• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,658 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...

Ghosts of the past

Chapter 25

The warm rays of the morning sun shimmer across the landscape; most of which still damp from the still lingering fog that slowly fades with the rising sun. Plants and shrubbery dot the area. With some even coiling around marble pillars; resulting in small flower blooms of various colors. That circle the area and forming a small sitting area. With several benches and a stone walkway that connects everything in the same of an ornate symbol.

Muffled voices echo in the distance as different shadows are seen moving about, but most of which is tuned out by a very bored young female pony with an alabaster coat. Who sits at one of the benches, staring off into space as another figure beside them attempts to get the young mare's attention.

Donning several pieces of ornate golden regalia consisting of a small tiara atop her head, encrusted with several precious stones and engravings. A breastplate that extends to just before her withers with similar markings as her tiara and consisting of more stonework. Worn over a white silk dress; that complements her coat. Hoof coverings with more stones and engravings. Alone with her vibrant pink mane and tail weaved in an integrated set of braids; with strips of gold crisscrossing throughout

However, the young mare seems to care little of these articles of her status in any regard. The Tira, while still atop her head, sits at a jaunty angle. Her dress bunched up and crumples in several areas and some parts even touching the ground as the filly continues to slouch on the bench. With her braided mane and tail share a similar fate, as they sit coiled up and hanging loosely on the bench.

Letting out a sigh, the young princess slouched further into her seat; trying to find a more comfortable position. That is until an alabaster hoof smacks her on the back of the head. Breaking her away from the daze and prompts the mare to turn towards her attacker.

An unamused mare a few years older than herself is what the young filly first notices as she turns her head. Calming blue eyes stare back at the mare; relaxing slightly as the princess flinches a bit upon seeing them. A pristine white coat covers the mare. With a small crown perched on her head; just above a small horn. With a sea green mane and tail cascading across her back and spilling over the side of the bench, Though the most defining trait of the mare; other than her flawless coat and odd colored mane and tail, is a set of transparent insect-like wings on her back. With two large ones; with an ornate swirling pattern on them. Forming an almost tear drown shape and a set of small ones in a similar way but without the pattern.

The mare’s wing flair in annoyance as she slowly retracts her hoof.

“Were you nodding off just now?” She asks while leaning closer to the princess; Who rears back in response “Because if you were…” The corners of her lips start to curl upwards as a huge grin appears on her face. “I’m gonna have to punish ya.”

The filly attempts to leap off the bench. “No, no, no,” A magic field surrounds the mare; stopping her mind jump and pins her onto the bench. “No fair,” She whines and makes a futile attempt to get away as the other mare closes the gap. As the young princess accepts her fate, she begins whimpering and closes her eyes. “Please just make it quick.”

A muffled laugh comes from the other mare as the princess cringes; awaiting her 'punishment.' The figure beside her makes a weak attempt at holding back her amusement as she holds one of her forelegs to her muzzled. “Yesh Tia, I was only messing with you. Get up I'm not going to hurt you.”

The small; still frightened princess slowly cracks an eye open. “Y-you're not?”

“Of course not,” The other mare responses with a hint of annoyance in her voice.” Now sit up, you’re making a scene.” She adds with a lower tone, suddenly gesturing towards a small crowd of onlookers, who have ceased their conversations and are now watching the two.

A small blush appears on the filly now known as Tia’s face as she sits upright and adjusts her attire to look more presentable. The small crowd satisfied or have lost interest return to their conversation; leaving the two mare’s alone and to their own devices.

“That was uncalled for, Poppy” The young princess pouts as she puffs out her cheeks and crosses her forelegs across her chest. “I haven’t ascended yet and didn't have any way to fight back.”

The other young mare leans back on the bench and lets out a small laugh; much to the young princess’s annoyance as her pout increases. Noticing this the mare drapes her left foreleg over the filly's back and pulls her close. “Don’t worry, Tia. In no time you will ascend and become a powerful ruler. And help lead this nation into a new golden age.” She punctuates thrusting her right foreleg into the sky. Poppy then lowers her leg and turns back to the filly. “It will be glorious, and I will be by your side every step of the way.”

