• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,658 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...


Chapter: 17


On the outer edge of a Ponyville, a certain feline and hedgehog make their ways towards the bustling center. Ponies and other creatures alike, pass by galloping/running at top speed to whatever has the town in a frenzy. Some pulling carts, while others zig zagging around the slower moving individuals.

“Must be some sale,” Sonic jests as he watched a small group of mare sprint past him and then shakes his head as he turns to lilac Sol guardian. “Am I right?”

The feline remains silent as she walks alongside the hedgehog. Tapping her chin with as she contemplates something to herself.

“Hey Blaze, you still with me?”

Sonic’s question snaps the Sol Guardian from her daze, as she sheepishly turns to the blue speedster besides her as a small blush appeared on her face.

“My apologize Sonic, I wasn’t paying attention. Could you please repeat the question?”

The blue hedgehog raises an eyebrow in response. “Something on your mind, Blaze?”

“I can’t stop thinking about what Ms. Dash said to us about the race earlier. She seemed genuinely worried about how things transpired today.” The lilac feline answers with a frown. “I don’t wish to step on anyone’s toes. Perhaps I should refrain from interfering with your morning routine in the future.”

“Na, it’s nothing like that.” Sonic states with a dismissive wave. “I think Dash was just ticked that we both left her in the dust. That’ all.” The hedgehog raises an eyebrow before continuing. “But, since you seem so concerned about it. I’ll talk to her tonight and let her know that you aren’t trying to take over our ‘little runs’.”

Blaze holds a closed fist to the bottom of her muzzle as if trying to convey her words properly. “That would give me peace of mind on this matter. You have my thanks, Sonic.” The feline adds as she turns back to the blue hedgehog and gives him a warm smile. “What would I do without you?”

Sonic scratches the back of head and lets out an amused chuckle. Drawing his attention to a brightly colored stall as they pass it. “You give me too much credit, Blaze. I’m just doing what anyone else would do. I’m sure it’s just a bit of a misunderstanding that’s all.”

The feline look away and furrows her brow as she processes the hedgehog’s response. Crossing her arms across her chest while doing so. A shout by a nearby vendor, breaks the felines concentration for a moment as she glances at the troublesome stallion. Who seems intent on making any passerby’s ‘take a gander at his wares.’ Most being of ‘pony friendly’ cooking utensils and cutlery. Blaze lets an annoyed out a huff as she turns back to path in front of her. “Be as it may, Sonic. You can’t deny that she seems troubled by the matter.”

“Like I said, I’ll talk to her about it later.” The blue hedgehog snaps with a bit of a harsh tone in his voice. Prompting the feline to give him a perplexed look in response. Realization dons on Sonic as he recalls how he just responded to the feline. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take that out on you. It’s been a weird morning.”

“Understandable, I’ve had a few of those myself.” Blaze begins tapper her chin and continues. “Most of them rather recent, now that I think about it. Why is that?”

“You’re still getting used to things, once you get settled in. It will be easier to wrap your mind out a lot of things here. That you couldn’t before, trust me.” Sonic states as he glances at a vendor selling some rather questionable ‘exotic wares’ before turning back to the lilac feline. “But that can’t be all that’s bothering you. What’s up?”

The feline’s eyes widen as she turn to a concerned blue hedgehog. “Is it really that obvious?” Sonic nods as he crosses his arms and gives the guardian an apologetic look. “Very well then. Would you be offended if I asked you a bit of a personal question?”

“It depends on what it is, but knowing you, it’s probably nothing I’d mind answering.” Sonic replies with a slight smirk. “What up?”

Blaze gives the hedgehog a flat look before continuing. “I know it’s none of my business, but despite being in this land for as long as you have been. Why haven’t you made an attempt to find your own domicile? Rather, you share one with one of the residents’ of this town instead. Why is that?”

Sonic raises an eyebrow at the feline and give her the best ‘are you serious?’ look he can muster before answering. “Well two reasons actually,” The hedgehog begins as he holds up two fingers before continuing. “One reason being that, I honestly wasn’t planning on staying as long as I did. So, I never really sought out any place of my own. I figured I’d find a way back home in at most a few days tops. But then, bam. Six months go by and I’m still crashing at Twilight’s.” The hedgehog shrugs. “She never gave me any guff about it, so I figured it wasn’t a problem.”

“I wonder why,” Blaze says under her breath before continuing. “And the second reason?”

“Well it kind of ties to the first one. Despite being an outsider everyone seemed ok with me being here.” Sonic states as he turns his attention towards a rather busy market place. “Plus, I sort of felt ‘needed’ in a way when I was staying there.” The hedgehog adds with a small smile.

Blaze tilts her head in confusion. “How so?”

“Well, it would seem I was the only one able to drag Twilight away from her books or studies and to convince her to just go outside for more than a few minutes.” The hedgehog then lets out a nervous chuckle. “Had I know, it was starting to affect things, I would have laid off a bit.” The feline lets out a scoff. “It also seemed that I always around at the right time to assist in something…or save someone.” Sonic adds with a smirk.

“Hm I see,” Blaze comments as she taps her chin. “For some reason, I was expecting you to say you something else.” The feline then frowns. “Odd.”

“You almost seem disappointed in my answer.” Sonic jests with an amused laugh and then crosses his arms behind his head. “What were you ‘expecting’ me to say?” The hedgehog adds as he uncrossed his arms and used air quotes when appropriate.

