five pony kingdoms.
But one thousand years later, the world is no closer to defeating them than at the beginning.
Allyra Pyxis Cadenza- heir to the Crystal Empire throne, and daughter of the noble Queen Flurry Heart- has lived her entire life shut within the shield that protects her home from the blizzard raging outside. However, despite all the warnings, despite everything that tells her no, she is drawn to the outside world by a strange magic deep inside, but it's never enough to pull her away from her only home.
Then her mother decides to put her in an arranged marriage, and everything, even her duty, is pushed aside.
Led by the mysterious power and drawn to four ponies who know the former land of Equestria by heart, Allyra begins her battle through the unknown. However, facing racism, sexism, a bounty on her head, the raging blizzard, memories of her mother, and a festering darkness in her heart, it's much harder than she ever believed possible.
Perhaps... it will take much more than herself to win a battle fought over the ages.

On hiatus indefinitely

Chapters (6)

Here a primer:
Nine years ago the three main princesses disappeared from Equestria those Princesses were
Celestia, Luna and Cadance. This forced Celestia's foals to take over ruling of Equestria. Princess Flurry Heart had been born but grew up without her mother Cadance

Princess' group pic done by the royalprincess on Deviantart

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Windigo Storm

This story is part of the Crystal Note AU that starts with Crystal Note - Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres!.
It is not necessary to read any of the previous stories, but there will be referrals to ponies and events from them. If you want to get a good background for this story, I recommend you read Legacy of the Crusaders and Windigo Storm.

The story takes place during the events of Where life leads us and some characters from this story will be mentioned. You can read this story on it's own, but if you like to learn more about Crystal Note's Crystal Empire and its inhabitants, you'll find a collection of shorter story arcs if you follow the link.
This story started as a chapter of Where life leads us, but it soon grew so big that I decided it deserved to stand on its own.

A decade ago, the legendary Crystal Empire had reappeared, and with it its inhabitants, the crystal ponies. After recovering their memories and driving out the last remains of the evil king Sombra, Princess Cadance took the throne and guided her new citizens through many years of grief, healing and rebuilding.

Now, a new generation crystal ponies is growing up and the trauma of war and misery starts to fade. It is time for the crystal ponies to move on, and for the Crystal Empire to start growing once more. For this task, Princess Cadance asked for help from their southern neighbours, the Kingdom of Equestria.

One of the ponies who followed her call is Radiant Beam, a unicorn researcher from the Royal Institute of Magic in Canterlot. This is the story of her journey into the frozen north.

Chapters (1)

this story is about Zack Catcher and Flurry Heart, they will become friends even tho they kissed they are still friends this story is based on the original Growing Bonds but the story is enhanced but it will follow the same story Note: This story is intended for ages 16 and above due to mature themes and content

Chapters (7)

Flurry Heart had been friends with her senior, Fair Facet, for some time now. But she wasn't expecting to develop such a fondness for her. With the Flugelhorn Fancy coming up, Fair Facet is the only pony on her mind. Flurry Heart has fallen hard in love. Keep your head up, Princess! You never know what's coming next!

Flurry Heart x OC

A story spawned from a title idea.

Chapters (1)

The 2nd adventure in the Watching series.
Princess Luna has been away for a loooooooooooooonnng time, and young Flurry Heart wants to get into some mischief. For a small filly, Flurry Heart is super smart and she goes on an adventure to find out what is happening.

I would like to thank my good friend Cutest Boxer Puppy Ever. Please follow Cutest Boxer Dog Ever. Also follow RainSpirit18. Thanks

Chapters (1)