“R-really?” The young princess studders as her eyes go wide. “You would do that for me?”

Poppy nods and removes her foreleg. “Of course, our families have been united for generations. We’ve both stood by one another even when we’ve been at our weakest.” The mare lets out an amused snort and turns her attention forward. “Had one of us been born a stallion. Our parents probably would have married us off to one another by now.” She then turns back toward the princess. “So, unless Starry Sky gives birth to a new little brother for you, we’re both going to have some big shoes to fill when we each take rule.”

“I know,” Tia mutters as she slouches in her seat. “Sometimes, I don’t think I’ll live up to what everypony expects of me.”

A brightly colored wing is laid across the filly’s back. “Don’t let what others think defy you. You are your own mare, and only you can decide how to rule.”

The fillies opens her mouth to reply but is cut off by a booming voice in the distance.

“There’s my favorite princess!”

Both mare’s turn in response, just as a towering form of a male griffin; gilded in golden armor with a comically large sword draped across his back comes into view. A small smile appears on the young princess's face as the figure steps forth. The mare is then abruptly lifted from her seat and spun around in place by the armored griffin; squealing in delight as she’s spun.

The griffon lets out an amused laugh as he lowers his arms and looks into the smiling filly’s face. “How are you doing today, Celestia?”

“Bored, Razzy” The princess responds as the smile vanishes from her face and shifts to a frown. “Why am I even here?” She whines. “If I'm just going to sit outside while the grownups have their little meeting.”

‘Razzy’ returns the princess to her seat and gives her a stern look. “This isn’t just a typical meeting. Every Griff is here to discuss a new subspecies of pony that was discovered on the edge of the territory and if they pose a threat.”

“Oh yeah, the bat ponies.” The princess mutters with a hint of disdain in her voice.

An armored tallon rests on the filly’s shoulder. “They prefer the term ‘Thestral, ’ and they came to us. In hopes of being apart of this kingdom.”

“Why do you suppose that is?” Poppy asks as she breaks her silence. “What drove them to comes to us now? After living in the shadows for so long?”

The griffin shrugs. “I couldn’t say for certain. Maybe they're in some sort of trouble and want to ask us for help. Or it could be that there just tired of living like animals and want a more sophisticated way of life.”

“Let’s hope it’s the latter. We’d hate to have our new friends to have any disingenuous motives.” A new commanding voice comments as a towering figure steps next to the griffon.

Standing just a smidge over the armored griffin, a stallion with a perfect white coat stands before them. A massive white horn juts out from a fiery red mane that moves as if it’s ablaze. Fierce, but warm greens eyes stare back at them. With a full beard dons his muzzle. Large wings hang loosely at his side as like his mane. The stallion's tail moves as if lit aflame. With a familiar sun insignia on his flank.
The griffon instantly bows upon seeing the stallions presence. “Apologies, my league. I did not see you arrive.”

“Arise, Old Friend,” The stallion commands in a booming voice. “You need not bow to me.”

Razor Wing returns to a stand position and lets out a nervous laugh. “Apologies my lord, old habits die hard it would seem.”

“A fair assessment,” The stallion replies. “One I hope that you break soon. It would make for bad standings with your ruler if Griffin Stone's champion kept bowing to one of their allied nations.”

The griffon nods and fiddles with his talons. “Indeed, our alliance is already rocky as it is. It’s only thanks to us joining forces against the dragons that we are allied at all.”

“Say what you will about the former king, but they saw more than our militaristic might when they asked to unite, but that is a story for another time.” The stallion turns towards the young princess. “How is my Tia doing today?”

Young Celestia grins. “Much better now that you two are here.” She chirps in an enthusiastic tone.

As the two conversate, a dark expression appears on the griffon's face as he slowly starts reaching for his sword.”


“I see you’ve gone to Pinky’s school on how to greet others.” A certain blue hedgehog quips as another blue speedster lay sprawled on top of him. “Or were you just happy to see me?”

