• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,654 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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That was meant for you, Lulu!

That was meant for you, Lulu!

A piece of cake a day, lackaday, a piece of cake a day! Not two, not three, not zero, but one! Oh, lackaday, only one piece of cake a day!

A mourning Celestia was upset over the piece of cake she practically inhaled; due to many of the cooks taking their leave for summer vacation, food production in the castle had decreased dramatically. That meant smaller meals, which meant less food, which meant...

Less cake. Of all things, less cake! ...And with less ponies to share it with. Glumly, she looked around her room, which was, as always, spotless, clean, perfect. Everything a pony could ask for and more! ...However, it still wasn't enough for her. Chrysalis was off on a little trip to teach some young changelings how to shape shift, and Luna was currently sleeping. She was alone, without much to do that wasn't mind-numbingly boring. She set aside the (now crumb-filled) plate, laid down on her bed, and began to think about possible things she could be doing right now to occupy her time.

Ugh, nothing's more boring than paperwork, so I think I'll pass on that; besides, most of it is already done, so I can finish it tomorrow. There's a nearby hospital I could visit and hold a little story time, but by the time I get there, it's going to be past visiting time, and I don't want to cause a fuss. Hm... While judging her options, she was staring up at her ceiling, lost in thought. ...Could really use another piece of cake right about now...Why do most of my chefs take their vacation in the summer? It's not fair to me! Do they not see the importance of cake?! Feeling miffed, she rolled over on her bed, and sunk her head into one of her pillows.

Being Princess isn't all fun and games; I wish I could be like Twilight, without much responsibility other than a few letters from time to time. Say...That should occupy my time for a short while! With newfound purpose in her life, Celestia walked up to her desk, sat down at the really comfy chair located there, and pulled out a quill, some ink, parchment, and an iHOOF, all the necessary tools for writing a letter to somepony. As she found one of her favorite tunes to listen to, she set to work on writing a letter to Twilight, mostly inquiring as to what she was doing.

My faithful student,

You may be anticipating a new assignment, or perhaps something of the like upon opening this letter. That is not so; I needed something to occupy my time, and writing a letter to you seemed to be the best thing to do. I am sorry if you are disappointed in the lack of any additional assignments, but fret not, because I'm sure you're too busy with your friends for another assignment. You're probably now thinking of ways to tell me that I'm wrong, but, the statistics show that Ponyville is quite the busy village!

Speaking of which, how is Ponyville? Statistics and the like of said place don't do it justice enough, if at all! However, even the statistics are rather unusual and in some cases unbelieveable. How did such a small village get so much trouble in such a short amount of time? I'm considering extending a small guard outpost to the area, though I'd like your input on such a thing. After all, it could potentially disrupt the town's seemingly natural way of attracting trouble. I'm sure some ponies would like that, though.

As for me, well, I'm doing fine. Other than the boredom, at least. I can't really help it, though; the duties of my position and the demands of ponies drains what little free time I get, and the time I do get to spend is usually in my room, without much to do. That's probably why I began writing this letter in the first place. I really need to get out and experience more in life, don't I?

Anyway, it's been awhile since your last visit to the castle; how about stopping by for a cup of tea? Luna and I would enjoy your company immensely. There's also a special, permanent guest here at the castle that I'd like for you to meet! Though, I'm going to have to ask you not to blast her on sight. You'll know why I wrote that later, if you decide to come on by.

Speaking of Luna, she's doing quite well! Her adjusting to modern society is rough, but it's only to be expected. She enjoyed Nightmare night and would be thrilled to see you again! Well, that's all I really wanted to write about, Twilight. I hope to see you here in the castle soon!


Princess Celestia

With the short letter done, Celestia zapped it with a small burst of magic, where it would then be regurgitated by an unfortunate dragon later. As she watched a small wisp of smoke dissipate into the air, she realized that she had nothing to do now. Disturbed by this knowledge, she stood up from her desk, and looked over at a nearby clock. Surprisingly, writing that short letter took a lot of time, leaving only thirty minutes until Luna woke up. Just enough time to set up a prank on my sister.

Luna always was a heavy sleeper, and was just as grumpy as her when waking up. A wake-up call in the form of a prank should be a lot better than a cold shower. At least, that's what Celestia reasoned, as she set her trap. All that was needed now was one alicorn to complete it! She was currently hiding behind a pillar in such a way that she was only able to see the silhouette of anypony that might happen to walk by; thankfully, this hallway was mostly empty, so her prank could go off without any complications from any unfortunate pony who might wonder why there was an unattended, perfectly frosted and mouth-watering cupcake on the floor. There was an invisible web all around the cupcake, ready to trigger upon Celestia's command.

Soon enough, she could hear the slow footsteps of somepony approaching, and in the dark, Celestia could faintly make it out as an alicorn. All going to plan. She saw the cupcake being levitated up, and with a mere flick of her horn, triggered the trap. Celestia heard the sounds of struggling, and knew that her prank worked. She walked out, laughing, though the laughter died when she realized she got the wrong alicorn.

"Chrys?! I...What?!"

A very annoyed looking Chrysalis stopped struggling to look at Celestia. "Please tell me you didn't set me up for this, you know how much I love cupcakes!"

A new voice rang out, mixed with fatigue and curiosity. "What the heck is going on here?" Celestia looked beyond Chrysalis to see her sister pointing at Chrysalis. "And why is Chrys in a net, with what looks like cupcake splattered all over her body?"

Celestia groaned as she let go of the magic holding Chrysalis, and the mentioned alicorn fell to the floor with a thump and an undignified groan. "That was meant for you, Lulu!"

Luna stared at her sister, then at Chrysalis, who was shakily standing back up. "...That wasn't what I was expecting to hear, but okay."

A purple flash on the edge of Celestia's vision caused her to sigh as Twilight teleported into the area. "I didn't mean 'soon' as in 'after you finished reading the letter', Twilight!"

The three alicorns (and unicorn who was trying her best not to blast Chrysalis right there and then) all looked at each other, with varying levels of confusion and exasperation, and it wasn't until Twilight spoke up that the awkward scene broke. "So...Seeings as we're all gathered around...Who wants to go get a slurpee?"

"Hm. 'A' slurpee, Twilight?" Celestia said, staring at her student hungrily. The unicorn began backing away slowly upon seeing that the other two alicorns gave similar looks at her.

Seeing as there was no real way out of this situation, Twilight resigned herself to her fate. "...Alicorns must really like slurpees...Goodbye, bits!"

Author's Note:

More slice of life than humor

Celestia is bored once again

Chrysalis suffers because of it

Doesn't matter to her though because they get slurpees

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