• Published 27th Apr 2013
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Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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OUR little ponies, Tia!

OUR little ponies, Tia!

This is SO incredibly boring. Holding up a hoof to ward away a yawn, Luna glumly stared at her sister giving a speech about cakes to the kitchen staff. Is this really even necessary? We could be pranking Twilight right now, or actually eating cake instead of listening to you talk about it! She fidgeted in her seat, not comfortable with sitting down for long periods of time. Currently, she was sitting on a rather uncomfortable chair as she listened to her sister rant on for two hours straight about cakes, with charts, graphs, and even mathematical equations about why her sister should be able to eat all the cake she wanted. Oh, and the reasoning behind why pi should be changed to cake.

I'm going to die here, listening to my sister drone on and on about cakes. Wait...I'm sure that's the last cake graph that she forced me to make with her. I know by the bloodstains on it as I made it with my last, dying breath! ...Admittedly it was cherry juice but it's the same thing! Does that mean...? YES, SHE'S DONE, BY FAUST, SHE'S DO-...She said it again. Ugh, Tia... Groaning, Luna buried her face in her hooves, distraught over what Celestia had just done, again.

Though Luna loved her sister dearly, she still wondered why she used that clearly offensive way of saying 'My little ponies'; after all, she was in the same room with her sister, and they both looked after and cared for the ponies of Equestria! Sure, she herself could say 'My little ponies' as well, but that just wouldn't feel right, especially to the ponies who've only heard her sister say it. Not to mention that it sounded a little creepy. She wanted to bring the personal issue up with her sister, but there wasn't a moment that she deemed fit enough to bring it about. It wasn't anything major, anyway; just a little technicality that bothered her.

Her fuming was momentarily stopped as she saw ponies around the room get up from their seats; the presentation was over, it seemed. Luna quickly jumped to her hooves, and walked out of the kitchen, simply thankful that she could finally leave without appearing rude to Celestia or the other ponies. Eventually, she found herself outside on a balcony, overlooking the main assembly area (where they would often make grand, public speeches). She rested her hooves on the balcony railing, grumbling about her sister.

Of all things... "I just don't know how you do it, Tia! I know I wouldn't be able to make a speech extend that long! Two hours of nothing but explaining why we should get more cake, and even showing multiple graphs and tables about how this would be accomplished! How does somepony even manage to make a speech about that for five minutes, nevermind two hours?!"

The soft clop of hooves alerted her to another presence coming along to join her; the voice was a dead giveaway to who it was. "Oh, please, I was bored enough to try; besides, no harm trying in getting some extra cake, right? Cake is good, very good."

Luna turned around, and stared with a deadpan expression at Celestia, who had walked up next to her. "You did this because you were bored. A two hour speech about cake, because you were bored."

Her sister winked mischievously at her. "That would be correct, Lulu."

"...Okay, that's just unnatural." You make speeches when you're bored? Wow, remind me to never be around you again when that happens. She sighed, causing Celestia to look towards her with a slightly worried look.

Hm. I think something's eating at her; she seems in a bit of a short temper tonight. Celestia hesitated before speaking quietly, with a slight frown on her face; talking to Luna while she was moody would either mean she'd spill everything out to her, or punch her on the nose. Hard. She really didn't like the latter option. "You seem troubled, Lulu; is it something that you can tell me?"

I might as well tell her now; I doubt I'll get a better time anyway. " Yes, Tia, though it's not much; I'm just a bit annoyed at you, sister."

...What did I do this time to annoy her? Was it the few hundred cake models I made her do for me? "Is it the way how I insist on eating garlic bread before a speech? Or is it because I dump my work on you to go frolic in the gardens?"

...Okay, admittedly, both of those things annoy me as well, but that's not what I'm annoyed about! Luna shot an exasperated glance at her sister. "I feel annoyed every time you say 'My little ponies', are they not my little ponies, as well? OUR little ponies, Tia! ...I know they're not objects to call 'ours' by any means, but it feels so weird listening to you say 'my little ponies'!"

Oh my. Celestia looked taken aback by her sisters words; she wasn't expecting that as an answer. Very carefully, she extended a wing out, draping it on her sister's back gently in a comforting gesture. She's right...I have been using 'my', and of course that would make Lulu uncomfortable whenever she hears it. "Oh, that's what has been bothering you...I...Guess I have just been too accustomed to ruling alone and saying 'my'. I'm sorry."

I'm glad we can finally get that out of the way now. "Apology accepted, Tia. Our little ponies may need some time to adjust to you saying that, but I'm sure it'll work."

Good! I was thinking I'd get punched in the nose. Again. "I'm sure they'll adjust to it just fine, Lulu."

The two sisters looked down at the assembly area, enjoying the tranquil silence that stretched between them in a rare moment of sisterly bonding that didn't involve setting half the castle on fire, causing explosions that the two sisters swore they disarmed earlier, damaging the priceless infrastructure of Canterlot by various means, or cause bodily harm in any way, shape or form, to any ponies that just so happened to (unfortunately) get caught in the antics of the two sisters. It certainly was a good evening.

Though, Luna thought idly, watching as Blueblood snuck up behind a pair of royal guards with a lit firecracker, I could reaaaaaaaaaaally go for a soft drink right now.

Author's Note:

More of a small slice of life moment between the two rather than anything humorous

Wanted to try something different

Our little ponies

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