Rainbow Dash leans in close, till her muzzle just about touches the hedgehog’s nose. “Of course I’m glad to see you. Do you have any idea how dull it gets around here when you’re not around?” The mare tips her head down so that her muzzles is now under Sonic’s chin. “I never realized how lame things get when you're not here.”

Sonic lets out an amused laugh as he places a hand on the mare’s back; causing her to tense up slightly. “Jeez Dash, we just saw each other this morning. It’s not like we haven’t talked all week.”

The mare looks up and rolls her eyes. “Yeah sure, but that’s out in public. I can’t act…” She gestures to herself with a foreleg. “...like this with everypony watching. It would tarnish my image.”

“Yeah sure, all you care about is your rep.” The speedster replies with his one eye roll. “I think you’re just afraid that others will see there’s more to you than your arrogant attitude and the need to always show off.” His hand begins to slide further down her back “That there’s an individual who is capable of compassion and understanding. Who can be insecure and have more than one emotion..” His expression turns serious. “I think the only person you’re afraid of is yourself. And you’re worried that others won’t accept who you really are.” Sonic emphasizes this by taping the mare on the tip on her muzzle. “And if that’s the case, then they aren’t worth your time, to begin with.

Rainbow Dash’s face turns several shades of red as her upper lip quivers; trying to form a response to the speedsters statement. The smile begins to fade from Sonic's face as a sense of dread starts to creep in. That is quickly put to rest as the cyan mare’s wings ‘pomph’ and go rigid as she continues to stare at the hedgehog blankly.

Sonic to his credit manages to not laugh at the absurdity of the situation...at first. That comes to an abrupt and sudden end as he makes a futile effort to not laugh at the mare’s reaction; which breaks the pegasus away from her trancelike state as the hedgehog begins snickering into a closed fist.

“Hey! What’s so funny?” The mare snaps as she stares down at the hedgehog beneath her. “I’m being serious here!”

The hedgehog places both his hands on the mare’s back. “I know you are...” *snicker* “That’s what makes it so funny.” *Snort* He thumb brushes against one of the mare’s primary feathers; inciting a small shiver from the pegasus. “Someone has sensitive wings.”

“Everything is a bucking joke to you, isn’t it?” The mare snaps as she rises to hooves; towering over the still horizontal hedgehog. “Just once I wish you’d take things seriously!” Her anger then subsides rather abruptly as she then deadpans her next comment. “Ah screw it.”

Suddenly the mare mashes her muzzle into the hedgehog’s and begins to kiss him with reckless ambition. Sonic attempts to react but has his arms pinned down by the mare’s forelegs. This, for whatever reason, drives the pegasus to increase her pace and take things further as she slides her tongue across the hedgehog’s incisors, in hopes of entry. The speedster companies and Dash dives straight in and begins eagerly entwining the soft muscle with Sonic’s.

This continues for a few moments, till the mare breaks for air and returns to her kneeling position over the hedgehog. “”See, that...how.” Dash’s pupils shrink as she begins processing what she just did and what someone would imply or herself if the roles were reversed. The Mare’s face goes beet red, and she slowly starts to backpedal away from the hedgehog.

“That was intense,” Sonic begins as she rises to a sitting position. “I figured there was something, but...Dash?” He adds in a worried tone as the noticed the look of dread on mare’s face.

The now blushing and fidgeting pegasus continues to slowly back away till her flank bumps into a nearby wall; letting out a startled yelp upon doing so.

“Dash?” The hedgehog asks again in a worried tone as he rises to a standing position. “You alright?” Sonic adds as he starts to advance towards the now trembling speedster; holding out his hand in a non-threatening manner.

“I-I’m not that kind of mare!” Rainbow Dash snaps as she makes a beeline for the steps and zips up them.


“Don’t follow me!” The mare shouts back as the sound of slamming door can be heard.

Letting his outstretched hand fall to his side. Sonic lets out a sigh as he runs his other hand through his spiky quills. He then lets the other hand drop and turns his attention to the now empty stairway. As if trying to find an answer to what just transpired.