The feline furrows her brow, as if trying to convey how to properly respond to the question. “Well I had figured you’d have come accustomed to the ‘hero worship’ or maybe become accustomed to things here and decided to stay.”

Sonic lets out a small chuckle. “Well I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the fan far, but…” The hedgehog trails off as a frown appears on his face. “…I never felt like I belonged here. Sure, this is a nice place and all. It just doesn’t feel right…you know?”

“I do indeed, Sonic. I’ve had a similar ‘feeling’ since I arrived as well.” The feline using finger quotes, when appropriate. “But surely not from lack of effort. Everyone here has been so kind and welcoming.” Blaze then frowns. “Which makes me conflicted as to why these emotions still linger. Despite the contrary.”

“You got me,” Sonic replies with a shrug. “If I knew the answer to that, I’d stop feeling like a fish out of water here.”

“I find your choice of words to be quite odd.” Blaze teases with a smirk.

“Meh, it happens.” Sonic replies with another shrug. “Anyway, it’s my turn to ask a question.”

“Uh ok,” The feline leans back slightly. A bit taken by the abrupt subject change. “What did you want to know?”

“Do you remember that costume you wore at the capitol a few days back?” The hedgehog beings as he turns to the lilac feline.

“What about it?”

“Well, I used to know someone who wore an outfit just like that awhile back. So, either you two meet at some point or it’s one hell of a coincidence.”

Blaze begins tapper her chin as she ponders the hedgehog’s inquiry. “Well, when you put it that way. My attire choice for that evening, does require a bit of explaining. But first,” The feline trails off as she reaches into her coat, pulls something out of it, and then passes it to Sonic. “I should probably give this back to you.”

“Is this what I think it is?” Sonic asks as he takes the item from the guardian’s outstretched hand.

“Indeed,” Blaze answers with a slight smirk. As takes a glance towards a rather enthused Sonic as he examines a freshly polished gold pocket watch. “I made necessary adjustments when needed and even removed the patina that had started to form around the some of the hinge joints and around the crown.”

“Cool,” The hedgehog replies as he continues to look over the item and then turns his attention towards the Sol Guardian. “Thank you, Blaze. You did a great job on this.”

The feline blushes a deep crimson in response and then draw her attention to her hands. As she begins fiddling with them. “It was nothing, really. I just oiled and fixed some of the internal parts….I don’t deserve such praise for such a minor task.”

Sonic places a hand on the nervous guardians shoulder, prompting them to slowly turn towards him, “Just take the complement, Blaze.” The hedgehog then holds up the watch with his free hand. “It looks brand new. You even fixed that tweaked hinge that always got stuck.” To prove this, Sonic presses the latch release. Causing the cover to spring outwards. “Hey what’s this?”

Inside the inner part of the gold cover, sits a small photograph of a surprised Blaze and rather cheerful Twilight. With a foreleg over the feline’s shoulder and her horn lit with magic; most likely using it to hold the camera and take the picture.

“Twilight took it when she saw me working on the watch a few days ago. She just came up behind me, holding that stupid camera.” Blaze crumbles as she looks way. “She kept asking me put in to cover to surprise you, so I did.”

Letting out an amused chuckle, Sonic tucks the watch away for safekeeping. “Yeah, that sounds like Twilight. Always trying to brighten everyone’s day.”

Blaze raises an eyebrow. “I thought that was Ms. Pie’s department.”

“Well, to be fair. Everyone tends to fall under that category when they notice someone feeling down.”

The feline starts to tap her chin as she ponder this new information. “I see, that does explain a few things.”

“Yeah, it starts to make sense around here. Once you keep that in mind.” Sonic states as he glances an overly decorated flower stall. “Anyway, back to my original question.”

“Yes, of course. I owe you an explanation….”


“Well you seem to be high spirits.” A certain princess of love inquires as she watches a magically cast image of a now pink unicorn prance around her room.

Twilight grins at the comment, “Really, I hadn’t noticed.” The mare then returns to her usual demeanor and starts humming a tune to herself.

Cadence’s eyes narrow as an all knowing grin appears on her face. “Oh, I think I know what happened? Somepony got lucky last night.”

The mare stops dead in her tracks and begins to blush profusely. “What?”

“You don’t have to be the princess of love to see what’s going on here.” The alicorn’s grin intensifies. “So, tell me. Who’s the lucky stallion?”

“T-there is n-no stallion.” Twilight stutters out as her blush intensifies.

Cadance tilts her head. “A mare then? Twilight, you know I don’t judge. Whoever you find love with is fine by…”

“N-no, t-there is no stallion or m-mare!” The unicorn sputters as she looks away. “And nothing h-happened, Cadance.”

The princes of love raises her eyebrow and tilts her head to the side. “Then why are so ‘giddy’? Something happened, you’re usually a bit more reserved than this.”

“Well if you must know, I have a date with a certain somepony this weekend.” Twilight replies with a huff.

“You have a ‘date’?” Cadance’s eyebrows disappear behind her bangs. “Well, that’s great. Who asked you?”

“Well, I actually asked them and…”

“Oh, I bet it was Rainbow Dash,” The Princess interrupts as a huge grin appears on her face. “I always knew she played for the same team. Though, I figured she’d be the first one to make a move.”

