• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,655 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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You know it, Tia!

You know it, Tia!

This isn't weird at all. Nope. Na-da. Zilch. This is perfectly normal for somepony to do and I am totally not violating Tia's personal space by doing this. Mhm. Nothing is wrong at all about this. This popcorn is tasty, too.

Luna was currently setting up camp outside of Celestia's bathroom, and was enjoying the singing that her sister was performing in the shower. While the idea of sitting outside your sibling's bathroom to listen to them sing in the shower might be considered strange and outright disturbing to other ponies, it wasn't her problem. It really wasn't. Her sister had such a beautiful voice that not many ponies ever got to hear, usually because thirty seconds into her singing, Celestia could practically make anypony cry with it. So, she never tried again, at least in public.

Right now, though, she was singing softly in the shower, where she couldn't accidentally make everypony within hearing distance of her start crying as if thousands of onions were cut. The fact that most ponies couldn't listen to her sister sing deeply upset Luna.

It is truly a curse, is it not? To have such a beautiful voice, yet being unable to let other ponies listen to such beautiful singing. I am saddened, Tia, that you cannot sing in public, for you far outclass any singer I've ever listened to; then again, in this era, ponies don't really have that much talent, as I've seen from browsing the internet. Honestly, auto-tune and terrible lyrics do not make a good singer. Compared to those ponies, I think you'd easily demolish your 'competition'.

The rush of water suddenly stopped, and Luna guessed that her sister was getting out of the shower, and beginning to dry herself off. This suspicion was confirmed as no singing was heard from Celestia for awhile and the faint sounds of ruffling feathers was heard. A good five minutes passed by before Celestia's voice sounded out again.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are..."

Smiling, Luna remembered when Faust taught her that old rhyme, long ago. Ah...That old nursery rhyme! That's one of my favorites.

"Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky..."

Once you think about it, it's rather ironic that she's singing this, isn't she?

"When the blazing sun is gone, when the nothing shines is gone..." Celestia's voice was suddenly muffled, and Luna winced as she heard something fall down onto the floor with a crash. "Well, that's just great! Ugh, stupid wings, always getting in the way, tipping over things and making me look silly."

Typical; you're so clumsy! What did you break this time, Tia? Luna got up from the large beanie she was sitting on, placed her popcorn off to the side, and reached out with a hoof towards the handle of the doorway separating her from her sister, but she pulled away slightly, unsure of how to proceed. There were too many unknowns for her to make a decision just yet. Her sister was obviously annoyed, but over what, she couldn't tell, though the tinkling of glass wasn't a good sign. Maybe she broke her mirror?

As Luna thought about the potential routes she could take, Celestia rambled to herself as the sound of tinkering was heard. "This is terrible...Now where am I going to put my toothbrush?! I'm not going to find a vase like that again. Lulu would be so disappointed if she knew about this."

Out of instinct, she replied to her sister. "Disappointed in what, Tia?" All too late, she clamped a hoof over her mouth. Nice going! Now Tia knows I'm here!

The response was immediate, and Celestia's voice was hysterical. "L-Lulu?! W-What are you doing in my room?!"

Me and my big mouth. Quickly, Luna came up with an excuse to her presence. "I-I was passing by, and heard you sing! So I sat down in front of your door and began listening in!" She need not know that I've been sitting outside her bathroom door in the mornings for the past three months.

"...I see. Well, could you leave my room for a moment? I...Need to go put some clothes on, I'm...Indecent!"

If Twilight Sparkle is terrible at giving out excuses, Tia, she must have learned from the best; and I know she most likely got that bad habit from you. At least try to make a good excuse! "Tia, please, you know I heard the...Whatever the thing is that you broke. Now, since I'm concerned about it, on the count of three, I'm coming in."

"N-No, Lulu, don't-"

"Three." Luna push the door open, and took things in very quickly. Celestia's eyes were wide with indignation of having her sister barge into her bathroom, but then anypony would have that same indignation. At her hooves, however, was a pile of what looked like to be glass, something very colourful that sparked faint recognition within Luna. She approached her sister, who groaned as she drew near.

"Okay, look, before you get mad at me, promise me that when you banish me to the sun, you at least give me some cookies."

No banishing for you, Tia, I'm not running Equestria with Moonie and Chrys, that would be ridiculous. Anyway, I think I know what this is...Or, rather, was. "Tia. Is this...What used to be that glass vase I gave to you on one of your birthdays? The vase that I personally went to a horrible smelling pony that smelled like sulfur to learn glass-blowing from, and has been kept safe all these years until you probably tipped it over with your wings and broke it today?"

With obvious reluctance, Celestia admitted to what she did. "...Yes."

"Wow. I...I don't know what to say." Unfortunately for her, Celestia took these words the wrong way, and responded by staring down at the mess on the floor with a sad look, sending Luna on an immediate guilt trip. She approached her sister, and took hold of her in a hug, being careful not to step on the broken glass. "I didn't mean it like that, Tia...It's just amazing that you would keep such an ugly piece of glassware all these years."

The look on Celestia's face was priceless, and Luna couldn't help but giggle at it. "No, seriously, that thing was ugly and quite frankly I'm surprised you didn't put it out of it's misery sooner."

The hug was returned by Celestia, who was now leaning on her sister (who stifled a groan from having to hold up Celestia's weight). "I-I couldn't throw it away, Lulu...Y-Yes, it was undeniably ugly and most likely would blind anypony that wasn't an alicorn, but it was made from you; that's the important thing. It also held my toothbrush, once upon a time."

"Aw, that's so sweet; so sweet that it makes me want to puke."

Celestia pulled away from Luna, who was glad to not support her sister's weight anymore. "The toliets over there, Lulu."

"I know that; you're just really fat and heavy, so I didn't want you leaning on me and accidentally crushing me when I fall over due to being unable to support your weight."

Celestia's eyes narrowed. "You're evil."

With a wink, Luna walked away from her sister. "You know it, Tia!"

Author's Note:

The way I imagine Celestia singing is the Dead Space version of Twinkle twinkle little star, which is definitely something not rated E for everyone, so I advise trying not to look for the song due to the related videos that follow it (it's practically the same thing as the original song, just sung creepier, so you're not missing much)

Luna doesn't like this era's song writers and singers

Celestia broke a thing

I don't know either

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