• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,657 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...


The stench and decay of life fills the air as a slight breeze howls at the mouth of a massive cave. A bipedal creature cloaked in dark black fabric approaches and steps within; causing a slight ripple to sweep over the opening as it passes through.

Two large figures approach the new arrival; both cloaked in the same material. Each of them draws their weapons and points them at the lone wanderer.

“What is the color of night??” The one on the right asks in a stern raspy voice as they point a spear enveloped in magic at the visitor.

A small smile appears on the lone figures face. “Sanguine, My Brother.”

Both figures turn to each other and exchange nods.

“Welcome home.” The one of the left says in a somewhat soothing less harsh raspy tone.

Withdrawing their weapons; both figures step aside and motion the visitor to pass.

Nodding as it trots beyond the two, the mysterious individual steps forward and disappears within the bowels of the cave


Traversing a winding path; with only a slight glow of illumination from the mysterious mushrooms that dot the cave. The figure steps forth to a large cavern and is instantly assaulted by the sounds in metal and stone craft as it passes by two unlit torches.
Pickaxes strike stone and spark in the darkness as wooden carts haul away the loosened earth and move it to several large piles that dot the area. Hammers strike red hot steel as it rests on massive anvils or hisses as its quenches in murky liquid.

Several lanterns hang with in the cave; with filled with the same mysterious fungus or glow with a strange green flame.

The ones creating such a racket are hidden in the low light and only leave behind strange shadows that almost dance along the walls and ground of the cavern.

Maintaining its brisk pace, the figure moves beyond the cavern and towards another; a strange crest carved above its entrance and several odd tapestries hanging along its walls.


Flames of green and white flicker along a large chambers walls. Long shadows run across the floor as the light shines upon the several strangely shaped items that sit with in it. A massive figure sits upon a throne. Its identity hidden within the low light of the room; though it’s form seems to reflect the pale green light along itself.
The cloaked figure steps into the chamber and instantly bows towards the room’s occupant.

“Mistress, I have returned.” A low voice states as it lowers its head.

“Indeed you have,” A raspy female voice replies. “Lower you hood, many seek my council and I wish to know if your presences it worth my time.”

The cloaked figure rises to a standing position and offers a quick bow. “My apologies mistress, I did not mean to insult you.”

With a flick of the head, the dark hood falls backwards and reveals a bright red male unicorn with a striped red and white mane.

“Ah Peppermint,” The figure on the throne replies in a less harsh tone. “What news do you bring from your journey?”

The stallion shakes its head and looks towards the floor. “Not good, I’m afraid. Your wishes to gain a powerful ally are unable to be fulfilled.”

*change if up to chrysalis mind control

“Sombra has fallen…how?”

The stallion opens his mouth to speak, but is cut off as a green aura envelops his head.

“Hm, vaporized, that is not good.” The voice hums. “Only one thing could bring the great king down.” The mysterious figure muses as it taps its right limb on the arm rest of the throne. “It seems the crystal heart has been found and used to restore the kingdom.”

Peppermint twitches as the light continues to surround his head. “My apologized, if I acted swifter you would….”

The figure holds up a boxy limb; silencing the graveling stallion. “All is not lost, there is another way.”

“How? If the king is gone then…” Peppermint is silenced again as the green aura increased.

“There is always a…” The mysterious female trails off as a sinister smile appears on her face. ”Hm, interesting, it would seem you have been quite busy these last few months.” The voice says as the massive figure rises from the throne and approaches the stallion; a horn atop its head glowing with same light that surrounds Peppermints head.

“Y-yes…I-I have.” The stallion attempt to add, but it cut off once more.

The figure lets out a low purr as it continues to advance towards the unicorn. “You have captured the hearts of many, but only seem to show interests towards a single mare….Why?”
“C-cinnamon Swirl gave me much love. I-it didn’t seem right to cast her aside once she helped me.”

“Indeed.” The figure quips with a slight nod. “A stronger bond will gain a greater effect.”

Peppermint falls into to a sitting position and continues to spasm as his mind is continuously invaded. “I don’t know now much longer I can take this.”

“Silence, you should feel honored that…” The figure trails off as it lets out a slight gasp followed by a low chuckle. “I can see why she was so fond of you. Most would be putty in your hooves with moves like that.”

“Is this…this is really necessary?”

“No, but it amuses me.” The larger figure replies with a sultry tone. “I find great ‘pleasure’ in my subjects turning those ‘ponies’ into pets.”

