• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,655 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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Ha Ha, very funny, Lulu!

Ha Ha, very funny, Lulu!

Well, this is new. Outwardly, Celestia sighed and looked disturbed as she looked over the damage reports that prince Blueblood had caused; graffiti on the walls, charged with the assault and battery of Philomena, and somehow hijacking a truck full of cinnamon buns with a broom and a paperclip with some accomplice playing the saxophone in the background, only to park the truck right outside his home, where he was found gorging on cinnamon buns at four o'clock in the morning with the sound of quiet sax being played nearby. Inwardly, however, she was jealous and happy for Blueblood; he was finally living the life! No more was he hidden underneath that stuffy, princey persona! Though, there was a touch of jealousy, as he was doing all the things she wanted to, and she knew that if she ever tried to do the things he did here, the whole nation would have been shocked to the core about the 'prim and proper' princess doing such depraved things.

Thank you for giving me a little bit of humor today, nephew. She wrote off Blueblood's charges, even if it meant paying out of her own pocket for a little damage to Canterlot and a few scarred ponies that had their opinions about Blueblood changed; the one thing her nephew wouldn't get out of, though, was the talk she was going to have with him about laying low and being discreet next time. Things were only fun when you could get away with it. That, and if there was an actual point in doing things like this, only to get easily caught later; criminal activities weren't exactly the best place to go to for fun, especially if the cinnamon buns you stole were supposed to be a part of her breakfast.

Woo! I need a break for all this. Afterwards, Celestia stood up from her desk, and exited her study room; after all, reading such a humorous report after that? There was no way she'd be able to go back to paperwork after that! She'd just dump her work on her sister. Luna might grumble at her, but that was nothing a moon pie couldn't fix. Or a little bit of tickle torture.

It's so warm today...Perfect! As she passed by a window, she stretched her wings out in joy as the warmth from her sun touched her for the first time in a few hours; she disliked being confined to her study, though that was mostly her fault. Still, she really needed to get out more, and she spent a few moments standing out there, letting her sun seep through into her fur. At least, until a voice called her out on it.

"Are you a statue, or my sister?"

The sound of the mocking voice made Celestia roll her eyes as she played along with this pony's joke. "I'm the statue of Celestia, the one and only princess of cake!" Celestia folded her wings back in, and turned around at the sound of the voice, which, of course, happened to be none other than Luna, who stuck her tongue out at her before cuffing Celestia gently, which was replicated by her sister. The two giggled softly together before Luna spoke up, with a curious glint in her eyes.

"So, why are you out of your study, Tia? I thought that you said today's papers were going to be more demanding than usual."

You don't know the half of it. Celestia nodded, and vaguely waved a hoof over at her study, disgruntled about her work. "Even so, after reading a particularly hilarious report, I feel inclined to relax after reading it; it leaves a better taste in my mouth than relaxing after reading some fifty page proposal about growing apples on clouds and how it would benefit the pegasai."

"...Is that even possible? Growing trees on clouds, I mean."

"I don't know if it is, Lulu, but I'd feel safer knowing that the cloud I'm flying under won't suddenly drop an apple tree on me."

Luna snorted, and began walking down the hallway, followed closely by Celestia, who was still thinking about Blueblood's deeds earlier this morning; Luna noticed her sister's thoughts occupied elsewhere, and sighed. Her sister could be so concentrated on her thoughts that she wasn't able to see what was in front of her; Luna stopped as Celestia continued walking forward, into a set of very heavy, and from the sound, very hurtful pair of oak doors. Celestia, zero, oak doors, one, as one could tell from the sprawled out alicorn in front of the doors.

Celestia, after being so immersed in her thoughts, was a little bit loopy and tried to figure out what just happened to her, though probably not in the best of ways. "...Mommy, did Lulu drop a piano on me again?"

Snorting, Luna dryly commented as she walked up to her sister, helping her back up to her hooves. "The mighty oak doors have defeated you in mortal combat, sister, and now they ask to be the sole rulers of Equestria while we languish in chains in some backwater dungeon. How could you, Tia?! Equestria was depending on you to save us all from the oak doors!"

My sister, the comedian. "Ha ha, very funny, Lulu!" Celestia shot her a glare as she tried to push open the doors, to no avail; she sighed, and kicked at the doors, only to get a smarting pain in her hoof. "Ow! Why won't this darn door open?!"

Luna took a long look at her sister before she gave her a simple answer for such a simple question. "Pull."

Celestia looked confused by the simple answer, and voiced it as such with an equally simple question. "What?"

Is it not obvious enough? Luna tried again, gesturing towards the door as she said her answer. "Pull."

Lulu... Celestia fumed; she was getting nowhere with Luna's games, so she decided to be a little more specific. "Pull what?"

OH FOR FAUST'S SAKE... With a groan, Luna decided to physically show her sister what she meant. Grasping onto one of the handles, she pulled the door open, flatly explaining to her sister, "Pull the door."

"...And that is why I now have the imprint of a stop sign on my rump, with brick debris all over my body and some chewed up gum in my mane." Luna finished explaining to one prince Blueblood, who smirked and tried to contain his giggling; Luna rolled her eyes, and walked off, smarting from the pain from her rump getting hit by a stop sign swung at a good eighty miles per hour, had bricks thrown at her, and had gum forcibly stuck to her mane by a raging Princess Celestia, who then afterwards cried herself to sleep due to being bested by giant oak doors.

Author's Note:

Celestia loves imprinting stop signs on rumps

Gum stuck in your hair is terrible

I need to write more Blueblood interaction

Tia now has a hatred for doors, specifically oak ones

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