• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,655 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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Give me my noodles, Lulu!

Give me my noodles, Lulu!

It's almost done. I can sense the warmth of the water heating it up quickly, making it possible for me to eat the delicious, previously unable to be eaten bounty hidden within. I shall be quick as lightning when it actually is done, pouncing upon my prey with no mercy for it as I eat my fill. My fork is ready. The noodles are not. Instant ramen in a cup, you're mine! ...When you finish cooking. Soon. Very soon. But not soon enough.

Nightmare Moon was glaring at a cup of noodles, tail swishing behind her to and fro like a cat about to pounce on its prey. She was hungry, and the cup of noodles she had made were going to provide her with the nourishment that she so desperately needed. Sure, she could have demanded that the chefs make something for her, or raid Luna's fridge for moon pies, but she didn't want to bother the kitchen staff (and they still took forever to make anything that was even remotely edible), and she also didn't want to be maimed by Luna after she found out that she had her moon pies stolen, respectively.

C'mon, c'mon...Cook faster...My stomach is itching to devour your slightly-too-salty goodness! So focused upon her noodles that Nightmare Moon didn't notice Luna creeping up behind her, wondering why she was raising her rump up to the air and shaking it around, where anypony could see it.

That's not a very flattering pose for you, Moonie. It would be best if you waved your rump in a slightly slower way; that'd be more attractive, because right now, it's making my eyes bleed. What are you doing, anyway? Luna circled around Nightmare Moon, curious as to what her concentration was on. To her surprise, it was just one of those cup of noodle things that she heard college students go on a 'diet' on, which also contained a lot of sodium and weren't healthy to eat at all in mass quantities. Which meant it was one of the perfect foods for alicorns, which also meant that they had to eat these things in moderation. Moonie, I can't believe you! You would eat something so unhealthy when there are better options to eat, such as moon pies?! No wonder you're getting as big as Tia now. Determined to not let Nightmare Moon become as fat as her sister, Luna levitated the cup of noodles away.

This action was not appreciated by Nightmare Moon, who whined as it flew up out of her reach. "Nooooooodles! Noooooo! Come back! I have not finished stalking you and taking you into my belly!"

In any other situation, Luna would have laughed, but she was dead-set on making sure these noodles weren't consumed. "No, Moonie! You need to eat real food, not a cup of noodles! Why don't you eat a salad or some fish-steaks from the kitchen?!"

Nightmare Moon pouted at Luna while waving her fork in the air. "The kitchen staff take forevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvver to make anything that's actually edible that won't kill me in the process!"

...Oh, right, I forgot about that. She does have a point. "Well...Why a cup of noodles, then? I mean, there's a lot of other foods that you could eat instead."

"No! No, no, and of course, heck no! Give me my noodles, Lulu! I prepared them, and I want to eat them! You cannot stop me from eating such an amazing piece of heaven, and I won't let you stop me!"

One would think that it was impossible for Nightmare Moon to eat anything else, with the way she keeps going on about how heavenly these noodles are. Seriously, though, cup noodles, out of all things? I'd be laughing if it weren't for the fact that Nightmare Moon actually looks serious right now. With a wave of her right hoof, Luna tried to fend off Nightmare Moon's advance upon her. "Look, Moonie...I understand that you made these noodles, but...Can't you make something else? I'm sure there's something else you can make that isn't as unhealthy."

With a gasp of horror, Nightmare Moon grabbed the cup of noodles violently from Luna, and held the cup close to her, glaring at Luna with sudden fury in her eyes. "A cup of noodles requires some of the least preparation for it's massive benefit gain! You most likely do not have the willpower to stand up to the deliciousness of these noodles, but I do, just barely! They are perfect, absolutely perfect, and anypony who says less about them says less about me! So what if they're not the most healthy food in the world to eat, lots of other stuff isn't healthy at all, but ponies still eat them!" She looked down at the cup of noodles in her hooves, and began stroking it gently, smiling down on the cup of noodles as if it were her foal. "It's okay, mommy's here to protect you now, with her life..."

Quite frankly, Luna's confusion only grew as she watched the disturbing sight of Nightmare Moon cradle the cup of noodles in her grasp, and then give it a little kiss. "Ooooooookaaaaaaay. I think I've seen everything now when it comes to ponies obsessed with food, and I've seen a lot with Tia around."

Nightmare Moon gave no comment as she gently peeled back the paper lid on the cup of noodles, and readied her fork to plunge into it's unhealthy, noodle depths of deliciousness. "I'm sorry, baby, but even you have to go sometime!" Without restraint, Nightmare Moon began eating the cup of noodles, with an intensity that would put out even the most intense fires simply by how intense it was. It was just that intense.

I cannot unsee what has been seen, and if I ever had a wish to unsee something forever, this would be it, as Nightmare Moon's eating habits when it concerns a cup of noodles is very disturbing. Luna quickly walked away, leaving Nightmare Moon with her cup of noodles. Fare thee well, Nightmare Moon, I hope you realize the evil that those cup noodles bring, and quickly, too, before you get consumed by the madness, if you have not been already.

Author's Note:

Nightmare Moon x cup of noodles

The best ship ever

Too bad it sinks like everything else

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