• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,654 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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I will defeat you, Tia!

I will defeat you, Tia!

They stared each other down, with fire in one of their eyes, and the other, with darkness. Arguing had got them nowhere, and it was now time for them to duel each other. Words alone would not solve anything now; only action, and action alone, would be able to decide the fate of Equestria. It would be a bittersweet victory for either alicorn, but it was necessary for the greater good. The solar alicorn hefted her sword up, and pointed it at her lunar counterpart, with somewhat reluctant malice being radiated from her.

"I ask you one last time, Luna, put away your sword, and we can try to work out a favorable compromise." A cackling and mocking laugh met her words, and Luna instead stepped closer, her sword still pointed at her sister.

"I think not, tyrant; I know that you would only lie through your teeth and slip a dagger between my wings given the chance. Submit to me, Celestia, and I promise you that no harm will befall on you."

"You know I will not submit to you like this."

"Neither shall I, under your conditions, sister."

"So it is decided."


With fluid motions, the two alicorns danced a dance of near death and steel, swinging their swords at each other in an attempt to wound each other. The intent was not to kill, but to force the other to submit. The impressive sword-play was watched by members of the royal guard on the sidelines, from both the solar and lunar guards, watching in awe as the battle continued; none dared cheer, however, for fear that they may have cheered on the losing alicorn.









These, and more were repeated constantly in a back and forth motion between the two, and it looked as if both alicorns would match each other. However, Celestia was beginning to weaken; Luna noticed this in the lack of strength of her newer strikes, and pressed on her advantage. Celestia's weakness was further growing as she cried out the first few words in what felt like forever to the two alicorns.

"No, it cannot end like this! I will not allow it!"

"Unfortunately for you, sister, it will end like this, whether you want it to or not!"

It was unbelievable that they would go this far, but it had, and the feeling was so, so sweet; Luna could feel victory creeping up with every second that passed as she clashed with Celestia, who was sweating from exertion and gave a mighty yell as she charged at Luna again. Victory was close, so very close; it wouldn't take long before her sister buckled from the weighty barrage that she was putting her through as they danced around each other, with blades of the purest steel clashing against each other, making the most beautiful sounds that Luna would ever hear. Every time her sister attempted a counter attack, she was fooled by Luna's feints, who then pressed her advantage against Celestia quickly before she had a chance to recover; Celestia was almost done for, and both knew this as the fight raged on, but both sisters were willing to fight to the end. Guards watched on in amazement as the two princesses duked it out, and quiet bets were beginning to take place as the fight raged on, with most of the guards confident that Luna would prevail.

Celestia back flipped away from Luna, taking the short, precious break that she had to take a deep breath; Luna, too, took one as well, and both sisters glared at each other before screaming and charging at each other again, with their weapons clashing against each other beautifully. That was not to last, however.

With a sudden, heavy blow from Luna that completely took Celestia off guard, her sister was disarmed quite dramatically, and her weapon, a seemingly normal, unornamented sword, fell with a soft clank into the dirt, a good three feet away, behind Luna. Many guards cheered while many others despaired as Celestia made a move towards her weapon, only to be stopped by Luna, who aggressively slashed towards her, discouraging any movement towards her weapon; Celestia immediately backed up, with a whining tone in her voice.

"Sister, please, think about what you're doing! This isn't fair!"

"I have thought about this moment for a long time, sister, and neither was using my weakness against apples against me could be considered fair!"

"I had reason to do such a thing, there is nothing to be feared from apples! Please, Lulu!"

"Liar! I will purge you from the corrupting influence of apples, and you shall see the truth! Have at thee, Tia!"

Luna then began to channel magic into her horn, imbuing her sword with a glow of dark energy; Celestia, in vain, began to place some distance between herself and her sister, even though she knew it would be too late to run anywhere once Luna completed her spell. She might have a chance, though, if Luna failed this particular spell, as it would leave her completely vulnerable and at her mercy if she did not perform it right.

Luna raised up her hooves...

...And began to tap furiously at the buttons and moving around the joystick in front of her, trying to get the final combo attack (a 'mercy') to register correctly; failure to do so in this game would make her feel ashamed and get teased by none other than her sister, who was watching Luna's hooves fly across the gamepad in ever growing horror; the guards supporting Luna began to chant 'Finish her, Luna' and generally causing a large ruckus as the mercy continued. With each quick but careful movement, the exact sequence of buttons was being pressed, moved, and mashed at to perform the most dazzling, incredibly long and completely redundant mercy compared to the quicker, less flashy ones that would have won her victory anyway; despite that, Luna did not want the easy way out. No, Luna was all about humiliating her sister in the best way possible, and the best way was to use the Elements of Harmony on her. Sure, she could have done one of the lesser ones such as taking Celestia out to ice cream or a tight hug, but no; she wanted the flashiest ending for her sister.

With one final click of the 'heavy' attack button, the mercy was complete; both sister could now only watch, one in horror, the other in undisguised glee as Luna (in the game) began to levitate all six Elements of Harmony into the air, each directed at Celestia (in the game). Five of the Elements (Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Loyalty, and Laughter) shot a thin beam of light at the sixth element, magic, which, in turn, fired a much larger beam of rainbow light at Celestia (in the game), who screamed as she writhed from the magic being pumped into her; moments later, in big, red letters, came the words 'Player 2 wins!'. Guards that had bet on Luna cheered, throwing their helmets into the air and jeering at the other guards that bet on Celestia, who grumbled and began to stiffly walk away from the scene; eventually, all the guards left the scene after a few words from Luna, and soon, it was only the two princesses left in the guards' break room.

Luna looked over at Celestia, who groaned as she tossed her controller away, and hid her head underneath a life sized Twilight plushie. Luna giggled, and then began to jump around Celestia, quite happy with herself.

"I win, sister, I win! I win I win I win I win!"

"How could you have possibly beat me ten times in a row...? I've played this game longer than you have! I even practiced!"

"I'm obviously better, Tia!"

"Okay, okay, I admit defeat, Lulu..."

"What about the 'bet' that you made with me, huh?"

With another groan of despair, Celestia levitated the life sized Twilight plushie over to her, which Luna hugged with glee.

"Ha ha! Your life sized Twilight plushie is now mine, Tia!"

Celestia growled playfully at her sister, and threw a disdainful look at the case of the game, 'Almost Mortal Kombat'.

"You made me lose my life sized Twilight plushie! Now I have to secretly have one made with another non disclosure agreement!"

Author's Note:

Mercy = Apparently a Fatality

Almost Mortal Kombat = Mortal Kombat that apparently has swords

Life sized Twilight plushie makes another appearance

I don't even know what I'm writing anymore

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