“Well shit,” The hedgehog says to no one in particular as he continues to glance at the empty staircase.


A waxing moon and a starlit sky hang overhead. The soft light illuminates the area as a gentle breeze sweeps across the landscape; causing the long grass to sway. While dozens of fireflies mill about. As a soft tone seems to play from an unknown source. Creating a mellow and relaxing atmosphere for one to let their guard down and not be bothered by the day's worries.

The mistress of the night navigates through the continuously swaying grass via a small path worn in the earth; mostly caused by the alicorns many passing through the same section. Luna seems engaged in a conversation with an unknown individual. Till the mare asks a question but doesn’t receive an answer. Hearing only silence in response to in the inquiry. The princess turns to her silence friend; who is standing motionless as they stare blankly at something While lost in thought.

Luna lets out an annoyed exhale through her muzzle and begins to approach her stationary companion. Only to stop a few feet away, when she notices the look of confusion/dread on his face.

Standing before the lunar princes is a certain blue hedgehog. Who as of the moment, is the only mortal who has set foot in the dreamscape. The princess waves a hoof in front of the speedster's face. In hopes of breaking him from his trance. When that doesn’t work. She then raises her hoof to tap him on the shoulder, but stops and a huge grin appears on her face. Tilting her head towards the speedster; till her muzzle is inches from his ear. The princess’s smile increases as she suppresses and laugh and flicks the tip of the hedgehog’s ear with the end of her tongue.

With a shriek and a shudder, once would usually see when someone was electrocuted. Sonic leaps backward and covers his now damp ear with his right hand. With a look on his face that’s both surprise and shock.

“W-what the hell, Nim?” The hedgehog shudders as he rubs his ear with his hand. “You could have just tapped me on the shoulder or something. You didn’t have to do that.”

The princess smirks at the hedgehog's outburst. “This is true, but it wouldn't have been as much fun.” her expression then turns serious. “Is there something on your mind, Sonic? You’ve been rather distant since we’ve arrived.”

“Na it’s nothing, Nim. Don’t worry about it.” The hedgehog replies with a dismissive wave as he scratches his head and walks past the alicorn. “Sorry I spaced out there, what did you want to show me?”

Luna frowns at the abrupt subject change but lets out a defeated sigh as she turns to catch up to the speedster. “We’re already here,” She replies as she trots in front of the hedgehog and takes the lead. “This entire area was recreated from memory into what you see before you.” The alicorn emphasizes this with a wave of her foreleg. “While I can’t say that everything you see before you exactly how it once was.” She then gestures towards the sky. “I can definitely lay claim that the sky above is what it was back then.”

“What happened to it?” The hedgehog inquires as he looks around. “You said it was created from memory. Is it not around anymore?”

The princess shakes her head. “Unfortunately no. During my….”

“Vacation,” Sonic interrupts; taking the princess off guard.

“Yes, during my….vacation. The land was bought by a local farmer and was used to grow a rather elaborate... corn maze. “ Luna waves her right foreleg and the area shifts to a field of maize with an odd path cutting right through the center of it. “A place that I used to frequent. That would help me reflect and to just get away from my worried, even just before I was sent to the moon. Was taken and everything that made it what it was. Was stripped away and turned into this….novelty attraction that many ponies have never even heard of.” She adds with a hint of venom in her voice.

The princess then waves her forelegs, and everything returns to the mystic landscape it was before. “But I can’t dwell on things that are beyond my control. While I could retake this place and attempt to return it to what it once was. It will never be the same.” She then turns back towards the hedgehog. “My point is that there are somethings beyond your control and that you have to accept it.” She then frowns. “A trait that I, unfortunately, didn’t possess until very recently.”

“True, not everyone comes to that realization right away.” The hedgehog then chuckles. “I didn’t at first either. Even with my speed, I wasn’t able to ‘fix’ or stop everything. Which resulted in me taking some let’s say 'questionable methods’ to correct.”

“You attempted to become faster.” The princess replies bluntly.