“What?! No, it wasn’t Rainbow Dash!”

“Uh, Pinkie Pie? She strikes me as the ‘experimental type.”

Twilight scrunches her muzzle and lets out a groan. “No, it’s not Pinkie.”

“How about, Fluttershy? She always seems to be skittish around stallions. So it only makes sense that…”

“No, No, no! It’s not Fluttershy or any of my friends!” Twilight snaps. “What’s with you? What makes you think I’m into mares ‘that’ way?”

The smile vanishes from the alicorn's face. “Well, we all go through that ‘experimental stage’ when we’re young. I figured, with you being a late bloomer in that department, you’d start wanting to act on these ‘thoughts’. Given how you’re finally able to get out on your own and such.”

Twilight face hooves with an audible crack. “You’re just messing with me aren’t you?”

Cadance let out an amused giggle. “Just a little.” The alicorn’s expression shifts to a stern one. “Though I was serious on you playing catch up in the whole romance department. Your folks have been concerned that they’d never see you get a colt…or filly friend before they died. And don’t even get me started on grand fouls. There is something seriously wrong about your father in-law, asking you if there son is making you happy in the bedroom. ” The princess shakes her head to dispel the thought. “But enough about my troubles. Tell me, who’s the lucky stallion…or mare that gets to accompany you on this little get together of yours?”

“Well, it’s…”

“Hey Twilight, you for a minute?”

Both mare’s turn to a certain small drake as he walks into view; carrying a large pink box with several crudely drawn hearts on it. Who then sets the package down and wipes his brow with his hand.

“What’cha got there, Spike?” Twilight inquires as she eyes the box suspiciously. “You didn’t sign up for another cooking club did you? Because, we still have a cupboard full of funny dishes and pans that I don’t know what to do with from the last one you joined.” The mare jests with a smirk.

“That’s because you lack the knowledge of the culinary arts, you uncultured swine!” Spike retorts with an over exaggerated Prench accent.

Cadance snickers at the dragon’s outburst, gaining a glare from Twilight in return.

“What? It’s true. You can barely make toast, without burning it.”

The unicorn clears her throat. “My cooking skills aside…”

“Or lack thereof,” Spike quips.

Twilight rolls her eyes. “Anyway, what’s in the box? I don’t recall you ordering anything that comes in a bright pink package.”

“Pink…package?” Cadance’s eyes widen. “Wait…”

“That’s the thing, it’s addressed to you.” Spike replies, totally oblivious to pink alicorn’s request. “But, it doesn’t say who it’s from or has a return address…odd.”

“That is odd, did anything go off when you carried it through the front door?”

Spike rolls his eyes and lets out a heavy sigh. “No Twilight, nothing happened when I brought it in. Seriously it was one bad cupcake and Pinkie already apologized for a solid week for accidentally giving you that habanero pastry.”

“One can never be too careful,” The mare quips in a matter o-factly tone. “Now open it.”

The drake extends a claw and pokes it into the middle of the box tape. “Way ahead of you…”

“Wait stop!” The princess shouts as she leaps towards the pink projection.


“…then she mentioned something about wanting to be a designer and only entered the torment, because business was slow and that she was bored.” The guardian continues as she tells of who ‘influenced’ her Nightmare Night costume.

“Really? What else?” Sonic asks, listening to the feline’s explanation.

“Well, Honey did also mention that she lost to some ‘devilishly handsome blue hedgehog.’” Blaze adds as she turns to Sonic with a smirk. “Now who could that possibly be?”

Sonic taps his chin as he mock ponders the feline’s question. “Well it couldn’t have been me. I was…”

The rest of the hedgehog’s comments is cut off as he’s playfully shoved by an amused Sol guardian.

“You are such a liar,” Blaze retorts as she poorly stiffens a giggle. “Who else could it be? Hm?”

“Well I do have a twin that likes to pop in from time to time. That…”

“Who is actually you, from an alternate universe.” Blaze finishes with a bit of edge in her voice. “That is, last time you mentioned him. Bright green.”

Sonic lets out a sigh and holds his hands up in defeat. “Alright fine it was me.” The hedgehog grumbles as he turns away from the feline. “You’re such a kill joy.”

“I am not a ‘kill joy’. I’m merely wish to keep the facts straight. ” Blaze corrects a she rolls her eyes. “Now, if you really want me to leave a ‘lasting impression’ keep up with those snide comments you keep saying every few minutes.”

“Me-ow, I’m liking this new side of you.” Sonic begins with playful swat of his hand. “You don’t take guff from anyone and just say it like it is. That’s hot…uh pun intended.”

Blaze lets out a low groan as she holds up her right hand; balled into a fist. And ignites it.

“But, uh since you asked nicely. I’ll tone it down a bit.”

The feline ceases the flaming appendage and clears her throat. “Thank you,”

“Anyways,” Sonic begins as he turns back to the lilac guardian. “So, how did Honey get to your world anyways?”

Blaze’s expression shifts to a hard scowl. “That’s the thing, neither of us knew. She just appeared one day on the shore line of Plant Kingdom. Lost, hungry, and scared.” Her expression softens. “I happened on to the island by sheer chance. While investigating some reports of strange activity in the area.

“So then what happened?” The blue hedgehog asks as he continues pace with the Sol Guardian.

