• Published 27th Apr 2013
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Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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I need marshmallows, Tia!

I need marshmallows, Tia!

Although many ponies like it when it gets cold, many of those ponies also agree that sometimes, it can be unbearable, as is all things in excess (though, many would argue that having too many friends is the exception). The cold bites, it snaps, and it doesn't get any better when the wind and rain decide to join in on the fun, especially if they're just as bitter. Luckily, a pony created something that could effectively combat the cold as well as bring in ponies together, and some even say that it's even more effective than the Elements of Harmony themselves at helping ponies become friends with one another.

Hot chocolate was this pony's creation. While many rejoiced when this was made, some, after sampling this wondrous drink, knew that something was missing, as heretical as it sounded. But what? Many tried different items; all with varying degrees of success. Many thought it was more chocolate, others, graham crackers. What many found out, though, was marshmallows. Ponies celebrated this fact by pouring tons of mini-marshmallows into their hot chocolate drinks, and all was well, with ponies celebrating with their mugs of hot chocolate and mini-marshmallows.

However, a new controversial issue was coming up now, between three alicorns.

"Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia,I cannot find the marshmallows!"

Currently, Luna, Celestia, and Nightmare Moon were awaiting for Chrysalis to come back from Ponyville, and they were waiting for her to arrive in the grand dining hall, in front of one of the massive fireplaces that kept the hall warm and toasty for most of the year. In order to warm themselves up further, Celestia had suggested the idea of consuming hot chocolate to increase the amount of warmth they currently had and to have something to drink, which was readily agreed by the other two alicorns. Hot chocolate was made quickly, and was being consumed by two of the alicorns, but the third, Luna, was complaining about something very, very important, as she could not consume her hot chocolate as the others did.

"There has to be marshmallows around here somewhere! You just had to be greedy and take them all for yourselves!"

Nightmare Moon and Celestia exchanged glances at each other, each assuming that the other alicorn would share their marshmallows with Luna. Since that didn't happen, they were now with one upset Luna, trying to find marshmallows around the dining hall.

"Tia," Nightmare Moon began, watching as Luna patted-down a nearby maid for marshmallows, "I think Lulu is going a little too far with this, if she's personally patting down every pony, looking for 'marshmallow smugglers' that are stealing 'her' marshmallows. Quite frankly, it's disturbing."

"Thank you for stating the obvious, Moonie." Nightmare Moon shot Celestia an annoyed look that went unnoticed as Celestia took a moment to drink from her cup of hot chocolate (which was loaded with two entire bags of mini-marshmallows) before continuing to speak. "I just wish Lulu would just drink her hot chocolate without marshmallows."

"Whaaaaaaaaat?!" As if Luna was just waiting for those words to be heard, she suddenly popped up in front of Celestia, waving her hooves frantically. "Hot chocolate without marshmallows?! That's like...That's like Twilight without books!"

Oh, Faust. I remember trying to separate Twilight from a book once... Shuddering from the memory of attempting to do such a thing, Celestia wondered if this was going to be nearly the same exact scenario with her sister, just with marshmallows as the thing of affection rather than a book of some kind. "What...I'm saying, Lulu, is that you don't need marshmallows in your hot chocolate."

"Oh, but I do, but I do, Tia! The sweet warmth of the hot chocolate meshes perfectly with the marshmallow chewiness! It blends together so well that once you try it, you cannot go back! I cannot drink my hot chocolate until I receive some marshmallows!"

Luna noticed a group of ponies walking into the dining hall to warm up from the bitter cold outside, and promptly dashed towards them, when Nightmare Moon suddenly lashed out with her magic, tripping Luna and then pulling the struggling alicorn back over to them. "Lulu, please, calm down, Chrys is bringing along more marshmallows with her."

"Nnngh! Let go! Leggo, leggo, leggo! Marshmallows call to me! They want to be devoured and be in my warm tummy but they can't because they're being held hostage by evil ponies that want us both to suffer! Leggo! I need to save my captive friends from those evil ponies!"

Unfortunately, that was when Chrysalis decided to show up, levitating up some hot chocolate mix and quite a few bags of marshmallows up in the air around her. "I'm here, and I got more hot chocolate and marshma-"

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" With a scream of rage that shocked everypony in the vicinity, Luna countered Nightmare Moon's spell with sheer, raw magical power, causing Nightmare Moon to drop Luna in sudden pain from the counter. Luna, in a blind fit of rage, tackled Chrysalis to the ground, and promptly stole the bags of marshmallows away from her while running off. All of this, in full view (especially in Nightmare Moon and Chrysalis' case) of three other alicorns and everypony that was using the dining hall to warm up.

"...Is that the whole reason why I'm in a jail cell right now?" Luna asked, with a rather uncomfortable magic-inhibitor on her horn.

A nod from her very annoyed sister told her as much. "Yes. You have embarrassed all of us, Moonie is hurting from your magical lash, and Chrys is now scared of you! What do you have to say for yourself?!"

Silence reigned over Luna before she opened her mouth, stating her one desire at the moment. "...Can I have some hot chocolate and ma-"

Promptly, Celestia thrust a mug, some hot chocolate mix, and a bag of marshmallows at her sister. "Yeah, yeah, I knew you were going to ask about them, sis. Anyway, I need to get back to the castle; Moonie wants to be tucked into bed tonight and Chrys needs therapy sessions and asked me to be there with her. Take care, Lulu! You won't be here long, so don't get too comfortable in the cell."

Celestia, having said everything she needed to say, left her sister in the jail cell, who, despite the fact that she was now stuck in a jail cell alone, was finally happy that she got what she needed. She grabbed the items tenderly, and hugged them close to herself, before grinning. "Hoorah! I have hot chocolate and marshmallows! Now, I can begin my praise to such a divine treat!" It was then that something clicked, and she looked around her jail cell frantically.

A whisper left Luna's mouth, one that confirmed the harsh, terrible truth. "...There's no hot water faucet in here..."

A moment passed before Celestia giggled as she heard Luna's screams of anguish reach her. "That'll teach her to be so obsessive over such a little thing."

Author's Note:

I was drinking hot chocolate at the time

With marshmallows

Luna would be proud of me and give me a medal

Though that would be after she steals hot chocolate

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