• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,654 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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I-I didn't say that, Lulu!

I-I didn't say that, Lulu!

I thought this was going to be something simple. Simple for a genius, no doubt. Why has technology advanced so much and in such a complex way while I was in the moon?! Sure, I do love the fact that there are these things called video games and the heavenly invention of slurpees, but when it comes to other things such as this, I am absolutely clueless! It doesn't help that Elhaym isn't making any sense with what she's saying about these light-bulbs either.

The mentioned guard watched as Luna fumbled around with a light fixture; the one that was in Luna's room had died, and needed to be replaced. Unfortunately, Luna had refused her help and insisted on fixing the lights herself, though Elhaym was seriously doubting that Luna could even go through the manual, since it was taking her five minutes to read one page. That light-bulb didn't look like it was going to be replaced anytime soon.

Clearing her throat audibly to catch Luna's attention, she tried for the tenth time to try and assist her. "Princess Luna, are you sure tha-"

Her words were cut off quickly. "Quite sure, Elhaym! Now, do your job of protecting me from rabid marshmallows."

I...What? Isn't that the job of the kitchen guard? I'm just a library guard, the most I have to worry about are enchanted flying books trying to bite my mane off. "Princess, with all due respect, I'm sure the kitchen guard has section five locked down tight, and I'm a section eight guard. Not only that, but I should be helping you replace the light-bulb in your room, as I am an experienced electrician, or at least was, before I became a royal guard."

"Oh, please, Elhaym! I really do not require your help. After all, how many alicorns does it take to screw in a light-bulb?"

...Are you really referencing that joke, or are you actually being serious right now? "...Do you really want me to answer that, or are you just joking?"

"What are you talking about? It doesn't take an alicorn to screw in a light-bulb, I see normal ponies do it all the time! It surely won't take much effort on my part." With that said, Luna stood up on a rather unsteady looking chair, holding up the accursed light-bulb she had been trying to replace all this time.

At first, things seemed to be going well; Elhaym figured that she would would be the first one to see if it really did take just one alicorn to screw in a light-bulb. History was in the making!

That was before Nightmare Moon showed up, curious about why Luna hadn't showed up online at all yet to play Pony Knights. She had waited an entire twenty minutes for her, and she feared that Luna had suddenly been dumped with paperwork. "Is everything okay, Lulu?

"Just fine, Moonie! What're you doing he-" As Luna's attention was on greeting the newcomer to her room, she slipped off of the unstable chair and fell with an ungraceful thud on the floor. The light-bulb was in the air, and, not wanting any harm to come to the light-bulb or the princess due to shattering glass, Elhaym dived at it, just barely managing to catch it in her hooves in a perfect dive that would have won top awards in a sports competition.

Nightmare Moon was immediately at Luna's side, looking over the alicorn with worry; Luna looked like she had a really nasty fall. "Are you okay, mom?!" Her hooves immediately shot to her mouth, wondering what possessed her to call Luna her mom, despite the logic behind such a sentence. Wait...Did I just call her my mom out loud? Oh. This isn't good.

Well, this is certainly getting interesting. Elhaym watched the events unfold in front of her with interest as she juggled the light-bulb in her hooves.

Surprisingly enough, Luna didn't react too badly to Nightmare Moon's words. "Mmm...I'm okay...I...Wait..." Luna stared at Nightmare Moon with a confused look. "Did you...Just call me mom?"

Nightmare Moon looked over at Elhaym with a look that just screamed 'help'. Sighing, Elhayn nodded at NIghtmare Moon, wondering why her, of all ponies. When I signed up to be a royal guard, this wasn't in the job description. "Erm...I saved the light-bulb, Princess Luna!"

Elhaym's words broke Luna's gaze off of Nightmare Moon, and she nodded slowly at her. "...Good. I suppose you're right, you can screw the light-bulb in for me."

Seeing as she had no way to ignore the order Luna gave her, she nodded slowly before attending to the task that Luna ultimately failed in, while keeping an ear open towards the two alicorns in the room.

"Now...Moonie, what on Equestria was that? Why did you call me 'mom'?" Luna's questioning gaze rested on a fidgeting Nightmare Moon, who was trying to think of a way to get out of this situation without explaining.

Seeing that there was no way out of this situation and that she would only be delaying the inevitable, Nightmare Moon laid down next to Luna. As Luna scrambled up to sit up properly, Nightmare Moon draped a wing over Luna's back; that wasn't something Luna was expecting, but she didn't shy away from Nightmare Moon because of it. "I understand that probably makes you feel uncomfortable, Moonie, but I have to know; you don't just blurt out 'mom' randomly."

Nightmare Moon nodded, and sighed. "I know. I'm sorry about that. I...I've been thinking about our relationship for awhile now, and, as much as it might startle you, I think I've come to think of you as my mother."

Luna frowned slightly at what Nightmare Moon said. "Well, does that really mean I'm your mother, though? You're not a pony that has been born by...'Traditional' means, so I don't know if you can apply the word 'mother' to me."

"Admittedly I was not physically born, nor have I actually had a foalhood, but that doesn't mean you're not my mother. Tia is often considered the 'mother' of Equestria because she takes care of everypony she can and tries to keep teach them about Harmony. That's not much different from what mothers have to do, and, whenever I'm with you, it certainly feels like you're my mother, even though you don't particularly teach me anything I haven't already found out about."

Maybe...Maybe she's right. She technically 'sprung' from my horn, I did create her personality, as flawed as it was in some areas, and I do a lot of motherly things with her. In a surprise move that wasn't expected by anypony present, Luna began to nuzzle Nightmare Moon gently. "Well, then, if I'm your mother, that means you're going to have to listen to me, right?"

Nightmare Moon pulled away from the nuzzling to blow a raspberry at Luna. "Fat chance, mother."

"Aw..." Luna was going to say more, but Elhaym spoke up first.

"I got it!" Elhaym grinned as she finally screwed in the light-bulb, much to Luna's anger.

"That stupid light-bulb..."

Author's Note:

How many alicorns does it take to screw in a light-bulb? The world may never know

Expanding character relationships, yay

Elhaym saves the day with the light-bulb

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