The green aura fades from the stallions head, causes him to uncemonially collapse onto the floor and let out an irritated groan.

Knowing that standing is impossible at the moment, Peppermint shifts his gaze back to the figure before him. “With all due respect mistress, if you only left your chambers once in a while. You’d be able to experience these ‘emotions’ first hoof without probing your subjects minds.”

A low chuckle escapes the large figures lips and it leans towards the down stallion; still mostly hidden by the rooms low light. “That’s what I like about you, Peppermint. You never mince your words and get to the heart of the matter. Kind of ironic if you think about it.”

Peppermint opens his mouth to respond, but it cut off by the imposing figure.

“However, that being said; you wouldn’t have come all this way to simply relay a message.”

The red stallion; with great difficultly, Returns to sitting position and flashes the figure a smirk. “Indeed mistress. It may not be what you intended for me to return with when you gave me this mission. But it should suffice none the less.”

“Go on.”

A small wrapped box appears into existence and levitates towards the figure; wrapped in a similar green aura. Emitting the unicorn’s horn. “This is for you.”

Taking the object with her own magic, the room’s mysterious occupant begins to fiddle with the paper wrapping. “What is it?”

“Open it. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.” The stallions grins as he returns to a standing position.

The figure lets out a chuckle and removes the object from the box with her magic. “Hm, what do we have here?”

“It seems even the power of ‘love’ can’t vanquish the all-powerful king. Upon finding that, I sensed a great deal of his power still present. I’ll spare you the details, but I was able to ‘procure’ that and return here undetected.” Peppermint pauses as he bows to the figure on the throne. “Your majesty.”

A loud cackle echoes across the stone walls of the room as the once low green flames brighten; illuminating the room and casting everything in a sickly green light. Before the stallion sits a being few have saw, but many still fear. With a flick of her brightly colored tail, the figure rises from the throne and returns to her hooves.

Standing a few inches taller than the great sun monarch of the Equestrian land; a creature of twisted magic and malice hovers over the red unicorn. The pale green light almost reflects off her carapace shell as massive tattered wings buzz happily. While long pointed fangs are revealed as the creature swings its head back and continues to cackle madly.

Few know of her true form, fewer still know of how she acquired it. Thought many know and fear Chrysalis: the Changeling Queen. Known by many as the one that ‘almost’ took over Equestria’s greatest city: Canterlot.

The queen in question continues to bellow an unholy laugh as she continues to gazes upon the item with in her magical grasp. “Something that at first glance would appear useless, however to the trained eye; it’s something that holds great power.”

Peppermint grins wickedly at the changeling queen. While a wave of green washes over him and reveals a smaller more sinister form.


Spears of hot death rain downward. Striking the ground and any unfortunate enough to be in the objects path. A massive army dressed in the well-known Solar Guard’s uniform. Attempts to push back the enemy that opposes them. Bolts of magic fire across the battlefield as soldiers of each side fall beneath their strike. While others are deflected by massive shields cast by other unicorn troops and dodged by the ever nimble pegasi. Or in some cases shrugged off by the mighty earth ponies that fill the ranks.

Another stands along the troops; one known to get their hooves dirty when the situation calls for it. A figure that is know by many while feared and loved by all. The sun monarch of the great land of Equestria. Princess Celestia.

Though the princess doesn’t stand along her troops for ceremony or to sit back and watch. No, she’s there to fight; and is doing a bang up job at that. As she unleashes magical strikes upon the enemy. Easily surpassing the mightiest unicorn solders, while unfolding her wings and sending the toxic black smoke skyward. Making her the envy of every Pegasus. While using her might to…well, you get the point.

The alicorn stood at the heart of the battle not as a princess, but as another trying to protect it. Though the soot from the burning fires nor the caked on mud could tarnish the beauty that many have known the princess for.

Despite being dressed in an ornate version of the Solar Guard armor. The alicorn’s magnificence still showed though. Her flawless while coat, seemed to repel any dirt, while her magic wings seems to always twitch slightly as if on high alert. As her long pink mane seems to flows majestically as if captured in a gentle breeze.

“The cowards have resorted to their trebuchets.” A gruff voice barked at the right of the young alicorn.

“All’s fair in love in war.” Celestia stated, still focused on the battle. “There magic is different than ours.”

Several large flaming boulders strikes a massive barrier over the much of the army’s head; prompting several to glace upwards as the rocks bounce harmlessly off.

