• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,654 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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Yes, and big explosions, Tia! (Colgate Arc)

Yes, and big explosions, Tia! (Colgate Arc)

You know, you'd think that I'd keep better tabs on my ponies, but when all is said and done, I'm just a pony, just like the rest of them, which is probably why this happened.

Quietly, Celestia was observing Blueblood, who was content in staring back at her with a slight frown on his face. Despite his singed and sooty fur and his unamused look towards me, he doesn't appear any worse for wear, though obviously that's not the case for the chair he's sitting on right now. "I'm very sorry to hear that things went badly at Twilight's home."

A thoughtful expression erased Blueblood's frown from his face, and he spoke after what seemed to be much consideration on his part. "Well...It wasn't too bad, all things considered, but auntie, can you please warn me of the projects you send to Sparky? As much as I'd like to help her, I'd rather not participate in one where there's a rather large chance that there will be explosions and ponies dressed up as poptarts flying by us."

"Oh, of course, I'll...Wait, ponies dressed up as poptarts?" What the heck is he going on about?

"Yes, and big explosions, Tia! You'll probably hear about it in the news sometime tomorrow, auntie, but, I'll continue..."

"Oh, Twilight, you're doing the experiment all wrong!"

Blueblood and Colgate paused before pouring their respective reactants and catalysts in, and Twilight set aside her notepad to cross her hooves and look at Pinkie Pie with a frown. "How is this experiment wrong? We're testing to see if this new carbonated candy is safe enough to eat while also drinking soda!"

Pinkie bounced on over to Blueblood and Colgate, smiling widely. "That's what you're doing wrong! You're testing a myth whispered by the candy company manufacturers! It's just candy and soda! There's no possible way for anything to happen, watch!" Pinkie Pie grabbed the bottle of cola from a startled Colgate, and Blueblood took a step back, not wanting to get in the way of the party pony. In hindsight, however, he should have blocked her from attempting to reach the poprocks.

"This can't go well." Colgate muttered, and Blueblood nodded slowly, agreeing with her as Twilight tried to stop Pinkie Pie. Unfortunately, she couldn't stop the physics defying pony.

"Down she goes!" Pinkie Pie opened up the bottle of cola, and poured the entire thing down on the sample of poprocks. On instinct, Blueblood, Colgate, and Twilight hit the floor, not wanting to expose themselves to whatever happened once the cola hit the poprocks.

A sinister sizzling sound and pops were heard, causing Pinkie Pie to giggle. "See?! That wasn't so bad; just a really scary sizzling sound and popping! Poprocks and cola can mix together!"

"Pinkie!" Twilight shouted in exasperation, "Pinkie, what have you done?! Those are poprocks that have been magically carbonated, not the standard poprocks carbonated through a candy machine! That soda has also been magically carbonated! The experiment was to see if magically carbonated substances could combine with one another without blowing up!"

"Oh. Oops." Pinkie Pie stared at the sizzling mess she made, then joined Blueblood and Twilight on the floor. "Twitchy, twitchy! Something's going to ex-"

Indeed, the mixture of magically carbonated poprocks and soda not only exploded, but caught on fire as well, causing Twilight to go hysterical. "W-We gotta get outta here!"

Don't have to tell me twice! Blueblood scrambled up to his feet, ignoring the slight pain he felt from sparks and embers being thrown at him as he ran up the stairs, followed by Twilight and Pinkie Pie. The flames were licking up the walls of the tree, and soon, little bits and pieces began falling down, creating a hazard that was not too easily avoidable for the ponies, though Blueblood was the one who brunt the worst of it. Smoke was beginning to ascend with the ponies, and breathing was beginning to get slightly difficult. They did, however, manage to safely ascend to Twilight's living room, and scrambled to the door that led outside.

Well...The worst of it is behind us, now, I- A massive explosion from within the lab caused the entire tree to go up in flames, and the shockwave caused Blueblood to fall down on his rump, hard. His hurting backside, however, was ignored in favor of gaping at what was once considered to be Twilight's home entirely go up in flames, looking like a sick bonfire. "O-Oh dear..."