“Well, I gave her lift back to the mainland and offered a place to stay till she could figure out a way to return home.”

“Wait a minute,” Sonic interrupts. “You were doing that whole, ‘lone wolf’ thing when we first met. If I wasn’t the one to melt that frozen heart of yours. What did Honey to do get to you trust her and then make you go back to the way you were before I came along?”

“I was distant with others, not anti-social.” Blaze says with a huff.

“No, you were a recluse in every sense of the word.” Sonic corrects.

The feline lets out a low growl. “If you must know, Honey offered to teach me some basic combat techniques. In exchange for helping her out and giving her a place to stay.”

“So, she taught you how to fight?” The guardian nods. “And I take it that’s how you found out about me and started having those weird dreams of yours.”

Blaze shakes her head. “You have no idea. I believe she may have had a thing for you,” The feline jests. “But was afraid of that red fox that was always around you at the time.”

Sonic lets out a heavy sigh at the mention of his former friend. “Yeah, I can see how that would be an issue.” The hedgehog looks at something off in the distance. “So, what happened to her? She’s still not in your world, is she?”

“I think she’s back in yours. She may have been transported there when our dimensions were in flux and since she didn't have a link to any sort of cosmic powers. She was probably left alone.”

“Cool, I’ll have to drop by and say hello when I get back….if I ever get back.”

Noticing the hedgehog’s current demeanor. The Sol Guardian steers the topic to something else.

“So, where is this supposed ‘fitness center’ you mentioned located? We’re almost at the edge of town.”

“It's call a gym,” Sonic corrects. “And we’re almost there. It’s just right up ahead.”

On the outskirts of the town know for it ‘classic appeal’ of thatch roofed houses and rustic settings. Sits a building that sticks out like a sore thumb. With its stone white walls, large open windows, and brightly lit neon sign that can even be seen in the day. Of a giant barbell flexing in the middle by a massive muscular foreleg and hoof. Stands two off worlders gazing upon this sight with both wonder and amusement.

Blaze stares at the structure with an unamused look. “So, this is it? A giant stone box? Gee Sonic, you sure know how to show a girl a good time”

“You know it,” Sonic quips with a smirk.

The guardian’s face flushes a deep shade of red. “T-that’s not what I meant.”

“Hey, you said it. Not me.”

“Touché.” Blaze grumbles under her breath.

Sonic walks ahead of the feline and opens the door for her. “C’mon there is someone I want you to meet.”

The feline says nothing and walks through the doorway; with the blue hedgehog following behind her.


Entering a set of double glass doors, the feline is meet with a gust of cold air as an active fan spins right over the entrance. The jingle of a bell is heard as the door is swung open. Blaze shudders slightly at the radial temperature change. Her expression then shifts to one of confusions as the sound of heavy hoof steps can be heard; followed by the appearance of a massive white stallion.

“Ah, look we ave another customer.” The pony roars with a heavy accent as he closes the gap between himself and the feline. Prompting her to cower slightly “Welcome to Pumping Iron, I am-“ Another chime of the overhead bell prompts the stallion to cut himself off and turn towards the new arrival. “I’LL BE WITH YOU IN JUST A…Oh hey, if it isn’t my favorite customer.”

Slowly turning towards the source of the noise. Blaze spots Sonic standing in the doorway. With a cheeky smirk on his face. “Sup, Snowflake? I see you meet my friend I was telling you about.”

The stallion now known as Snowflake steps away from the feline and turns towards the blue hedgehog and greets him. “Ah yes, she just walked in. It is so good to see you, Sonic. These cream puffs have been making a mockery of this gym.”

Sonic lets out an amused chuckle. “I bet,”

“I assume you are here to put them in their places.”

“Not today,” The hedgehog states as he shakes his head. “I’m just here showing Blaze the setup you have here.” Sonic gestures to the burmese cat. “Snowflake this is Blaze,” He then turns to the stallion. “Blaze this is Snowflake aka …”

“BULK BICEPS!” The stallion interrupts with an intense roar, while striking a drastic. YEAHH!”

Blaze springs backwards in response to abrupt introduction and hides behind Sonic. Prompting the hedgehog to let out an amused laugh and shake his head.

“C’mon dude,” The hedgehog frowns. “We’ve been over this. You have to tone it down a bit. Or else you’re going to keep scaring off all your customers.”

“The mares like it,” Snowflake counts while striking a pose.

“To be fair,” Blaze begins as she steps out from behind the blue hedgehog. “I’ll admit the appearance is rather appealing.” She says with a slight purr. “The amount of…shall we say bravado you have exerted since my arrival. Is what the initial turn off for me was.” The feline frowns. “Confidence is fine, but over cockiness is what will scare most away.”

Sonic raises an eyebrow and slowly turns towards the feline. Prompting her to mirror the hedgehog actions and takes a step back in defense. “What? I can’t have an opinion on the matter?”

“No, no that’s not it.” The hedgehog replies as he shakes his head. “I just didn’t see it coming.” He then turns to a rather confused white stallion. “Well there you have it, Snow. It’s like I said; dial it back a bit and you’ll have this place packed in no time.”

The stallion nods. “I’ll keep that in mind.” His expression relaxes. “By the way, when are Rainbow Dashing and you doing another one of your ‘iron pony’ completions? A lot of the regulars have been asking about it.”