“Still, we came here as a small group. So we could avoid this and instead we’ve resorted to the very thing we were trying to stop.”

Celestia furrows her brow at the stallions comment. “Thunder Foot, while I trust your opinion, I…” The princess trails off as she turns to her loyal solder and sees another in his place.

Standing where the seasoned veteran once stood a certain blue hedgehog stands in his place; Dressed in an anthro version of the Solar Armor.
“This is going to be a slaughter, Princess.” The hedgehog states as he gives the alicorn a hard look.

Celestia’s stern expression morphs into that of utter shock as she gazes upon the familiar hedgehog.

“S-Sonic, h-how are you…” The alicorn attempts to stutter out, but is cut off as she’s shoved to her side by the fast approaching hedgehog.

“Look out!” The hedgehog shouts as he shoves the princess out of the way of an oncoming strike.
A massive boulder coated in an almost black flame. Strikes the place the two once stood; sending several unfortunate solders tumbling across the earth.

The princess stares slack jawed at the twisted earth. “You have my thanks, my knight. When this battle is done I shall…” Celestia trails off as she notices the still form of her savior.

No breath left his lungs, or any response to the rather ‘awkward’ position he was now in. The alicorn’s protector simply lied still.

The sounds of the battle seemed to fade into the background as the alicorn continued to stare at the lifeless hedgehog. A puddle of crimson seeped into the ground around him. The sun princess let out an ear piercing scream as she watches the dry earth turn red.

“Does thee thou take pleasure in others suffering?” A familiar voice asks in the distance. The sun princess glance towards forward in an attempt to find its source. Only to see that the battle has shifted to a lifeless waste land.


A calming light casts onto the sleeping world from the moon and stares above. Illuminating the land in a soft glow. All is peaceful and calm.
As many peacefully slumber in there warm beds. Everything seems still and calm. Only breaking the silence slightly as the sound of the lands nocturnal creatures or a late night pegasi cut though the silent night.

Even the massive castle of Canterlot, is at rest. The only life still moving about is the castle’s Lunar Guard patrolling the halls. Each vigilant while searching for anything unwelcome in or around the castle walls. As with most nights nothing ever attempted to breach the castles defenses or attempt to invade during this time of night. In fact the only times the guards were call into action during this time. Was to stop an ‘ambassador’ from starting scandal or worse yet; a war. Others had been to simply stop a lover’s quail that started for one reason or another.

Before the return of Princess Luna, many saw this as a sort of punishment. To sweep the empty halls as those around them slept comfortable in their warm beds. While other times it was seen as a challenge by some of the day guards. To see who could patrol the castle borders during the day and it’s halls at night. Few actually were able to do it efficiently and as such, gained bragging rights around the other guards.

However, after the return of the lunar princess; they were seen as an elite division of the normal guard. Mainly because they received much harsher training and had a rather large number of the infamous bat ponies bolstering their ranks.

The moon goddess saw to it that the training times of old were put back into practice. Effectively weeding out the weak to either quit outright or join the Solar Guard. This alone showed than only the mightiest of stallion…or mare. (Both were welcome.) Made up the ranks of the Lunar Guard.


A shriek of sheer horror shatters the silence in one fell swoop. Shaking the very foundation the massive castle sits upon as ornate planks and assort clutter fall from the walls and tables; scatter on to the marble floor.

Any that ‘were’ roaming the castle halls have taken refuge in or near one of the archways or dart away from the falling objects. In hopes of protecting themselves from whatever just happened.

Several of the patrolling guards attempt to right themselves as they try to regain their bearings.

“What was that?” A dark blue male Pegasus asks as he gives his head few good shakes.

“I don’t know,” Another Pegasus states as he motioned to his left with an outstretched hoof. “But whatever it was, came from over there.”


The great monarch of the sun and co-ruler of Equestria, sits wide awake; trembling in her bed. While beads of sweat form on her brow as she pants frantically; still visibly shaken from her abrupt awakening. The sun princess glances around the room and wipes her forehead; letting out a sigh of relief.

“Phew, It was all a …”

A massive blast of blue magic cuts the princess off as doors to her bed chamber burst open; revealing a very distraught Luna standing on the other side.

“Sister, there is a disturbance in the force!” The lunar princess then notices her elder sister’s current state. “Are you ok?”

Celestia shakes her head slightly as she forces a smile. “I am fine, Luna. It was only a dream; Nothing more.”

