• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,654 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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This is art, Tia!

This is art, Tia!

Ugh. Today was boring; why did cheap thrills and fun have to be so fleeting and far inbetween? Luna would have killed to have Discord's power for her own, if it meant she could have some fun on a whim. Though, she'd probably then be the new god(dess) of chaos, placed into stone, and...Well, she didn't want that. Things had their drawbacks, it seemed. Sighing, she continued to walk through what was considered to be the most artistic museum in Canterlot, the 'Museum of the creative works of all sentient beings. It contained everything from the wild yet refined paintings of the buffalo to the 'art' of the ramblings and chicken scratch of some of the most insane ponies to have ever existed, and even poetry written by lovesick mules over seaponies existed here.

It also meant that she was extremely bored. She liked art, make no mistake, but she liked art that was new, brilliant, dazzling, something she wouldn't usually have stopped to look at and even consider it art; now, that was what she liked to see from ponies. Not this...Boring canvas in front of her depicting a mare eating an app-. She decided to let the name of the accursed 'fruit' go unfinished, and she inwardly shuddered as she quickly left the painting. In fact, to heck with this museum, she was getting out! Ponies looked away from the paintings to see Luna stride out the doors with a bang, and take in a deep breath of clean, fresh air; finally, away from the stuffiness and boring tones of colorful yet very bland art inside of the museum!

Once outside, she began walking around Canterlot, not particularly looking for anything or anypony. She was bowed to and asked if she needed anything, of course, but for the most part, she was ignored. That was great! It meant she could walk down the streets of Canterlot without her thoughts being interrupted. Unfortunately, that was not to be, as she heard the rattle of a spray can, and then the telltale sound of it being sprayed.

Oh, a graffiti artist is nearby, working on their craft! Luna began walking towards the sound quietly, not wanting to disturb the artist. Graffiti! The only 'art' around that I've come to appreciate! While Luna was interested in the study of art, a thousand years of it hadn't really changed much. Graffiti, however, was the exception; it was new, clean, fresh; it was amazing, it was bold, it was...Graffiti. It had a certain charm to it, one that a pony could see in its bright colors and the messages it could convey to somepony.

As she rounded the corner, she saw a stallion dressed up in a hoodie (with the hood on) and jeans, covering up most of his body (which included his cutie mark), and a backpack off to the side, which was open for the world to see. Upon closer inspection, Luna saw that it was full of spray cans, each of a different color. So many spray cans for a single picture! Her view then switched to what the stallion was making, and she placed a hoof to her mouth, trying not to giggle.

Now, graffiti in Canterlot was usually made to express an idea, thought, or emotion. Obviously, this stallion was conveying emotion, as he was spray painting a hilariously inappropriate picture of Celestia and with much emphasis on her rump and for some odd reason, macaroni and cheese. Her giggling could not be held back, as it was far too strong, and the stallion tensed, realizing that he was not alone. He looked over towards the sound, and, simultaneously, he dropped the spray can in his magical grasp and his eyes widened as he saw who was watching him. Luna's eyes, too, widened, and she stopped giggling as she saw the face of the stallion, just barely through his hood.

Is that...? "Bluebloo-"

I am in so much trouble. "Auntie Lu-"

Both had spoken at the same time, and both stopped. This is quite an awkward situation, Luna mused with a slightly amused smile. After a short, awkward moment between the two, Luna spoke up.

"So...Erm, nephew..."

"Yes, auntie?" Both ponies continued to awkwardly stare at each other, not knowing what this meant for either them; Luna scuffed her hooves on the street before smiling, and levitated a can of spray paint over to herself.

Oh, what the hay, I might as well get into the spirit! "Can you teach me how to do this?"

Blueblood had a slow, uncertain smile cross his face, and he picked up the spray can he dropped, shaking it for a moment before returning to his 'art'.

Whew! "Of course, auntie!"

Luna hummed quietly to herself as she worked alongside Blueblood, helping him to 'paint' an even more obscene picture of Celestia doing unspeakable things to a cake. It felt...Oddly refreshing to be doing this, especially next to her nephew, who she didn't really give much thought to. She rattled her spray can for a moment before adding an extra layer of yellow onto the cake, and Blueblood stepped back to admire their latest piece of work.

"I daresay that even Celestia wouldn't be able to miss this!"

"Quite right, nephew; I certainly can't miss this."

Uh oh. Luna promptly dropped the spray can and turned around to see Blueblood cowering like a wimp in front of Celestia, who had a frown on her face. She pointed at the latest piece of 'art' the two did, and sighed.

"I was worried about where you went off to, Luna, but I can see that I didn't really have to worry. What is this?"

This is bad, this is really bad. "Erm. This is art, Tia!"

Celestia raised an eyebrow, and took a good, long look at what Luna considered 'art'. "Art...Of me doing such a...Crude thing to a cake? Do you really think I'd burn a cake?"

"Well...To be fair, it is a banana cake."

Celestia groaned, and brought the hoof that was formerly pointing at the 'painting' to her face. "Of all the things you two could have been doing...Do you know what happens now, Lulu?"


"Take a guess, then."

Luna slowly began to back away further into the alleyway, wanting to distance herself from Celestia and her surefire retribution on her.

"Oh, please don't send me to the moon for another thousand years!"

"Oh, please, I would never think of sending you to the moon again, Lulu!"

Then...What? "Then what are you going to do, Tia?"

Luna blinked when her sister grabbed a spray can, and grinned wolfishly. "I think it's my turn to make some 'art' of you two doing unspeakable things." Blueblood looked over at Luna, and winced as he got back up on his hooves.

"This isn't going to end well for the both of us, is it, auntie Lulu?"

"I can only hope it won't, Blueblood."

Author's Note:

Blueblood is the number one graffiti artist in Canterlot

Luna likes art

Celestia also likes art

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