• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,655 Views, 903 Comments

Little loony Luna and crazy caffeinated Celestia's life in Canterlot - Vidhwansak

Since Luna's return from the moon, things have been a bit more hectic around Canterlot as a result.

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Things got weird, Tia! (Colgate Arc)

Things got weird, Tia! (Colgate Arc)

I wonder how Blueblood's observations are going; from what I know so far, he hasn't gotten too much farther from what I already know, but at least he's trying and collaborating with Twilight Sparkle in her experiments. Ah...How I miss the days when those two were just both a little filly and colt, getting into trouble and fraying my nerves to the point where I accidentally set fire to my dinner and I'd have to catch them before they caused any more mischief. While I often went without dinner and an unwanted exercise routine, at least they managed to being back the spark of humor in my life that I've needed for so long! I think I also lost a few pounds chasing after them.

A slightly moody Celestia was idly chewing on some peppermint gum outside her balcony as she awaited for her nephew to come upstairs to her room; he was asked earlier by Twilight via letter to travel to Ponyville to help her with a project of hers, and Blueblood eagerly agreed, as the two hadn't seen each other in quite awhile. Now, however, she was waiting for Blueblood to come upstairs to tell her of what transpired, after having felt Blueblood's personal magical signature enter the castle. Since he hadn't immediately come up to her room just yet, she guessed that he was probably bothering the kitchen staff first before coming upstairs to greet her and and tell her of what transpired during his travels. That gave her a little more time to think.

It's a shame that the days of Blueblood and Twilight being silly fillies are over, but what should I have expected? They can't be little fillies or colts forever; they grow up, like all ponies do. Someday, when I'm looking at Twilight Sparkle, Blueblood or any other pony years from now, when they are old, frail ponies, I'm going to feel small and humble before them, simply because of the fact that they can age, and have to live with the fact that they may pass away. I have knowledge of things that many would do almost anything for, have seen and learnt so much, and yet, despite all that, it's nothing compared to the wonderful curse that my ponies have; they have to life with the fact that they cannot learn everything, and must struggle to learn the things that are the most important to them. I? Since I can learn everything and anything without fear of being interrupted, I will never find what is most important to me, simply because I have too much time to learn everything, and...My position doesn't allow me to find what exactly is truly important to me.

A knock on her door broke her thoughts, and she already guessed at who it was, knocking on her door, as she made sure all plans with all ponies except one were cancelled for the day. "Enter, Bluey."

The door creaked open, and her guess was correct, as Blueblood stepped into her room. She barely recognized him, though, since his fur was singed and he looked like he had been in a very dangerous situation indeed. He also had a bagel (she assumed it to be toasted) with cream cheese. "Bluey! What the heck happened to you?!"

Unfortunately, Blueblood picked one of her chairs to sit down on, causing Celestia to wince at how messy her chair was getting with soot. He took a moment to munch on his bagel before replying to her. "Things got weird, Tia! I can tell you that what happened was also not of my own fault, I promise that! Truth be told, it could have gotten much, much worse, had the situation gone slightly differently."

That doesn't answer my question at all, stop being so vague! Even though it is a rather popular belief that I can read minds, I really can't. It'd probably go something like, Luna, stop thinking about Moon pies! Applejack, stop thinking about apples! Twilight, stop thinking about books! "Bluey, please, don't avoid the issue, I need to know if ponies got hurt or not."

"Very well, Tia; keep in mind, though, that I obviously am not the most observant stallion, so you may wish to ask Twilight Sparkle about things that I myself cannot answer well. There were no ponies hurt in the explosion, other than Twilight crying that half her home just blew up, though oddly, she seemed to perk right up once she remembered that her bookshelves and the books within them were completely safe from all manners of hazards."

It's just like Twilight to put massive amounts of protection onto a few bookshelves rather than her actual home. "I...See. Before...You begin your side of the tale, tell me, just how bad did things get?"

"Pinkie Pie bad." Blueblood munched on his bagel, giving Celestia a moment to think.

Oh my. This should...Be rather interesting to hear. I'm not sure if I want to know why things turned out like...'This', but I have to find out. Celestia made herself comfortable before nodding at Blueblood. "...Continue."

"Hey, Bluey!" The stallion found himself being hugged by Twilight Sparkle, and he eagerly returned it, laughing as he was reunited with his foalhood friend for the first time in a long while.

"Sparky! It's been so long!"

