• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,654 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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S-Stop it, Tia!

S-Stop it, Tia!

Mine sister has gone crazy, cuckoo, insane, off her block, rocking her socks, blowing her top and eating rocks! ...I did not mean to rhyme that, but it's all true! Tia has become just as insane as Blueblood!

Currently, Luna was locked up in the dungeons (although, now that she finally saw what the 'dungeons' were, she really couldn't agree with what her sister thought were 'proper' dungeons. After all, the accommodations were far too good for somepony that got sent to the dungeon, the cells were practically smaller versions of their bedrooms!), resting on a massive bed. Although, resting probably wasn't the best word for her current predicament, which was being strapped to the bed with chains and a magic blocker on her horn. Really, the things her sister did to her!

She thought back about what she did to put herself in this rather uncomfortable position. She couldn't scratch that itch just below her horn, and it was driving her insane!


"What is it, Lulu?"


"Wha-" As Celestia turned around to look over at the direction that Luna's voice was at, she felt a very soft, squishy something impact her face, followed one second later with a sudden clang, causing pain to her nose. Poking her tongue out slightly, Celestia realized that she had just been attacked with a blueberry pie.

At least it wasn't a banana cream pie. "Mmmph."

"Yes, delicious, isn't it, Tia?"

...I suppose, but I'd rather eat it, not have it impact my face, thank you very much! Celestia attempted to tug the tin plate off when she realized that somehow, the tin plate impaled itself on her horn. With much grumbling, Celestia pulled it off, and was just about to wipe her face when she was suddenly attacked by something wet.

?! "S-Stop it, whatever that is!"

"Oh, Tia, blueberry pies taste so much better when you lick it off somepony! You added a note of vanilla to it!"

First, I get disturbed from my work, then I get a pie to the face. As if that wasn't enough, Lulu is now cleaning my face with her tongue, and apparently I now taste like vanilla. I...Don't even know what just happened, but one thing is for sure; she's getting punished. To the dungeons she goes! "Lulu?"

"Yes, Tia?"

"There's some rock candy downstairs for you in the dungeons!"

Sweet! "Yay, I love rock candy!" With that said, Luna bounded over to the dungeons, with Celestia following her. A malicious smile appeared on Celestia's face as she strode downstairs, and a little chuckle escaped her lips as she thought about the things she'd be doing to her poor, poor sister.

That's not even the worst part! "Worst part of all of this is that there is no rock candy anywhere!"

I am not a liar! "Actually, there is, Lulu, though I'm giving the bag of rock candy to you after I'm done with you."

Luna looked at the visitor she suddenly had to her cell, and wasn't surprised to see that it was her sister. "Tia! Why must you strap me down on this bed and put a magic blocker on my horn?! I demand you release me at once! As well as giving me that bag of rock candy!"

Not until I have my revenge! "Peace, Lulu, peace! I simply wanted my revenge for getting hit in the face with a pie, getting licked by you, losing time from working on that boring paper, and overall suffering a loss of dignity. You can have the rock candy later."

"Hmph! So be it, then! Do your worst, Tia, you cannot break me! I have endured one thousand years on the moon, wrestled for control with Nightmare Moon, won a game of tic tac toe against Discord, blew raspberries at Tirek, and have had more pies thrown at me then I care to count! I am as untouchable as stone, without being a stone! I have learned from the best, and his name was Tom! Come on, you'll just be another notch on my horn, and I'll make Tom proud of me!"

...I doubt you've even done half those things, sister, but I'll humor you. "Very well then." Celestia loomed over her sister, her normally kind gaze turned harsh and with a grin that spoke of future pain ahead for her. "Do you know how long I've awaited this day?" Keep the gaze steady, don't ruin the unpleasant surprise...

No. "No, and I don't particularly care, either!"

"Shame. You should, I've been waiting a thousand years to do this to you. After all, we used to do this all the time as little fillies..." Celestia trailed a hoof down her sister's stomach lightly, causing Luna to shiver slightly at the touch.

What? You did nothing to me as a little filly that I cannot endure now! Ha! Is this some kind of joke?! "I know not what you speak of, Tia, just get on with it so I can proclaim that I have withstood your torture!"

I'm going to enjoy this very much. "Oh, it's torture, alright. It's tickle torture!" With a sudden, gleeful laugh, Celestia began to tickle at Luna's ticklish belly (one of the few weak spots that the lunar alicorn refused to admit), causing Luna to shriek with forced laughter.

Oh, Faust, no wonder I didn't remember this; I forced myself to try and forget all those times she tickled me! "A-Ahahaha! T-Tia, s-stop iiiii-ahahahaha! S-Stop it, Tia! P-Pleas-hahahaha!"

"Nooooope! You brought this on yourself, Lulu, and the best part is, I get to do this for the next thirty minutes before I leave for my next meeting with Blueblood to discuss the possibility of new pranks involving gravity spells!"

The dungeons that day had an unearthly shriek never before heard in the history of ever cry out, which, thankfully, was mostly blocked out by ample soundproofing laced in the dungeons. To those that were able to hear it, however, they swore that it was the sign that Nightmare Moon had come back to steal ponies' socks again.

Author's Note:

Celestia does not take kindly to pies being thrown at her

Luna likes rock candy

Luna dislikes having her belly tickled because she's ticklish

Luna never actually did get her rock candy afterwards, much to her dismay

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