• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,658 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...

Star Gazing

The arena remains eerily quiet, despite its seats being packed with thousands of ponies and other creatures of foreign lands. Not a single one of them makes a sound. Many remain speechless and slack jawed as the bane of many nightmares and civil unrest stands but a stones throw away from them, behind a barrier that that they just saw effortlessly phased through mere moments ago.

Even the mane six and Solar Princess stare at the dark alicorn in shock. While Blaze gazes upon the new form of Luna and narrows her eyes. The only ones not stricken ridged in fear and shock are few bat ponies sitting on the upper ring of the stadium and one blue hedgehog.

Nightmare moon cackles as she takes form. “Oh my little ponies,” The dark alicorn purrs as she glances at the startled crowd. “It has been too long, since We have gazed upon your little faces.” She glances at the starlit sky before continuing. “Even with this entire splendor we give you, you still cower in your homes and hide in your beds.” Her expression sours. “And make a mockery of us on-” The alicorn gestures towards the various costumed ponies and decorations that fill the arena. “-This. Perhaps we shall show you the true terrors of the night.” The alicorn says with a sinister grin. “Then perhaps you will truly see the beauty of-“

“Oh, for crying out loud, do you ever shut up?” A snarky voice says, inciting a snarl from the possessed princess. “I mean, c’mon. ‘Fear me, puny life forms’ or ‘the day of rapture is upon us’ blah, blah, blah. I’ve heard it all before and yours isn’t even all that good.”

The night princess snaps her head towards the ‘pest’ and increases her snarl as she looks down upon them. “Watch your tongue, rodent!” The mare snaps; her voice practically dripping with venom. “You know not who you are speaking to.”

Sonic grins. “And who would that be?”

Lightning cracks in the distance as a chilling wind blows across the parched earth; a few spectators shiver in response to the sudden temperature drop. “We are the ruler of the night, the harbinger of darkness, and all things that reside under our glorious moon. WE ARE NIGHTMARE MOON!”

The alicorn’s use of the royal Canterlot voice rattles the ground beneath everyone’s feet (hooves); causing the arena’s foundation to react as a few loose pieces of plaster and timber shake loose and fall to the ground below.

“Nightmare Moon, Huh?” Sonic says with a smirk. “That’s what you call yourself now? Gotta say Luna, I’m not too impressed with the name choice.”

The mare narrows her eyes. “We are not Luna,” She then takes a breath and flairs out her wings. “AND WHAT IS WRONG WITH NIGHTMARE MOON?!”

Sonic stands firm before the Moon Princess’s dark form; seemingly unfazed by her use of the Canterlot voice.

“Nothing, it’s just not a very intimidating name.” He shrugs and begins pacing back and forth. ”I mean you could have gone with something. Oh don’t know, actually scary or creepy sounding. You got; Amaris (child of moon), Belladonna (deadly nightshade) Desdemona (unfortunate), Hecate (goddess of witchcraft), Hesparia (evening star), Jocasta (shinning moon) or if you’re feeling poetic there is Elvira (mistress of darkness) Layla (night beauty), Lisha (darkest before midnight), and Hagar (forsaken).” Sonic counts off each name as he taps each raised finger on his and then looks up at a rather shocked alicorn. “The list goes on; why you chose ‘Nightmare Moon’ is beyond me. Also…”

The hedgehog winces slightly as he waves a hand in front of his face.

“Also, you could use a breath mint. It smells like something crawled down your throat and died.” The alicorn grits her teeth at the remark and begins to advance upon the hedgehog; who continues to be uncaring of the possible threat approaching him. “I think I have a pack of them around here somewhere.” He ponders as he begins to pat himself down.” Now, I know I had a…AH HA!” Sonic turns to the dark princess; who’s now looming overhead and holds out his hand. “Mint or winter green? Actually, better yet might as well take both considering…”

The hedgehog is cut off as the dark alicorn smacks the mints out his hand with swipe of her hoof.

“Cease your foolishness, hedgehog!” Nightmare commands as she down at her opponent. “Else you’ll will to face my wrath.”

Sonic gives the alicorn a flat look, turns to the now ruined box of mints and then back at the princess. “You know that was a new pack right?” The alicorn frowns at the comment and attempt to speak, but is stopped as the blue hedgehog flicks her on the tip of the shout. “You owe me two bits, Nighty.”

The alicorn blinks at the hedgehog’s last comment and flicking of the ‘royal snout.’ Not noticing Sonic’s uncaring behavior to the ‘all powerful mood goddess’; till it incites a few snickers from the crowd. Nightmare Moon takes notices of this and grits her teeth and lets out a low growl.