“I didn’t know you were a member. How often do you come here?” Blaze inquires as she tilts her head.

“Pfft, at least three times a week. More so if the weather isn’t optimal.” Snowflake states with a stern tone. “They both came in while I was running a special.” His expression shifts to a grin. “Which brought in record profits, once word got out that the two fastest runners in Equestria were regulars.”

Blaze gives the hedgehog a long look. “I knew there something different,” She gives him a sultry look. “Whatever you’re doing don’t stop. I’m liking the results.”

Sonic lets out an amused chuckle. “Glad to see my efforts are paying off.”

Snowflake clears this throat, “Always, your new training weights came in.” The stallion states as he lifts a small box onto a nearby table.

“Cool, I’ve been waiting all week for these.” The comments as he walks over to the box and opens it. Removing its contents. “So, what do I owe you?”

“The same as usual.”

“Of course,” The hedgehog scoffs as he rolls back his gloves and sets two sizable weights onto the table next to the box and then does the same with this socks and sets two larger ones alongside the other ones. Sonic then opens the box and does the process in reverse and tucks a set of smaller wrist weights into this gloves and some sizable ones back onto his shoes.

Blaze opens her mouth to ask about the old ones, but stops as she notices Sonic remove a feather pen from the box and scribble something on to each of them and then places them back into the box.

“There we go, another set down and ready for delivery.”

“Excellent,” Snowflake begins as he grabs the box with a forelegs and tucks it behind the counter. “I’ll be sure to have it sent with today’s outgoing mail.”

Blaze slowly raises her hand. “Uh, what just happened?”

The stallion and hedgehog turn to each other than back towards the feline. “I suppose some explanation is in order.” Sonic begins with smirk.

“My cousin in Manehattan is testing out a new form of weight enchantment.” Snowflake continues.

“I test them out and give them a score from one to ten on how well they work, send them back and then repeat the process.” Sonic adds.

“She’s shooting for a smaller size with more weight. So it’s not so cumbersome to wear. So far she’s been able to reduce the size by 50% and nearly double the weight.” The stallion says with a smug look.

The feline raises an eyebrow and then crosses her arms across her chest. “That’s actually, an interesting concept. I take it she’s also trying to do the opposite with larger objects? Making them lighter so they're easier to transport?”

“No, but I’ll mention it when I send this off.” The stallion says as he disappears behind the counter. “By the way that prissy unicorn friend of yours was here, just before you two arrived.”

“You mean, Rarity? What was she doing here?” Sonic inquires as he approaches the counter.

Some shuffling can be heard as the bulk of the stallions frame can be seen as he retrieves something from behind the front desk. “She dropped off something and told me to give it to you.” Snowflake mutters as he continues to search around the desk. “Now where did I put that…Ah ha!”

A massive (bedazzled) duffle bag is suddenly hoisted on the counter of the desk; making a loud clank as it’s set down. “Your friend said it was important and that it should help with ‘little set up’ two you have planned.” The stallion states as he flexes his front hooves in a ‘quoting’ motion.

“I wonder what it is,” Sonic inquires as he slides the back towards him, unzips it and reaches his hand inside. “Oh hey check this out it out, Blaze.” The blue hedgehog says while removing a small track top and holding it up. “Rares, came through with the equipment I asked her to whip up for us. I should probably give her a big hug next time I see her.”

Blaze looks into the bag and pulls out another article of clothing to look it over and notices a piece of paper falling out of the bag. “She’s requesting one as payment.” The feline states as she holds up a piece of parchment, with a crude message scribbled on it.

Sonic takes the paper and examines it. “Huh, so it does. You’d think she would have better hoof writing this this. It looks like it was written with a pink color crayon.”

“Maybe she wrote it in a hurry,” Snowflake comments as glances at the note.

“Yeah probably,” Sonic agrees with a dismissive shrug. “Anyway, we best get going. We’ve got to do this ‘thing’ later and are already burning daylight.” The hedgehog adds as he repack the duffle bag and zips it shut. “I’ll see you later, Snow.”

“Safe travels, hedgehog.”

The two turn to leave, but suddenly Sonic stops and turns back to the stallion at the front desk. “By the way, I almost forgot. What’s going on out there that has everyone freaking out in the market?”

“Bah, just some celebrity from Canterlot hosting some sort of conference. Honestly, I think it just some pony trying to get attention.

“Yeah probably,” The hedgehog comments with a shrug and a small wave. “I’ll see you later, bud.”

Just as the two step through the double doors, they hear someone yell about ‘putting the cookie down’ and then demanding that they ‘stop whining.’


Pushing their way through the crowd of excited fillies and colts, the CMC instantly met with the distinct sound of a certain spoiled filly’s voice and her equally bratty best friend.

“Don’t let the crowds fool you, most of these nitwits will disperse and move on to the next ‘big thing’ in a few days.” The pink earth pony states with a hint of detest in her voice.

“So, is price for living in a town where every day is not like the last.” Silver Spoon adds with a smugness in her tone.

The CMC roll their eyes and begin giggling at the poorly paraphrased quote. Till a new voice pipes in that neither of them recognize.

“I’m actually kind of hoping that’s the case. If I wanted everypony to follow me like a mindless drone. I would have stayed in Canterlot.” The pony spats as if the words have a foul taste to them.