“Pretty much, I tried everything I could think of to increase my speed. Strenuous training, weird diets, and even attempted to use the power of the chaos emeralds.” Sonic then frowns and looks down at the ground as he kicks a loose rock across the dirt. “All to achieve something that I later found was an impossible task.”

“And considering you tend to do the ‘impossible’ that didn’t sit well with you.”

The hedgehog looks up at the princess. “No, it did not, but I eventually came to terms with it and strived to do as much as I could.” He then frowns. “You’re going to ask me what’s been bothering me aren’t you?”

“Not at first, but I was going to ask again at some point. In hopes of receiving an answer.” The alicorn replies meekly as she puts on a strained smile. “But if it’s something that you’d rather not discuss. I’ll respect your wishes and not bring it up again.”

Sonic lets out an annoyed groan and falls backward; causing a wave of fireflies to rise up and scatter as their sanctuary is disturbed. “You are persistent. I’ll give you that.” The hedgehog then looks up at the princess. “Why do you need to know so badly?”

“I persist, because I care, Sonic. You are one of the few that I can say that is truly my friend.” The princess replies flatly as she kneels down beside the hedgehog. “One that is honest and doesn’t seek my companionship for their own personal gain.” She adds looking away with a hurt expression on her face.

The hedgehog process this new information for a moment before responding in a quiet tone. “I take it, this something that has happened before. Who was it?”

“The son of one of the allied kingdoms that were part of the Fellowship. It was set up by our fathers to ‘create a unification between our two nations.’ That was supposed to help form a new ‘empire.’” The princess replies with a twitch of tips of her wings to implies ‘quotations.’

“What happened?” Sonic asked bluntly.

Luna looks at the hedgehog with a hurt expression. “I overheard him bragging to his friends that he ‘bagged a breeder’ and that he was only going to marry me to appease his father. While also carrying on his not so secret affair with the local blacksmith's daughter. Who was currently engaged to a high-ranking noble.”

“I take it, things didn’t go so well when this came out.”

“It would have. Probably would have caused that kingdom to be removed from the alliance. But it never did.” the princess sighs. “The noble that was engaged to the daughter of the blacksmith found out about the affair and called for a trial by combat. Luna looks away. “He was victorious and married his fiance that day in celebration.”

Sonic looks up at the distraught princess and places a hand on her back and begins to move it slowly back and forth. “The guy sounded like an ass and paid for it in the end. Can’t say I blame that noble for being pissed that his bride to be was nailing the king’s son behind his back. But to go as far..”

“It was a different time, things weren’t settled through the ways they are today. Matters were resolved on the battlefield and usually by some sort of last one standing as a result.” Luna then looks at something in the distance. “Trusting again became difficult for me after that. My father attempted another arranged marriage sometime later. But stopped trying to pair me off when I finally asked him to let me choose for myself.” The princess then turns back to Sonic. “Do you know why I'm telling you all this?”

The hedgehog slowly removes his hand and lets it fall to his side. “I have a vague idea, but I'd rather hear it from you, Nim.”

“Because I trust you, Sonic. You’ve shown me that not every pony..eh individual isn’t just in it for themselves. That some can actually be trusting and caring.” The princess lays down beside the hedgehog before continuing. “ Even if the only time we can spend together is in the dreamscape. It’s enough for me.” She leans in closer to the speedster. “Do you understand why I'm trying to say?”

Sonic lets out a sigh and scratches the alicorn behind her right ear; enticing a slight shiver. “Jeez Nin, you laying on a bit thick here. If I didn’t know any better, I'd say you were…” He lets out an amused grunt. “Of course, she is. Why else would she be getting so chummy with me.” The hedgehog mutters to himself. “Alright, I'll talk. Just for you, Nim.”

“Splendid,” The princess responds with a smile that threatens to split her face and a bit too eagerly than she meant to. “I mean, I only wish to help to assist my dearest friend.”

The hedgehog laughs in response. “I swear Nim if you ponies find out a way to weaponize cuteness. Then the rest of us are doom. Doooooom!” Sonic adds with dramatic effect as he raises his arms and waves them back and forth to emphasize his statement.