This time the mare’s outburst manages to knock the blue hedgehog back a few feet.


“Blah, blah, blah,” Sonic interrupts as he opens and closes his hand for effect. “Oh, I’m the pinnacle of power and evolution.” The hedgehog says mockingly. “Fear me and bow before my might. HA!”

“You’re starting to piss me off.” The alicorn says flatly.

Sonic holds his hands above his head in mock terror. “Oh no, all fear the mighty Nightmare Moon.” He continues mockingly. “I’m so scared.” The hedgehog smirks. “Bring it on Moon Butt.”

“MOON BUTT?” The princess roars as she flairs out her massive wings. “WE SHALL GRIND YOU INTO A FINE PASTE AND-”



The hedgehog yawns loudly and crosses his arms. “We going to start now or are you just going to keep throwing lame threats at me all day? I mean if that’s what you want to do, Luna. That’s fine, but if this goes on any longer I’m going to fall asleep.”

“WE ARE NOT LUNA! SHE IS MERELY A VESSLE THAT WE USE TO EXIST AND…what are you doing?” The mare asks gesturing to the now sitting hedgehog.

“Getting conformable. You seem to be hell bent on the whole villainess monologue shtick,” He yawns. “So I’m just going to lay down right here and-” The hedgehog cuts himself off as two armored hooves close in on his position.

Sonic easily dodges the assault and returns to a standing position a few feet away. “So, you ready to get started or are you just trying to keep me awake?” The mare lets out a primal roar and charges towards him; inciting a smirk from the hedgehog.

“This is going to be fun.”

Having her ‘status’ put into question; the ebony alicorn breaks into a full gallop and quickly closes the gap between her and the still smirking hedgehog. The striking of her armored hoof coverings onto the dry earth seemed to invoke the very essence of thunder itself as each step shook the ground beneath her.

Sonic watches the approaching ‘threat’ with mild interest, as his smirk fades into a frown. Then to an annoyed groan as he crosses his arms in annoyance of the lackluster start; until a blast of blue magical energy shoots towards his position. Prompting the hedgehog to dodge it; along with the charging princess.

Smoke rises from the charred patch of now blacked ground the alicorn’s blast struck. A few members of the audience let out an audible gasp at the princess’s power. While a certain hedgehog lets out an impressed whistle as he give the ‘mark’ a sideways look.

“Nice shot almost didn’t see that one coming,” Sonic begins as he gives the now stationary Nightmare Moon one of his trademark grins. “But, there is one problem with your delivery.”

“And what would that be?” The princess asks in a flat tone.

“You missed!” Sonic states in a sing along fashion as he blows the alicorn a raspberry and twiddles his finger at each side of this head.

Nightmare Moon lets out another feral roar and launches a folly of magic blasts at the blue hedgehog; who dodges each strike with ease.

“C’mon, Moon Butt.” Sonic mocks as he avoid a blast of the princess’s magic. “What happened to all that talk about turning me into paste?” He dodges another bolt. “Or, how you were the ruler of the night.”

The hedgehog takes one last long leap and lands a few feet from the obsidian alicorn. “The ‘all powerful Nightmare Moon’. Ha! More like the ‘all mighty Moon Butt’.” Sonic turns to the crowd as a few ponies in the front hold a hoof in front of their muzzles as they attempt to stifle there laughter. “I can’t believe you guys were afraid of,” he gestures towards the alicorn. “’this.’”

A chilling breeze sweeps across the arena, as the temperature drops several degrees. Evident by the presence of vapor escaping everyone’s mouth as well as more than a few audience members shivering or scooting next to one another.

Sonic slowly turns back towards the moon princess as she now hovers several feet off of the ground. “Hedgehog, you've become an annoyance. Know this before you die in vain. Your time will come, Equestria will fall.”

The wind suddenly picks up, prompting Sonic and a few members of the crowd to shield their eyes from a storm of sand and flying debris. “Isn't this a bit much?” Sonic shouts over the howling wind. “I understand trying to make a grand entrance, but that ship has sailed. Now you’re just…”

A bolt of lightning cuts the hedgehog as he dodges the strike aimed at his last position. Then another strikes his new location; just barely missing him as he rolls out of the way.

“You've been holding out on me, Moot Butt.” Sonic jests as he dodges another bolt. “Finally decided to take off the training wheels and get serious.” The hedgehog grins. “Catch me if you can.”

Nightmare Moon lets out another roar and unleashes another folly of magic bolts, except unlike last time. They strike in random places with no real pattern to follow.