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom turn to each other. While Scootaloo motions the two to follow her further into the crowd. The two nod in response and follow the small pegasus further into the frenzy of excited ponies.

“So, is that why you came here? For the quiet or was it for something else?” Diamond Tiara inquires as she continues to try and get on this ‘apparently famous pony’s good side.’ “Because if it’s the former, I can think of a lot nicer places than this one.”

“If only that were the case,” The new pony muses. “It was actually, because….” Whatever was about to be said it cut off as Scootaloo and then the rest of the CMC emerge from the crowd and stop before the new arrival.

“Oh hello,” A small female cream colored pegasus greets the three fillies with a kind smile. Her mane and tail sheen in the sunlight giving off an almost gold color. Despite apparently being from noble or high class heritage. The small filly stands in a relaxed position. Rather than the usual ‘regal’ one you’d often see with others of similar upbringing.

Diamond tiara scoffs at the new comers and tried to draw the cream colored filly’s attention back towards her. “Don’t mind them, they’re just the stupid dork crusaders. They are the town’s residential trouble makers.”

“That’s cutie mark crusaders!” Applebloom corrects with an almost feral roar. “You should know that by now!”

“What’s a ‘cutie mark crusader’?” The new pony asks as she looks towards the pink filly in response.

“Oh there just some blank flanks that haven’t found their ‘special talent’ yet. It’s best not associate yourself with losers like them.”

The new pony frowns at the comment and stands at her full height; standing a few inches higher than the snobby Diamond Tiara. “So, you’re saying that whoever hasn’t found their mark is just some worthless loser?”

“That’s right,” The pink filly replies without missing a beat, but then lets out a gasp when she realizes what she just said. “Wait, that’s not what I meant.”

“Really? Because from where I’m standing it sounds you meant exactly what you said.” Diamond Tiara shakes before the cream colored filly. “Considering that you’ve spent the last few minutes kissing my flank. You’d think that one would notice that I too haven’t found my ‘special talent’ yet.”

The CMC and a few others let out an audible when they notice the new filly doesn’t have any sort of indication of her mark. And then immediately turn to a now cowering Diamond Tiara.

“Wait Butterscotch, that’s not what I meant. Of course you’re not a loser, just that…” The frightened filly grovels.

“Just everypony else is,” The pegasus now known as Butterscotch finishes with a scowl.

Silver Spoon jumps in to save her friend, but then immediately back peddles when she notices everyone turn on her when she attempts to step in. Leaving the now hated Diamond Tiara to her own devices.

“Sorry, D.T.” They gray filly whispers as she leaves her friend to the crowd.

“I was hoping that my sister and I could finally find a place where a pony could be themselves without instantly being judged by a bunch of self-entitled little brats. Who instantly just to the conclusion that…”

“Uh ah beg yer pardon, but we’re not all like that.” A familiar voice cuts the pegasus off that has a hint of southern twang to it. Everyone instantly turns to the new voice, prompting the small filly to rear back slightly in response before continuing. “With the exception of that ther one and her friend ya’ve been yelling at. We’re actually rather hostis…hostests…” The filly attempts to say the word, but ends up biting her tongue in the process.

“Hospitable,” Sweetie Belle pips in, saving the young farm pony from further butchering the word.

“Yeah, that it.” Apple Bloom replies with bit of a slur in her voice from biting her tongue. “We’re rather hospitable to newcomers. So don’t let a one rotten apple, spoil what ya think of us.”

Butterscotch turn to the yellow filly and gives her a warm smile. “I’ll keep that in mind. What’s your name?”

“I’m Applebloom,” The farm pony replies, losing most of slur.

“Sweetie Belle,” The white unicorn adds as she steps besides the yellow filly.

“And I’m the radical, Scootaloo.” The final member adds as she strikes a drastic pose. “And together, we are the…”

“Cutie mark crusaders…or so I’ve heard.” Butterscotch finishes.

The group burst into a fit of laugher, while a certain pink filly slinks away with her tail between her legs.


On the vast outskirts of town, in a massive pit of mined stone and dirt. Sits a bored blue hedgehog skipping rocks across a narrow stream that cuts through the massive quarry. Sonic lets out sigh and lops a rather sizable stone across the small body of water; resulting with a large splash as it skips across most of it.

“You ready yet?” The hedgehog shouts as he picks up another stone and begins examining it. The rustle of some nearby foliage, prompts the hedgehog to look over his shoulder. “Blaze?”

“Give me a minute,” The feline shouts from deeper within the wooded area.

“A minute? A minute!” Sonic repeats in exasperation as he flips open his pocket watch. “Lady, I’ve been waiting for almost 20 minutes since the last time you said that. What is taking so ‘damn’ long?”

“I’m uh…having some difficulties.” The feline skittishly replies as the sound of stressed fabric can be heard.

“Difficulties? What sort of Difficulties?” Sonic raises and eyebrow as he tucks the watch away for safekeeping.

“I-it’s uh complicated,” Blaze stutters as a low groan can be heard; followed by a small sigh and a whispered ‘really?’

The blue hedgehog takes a few steps towards the noise. “Do you need any help?”

“NO!” The feline shouts, but then instantly lets out a sigh. “No Sonic, I got it. It’s just taking longer than I originally expected.”