This, of course, was nothing compared to Twilight's reaction. "My books! My home! My books! My lab! My books!"

Pinkie Pie, surprisingly enough, had a smile on her face, and gently nudged Twilight. "Oh, don't be sad, Twilight! You told me yourself you enchanted your bookshelves and by extension, the books in those book shelves to be completely fire-proof after you realized Spikey could burn your collection of romantic novels in one go with a sneeze! Your books are safe!"

"Y-You're...You're right, Pinkie!" Twilight grabbed Pinkie and began bouncing up and down with her, and Blueblood couldn't help but stare at his foalhood friend happily bouncing with another friend while her home was burning down. It made for a rather...Interesting sight, to say the least.

You...Care more for your books than your home? That's...A very odd sense of priorities.

A female voice from behind nearly gave him a heart attack as he wondered why Twilight would put so much safety upon her books. "Duuuude. What happened?"

Blueblood turned around to see Rainbow Dash, though the pegasus was clad in what appeared to be a poptart costume. Today is just getting ridiculous, and I've had more than enough of this! "Why are you dressed up as a popta-"

The pegasus was quick to react to Blueblood's words, shoving her face in his. "Have something against poptarts?!"

"...No, but why are you in...?"

With a sigh, Rainbow Dash pointed at a nearby boutique. "Had the costume made for a fundraiser to promote how delicious poptarts are and their new rainbow splash flavour, and, well, I was the obvious choice for this, sadly. There's a few more pegasai dressed up as poptarts, too, in the air." She waved a hoof up at the air, and indeed, there were multiple pegasi dressed up in poptarts, circling the burning tree at a safe distance.

"Err...Isn't it...Weird, though? To dress up as a poptart, I mean."

Rainbow Dash nodded, shuddering. "Yeah, it is, but it's a few more bits though! I'd chat with ya more, but I think I need to chat with Twilight first."

Blueblood rolled his eyes as the pegasus approached Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie, exchanging words with each other. I'll never look a poptart the same again. Wait...Aren't we forgetting... A gasp left him, and he approached Twilight with alarm in his eyes. "Twilight! Where's Colgate?! I didn't notice her leaving with us!"

A startled gasp left Twilight, and she looked back at her burning home fearfully, with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie looking at each other with uncertainty in their eyes. "D-Do you think she's still...?"

"Outta the way, ponies, the fire fighters are here!"

Blueblood turned to the sound of the voice, and looked on in disbelief as he saw Colgate, without any singes or soot on her fur, the lab coat and goggles were gone, and she was leading a group of fire fighters to the scene. I...But, I didn't see you escape with us...Hmm... Regardless of his personal curiosity in wondering how Colgate managed to leave the library, it was put aside for relief as the fire fighters began the attempt to douse the fire with water.

Pinkie Pie immediately ran up to Colgate, her hooves thrown open for a hug. "Oh, that was really, reaaaaaaally good timing, Colgate!"

A grin was on Colgate's face as she hugged Pinkie Pie. "Yeah! I just know when to get things done on time!"

Excusing herself for a moment, Twilight Sparkle walked on over to Blueblood, and she spoke softly to him. "You're wondering how, aren't you, Bluey?"

Blueblood spoke just as softly, making a slight nod towards Colgate. "About how Colgate managed to leave your home quickly, as well as managing to contact the fire ponies as well?"

With a nod of affirmation, Twilight sat down next to him, then gazed at her still burning home. "Yes. This isn't the first time Colgate suddenly appeared with the right tools or ponies for something; it's something of a town legend, where Colgate just so happens to have the right timing for everything."

"Hmm...That does sound strange. You know, I-"

Celestia was confused as Blueblood suddenly stopped speaking. "Is that the end of the tale?" That seems to be a rather...Abrupt ending.

"No, because then I was mauled by one Rarity, who was dressed up as a marshmallow."

Author's Note:

Poprocks and soda urban legend

Pinkie Pie doesn't know what she's getting into

Poptarts are sponsors of the Wonderbolts

Colgate is very suspicious

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