• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,655 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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The sea is terrible, Lulu!

The sea is terrible, Lulu!

I know not what has happened, but mine sister looks like she fought with death itself, and then went along and partied with Pinkie Pie and Discord!

Luna was with a sheepish looking Chrysalis (the latter of whom was with Celestia), and the two were sitting down next to a sickly looking Celestia, who had heaved up the contents of lunch. Repeatedly. Buckets were stationed nearby in the event that Celestia began throwing up more of her lunch in an attempt to keep the environment vomit-free.

If there's one thing I know now, it's that one should never attend an 'all-you-can-eat' buffet before going somewhere important. Though her sister looked incredibly sick, Luna still had not been told why. "Chrys, what happened at the naval port today? I haven't seen Tia this sick in...Well, forever!"

Celestia croaked out, immediately bringing the attention to her. "B-Bucket!"

Not wanting her sister to make a mess in a clean hospital setting, Luna grabbed a bucket and quite literally shoved it at her sister. Just in time, too, as Celestia retched, causing Chrysalis to wince. "The sea is terrible, Lulu! You cannot fathom how unlucky Tia was to be hit by seasickness!"

Huh? Confused, Luna looked up at Chrysalis. "I thought Tia was just visiting the captain in charge of the newly constructed cruise ship, The Amazing Grace?"

Chrysalis squirmed a bit in her seat, obviously uncomfortable with what she had to say. "Weeeeeell...You see, she was invited onto the boat, and she couldn't refuse, the way the captain worded it. I couldn't help her, either; any attempt to leave the scene would have been considered rude."

"You mean..."

A single nod from Chrysalis, confirming Luna's fears. "It couldn't be avoided at all."

"Tell me everything. Now." A groan from Celestia caused Luna to ready a new, fresh bucket.

"Okay. It all started after we met Captain Pepper Jack after leaving Fancy Pant's restaurant, having just eaten our fill of food with the all-you-can-eat special, and we were just about to conclude our tour outside of the new ship when..."

"Well, I have to admit, this is a very wonderful ship, Captain Pepper Jack!"

"Indeed! It's been a long time in the making, and made to my exact specifications!"

Celestia was currently touring with Chrysalis, with Pepper Jack being their guide and the captain of the ship, The Amazing Grace. They were here to see off the ship during shakedown, after which it would make its maiden voyage. The full tummy gained from eating at Fancy Pant's restaurant also helped make things very enjoyable for Celestia. So far, things were going splendidly, and the tour was coming to a close, so Celestia felt it time to quickly leave; she did not like being near the sea. "Well, Captain Pepper Jack, this has been a very nice tour, but Chrysalis and I must conclude this to be over and return to the castle."

"Hm? Leaving so soon, princesses?" Pepper Jack frowned, obviously discontent with the fact that the princesses were leaving. "We haven't even toured on the ship yet, which is the best part! It's not really a tour of the ship if we haven't actually toured inside of it! Besides, you need to actually make sure that everything is in top shape yourself!"

I'm not sure I'm liking where this is going, at all. How can I refuse in a polite manner...? Celestia cast her eyes on Chrysalis, begging for desperate help, though, regretfully, none was able to be given by the changeling, as Pepper Jack strode over to a bridge that led up to The Amazing Grace. "Princess Celestia, come up! The ship awaits your inspection! Jump in the boat! Open your eyes and see the surprises we have for you up in the boat!"

"Be strong, Tia!" Chrysalis whispered as she strode up to her, trying to calm her down, "I know you can get through this!"

"I certainly hope so..." With a resigned sigh of defeat, Celestia walked up the bridge, and soon stood on the deck of The Amazing Grace. Already, Celestia was beginning to feel a little bit queasy simply by standing on the deck; she did not take well to the slight rocking motions of the boat.

"Come, come!" Pepper Jack waved, and Celestia walked over to the captain, with Chrysalis trailing behind her. "Up there is the bridge, where I will be steering the ship around on its voyages! And here is..."

The tour continued on, but as time went by, Celestia found herself becoming increasingly unable to concentrate on Pepper Jack's words and more on the slight swaying motion of the boat. Chrysalis was becoming increasingly worried about Celestia, and had slowly strayed closer to the solar alicorn's side until she was directly pressing up against her. "Tia, just say you are feeling unwell and must go..."

Slowly, Celestia shook her head, still unable to bring herself to simply say she was unwell. "I-I cannot, Chrys. I do not w-wish to sound rude to Pepper Jack! You said open your eyes, and, I said I don't like surprises..."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes at the reference to a certain song, and decided to play along for Celestia's benefit, if it meant that she wasn't concentrating on her weakness on boats. "You said surprise, you're up to your knees in the water and don't have a life vest."

Smiling slightly as Chrysalis played along with her, Celestia sang a little louder. "I know, I know, I know, but don't worry, 'cause I've got it figured out."

Pepper Jack looked behind her, confused on why the two alicorns were slowing down. "Is something wrong?"

Celestia was now in full-swing as she continued singing along the lyrics to the song. "You said, jump in the boat, mare!"

Similarly, Chrysalis continued singing along with Celestia, enjoying the small moment. "I said, no you reach your hoof!"

"You said the storms that will come will be more than enough and alone you cannot win!"

Celestia twirled around Chrysalis, giggling at the look of disbelief on Pepper Jack's face. "You know, you know, you know without hope, you'll only sink not swim!"

Perhaps they would have gone through the whole song, if Celestia suddenly didn't run over to the side of the boat, and threw up, with her stomach finally being unable to hold back the uncomfortable queasiness.

"...That's what happened, Lulu."

Luna was struggling to come to terms with the absolutely dumbest story she had ever heard. That's...I don't... "...So, let me make sure I'm understanding this correctly; you two got up on The Amazing Grace, Celestia mentioned the lyrics to a song, which ended up in you two singing on it, and then Tia threw up."

Chrysalis nodded slowly, realizing just how silly it all sounded. "...Pretty much."

"...Can I have the name of the song?"

Author's Note:

Celestia can't hold her lunch

She gets seasick easily

I'm not entirely sure what this chapter was supposed to be about

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