“Look, if you need help just ask. I’m sure you’re just making a bigger deal out of it than it really is.”

More shuffling can be heard from the thicket, before a heavy sigh can be heard. “Ok fine, but you have to promise not to laugh.”

“I promise nothing,” Sonic quips as the approaches the wooded area. “But, I’ll try not to.”

“Good enough,” The feline mutters followed by small sigh.

Stepping through the dense wooded area, the blue hedgehog walks into a small clearing. In this clearing stands a certain feline. With her back to the Sonic; violently tugging at something on the front of her jacket.

“What’s up, Blaze?” The hedgehog asks, announcing his presence. “Caught if your zipper or something?”

The feline lets out a sigh and lets her arms fall to her sides. “Yes, that’s exactly what’s wrong. Perceptive as always I see.”

“I wouldn’t go that far. There isn’t much on that coat of yours. So, I just kind of made an educated guess.”

“Maybe so, but you were still correct in your assumption.” Blaze lets out a heavy sigh and slumps forward. “Very well then, if you believe you can assists in this matter. You’re welcome to give it a try.”

Turning towards the hedgehog the feline blushes slightly as she gestures to the issue with a shaky hand. Just below the collar, (where her necklace would usually be.) sits a mass of bunched of fabric. With the zipper popping out of track in a few places.

Take a few cautious steps towards the Sol guardian. Sonic glances at Blazes strained expression and then at the malfunctioning zipper on her coat. “Yeash, you barely even got that started. How did that happen?”

“A-A faulty zipper and trying to g-get ready in a hurry.” The feline stutters out as she looks away and her blush intensifies. “D-does you c-claim still hold true.”

The hedgehog examines the zipper and then begins scratching the side of his head. “I said, I’d give it a try. I never claimed I’d be able to, but I’ll do what I can.”

“T-thank you,”

Sonic reach for the jacket, but then abruptly stops. “I just have one quick question before I start.”


“Are you wearing anything underneath this? Because I don’t want to be accused of be a perv or anything.” The hedgehog jests with a small chuckle.

The feline clenches her teeth and takes a shallow breath. “I assure you. If all that’s done, is assistance with my current ‘predicament’ then now one shall brand you as such. However,” Blaze turns towards the blue hedgehog. “If take this as an opportunity to do something very foolish. Then my current view of you will be the least of your worries.”

Sonic slowly nods in response and lets out a nervous laugh. “Don’t intentionally copa-feel, or else I’ll be turned into charcoal. Got it.”

“It will be far worse than that,” Blaze corrects in a cold tone. “I’ll spare you the details, but I ask you to please hurry. Before this gets even more awkward.”

“That ship has already sailed, princess.” The hedgehog quips. “But I’ll try to make it quick.”

Standing before the Sol Guardian, Sonic grabs a chunk of the troublesome fabric with one hand and the zipper with another. Blaze shutters at the motion, but remains silent and continues to look away; as the blush on her face increases.

“Alright, on the count of three. I’m going to give it a try.” The feline nods as her blush doubles. “Three,”

Sonic yanks downwards on the faulty zipper with tremendous force and…nothing happens. “What the,” The hedgehog mutters as he tries to pull the zipper down again. “Seriously?” Then the zipper moves an inch, but then stopped. “Are you kidding?”

Frustrated with the uncooperative garment. Sonic removes his hand and bites down on the thumb of his right glove and slides it off. “Stay still, Blaze. I have an idea.”

Before the feline can reply to the comment. The hedgehog’s not ungloved hand reaches into the new opening of the coat and tried to free the zipper from the other size. Blaze lets out a gasps and open her mouth to protest, she’s cut off by a certain blue hedgehog.

“Hold still, I almost got it,”

“W-what are you,” Blaze stutters out as flush increases a thousandfold.

“Trying to remove whatever is caught in the zipper,” Sonic mutter out and the treacherous coat starts to open. “Whatever you’re wearing under this, is falling apart.”

The feline gulps at these words and the current situation. “J-just be careful, this might,”

Before the guardian can finish her sentence. The contents from under her coat burst forth; making a comedic ‘bounce’ as they spill out. Prompting one particular blue hedgehog’s eyes to widen to almost impossible size. And a Sol guardian to let out a shriek and turns away; making a feeble attempt at holding her purple jacket closed.

Blinking a few times, the blue hedgehog snaps out of his daze and crosses his arms. “Ok, I’m just going to address the elephant in the room here and ask; WHERE THE HELL DID THOSE COME FROM?”

“Weren’t you taught the basics of female anatomy that…” Blaze begins, trying to lighten the situation.

“No I mean, last time I checked. You weren’t packing all that under your coat there.”

Blaze blushed, “Y-you were s-spying on me,”

“NO! That’s not what I meant” The hedgehog snaps as he face palms and lets out a heavy sigh. “Look, that outfit of yours covers almost everything, but still gives an idea of what you’re packing under there and from what I just say that’s….” Sonic trails off as he notices a pile of long strips of fabric. “What’s this?”

Holding up one of the long strips, the hedgehog examines the new item in his hand. “Sarashi wrap? What’s this doing here?” Blaze turns around and attempt to snatch the item out of Sonic’s hand, but the blue hedgehog leaps back; just out of her reach. “So, that’s what’s going on? You were using this as support?” The hedgehog lets out a small chuckle. “If you needed something like that, I’m sure Rarity would have whipped up something if you asked.”

