• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,654 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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I can't describe it, Lulu!

I can't describe it, Lulu!

Chrysalis was currently rummaging through her refurbished room (though it still felt like a closet) for a snack. Although she mainly fed on love, it wasn't very nutritious, so she still had to eat like every other pony. While it was true that she probably could have just gone into the kitchens nearby for a more filling item, she didn't want to disturb the cooks; apparently Celestia and Luna bothered the cooks every other day, so she didn't want to add to that. Unfortunately, her own personal little fridge had absolutely nothing inside of it, which irked her immensely.

"There was literally a mountain of marshmallows here, and now there's nothing! Tia mentioned something about each of them having a little space set aside for each of them containing their own snacks, and I know I sent my list of things I like to the chefs! Ugh..."

Upset over the fact that she had no food to consume now, she picked up the mini fridge and threw it at her door. Of course, that was when the door opened, and a startled voice rang out. "What the heck?! Chrys, are you TRYING to kill me?!" Life was funny like that; Chrysalis indeed wanted her mini fridge to die, though she didn't think it would try to take another pony with it.

Nice timing, Chrys. She flashed an apologetic smile at the annoyed alicorn. "Sorry, Lulu! I assure you it was not my intention to kill you with an empty mini fridge!"

"Doesn't look like it from what I saw." Luna walked into the room, levitating Chrysalis' mini fridge behind her. "Honestly, Chrys, you need to be more careful."

I need to be more careful? This is coming from the alicorn that jumped out the window and just barely managed to fit through it, just to chase Blueblood. "Uh, okay. That is deliciously ironic, Lulu, coming from you."

Luna set down the mini fridge next to Chrysalis, and stuck her tongue out at her. "Stop mocking me, Chrys! I hate it when you turn my own words around on me like that. Anyway, I came back to ask you a question, that is, if you're comfortable about answering it. It's...Something I felt like should come from you rather than asking a random changeling."

Interesting. "Oh? What do you need asking me for that cannot be answered by any other changeling?"

"Well, I also wanted a personal view on it, and since, well, you were the former queen of the changelings, you'd know something of it." Luna pulled up a chair, and sat across from Chrysalis. "Not to be rude, but your changelings also aren't the easiest things to talk to. They tend to...Absorb a few details from the ponies they've masqueraded, apparently, because I've recently met a large group of changelings asking for permission to take leave for Ponyville because they suddenly feel like becoming crazed bakers, obsessive fashion designers, stubborn apple farmers, paranoid librarians, quiet animal caretakers and loud, obnoxious Wonderbolt hopefuls. They're not really who I'd go to in the first place. You are, though!"

I really wish I knew why my changelings keep a few personality traits of other ponies with them, because it's not making my life easier. I also sincerely hope she's not about to ask about the holes in our hooves, because that's a story I'd rather not explain. "Well, you're keeping me in too much suspense, Lulu! I'm going to need you to tell me what the question is if you want an answer to that question."

"I know how the process works, Chrys, sheesh. Anyway, what's it like, taking love from a pony, and how does it taste like?"

Hm...That's a very interesting question, actually. It's about on the same level of difficulty of trying to describe color to a blind pony. "It's...Well, it's just like eating, really, Lulu. Just...A lot different. It's like...Um..."

Chrysalis began to think about changelings and their unique need for love. How exactly did you describe that to somepony that wasn't a changeling? "...All I can say for sure is the first part of your question about 'taking' love from a pony, and my answer to that is that they might feel a little drained of energy, but they won't be any worse for wear, unless a changeling feeds off them regularly. I can't really say anything about the taste, you have to be a changeling to understand what love tastes like."

Luna had a look of despair on her face that was very accurately showing how sad her curiosity was. If there was ever a word able to fully describe what I'm feeling right now, it would be disappointment. "But Chrys, the taste! It's something that I really, really want to know! You can't just tell me it's something that only changelings would be able to understand!"

"I can't describe it, Lulu! I'm sorry, but that's all I can say!"

Luna stood up from her chair, with a sudden, desperate look in her eyes. No! I need to know! "You don't understaaaaaaaaaaaand Chrys, I neeeeeeeeeeeeed to know! It's annoying to have this curiosity you just can't satisfy, like an itch that won't go away, or that moon pie you want but can't have because you ate them all already, or...Or something else equally annoying! This will haunt me for a very long time, and as immortal alicorns a long time is too long! Please, I need to knooooooooooow!"

"First, you put me down. Gently." During Luna's panic, she had picked up Chrysalis in her hooves and was adjusting her position in what seemed like an attempt to throw her.

How does that even happen? I need to panic less. Sheepishly, Luna set Chrysalis back down, who was trying to figure out an answer for Luna's sake.

What do I say? I don't exactly have an answer to her question, so I should probably think of something that would push her away. Hm...Ah, got it! She hates apples but likes bananas, so I should combine the two together and see if that's enough to push her away!

"Well, the closest thing that I can say that love tastes like for me is a banapple."

Once Chrysalis said that, she dearly wished she could have captured Luna's confused expression on her face, because it was by far the best thing she'd seen in a long while. "I...Huh? What? A banapple...?"

"Yes, Lulu, a combination of bananas and apples, and what a delightful combination it is! I try to mix actual apples and bananas together in an attempt to replicate the taste, but sadly, it just doesn't taste the same, like love does."

There was an unsettling twitch of Luna's eyes, and her voice suddenly took on a menacing tone. Unfortunately for Chrysalis, she didn't notice. "You...You eat apples...And mix them with bananas...?"

"Correct, Lulu! It's actually one of my favorite things to do, since it tastes great!"

You did not just...HOW COULD YOU, CHRYS?! I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING! Luna grimaced, and spoke with the intensity that was the Royal Canterlot Voice. "THAT'S DISGUSTING! HOW COULD YOU EAT SUCH AN UNHOLY ABOMINATION?! I WILL KILL YOU, HERETIC!"

Uh oh.

Author's Note:

Mini fridge projectiles on sale for 2.50

Luna wonders what love tastes like and is too curious

Chrysalis can't describe anything so she tries to push Luna away

It backfires


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