• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,655 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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Wear this tutu, Lulu!

Wear this tutu, Lulu!

I think this'll look perfect on Lulu! Celestia smiled at the thought of her sister wearing a tutu as she watched as Rarity began to sketch the measurements of Luna's body (Celestia had her sister measured one week prior to this for some dresses) and the proposed tutu out. It truly looked cute, and Luna would most likely, probably, hopefully without killing her sister, would love it after being fitted into it!

...Nah, I'm delusional, she'd kill me after this. It'll be SO worth it, though, to see her dressed in this! Celestia rubbed her hooves together maliciously (and rather creepily), causing a sound that made Rarity look at her with a concerned (for herself) gaze. She tried to resume working on the tutu, but the rubbing of Celestia's hooves against each other combined with what she saw easily broke her concentration, and she couldn't focus on the tutu anymore. She gulped, and hoped that the rumors about Princess Celestia weren't true.

Please tell me that gaze and the hoof rubbing is for the tutu and not me, PLEASE, FAUST, I BEG YOU. "...Princess Celestia, are you quite alright? You're...Erm, breaking my concentration. On the tutu. With your hoof rubbing."

Celestia stopped her creepy hoof rubbing in surprise, and she grinned sheepishly as she backed away from the unicorn, giggling rather nervously. Oh dear, I must have looked like quite the creepy pony, doing that just behind miss Rarity. No wonder ponies spread rather scandalous rumors about me! "I-I'm sorry, Miss Rarity. Do you wish for me to come back at a later time to your boutique when the tutu is ready?"

Bless you, Faust. "Why, sure! You can visit Twilight in the library, I'm sure she'd be happy to see you!" No offense, princess, but...You're creeping me out. I'm also sure that Twilight can 'handle' you a lot better than I could! "Now, run along!" Please. Rarity opened the door for the princess, who smiled a little more genuinely this time, without embarrassment being a (major) factor of it.

Smooth, Tia, smooth. "Yes, I think I'll go do that, Rarity. You'll receive the other half of your payment upon completing the tutu." With that, Celestia walked outside of Rarity's boutique, wondering what her student was up to.

This is glorious. Nothing can compare to the wonderful tutu in Lulu's room, that Lulu has no knowledge of; I will enjoy every...Well, okay, maybe not the part where she bashes my skull in, but every part leading up to dressing her up in this tutu! Celestia had taken the liberty of sneaking the tutu into Luna's room while her sister was not in there, and had spent an enjoyable evening with Luna, who was currently highlighting the most amusing parts of Blueblood's antics tonight. Oh, trust me, Lulu, tonight's just going to get much more interesting.

As the two sisters walked towards the younger sister's room, Celestia stayed with Luna, rather than walk off without her. This caused Luna to look at Celestia perplexedly, wondering why she was still with her.

"Tia, it'll only be a minute for me to grab a few things from my room; you can go on ahead."

Oh no I won't. "I can wait, Lulu; besides, its been quite awhile since I saw the inside of your room!" Her voice then dripped pure, raw malice. "I certainly hope your room is clean; you remember what we did to make sure your room was clean, don't you?"

...I wish she forgot. Luna had an unfortunate flashback; back when she was a little filly (and was called 'little' by her sister whenever she could, much to her dismay), she was notorious for not cleaning up her room. No matter how hard Faust and Celestia had tried to teach her, she just couldn't clean her room. Luna would give wild explanations about why she couldn't clean her room, ranging from things such as the gingerbread man, the grim reaper, and meteors from outer space distracting her by wanting to play dress up against her will with her.

Faust, tired of her excuses, had warned her that she would take away Luna's milk and cookie privileges for a month if she saw her bedroom in a complete wreck one more time; immediately, Luna had sharpened up, and cleaned her room in ten seconds flat. Even when Faust left them to their own devices, Celestia made good on Faust's warning (much to Luna's distaste), and to this day, Luna was still scared stiff of the punishment.

"Y-Yes, Tia, my room is clean." I hope. She pushed open her door, revealing a clean room, much to her relief. Everything was in place, there were no messes, and there was a mannequin in the middle of the room with a ridiculous tutu on it. "Everything's fine in her-" Her wide eyes snapped on the tutu in the middle of the room. "Wait, where did that tutu come from?"

Here we go! "Oh my, Lulu, I thought you told me that you hated playing dress up; it seems that I've been lied to! Wear this tutu, Lulu! I want to see how you look like in it!"

I...Uh, buh? I never had a tutu! "T-Tia, I don't think that's mine! I also really do hate playing dress up!"

"Nonsense, it looks like it could fit on you, and you were always such a terrible liar! Come on, put it on, Lulu!"

Like HECK I will! Wait, what are yo- "No, I won- HEY! STOP THAT, NO- ARRRRGH!"

After a very hard-won struggle, Celestia giggled as she took in the sight of a fuming Luna in a tutu. "Ah, you look so cuuuuuuuute in that tutu, Luna!"

Oh, Tia, you are so going to get it. "Tia?"

This must be the part where she makes a threat. "Yes, Lulu? Is the tutu alright? It looks absolutely splendid!"

"Forget about the tutu, you're dead."

"I know, but at least I got pictures of this!" Celestia crowed, holding up a camera.

Luna's eyes began twitching, and she stepping menacingly towards her sister, who wisely ran away.

Author's Note:

Luna hates playing dress up

Celestia won't die, obviously, but she'll be smarting from Luna's rampage

The photos are Celestia's piece of blackmail in the event that Luna demanded control over the milk and cookie industries

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