“Alright, that’s enough.” The princess gilds in a mocking tone. “You’ve already gone into how our ‘cuteness’ is diabetic inducing. Now tell me, what has been on your mind. Please.”

Letting out another heavy sigh, Sonic turns to the alicorn and points to the tip of her muzzle. Resulting in the princess crossing her eyes to glance down at the intruding appendage. “Now I need you to promise not to laugh or make any snide remarks till I'm finished. Are we clear?” Luna nods silently and lays her head on the grass beside the hedgehog.

“You have my undivided attention and have my word that I'll wait until the end to pass judgment on whatever you have to say.” The princess replied as she scoots closer to the hedgehog.


Powerful waves from a pending storm strike against a weathered cliff side and reseed from pure white sands from an unknown island. Of dense foliage and crumbling structures of a long forgotten empire. A small Spooner can be seen on the shoreside as a familiar (albeit younger) figure emerges from the craft and begins to venture inland. Removing a piece of parchment from their coat and starts reading what’s written on it. However, a small gust of wind blows from the west and cuts through the treetops. Causing much of the canopy of leaves and branches to way. Sending a few errand rays of the sun’s harsh rays at the new arrival. Prompting the young Sol Guardian to tear her focus from the paper, flinches and then shields her eyes.

Blaze slowly lowers her arm as the wind passes and turns attention back towards the paper still clenched in her right hand. “Let’s see here. There have been reports of abnormal activity over the last several weeks. With most patrols being ambushed by a strange figure or figures and having their supplies and provisions stolen.” The guardian scans the shoreside and notices several pieces of hastily abandoned equipment spread across it. With several sets of footprints around them; some of them fresh and leading into the jungle. “However, others have stated that a figure has been seen assisting them to repel the other one.” The feline looks up from the parchment. “So what does this mean?” She asks looking into the jungles as if trying to find the answer. Only to incinerate the paper in her grasp. “It means weakness!” Blaze snaps as the still smoldering ashes fall from her hand and onto the ground.

“If you need something done right, you need to do it yourself.” She adds stepping into the dense jungle and sidestepping a fallen tree. “Whoever you are. I will find you and end this. She declares venturing further inward.

“Oh, I don’t know about that.” A chipper voice response from high above.

The guardian freezes in place. “Who said that? She asks looking around. “Show yourself!” Blaze command channeling a burst of flame into each of her hands.

“Oh my, so quick to anger. You might want to dial down the pyrokinesis a bit or else you’re going to burn this whole place down.” The voice continues.

Blaze snarls and bares her teeth in the direction of the voice. “Don’t tell me what to do! I am in full control these flame and…” The guardian trails off as she notices some of the nearby leaves start to curl and singe. “Well mostly in control.” She adds a meekly.

The voice laughs. “Oh, that is just adorable. How old are you?”

With a definitive point, the feline turns her attention to where believes the voice’s origin is from. “I am not cute! And my age is no concern for individuals like you.” She snaps taking a defining stance.

“And what are they saying about little ole me?” The voice asks. “I’ve been here for months, and everyone that has visited this little island hasn’t even bothered to ask how I'm doing or why I’m here.”

The feline deflates slightly at the new information. “Reports have stated that you’re ambushing them and taking their possessions.” She returns to her defensive pose. “Which makes you a criminal that needs to be stopped.”

“Well, that’s only half right.” The voice replies. “I did relinquish some ‘travelers’ of their possessions on occasion. However, it wasn’t through ambush...at least not from me anyway.”

“I don’t follow.” The feline responses, unsure how to proceed.

“Ever since my arrival on this island. I’ve had to deal my fair share or let say, unsavory individuals. Some of which donning armor and wielding weapons of some empire I'm not familiar with.”

A flash of red catches the feline eyes as she scans the treetops, but continues to listen intently to the voice. “So, what are you trying to say? That you’re not involved in these reports or..”

