• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,651 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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It's not what it looks like, Lulu!

It's not what it looks like, Lulu!

"Oh, mon cheri," the handsome stallion murmured, holding a beautiful mare in his arms, "I have long loved you at first sight, but circumstance forces me to leave..."

A gasp left the mare's mouth, and she sobbed into the stallion's chest, not wanting to believe the cruel words he spoke. "Oh, non, merci! We have not had long together! Please, stay with me a little longer." She leaned in, closing the distance between the two...

And then, they kissed... Celestia wrote down, smiling as she continued to write down the words for a romance that she had been writing for well over a few years now (a little while after Twilight was her student). One thing she would never admit to others was that she enjoyed a good romance novel; she could never say that she enjoyed them due to the fact that enough ponies write about romance, and unfortunately, the writings were...'Lackluster'. While some of the romance novels written were genuinely good reads that she would gobble up like many ponies did, there were also lesser quality ones that should never have had seen the light of day. She especially had a special shiver every time there was a romance novel about her; while she loved her little ponies, and often said that, some ponies often misinterpreted that, and some just so happen to publish a romance novel with her in it. I love you, my little ponies, but sometimes your affection back for me is too much!

As she set her quill aside, thinking about how best to proceed onward from this chapter, there was a knock at her door. Ah! That must be the cake I ordered earlier! It's about time! "Come in!" Celestia's eagerness for cake soon turned into surprise as she saw Luna push a cart with what Celestia assumed to be her slice of cake. "Lulu! I wasn't expecting you tonight, much less with my cake!"

Luna raised a brow as she pushed the cart in front of her sister. "Can I not pay my sister a visit? And the maid that was pushing the cart to your room was nearby, so I simply relieved her of it since I was going to your room anyway." Sheesh, it's not like I'm going to smash a pie in your face or anything like that. I totally don't have any pies nearby just for that. Especially not banana cream pies. Nope.

"Of course you can! This is just unexpected, that's all." You're going to try something on me, aren't you? "Anyway, I hope you haven't taken any cake."

...The slice of cake is on a small, visible plate between the both of us, and I'm sure there'd be crumbs on my face. "Of course not, sister."

"Excellent." Celesta levitated the plate over to her, and began to eat the slice of cake in a slow, paced manner; this was only a slice, and she needed it to last her until dinner.

While Celestia was eating her snack, Luna idly began looking around her room; Twilight plushie on the bed, with a smaller, filly sized version next to it, some books (she was too far away from the bookshelves to make out their titles), a giant duck in the middle of the room, and a nearby desk. Interestingly enough, there were some scattered papers on her desk; her sister wouldn't have scattered papers hazardously like that, so obviously she was reading something troubling.

Fortunately, Celestia was too busy trying to savor each bite of the cake to notice Luna, so the lunar princess walked up to the desk to examine the papers that caught her interest. What in the..?! Tia! This is unbearable! Now I know why you dislike romance novels so! Luna's curiosity turned into horror at the crudely written (and incredibly cliche) words in front of her. It was a rough draft, that much she was certain, but she could not find an envelope that showed which pony sent this despicable piece of writing to Celestia (her sister had explained to her that, having had countless years to read and critique literary works, she was often seen as a good, if overburdened and overused editor and proofreader).

"Tia! Tia, Tia!" She waved her hooves wildly to add a more urgent feeling towards calling her sister's name.

What is it now? "Yes, Lulu?"

"Why do you have this horrid mess on your desk?! I want to find the pony that sent you such terrible writing! Nopony should have to read such drivel like this; it's even worse than the story you showed me that had us both romantically involved with each other!"

...She's at my desk, isn't she? A quick look told her everything she needed to know, and she cursed inwardly. Drat; now how do I get out of this? "Well...Nopony sent it to me, sister."

Hm. I wonder...Hook. "How did you receive such horrible writing then? I mean, just listen to this!" Luna lifted up one of the pieces of paper, and after clearing her throat, began to recite part of it. "There is nothing more in life that I want, mon cheri, other than-"

"Lulu, stop, please! I don't need you reading it out loud! I still need to edit my story!"

Line. "Edit your story, Tia?

...I just said my story, didn't I? "Err...I mean...Um..."

Sinker. "Oh my gosh, you write romantic fiction, and you've always told me you hated it!"

"It's not what it looks like, Lulu!"

"It's true, it's true!"

Ugh... A groaning Celestia hid underneath her filly Twilight plushie as Luna continued to look through her sister's rough drafts, giving both comments and criticism that Celestia didn't need. Kill me now, Faust.

Author's Note:

Celestia hates the romance fiction made by ponies today

She wants to create her own

Unfortunately it's very bad

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