The moon princess tilts her head inquisitively to the side at the elder alicorn’s reply. “I don’t think so, dear sister. There is definitely something wrong.” Luna’s expression hardens. “Something has happened to the dreamscape.”

“W-what has happened?” Celestia asks as her ears fold to the back of her head.

“It’s empty!”


Luna approaches her sister. “Yes Tia, it is. Except for the souls of lost or dammed, the scape is as barren as the badlands.” The blue alicorn stops at the foot of the bed. “So tell us, what was the last thing you remember before you woke up?”

The sun princess lets out a heavy sigh. “The battle of Raven Claw…” She trails off and looks down at bed. “Or at least that’s what I just witnessed.”

“Raven Claw,” Luna muses as she taps her chin with a hoof. “If we remember correctly, that wasn’t as much a battle as it was a bunch of spoiled griffins from a few noble houses. Playing soldier with their family’s war relics.”

Celestia looks up at her younger sister and bits her lower lip. “It was, those foolish children attempted to start a revolt with a few broken down relics of a forgotten war.” The princess lets out a low ‘humph’. “It would have been kind of cute, if they didn’t start trying to takeover border towns.”

“And we can only assume that you experienced something ‘different.” Luna inquires as she leans towards her elder sister. “Or are we to assume that you just like making us worry?”

“No, it was different,” The elder alicorn begins as she turns away from her sister. “Very different. It was as if somepony was trying to make is as horrible as possible and that’s not even the weirdest part about it.”

Luna’s ears perk up. “More so, then a barren land of decay and death?” Celestia opens her mouth to speak, but is cut off. “Yes sister, we peered into your dream before it ended. Though we fail to understand what’s ‘weirder’ than seeing scared earth, where lush fields should be.”

“Sonic was there. He saved my life at the cost of his own.” The elder alicorn trails off as she glances back towards her bed. “It doesn’t make sense, why of all ponies was he there and more importantly why was it him that…” Celestia trails off once more and looks up at her younger sister. “Luna?”

The moon goddess eyes all but bulge out from her skull as her lips move like a fish out of water. Only to morph into a snarl as her horn begins to emit a bright glow. “Cognition tampering.”


“Somepony is planning something most foul. “

Before the elder alicorn can comment, the lunar princess disappears in a flash of light.


Even as the soothing rays of Luna’s moon shines from above. Citizens of all factions lie awake in their beds. Many simply scratch their heads in disbelief at the sudden jostling from their slumber. While others begin roaming their homes as if the answer lies within the confines of their home.

Some even awaken rattled from their dreams, but then shrug it off and attempt to return there slumber.

While a select few are able to recall a twisted version of a pleasant or mundane memory.

“What in tarnation?”
“Oh, that wasn’t as super awesome as I recall.”

“Gracious, what a simply dreadful dream.

“O-oh my, t-that not how it happened at a-all.”

“Whoa, that is so not cool.”

And very specific mare lets out a scream that rivaled that of the solar princess’s.

An ear spitting scream cuts though the silence a certain mare crashes to the floor and begins frantically panting.

“Twilight!” A voice shouts from the darkness as the sound of rapid footsteps near the lavender mare.

Delicate hands wrap around the young unicorn and lift her into a sitting position. Twilight almost coos at the sensation and wiggles the appendages slightly before opening her eyes….And spots two golden orbs looking down at her.

“B-Blaze!” The mare gasps as she almost leaps from the lilac feline’s grasp. “W-what are you doing here?”

“Expecting someone else?” The Sol Princess quips as she smirks at the unicorn below her.

Twilight blushes and looks way. “N-no, why would you think that?”

“I have my reasons.” Blaze’s expression shifts to a frown. “But seriously, what did you see?”
The mare rolls out of the cat’s grip. “It’s not like it matters. It was only a dream. “

“One so powerful, that it caused you to awaken in such a fashion.” Blaze adds as she shifts to a sitting position. “Now Miss Sparkle, what was it?”

Twilight mirrors the lilac cat. “I still don’t see why it matters, unless.” The mare raises an eyebrow at the one sitting before her. “You don’t think?”

“It is a possibility, given that the only one still in slumber is Spike.” Blaze says as she motions to the small dragon still lying in the basket.

“No, I’m awake….so very much awake.” The young drake replies as he blankly stares at the ceiling.


A certain blue hedgehog lies awake as he awkwardly sprawled onto of a large bed.

