• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,654 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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Ew, ew, ew, Tia!

Ew, ew, ew, Tia!

This would be the last thing I would be doing with the last pony that would cross my mind in the last place that I would chose while eating the last thing I'd chose to eat while...Being the first time I've actually had fun going out on a date with a pony that for the first time isn't intimidated to heck by me!

The positive thought was from Celestia, who was currently residing in Spitfire's cloud-mansion, watching old kung-fu movies with her while eating deep-fried sushi (she didn't understand why Spitfire would ever deep-fry something that was supposed to be eaten raw, but the results were delicious, unhealthy and a delight to crunch in-between her teeth) and, of course, enjoying herself, which was very refreshing and a nice change to the usual antics that went on with her sister, Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon and sometimes Cadence. Speaking of which, she dumped quite a bit of work on Luna, but it wasn't anything too difficult, mostly just a few signatures that could or could not be given to some petitions.

After the little kiss on the cheek earlier when Spitfire had asked for some extra bits for the Wonderbolts, Celestia had cornered Spitfire a few days later, and confessed to her that she had a slight interest with her after receiving said kiss. Amazingly, Spitfire merely grinned, and asked her out on a date to get to know her a little better, to which Celestia immediately accepted. It went off well, and now the two were simply hanging out in Spitfire's mansion, though in all honesty, Celestia was glad, as she wasn't sure if she wanted any of the other alicorns to know that she was now dating Spitfire (though she had a suspicion that Luna knew).

"Awwh, yeah, it don't get no better than dat, Tia! Kung-fu movies are always da best things to watch while eatin' deep-fried chop-suey!"

"Ya, Spit, it's nice seein' these pawnies ge-"

Spitfire immediately placed a hoof on Celestia's mouth, and shook her head slowly with disappointment and dismay. "Tia, I luv ya, hun, but fer Faust's sake, dun try agin."

Now, in an attempt to connect with Spitfire better, Celestia had begun to try speaking the way the captain of the Wonderbolts spoke like, and she thought she was doing fine. Unfortunately, in practice, with Celestia speaking properly most of her life (which was countless years), the attempt to change from properly speaking to broken Equestrian that was vaguely able to be understood was nigh impossible for the alicorn. She tried, and Spitfire immediately stopped her before any more damage could be done. Even so, Lives were forever changed when Celestia tried talking, and some ponies would never again look at her the same way again.

Slowly, Spitfire removed her hoof from Celestia's mouth, and the princess smiled sheepishly at her. "...Sorry, Spitfire."

"It's okay, luv, ya tried. Badly, but ya tried."

Just as the protagonist (Berry Punch the drunken) of the kung-fu movie was about to face off against the antagonist (Ditsy Doo the invincible), one of Spitfire's servants began walking up to the two. Spitfire saw the servant approaching them, and paused the movie. "Luv, can ya get more sushi out fer me while I attend to whaeva this servant needs?"

"Of course, Spitfire." Celestia gave Spitfire a kiss on the cheek, and the pegasus just managed to keep her blush under control as the alicorn left to travel down into the kitchens. Once she was out of sight, she turned over to her servant, and coughed. "Ya?"

"Excuse me, mistress, but you have another guest waiting outside. Shall I admit them in or chase them off with a broomstick?"

Spitfire narrowed her eyes slightly. "Is it ma sister Rainbaw Das agin, demandin' she gets in tha W-Team n' wants 'er Lulu plushie back?"

"No, mistress, it's not your sister, but it is rather ironic that you mention your sister's plushie, as at our door is indeed princess Luna, Spitfire."

"Aw, hell, let 'er in! I ain't makin' Tia's sister wait!"

"Very well, mistress." The servant bowed before walking off, and Spitfire walked back over to the sofa, awaiting Celestia to return with the sushi, and for princess Luna to arrive.

Huh. Neva though I'd be datin' a princess, but it's...Nice. She's like Fley Truths, tho not as scary... Spitfire began musing over past ex's, most of which happened to be unicorns. I wondah what Twi would say if she saw me n' Tia tahgether...It's too bad me n' Twi didn't hit it off tha great...Ah well, she's a bookie, I can't handle her. The faint sound of hooves hitting the floor caused her to turn her head around, and Spitfire watched as Luna made her way over to her. "Hey-o Loony!"

"Hello Spit!" Luna smiled; Spitfire was one of the few ponies that wasn't so easily intimidated by her. "I understand Tia is here?"

"Ya, we've been watchin' a kung-fu movie while eatin' deep-fried sushi!"

...You...Deep-fry sushi? Luna tried to comprehend what Spitfire said before sighing. Spitfire's...Unique, I have to say that much. "I...See. Well, Spitfire, I've come to tell Tia that it's almost time for her to lower the sun, but I don't see her anywhere with you. Where is she?"

"Alright, Spitfire, I got the sushi! Oh, hi Lulu."

"Thar she is, Lulu!" Spitfire grinned as she stepped up to Celestia and gave her a kiss on the cheek before taking the plate of deep-fried sushi from her. "Thanks, luv!"

A small smile and slight blush was on Celestia's face from the kiss, and she was about to comment on it, Luna made a very inappropriate noise, causing Celestia to look at her sister with worry. "Is something wrong, Lulu?"

"Yes! Ew, ew, ew, Tia! You two are...Dating?!"

Unfortunately for Luna, a slight nod from her sister told her everything she needed to know (even though she never wanted to know in the first place). "That's gross!"

Spitfire was openly frowning at Luna now, wondering why she was suddenly against the two. "There a prob', Lulu?"

Luna made a face, and nodded furiously. "Yes! There's nothing as disgusting as knowing that your older sister is going out on a date with somepony!"

With a sigh, Celestia gently nuzzled Spitfire (ignoring the fact that Luna was pointedly looking away). "I'll be back sometime tomorrow, Spitfire, if I can make some time."

"Eh, no worries, luv! Ta-ta!" Spitfire waved a hoof in dismissal, and Celestia began walking out with Luna, who was glaring at her. Sighing, Spitfire resumed the movie, watching as Ditsy Doo suplexed Berry Punch to the ground. Ouch. That's gotta hurt.

Not three seconds after they left the mansion, Luna cuffed Celestia over the head. "Tia, I can't believe you! You dumped all that work on me to go on a date with Spitfire!"

Celestia was quite frankly surprised that Luna even mentioned the work, for she forgot all about it after seeing Berry Punch headbutt Ditsy Doo. "Oh, you're done with all the work?"

Luna shook her head. "No, I dumped it on Bluey and Chrys. That's not the point, though! The point is, it's weird to see you dating somepony! You're my sister!"

Celestia wasn't quite sure what Luna was getting at. "So?"

A groan left Luna, who was waving her hooves around in agitation. "It's gross! I don't want to see you in the future getting lovey-dovey with Spitfire, making doe eyes at each other and...Urrgh, calling each other pet names! The thought of it makes me want to throw up!"

"...Then why haven't you?"

"What?" You aren't saying that...

"We already make doe eyes at each other, call each other pet names, and some other stuff."

A poor choice of words on Celestia's part, as she had to explain to Applejack why pony-vomit suddenly rained down from the sky upon her.

Author's Note:

Commence the SpitTia shipping

I kind of want to keep the accent but it's getting painful to write

It was never this hard with the pirate kitchen worker

Yes I'm having Spitfire and 'Rainbaw Das' as sisters, just like Vinyl is sisters with Rarity

Berry Punch and Ditsy Doo are professional actors but they forgot it was supposed to be kung-fu and not wrestling

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