“There is more to it than that, actually.”

“Really, if not for support than it was for…oh.”

The feline silently nods and turns away.

“So, how long has this been going on?”

“Too long I’m afraid,” Blaze begins grabbing at the ends of her coat. “It originally started as just something to let my clothes fit longer; since they are a bit troublesome to reproduce. However, after a while. It became almost something I did out of necessity. Since I feared others would treat me different if I had changed.”

“I take it that includes me?”

Blaze nods and continues to look away. “But now that the secrets out, you’ll acting differently around me.” She sighs. “Just like I feared.”

Sonic frowns at the comment and takes a few cautious steps towards the sacred feline. “No offence, Blaze. But that is pretty petty if you ask me.”

The guardian goes rigid. “What?”

Placing a hand on Blaze’s shoulder, the hedgehog says. “As time goes on, we all grow and change. Hell, when we first met you and me were almost the save height. Now i’m at least two feet taller since then and you're still only a smidge shorter than I am. So, to say that you feared others would notice a change. It’s safe to assume they already have.”

“I suppose you’re right.” Blaze chokes out with a heavy sigh.

“And have they acted different around you? Well in bad way, I mean.”

“No, they haven’t.” The feline begins with new found confidence. “In fact they’ve stopped threatening me a child and more like a ruler of a nation.”

“And do you think maybe, it’s because they realized that you’ve grown both physically and mentally.”

A big smile appears on the felines face. “You’re right, this was all just foolish. I have nothing to worry about.”

“Exactly,” The hedgehog says with a nod. “You have nothing to hide and shouldn’t worry about what others think. Because…”

The rest of Sonic’s reply is cut off as he grabbed and held in a warm embrace. Long thin arms wrap around him and lock into place. The hedgehog repeats this actions and wraps his arms around the feline’s narrow torso.

“Thank you, Sonic.” Blaze’s muffled voice can be heard and she buries her face into the hedgehog’s shoulder. “You’ve always been there for me, when no one else was. I’m sorry for ever doubting you.”

Sonic pats the feline on the back with his right hand. “Hey, don’t worry about it. I’m just glad I got you here with me. It’s easier to face the unknown, when you have someone by your side.”

Blaze lets out a small giggle and pulls away to an arm’s length. “I didn’t take you for the sappy type.”

The hedgehog shrugs. “I have my moments.”

A silence hangs in the air as the two say nothing and simply enjoy each other’s company. A slight breeze, blows in, causing the feline top shudder slightly. To which she then notices her current state of dress and blushes profusely.

“M-maybe I should finished getting changed. It would be most unpleasant to catch a cold out here.”

Sonic tilts his head. “You can do that?”

The feline gabs him in the side and lets out a laugh. “Always with the jokes, eh Sonic?”


Standing on the edge of a heavily wooded area. A particular blue hedgehog looks into the horizon and begins tapping his foot. “C’mon Blaze, it’s almost noon. Will you hurry us already?”

The rustling of some trees, draws the hedgehog’s attention towards its source. To a particular sight; standing before the tree line is one Blaze of the Sol dimension. Except rather than her normal regal attire. She now dons a two piece purple track suit. With red piping and a thin yellow stripe going down the side. Along with a sizable midriff; showing off a generous portion of her toned white stomach.

Sonic lets out an impressed whistle and give the feline a one over. “Well somebody has been taking there vitamins.” He then smiles. “I’m liking the new look, Blaze. You now look like you’re ready for an adventure and not some royal summit thing.”

Blaze blushes slightly and looks way. “T-thanks, I’m glad you like it. It’s a bit of a change from what I usually wear.”

“Hey you won’t get any complaints from me,” Sonic begins before glancing at the feline toned abs. “I didn’t know you had a white stomach.”

“Yes, the coloring actually goes up to my shoulders…” Blaze claims before her face contorts into a confused expression. “Wait why am I tell you this?”

“Beats me, but I’m not complaining.”

I’m sure you wouldn’t” The feline jests. “So, you ready to do this?”

Sonic grins. “I’m ready when you are...wait.” The hedgehog reaching behind his back and pulls out a small red box. “Almost forgot.”

“What’s that?” The feline asks, while tilting her head.

“Oh, just something to assure there will be no ‘complications’.” Sonic replies as he pulls over a small chain with a purple charm on it and drapes it over his neck.

“Like what?”

“Well for starters, it protects me from having my flesh seared from my bones.”

Blaze cringes, “Good thinking, I take it Twilight made that for you?”

“What gave it away?” The hedgehog jokes.

Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s the fact that the protection charm is in the shape and color of her mark.”

“Hm, cute and smart. You ready to do this?”

The feline blushes, “D-don’t try to distract me, I won’t go easy on you.”

“Oh, that’s what I’m hoping for.


High in the sky a small group of pegasus look down at the impending battle below. One certain cyan mare flares are her wings to get everyone attention.

“Alright everypony, place you bets.”

Next Chapter preview:

Blaze: "Well this is certainly unexpected."

Sonic: "That's what makes it fun."

Cadance: "Careful Twilight, if you don't take action soon. The ones you love, may slip away from you."

Rainbow Dash: "Ah yeah, this is going to be awesome.

Wind and Fire