“Well that was odd.” Sonic mutters out as he shifts into another position. “I wonder what caused-GAH!”

The hedgehog is cut off as bright light flashes at the right side of his bed prompting him to shield his eyes and turn away.

Sonic lowers his hand and turns towards the source of the disturbance and lets out a small chuck.

“Lulu, what are you doing here?” He grins and continues. “I didn’t know you made house calls.”

The moon princess turns away and sways side to side uncomfortably. “We’ve come to discuss a matter of great importance. “ Luna trails off as she awkwardly flicks her massive wings and blushes a deep shade of crimson. “You’ll have to forgive us; we have never been with another in their bed chambers before…Well except for sisters. We fear that you may get the wrong impression for us being here.”

“Just relax and take a seat.” Sonic says as he motions to empty side of the bed. “I’m probably not going back to sleep anytime soon. So take your time.”

Luna nods and gingerly sits down onto the empty space on the large bed.


“Sonic, is that you?” A certain cyan mare asks as she begins making her rounds down the hallway; stopping at the door to Sonics room and peaking it. “I thought I heard…voices.”

Rainbow Dash trails off as she notices a very peculiar sight. A sleep on the bed is her roommate and not so subtle crush; Sonic. Though was makes this out of the ordinary, is that Princess Luna is curled up next to him. Sleeping soundly as she cuddled the sleeping hedgehog.

The cyan mare grits her teeth and lets out a low growl. As her eyes flash a bright shade of red and white aura begins to rolls off her, like fire. “Of all the rotten dirty, low down-Hey what’s this?”

A piece of bright blue parchment catches her eye as is falls onto her face. Rainbow Dash snatches the object with her wind and examines it.

“What the buck?”


-A few moments earlier.

“So, that is why we can’t talk of this matter here.” The lunar princess finishes as she motions to the rooms cloudy interior. “It’s not that we don’t trust Miss Dash, rather it’s that…”

“Yeah, I get it.” Sonic says cutting the alicorn off. “Great importance and all that,”

“So you understand?”

“Sure but,” The hedgehog scratches his head. “I don’t know if I’d be able to help any.”

Luna grins at the comment and leans closer. “We’ve seen what you’re capable of and we think you’d be perfectly able to assist us.”

“Hm still, what exactly am I supposed to ‘help’ you with?” Sonic asks using finger quotes to emphasize his question.

“Not here, but elsewhere.” The moon goddess states as she glances around the room.

“Ok, let me just grab my shoes and..”

“That won’t be necessary.” Luna says cutting Sonic off. “Where we’re going, they won’t be needed.”

The blue hedgehog frowns at the princess. “What do you mean by ‘not needed’? Where are we…”

“Ssssllleeepp!” Luna smoothly commands as she cuts the hedgehog off once again.

Sonic’s eyes roll back as he falls abruptly back onto the bed and begins to quietly snore.

The princess giggles as the hedgehog’s sleeping form. “That is just adorable.”

“Sonic, is that you?” A familiar voice asks from down the hallway.


Scanning the room, Luna spots a piece of blue parchment, ink well, and a light blue quill. Using her magic she levitates it them to her and begins to hastily scribble a message onto it. Just as a shadow appears from under the doorway, the princess finishes her message and turns towards a conveniently placed vanity mirror.


Luna’s head hits the pillow just as the door begins to open.


-Present time

Rainbow Dash glances as the parchment held in her wing, back at the sleeping forms of Sonic and Luna, and then back at the letter. “What the buck is this?”

‘~Miss Dash,
We hope you find this letter, before jumping to any sort of conclusion.

Please understand, we’ve come to speak with Sonic regarding something that has just come to our attention. As you may have noticed, not many ponies are asleep during this time.’

Rainbow Dash glances out a nearby window and notices that Ponyville is rather active for such a late hour. The mare shrugs it off and goes back to the letter.

‘We ask that you refrain from trying to wake either of us, for it will break the link and will make our venture here pointless.

Thank you Rainbow Dash,

Princess Luna’

Gritting her teeth once more, the cyan mare crumples the letter with her wind, lets it fall to the floor, and gives it a mighty stomp for good measure.

“Whatever,” Rainbow Dash mutters out as she exits the room.


Endless stars and galaxies fill an endless void. The great cosmos spans in every direction for all to see. Spires of white light hang in the distance as massive planets rotate around giant orbs of light; Moving at an almost non-existent pace.