“I’m saying that you’re only getting only half the story.” The voice interrupts; losing much of its former chipper tone. “Bandits and outcasts set up shop in the old ruins. Attempted to ambush any of these guards that were looking for them. But then I intervened to prevent it, and now everyone is now after ME!” The voice shouts as a small figure can be seen dressed in bright red. High above the treetops.

The anger and frustration the feline once possessed fizzles out slightly till all that remains is cautious intrigue. “So, you’re not originally from here and have been trying to get home since you arrived. Been attacked on both sides and now are seeking my help...because?”

“Who said I was asking for your assistance.” The voice asks in a suspicious tone. “What makes you think that I need it?”

“Because you haven’t made any attempt to attack me since I arrived. Which means you need me for something.” Blaze responds staring up at the figure and crosses her arms. “ Or am I mistaken?”

“You are close,” The voice responds. “While I could have easily just ambushed you and taken your boat. That would have left you in a similar situation as I have been through. And despite what your little reports say. I am not a monster.”

Blaze scans the tree line for any other possible onlookers. “Then show yourself. If you are not as they say. Step forth and reveal who it is that I have been talking to.”

“Yeah Right, you’re just going to attack me once I jump down.” The voice accuses. “I may have been born at night, but I wasn’t born last night.”

The feline frowns and crosses her arms across her chest. “If I was going to attack you. I would have done it already.” She responds in a matter o factly tone and points to a red-cloaked individual. “Your attire doesn’t blend with the foliage that you’re using for cover and makes you an easy target.” Her expression softens. “Now come down here. You have my word that no harm will befall you. Less you make the first attempt.”

Something massive strikes the ground behind the feline; causing her to spring forward, about-face and take a defensive stance. “W-who’s there?” Blaze stutters, having been shaken by whatever fell behind her.

“Didn’t you just ask me to ‘show myself’ a moment ago?” A familiar voice asks as an imposing figure can be seen a short distance away’ mostly hidden under the faint light under the dense canopy of trees. “Regretting your decision already?” They ask stepping forward into the open part of the canopy.

The feline takes a cautious step backward as her face morphs into an expression of shock and horror. As a somewhat familiar yet tragic individual step towards them. A bright red dress with a stripe down the middle catches the feline attention. Appearing now to be several sizes too large (Possibly what her normal size way before arriving on the island.) Now is severely soiled with dirt, caked on mud, and hangs loosely off the individual's frame. In what remains of it is now burned in several areas and in complete tatters; save for a few hastily done repairs done around the arms and midsection. A yellowed section of what was one a wing hangs loosely from the individual's back. With a set of twisted wires of what's left of the other one hangs on the other side. Gloved worn well past the finger show long black unkept nail. And boots that appear to once matched the dress caked with mud, grass, and what seems to be soot. Unkept hair held back by a still red hair band catches her attention. As well as the individuals matted and frazzled yellow fur that now appears to almost have a copper-like tone to it. With a set of shimmering golden eyes that seem to be studying the guardian as intently as she is studying them.

“Y-you're a cat?” Blaze mutters out as she notices a set of still golden ears poking out from the matted hair.

The figure grins and crosses their arms. “You figure that out on your own or did you have someone else tell you?” They jest, with a more feminine like voice. “I think I figured out something here “ They add with a hind of intrigue in their response as she brings a hand to her face and begins tapping her chin.

“And would that be?” Blaze asks hesitantly as she tries to respond to the sudden subject change.

“Short stature, underdeveloped chest and rear hindquarters. If I had to guess, I'd say your about 10 years old..maybe 11 if..”

A sudden kick cuts the island inhabitant off as she narrowly dodges a strike from the feline. “Whoa, what was that for? I thought you said I’d have safe passage off the island?” The red-clad island inhabitant exclaims as she takes a defensive pose.

“I never promised you sanctuary.” Blaze spits with a hint of venom in her voice. “What I offered was to hear what you had to say and decide if you were a threat or not.”

“What has changed a second ago you…” Her eyes widen, and the other feline attempts to stifle a laugh by breaking her stance and bringing a closed fist to her mouth. “Are you serious?” She asks barely able to contain her laughter. “Did my last remark really strike that much of a nerve with you?”