Sonic dodges the onslaught with relative ease as he seems to be one step ahead of each strike; despite the sheer randomness of each location; even going as far performing mid-air tricks between each dodged attack.

“So, the ‘terror of the night’ is just a one trick pony.” Sonic comments as he lands before the still hovering princess. “Kind of a letdown if you ask me.”

“SILENCE!” The alicorn shouts as she launches another barrage of lightning strikes upon the hedgehog; who, like before easily dodges them.

“C’mon Moon Butt, that trick is getting old. Why not-Whoa!”

Sonic cuts himself off as the seeming random folly of magically enchanted lightning; forms into a sort of whip that seems to almost coil and bend as it attempts to strike him.

“Well that’s something.” The hedgehog mutters out as he distances himself from the ‘freaky’ magic bolt.

The alicorn grins as she watches the blast of magic close in on the hedgehog. “Just a little bit further and…WHAT?!”

Nightmare Moon cuts herself off as Sonic abruptly changes course and starts barreling towards her at top speed. A few of the patrons of the crowd comment on the sudden shift of tactics and Sonic’s ability to avoid being struck by the Nightmare Moon’s lightning; drawing said Princess’s attention away from the battle and towards the nervous spectators.

“What is the meaning of…”The dark alicorn demands, but it cut off as something smacks against her breastplate.

“Tag, you’re it!” A certain blue hedgehog states as he gives the princess’s armor a hard strike as he continues to zip around the arena.

The alicorn raises an eyebrow in response as she turns towards the fleeting hedgehog.

‘Why would thee play ‘tag’ this is a…” Nightmares’ eyes snap open as she turns back toward where Sonic just came from and shrink to the size of pin dots. “OH SH-!”

The strike of a bolt of magically charged lightning bolt drowns out the rest of the alicorn’s realization. The white hot lighting arches across the princess’s ornate armor; inciting a blood curdling scream as her body is literally attacked in all directions. A few of the spectators are forced to shield their eyes from the all-consuming light.

Despite the strike only lasting moments, the damage it caused is immense. Most prevalent by the still hovering makeshift lighting rod that somehow remains in the air, despite the damage she sustained. The once highly polished armor of ancient times is now charred black and now seems almost ‘darker’ then it’s wearer. Nightmare’s once freely flowing mane and tail now hang lifelessly across her back and flank. The princess’s head hangs lifelessly and yet still lives; evident by her shallow breathes.

Nightmare Moon’s eyes snap open as she lets out a single cough as black soot exits her mouth and then plummets to the ground below; landing on her right side with both her wings stretched out.

Seeing the once feared alicorn of nightmares; lying lifeless on the ground. Everyone remains silent; save for a few ambient coughs. The sound of crunching earth draws their attention to a certain blue hedgehog as he approaches the downed princess. Stopping a few paces from her side, Sonic kneels down and gives the alicorn a few hard shakes.

“Hey, you alright? That looked like it really hurt.” The hedgehog asks in concern as he looks on as the alicorn’s face contorts in pain.

“You have no idea.” Nightmare Moon says with a grown and opens her eyes to Sonic kneeling before her. “Still, it was a clever move. Turning our attack against us. I’d clap if I was able to.” The mare frowns. “You’re aching to make a joke aren’t you?”

Sonic smiles sheepishly. “Yeah, but I don’t think it would be appropriate now.”

“Let’s hear it.” The alicorn orders with a stern tone.

The hedgehog scratches his nose and chuckles. “Well I was going to say…” Sonic jumps to his feet. “You’ve just been…” He snaps his fingers and points towards the down alicorn. “…Thunderstruck.”

Nightmare Moon lets out another groan and looks away. “That was horrible, even for you.”

“Yeah, I guess it was.” Sonic admits with a small chuckle.

“I bet you think you’ve already won, beaten the ‘all powerful ruler of the night’? Don’t you?” The alicorns asks with a hint of venom in her voice. “…Restored ‘harmony’ to this land and all that other nonsense?”

Sonic frowns at the question and crosses his arms. “Well I was hoping I did, but now that you mention it. That was way too easy.”

The alicorn grins in response. “Smart, but…” She trails off as she fires a bolt of magic from her horn at Sonic. “…foolish. Your kindness has been your own undoing.”

“Really now?” A familiar voice says to the princesses’ right. “From what I’m told it’s one of my best qualities.” The hedgehog trails off as an obvious smile is plastered upon his face. “Well other than my rugged good looks of course.”

A few mares in the crowd seem swooned by the statement, as they dramatically faint while the blue hedgehog shoots them one of his trademark grins.