An awestruck Sonic gazes upon the great expanse. Watching as stars shoot across the night sky, the hedgehog takes a few steps back; causing something to let out a loud crunch as he steps on it.

Glancing around, the blue hedgehog takes a look at his surroundings. Massive craters fill the landscape, breaking the otherwise mundane wash of white that consumes the area. Turning back to where he was once facing. Sonic notices a planet much like his own.

Pure white clouds hover over the vast stretches of land and numerous oceans. Though unlike his own world, no massive space stations or vast clusters of trash hover around the planet. Not a single piece of foreign debris is present.

“So this is…”

“…the moon, yes, “A voice says to Sonic’s right. Prompting him to jump in response and turn towards the source. “…or at least a very good interpretation of it.”

The blue hedgehog raises an eyebrow at the dark alicorn besides him. “Come again, I don’t think I heard you right.”

Luna grins as she turns to a confused Sonic. “What you are standing on is the moon, or at least the closest thing to it that one would find in this realm.”

“You don’t mean…”

“Yes, Sonic, we humbly welcome you to the dreamscape” The alicorn flares out her wings for effect.

“Neat.” The hedgehog responds flatly.

Luna tilts her head to the side. “This is much more than ‘neat’. This is the realm of dreams. A place few have gone, but many have sought to go.”

Sonic shrugs. “Uh, super neat.”

The moon princess shakes her head. “You are the first mortal to step forth into this great expanse. Surely you can sum up your thought with something other than ‘neat’.”

“Ok,” Sonic begins as he looks around. “It’s vast, cold, and the ground is kind of crunchy.”

“And just like that, the magic is gone.” Luna comments with an annoyed huff.


The lunar princess holds a hoof to her mouth as she attempts to stifle a chuckle.

“So uh, what was so important that you had to bring me here of all places.” The hedgehog asks as he gazes upon the landscape. “It seems a bit much to summon me to the Twilight zone, just to have a chat.”

Luna’s playful expression morphs onto a serious one. “We are sure you have noticed this alright, but as you can see we are quite alone here.”

Sonic scans the surroundings and turns back to the princess. “Yeah so, didn’t you just say not may come here?”

The alicorn shakes her head. “Not in the sense as you are now, but through their dreams.” Luna scowls as her own statement. “This realm should be filled with thousands, if not millions of ponies and other creatures living there greatest fantasies or fears. However, as you can see there is not.”

“What about over there?” The hedgehog asks as he gestures towards a cluster of green orbs. “Not everyone is gone if those are there.”

Luna lets out a heavy sigh and drapes a wing over the hedgehog. “They are the dreams of the lost and damned. We can do nothing for them, other than assure they live their greatest desires before passing.”

Sonic scratches his head and turns back towards the princess. “What do you mean by that? Are they in a coma or something?”

“Some yes, others are trapped and are beyond saving.”

The hedgehog opens his mouth to speak, but is cut off.

“Though, that is not why we have asked you here.” Luna says as she motions Sonic to follow. “We’d hoped that you’d be able to shed some light on why this realm is without its ponies.”

“We’ll I’d say everyone’s awake.” Sonic states flatly as if the answer was odious. “I mean where else could they be if not here.”

“Yes, but why.”

The hedgehog taps his chin as he thinks of an answer. “That is the one million dollar question, now isn’t it?”


Sonic gives the alicorn a dismissive wave. “Never mind, well if I had to guess. Assuming that this in the normal time you guys sleep. Something has woken everyone up; Intention or not.”

Luna leans closer eager for the hedgehog to continue. “Yes?”

“Something very bad, considering the only ones still ‘sleeping,’” He says with finger quotes. “Are the ones that can’t wake up; or at least that’s my guess.”

The princess face hooves. “Son of a…”

Next Chapter preview

Gilda: "Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

Dash: "I swear, it's not what it looks like!"

Blaze: "wha-who! How do you like me now?"

Sonic: "Well there's something you don't see every day."

Birds of Prey

Author's Note:

Things are not right, a great evil dwells in the shadows. What will our heroes face in there journey?

Those questions and much more will be answered on the next; BATTLE FOR EQUESTIRA!

All Characters belong to there respective owners.

A/N: Phew, this was a dozy. Made this a bit longer as planed, since you guys waited a while for this thing to get started. So think of some of this as a bit of a bonus.

Anyway, let me know what you guys think in the comment section below.