The guardian narrows her eyes. “This is not a laughing matter. “You insult me and then laugh when I get upset over it.” Blaze ignites her pyrokinesis. “Prepare yourself for I shall…”

“Your kidding right?!” The feline interrupts.”I make one remark...that wasn’t supposed to be an insult by the way, and you flip out over it. Having that short of a fuse is going to get you into trouble one day. And I'm not talking about right now."

“I have nothing to say to you.” The guardian growls.

With a heavy sigh the other feline fighting pose. “You know what screw it. There’s no getting through to you.”

Blaze lunges at the other feline with a quick strike, but as with the last attack, it's easily dodged. She attempts leg sweep, but that too is also dodged. The guardian attempts another strike towards the felines midsection but is blocked.

“Knock it off, your movements are too wild and unfocused to be efficient, and you’re practically telegraphing your attacks.” The other feline comments as she takes a leap backward. “I’m starting to lose my patience here.” She sighs. “Look, I’m sorry if what I said ticked you off. That wasn’t my intention.”

The Guardian charges at the feline and the two interlock in a test of strength. “You may be able to foresee the course of action that I choose to venture; unfortunately, this will not aid you: as I have likewise deduced your own method of fisticuffs. A peculiar conundrum, wouldn't you say?”

“W-what?” The other feline studders as she cringes at the remark. “I-i don’t get what you’re trying to say. Was that supposed to be a threat?”

Blaze signs. “You might know everything I'm going to do, but that's not going to help you since I know everything you're going to do! Strange, isn't it?”

“Pppffttt, Bahahaha!” The other feline burst out laughing and sidesteps the guardian. “Oh, that’s just hilarious. You sound like a friend of mine back home.” She says sighing sadly as she recalls the memory.”

The Guardian takes a step back and visibly deflates and looks up at the other feline. “I don’t understand.”

“You’re just as stubborn as he is.” The other feline responds in a somber tone as she wipes a tear away. “You two would probably get along really well...or just butt heads as soon as you met” She adds with a shrug. “Anyway…”

The sound of snapping twigs and branches causes the feline to trail off and to start scanning the landscape. “Friends of yours?”

Muffled profanities and disgruntled comments can be heard just outside the two’s visible range. “No, I didn’t request an escort to accompany me. So, if any guards are in the vicinity, they are acting against orders.”

Several figures can be seen emerging from the trees. Some donning heavily weathered armor and worn attire “I doubt any of these guys are guards. Probably some of the bandits I drove off last week.” The feline sighs. “Most likely still pissed that I knocked out their leader and took his stuff.”

“W-what are you?” Blaze studders.

The other feline scans the slowly encroaching forces and cringes. “I’m just a seamstress, who’s just really good at fighting. You wouldn’t believe how often that comes into play. Also, I think we’re surrounded.”

“I must commend you for the unique skill set you possess, and I also came to the same conclusion as well.” The Guardian responds as she also scans the surrounding area.

With a quick turn, the two now back their backs to each other. As they're surrounded by this looming threat. “Think we can take them?” The feline asks with a confident smile. “These guys look pretty tough. I wouldn’t be surprised if they overwhelmed us.”

“Ceases the semantics, I’ve tangled with this bunch before. They're a blight on this land and have been a pain in my side shortly after I arrived. This ends today."

The guardian then grins. “Besides, you already took out the presumably strongest one of them. The rest shouldn’t be a match for us.”

The other feline takes a ready stance. “The only thing these guys have against us is numbers. So, don’t let them overwhelm you.

Next Chapter preview

???: Do you really wish to seek the answers to those questions

Luna: Well you don't see that every day.

Sonic: I call the big one bitey.

Twilight: Hey, Hey, Sonic. I'm a pickle

Author's Note:

The plot thickens as we learn some tragic events of hero's past. Will this spell doom for our heroes or will a new bond be forged because of it? Find out in the next exciting installment of Battle for Equestria.

A/N: Phew, that took a while to type up. I tried a different style of writing on this one. I'd like to know what you guys think.