Twilight pulled away from the hug, smiling widely as she held the door open for him. "It has! We really should spend some more time with each other; it's just too bad that we're on business for Canterlot today."

"Indeed. Erm..." Blueblood scanned the town square for a moment, then quickly stepped inside of Twilight Sparkle's library. "If you find Miss Rarity, can you please apologize to her for my behavior at the Gala? I assumed she was one of the typical nobles who wished to try and get on my good side for favors from me and by extension, auntie Tia. I didn't think she was actually interested in me as, well, a pony, rather than a stepping stone."

"I'll keep your apology in mind, though I'm not sure how she'll take the news."

A new voice from within the library called out, from what Blueblood presumed to be the kitchen. A blue unicorn that oddly reminded Blueblood of toothpaste was inside there, making what looked like to be a pretzel. "Hey, Twilight, who's that? A special pony, eh?"

Twilight rolled her eyes at her before turning around to Blueblood. "This is Colgate, who's been a great help in my project! Colgate, this is Prince Blueblood, but I just call him Bluey!"

Blueblood looked unicorn who had suddenly appeared in front of him, who had twinkling eyes filled with mischief and an outstretched hoof, which Blueblood accepted. "Pleasure to meet you, Colgate!"

Colgate seemed to speak with a light, musical voice that easily washed over Blueblood's ears and was rather pleasant to listen to. "The pleasure is all mine, Blueblood!"

I really should think about changing my name, it sounds so...Weird. "Please, call me Bluey, like Sparky here."

"Does this mean I can call Twilight 'Sparky', then?" Colgate grinned cheekily at Twilight, who nodded with a smile. "Awesome! Nickname basis for all of us!"

Your real name isn't Colgate? Blueblood was feeling confusion setting in. "Hmm? Colgate is your nickname?"

Twilight Sparkle nodded. "Nopony knows her actual name, but we respect that; she just asked to be called Colgate, and it sort of stuck as her actual name."

That is highly unusual, but I won't press the issue. "Very well, then! So, Twilight, you said you needed help?"

"Mhm!" Twilight Sparkle began walking over to a door, which led to her underground laboratory. Blueblood and Colgate followed her down, being careful with every step they took, as neither wanted to end up sprawled in a pile at the bottom of the stairs. "I have a series of compounds and materials that need to be precisely added in at the right time, and it's going to be far easier to perform this with multiple unicorns administering the compounds rather then one unicorn doing it all at once."

Blueblood nodded slowly, accepting the task given to him. Seems easy enough and won't cause explosions like her previous experiments. "That doesn't seem too hard, Sparky. What are we combining anyway?"

"Oh, just various explosive compounds, nicknamed 'pop-rocks', that may or may not blow my library sky-high, to be combined with a catalyst, nicknamed 'cola'! I have complete faith that you two will do just fine!"

Blueblood couldn't help but exchange a worried glance with Colgate, who seemed to share his worry.

"Blueblood, you are going to be stationed over here, with the reactant 'pop-rocks'. Colgate, you'll be right next to him, pouring in this 'cola' to see what effect it'll have on the 'pop-rocks'. I'll be over here with a notepad, recording the results of this experiment."

...I can't help but think that something bad is going to happen, and I got the short stick. "Err...Well, just a moment, Sparky, we do need to put on a few lab coats in case this stuff has a violent reaction."

"Oh, good idea!" Twilight turned around to walk over to her closet, where she kept her lab coats, only to see Pinkie Pie (clad in a lab coat and goggles), holding out three of those coats already, with a set of goggles to go with them.

"Here you go, Sparky! Three coats and goggles, all ready for your super duper experiment!"

"...Thanks, Pinkie." Twilight grabbed the coats, and handed them off to Blueblood and Colgate, the former of which was absolutely confused.

I didn't notice an earth pony accompanying us down into Twilight's lab. "Where di-"

"Don't," Colgate said flatly. "Pinkie Pie is random, and that's all you need to know."


"So!" Twilight exclaimed happily, with her lab coat and goggles on, "Are we ready to go?!"

With a nod, Blueblood prepared to wait for Colgate to pour her experimental 'cola' into his experimental 'pop-rocks', and he prayed that things didn't go wrong.

Hmm...Colgate. The name rings a bell, though I can't remember why... Curious, Celestia pressed her nephew on. "So, what happened next?"

"Things went wrong."

Author's Note:

Moody Celestia

Blueblood and Twilight interaction

This is a little side-story of sorts involving Colgate over a few chapters that will be marked differently from other chapters

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