• Published 27th Apr 2013
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Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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I never knew, Tia!

I never knew, Tia!

Luna hummed to herself quietly as she watched a few royal guards spar in the training grounds. It had been a few days since Chrysalis and her changelings assimilated into Equestria, and while there was some hard feelings shared between a few ponies, they were accepted almost immediately everywhere else. After all, they looked like ponies, so there wasn't really much to fret about. Sure, their diets were a bit strange and different, but it wasn't actually all that hard once ponies figured out that they simply needed to be near friends in order for them to get enough 'food'.

A strange race, changelings. I wonder why we haven't heard of these ponies before. A sudden feint combined with a smashing blow to the head of one of the royal guards caused the lunar stallion the solar mare was sparring to drop to the floor in pain, and she winced as the incident took place. Owwwwwww. That has GOT to hurt. Well, looks like sparring practice is over, from the guilty looks everypony is throwing each other, and the stretcher coming in. I guess I'll find Chrys or Tia now. I remember my sister saying something about wanting to go talk to her, anyway.

Luna left the practice field behind her, walking up towards Chrysalis' room. In all honesty, it was a hastily refurbished glorified closet, but Chrysalis didn't mind the room at all. Mostly. Hoping to catch Chrysalis (and, possibly, by extension, Celestia), she asked the two changeling guards outside her chambers if either were inside.

"Is Chrysalis or my sister inside?"

The guard on the left nodded. "They are both residing in Chrysalis' chambers currently."

"May I come in, then?"

"Of course!" The guard opened up the doors, and Luna walked in swiftly, wanting to talk to both of them. The guard on the right flashed a confused look at her partner, who had an equally confused look on his face.

"Wasn't there only one alicorn when we invaded Canterlot?"

"Yeah, from what I saw."

"Wonder where this one came from then."

"Who cares? We're glorified eye candy for the alicorns, just stand still and pretend to be alert."

Luna walked in on the two alicorns as they were in the middle of discussing something; she seemed to have a habit of doing so, and it wasn't intentional. Most of the time. "Hi, Tia, Chrys!"

Chrysalis was surprised to see Luna walk in, as well as knowing where they were, but she quickly dismissed the thought. After all, she mused, Tia could have told Lulu that she was going to talk to me, and perhaps Lulu simply wanted to see what we were talking about. "Hello, Lulu!"

After nursing her tea cup for a few seconds longer than was probably necessary, Celestia frowned slightly as Luna intruded on them. Just at the time where Chrys and I were about to talk about the invasion...The invasion that Lulu somehow missed. Seriously, kamikaze changelings, explosions everywhere, and that beam of power that overwhelmed me? That didn't alert you to anything? "What brings you here, Lulu?"

Bringing up a chair to sit by the three alicorns, Luna helped herself to some tea before replying to her sister's question. "Well, after seeing one of your solar guards send one of my lunar guards to the infirmary after a pretty good hit, I remembered that you wanted to talk with Chrys about something, so I decided to come around and listen in, if you don't mind."

Well, solar guard, one, lunar guard, zero. "Oh, that." Chrysalis waved a hoof nonchalantly, and levitated a crumpet over to her. "We were just going to be talking about why I failed the invasion of Canterlot."

...And here I was, about to break it to Lulu gently. Celestia watched as Luna's look of shock turned into one of laughter as she suddenly began to giggle.

"O-Oh my, an invasion? That's even worse than Tia's jokes!" Luna continued to giggle, at least, until she saw the perplexed look Chrysalis shot at her sister. When it became apparent that neither of them were going to join her laughter, Luna instantly got serious. "Chrysalis, when was this?!"

It took a moment for Chrysalis to recall the incident, mostly because she had put it behind her. "A few months ago, during the royal wedding. I...Never saw you present at the invasion at all, actually. I assumed that Celestia was the only alicorn there. Where were you, exactly?"

Luna frowned as she tried to remember what she was doing at the time. "Hmm..."

"Come on, I can dance all day, I can dance all day! Just try and hit me, try and hit me, c'mon!" Luna crowed as she threw a cupcake into a building, causing an explosion of frosting to appear and showing that she got three ponies from it. "Right, right, take the building, it's clear!" Yet another explosion rang out from outside, though Luna simply assumed that it was inside the game she was playing, Call of Cutie. It was a present from her sister, and she was enjoying every moment of it. Sure, it was a pretty standard first pony shooter, as well as being filled with whining colts, but it was more than enough to keep her attention.

"Alright, I'm going in! Cover me!"

"...I...May have been...'Occupied' at the time? With that...Game you bought me?" Luna grinned sheepishly at her sister, who immediately regretted buying the game for her sister.

Celestia sighed, and reached for a crumpet. "Well, that's one way to miss an invasion."

Her sister shot her a hurt look as she took a sip from her tea. "I never knew, Tia!"

I'm going to have one heck of a new lifestyle with these two. Chrysalis mused, as she watched the two sisters bicker with each other.

Author's Note:

The lunar stallion that got sent to the infirmary eventually hooked up with that solar guard that sent him there, so it wasn't that bad

Chrysalis lives in a glorified closet now

Luna plays games with the volume on max for 'realism'

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