• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,654 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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Don't eat that, Lulu!

Don't eat that, Lulu!

The things I do for my sister.

Celestia was posing for her sister, who was hard at work painting the scene that was shown to her; Celestia, laying down on Luna's bed (owing to her own room still under repairs after the bubble wrap incident), blanket covering her up slightly to allow a little imagination for the mind to process, with a bowl of fruit and a Twilight plushie draped on top of Celestia innocently. The scene looked very tranquil and peaceful (if a bit questionable), and Luna was attempting to do it justice on her canvas. She had an aptitude for art, and this showed in many of her paintings, many of which were featured as grand masterpieces.

As she worked, she was humming a tune that Celestia had nearly forgotten entirely, and she smiled as memories came back to her. "I haven't heard that tune in a long time, Lulu."

Luna peeked over the side of the canvas, and smiled at her sister. "I'm glad you enjoy it, Tia!"

"Oh, actually, I'm not enjoying the tune itself. I'm enjoying what happened after you sang that tune; I must admit, it's not everyday that you watch your sister suddenly get mauled by a flower cart."

That day brings back so many memories! ...Painful ones, to be precise. "...I will treat that as a compliment." Luna continued to paint her sister, though it was with slightly more forced strokes of her brush.

"I'm kidding, Lulu, I think your humming is wonderful."

I'm sure. "That flower cart still haunts me, Tia. Roses hurt with their thorns! Oh, and, you can move now, I've finished the painting."

"Finally!" Celestia immediately jumped off her bed, knocking the bowl of fruit to the floor, leaving the poor Twilight plushie in disarray, and wrinkling the blanket. "As much as I enjoy posing for your paintings, Lulu, even I have my limits. How can ponies pose like this for hours?! I understand that they get paid for their time, but it's absurd!"

Luna sighed, and levitated a bunch of grapes that were still in the bowl. "Tia, you shouldn't get fruit dirty! It's food, you know! ...Except those hideous red things. Shame they're all I had to work with, though, or I'd have replaced them."

Huh. Fruit? What is she...Oh, that. "I didn't get any fruit dirty, Lulu."

Does she think me stupid, or is she mad? "What am I holding within my magical grasp then, Tia? Are they not grapes?"

Celestia opened her mouth to state the obvious, then closed it, unsure of what to say. ...There has got to be a way of explaining this to her without this ending badly. Unfortunately, while Celestia was trying to think of a proper way to state her words, Luna took the lack of an answer from her sister as a victory in her favor.

"I'll answer the question for you, sister, since you seem to be struggling to answer for whatever reason you may have. They are indeed grapes, and they look delicious!" With that being said, Luna levitated the grapes over to her mouth.

Oh Faust no, this is bad. "Don't eat that, Lulu!"

Stopping just short of her mouth, Luna looked over at her sister, who had a pleading look in her eyes. It's just fruit, come on! "Hm? Why not?! They're grapes!"

"...Yes, they are grapes, bu-"

"Then why stop me?!" Before Celestia could respond, Luna went ahead and ate a few of the grapes.

...Well, darn. You tried, Celly! Celestia watched as the look of triumph on her sister's face turned into one of shock and disgust as she spat out the 'grapes' onto the floor. Must...Not...Laugh... Celestia covered her mouth with one hoof, trying to not let her giggles escape her.

Luna, meanwhile, was trying very, very hard to not bash her sister in the head with a frying pan, especially after seeing that Tia was (very poorly) trying to conceal her laughter. Did she poison these grapes and had meant to give them to Blueblood?! "BY MOTHER'S DIRTY UNDERWEAR, THAT WAS DISGUSTING!"

"I did warn you, Lulu."

Luna glared at her sister as she began to roughly rub her hooves onto her tongue, trying to get the taste of wax out from her tongue. Sensing that this was her cue to speak, Celestia cleared her throat, and explained the 'grapes' to Luna.

"Well, you see, Lulu, waxed fruits exist because artists did not like having to continuously buy fresh fruit for their paintings, so they've created wax fruits, which allows an artist to continue using the same fruit over and over, since it's not actually a fruit in the first place, but a molded, colored piece of wax. Just...Don't eat them, Lulu. It's not an edible food, and even if it were, it would make it a rather...'Desperate' choice when thinking about food."

At this moment in time Luna was swishing some mouthwash (where she got it, Celestia could only guess) in her mouth, and after gurgling it, spat it into a nearby waste bin. "Whew! That's much better! Now...Wax fruit?! Why didn't the art store tell me that they were wax fruit, incapable of being eaten?!"

"...Didn't you notice the fact that the 'fruit' there was the only 'food' item available in the store?"

Now that she mentions it... "No."

Lulu... Rubbing the base of her horn as was custom whenever Luna began to give her a severe headache, Celestia groaned as she picked up the 'fruit' and placed it back into the bowl. "Well, if you don't want to repeat the same mistake again, just look for the unnatural looking sheen on a fruit, or the fact that it looks a little bit too colorful and shiny, and you should be able to tell that it's a wax fruit."

Luna nodded slowly, taking in her sister's advice. "I shall not repeat the same mistake again! For now, though, let us go to the kitchens to help me get rid of this taste in my mouth!"

Author's Note:

The day when Luna got mauled by flower carts was when she got her cutie mark

Wax fruit is horrible mistake I made once upon a time

Celestia's room is still not repaired

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