Nightmare Moon fire another bolts of magic in the hedgehog’s direction, but misses as it strikes the empty place he once stood.

“You know what I think?” A voice says right into the alicorn’s ear. Nightmare Moon’s gasps as the hedgehog’s hot breath hits her neck. “I think you’re jealous.”

The alicorn turns towards the hedgehog, but only see a vacant spot where he once stood.

“What do we have to be jealous of? Tell us!” Nightmare demands as she rises to her feet and charges her horn. “We would love to know what you think makes us jealous.” The mare asks as she searches for the elusive hedgehog.

“That I’m getting all the attention and not you.” Sonic states plainly as the alicorn meets his gaze as he stands before her.

Nightmare Moon lets out a shriek and lets out the magic bolt she was charging; missing the hedgehog and striking the barrier behind him.

“Oh, and jumpy too.” Sonic adds with a cocky smirk.

The alicorn grits her teeth and stares down at the hedgehog. “More foolish words have never been spoken. Why would our subjects favor you over-”

“You know if you’d lost the bad attitude of yours and laid off the mascara a bit, you’d be pretty hot.” Sonic states plainly as if unfazed by the alicorn before him. “As the saying goes, you catch more bees with honey. Not vinegar.” The hedgehog shrugs. “But then again, they say it’s better to be feared than loved. So take your pick. Moon Butt?

Sonic turns to the now silent alicorn and spots a noticeable blush on her face. “Uh, you still with us, Nighty?”

“You think I’m pretty?” Nightmare asks in a flat tone.

The hedgehog chuckles nervously as he scratches the back of his head. “Yeah sure, just lay off the superiority complex and you’d be quite the catch.”

With a now non hostile princess before him, Sonic cautiously steps toward the mare with his arms held out in front of him. “So, we cool now or are we gonna keep…”

A loud snaps cuts the hedgehog off as he rolls out the way of a familiar bolt of magic. Turning towards the now charred earth, Sonic throws his arms into the air and lets out a loud groan.

“What the hell, Moon Butt? I thought we were cool.”

The air in the arena begins to stir as an opposing figure stands before the hedgehog. “Playing with my emotions, while luring me into a false sense of security. So you could get the drop on me. Oh, we are far from cool, hedgehog”

“The f*** are you talking about? Why would lie?” Sonic shouts over the increasing wind. “What could I possibly gain by-OH SHIT!”

A bright red symbol appears below the hedgehog and hits him with a rush of water; sending him flying.


Landing on the other side if the arena, Sonic begins looking around as if trying to figure out what happened.

“That was an arcane rune.” A female voice says from within the crowd. “It’d be wise to say away from those.”

The hedgehog lets out an amused snort as he turns to the mare. “Yeah, no sh*t. I figured that out already. Any chance you’d know if there was some kind of tell.” Sonic begins rubbing her right shoulder with his left hand. “Not really liking being on the receiving end of these.”

“A symbol.” The mare replies.

“What kind of symbol?”

“Well, something like that.” The mare responds gesturing toward another rune beneath the hedgehog.

Sonic looks down and side steps just as a burst of fire erupts from where he stood.

“What the f*ck, some warning would have been nice!” Sonic snaps as he returns to standing position.

“I’m sorry, please don’t be mad.” The mare pleads. “I was just trying to help.”

Dodging another rune, Sonic gives the mare a dismissive wave. “No, I shouldn’t have snapped at you. What your name?”

“Gum Drop. My name is Gum Drop.”

“Well Gummy, come find me after the show and I’ll sign an autograph or something.” Sonic grins as he gives the mare a wink. “Think of it as an apology and thanks for helping me.”

The mare nods. “I-I will.”

“Good, now if you’ll excuse me. I have to finish my date with a certain grouchy princess.” Sonic winks at the mare. “Wish me luck.”

Gum Drop opens her mouth to reply, but is cut off by a sudden gust of wind knocking her out of her seat.


“Where has thou gone, hedgehog? Have ye fled like the coward that you are?” Nightmare laments as she attempts to locate her opponent.

A loud snap, followed by something striking the princess in the side; sends the alicorn skidding for several feet.

“WHO DARE?!” The princess shouts in her Canterlot voice. “WHO DARITH TO STRIKE ONE OF THE CROWN IN SUCH A FASION?”

“I dare.” A voice says from behind the alicorn. “Also, could you quit with the shouting? It’s giving me a headache.”

Another rune appears below the hedgehog and sends a plume hot air in the now vacant spot Sonic once stood.

“Stand still, damn it!”

“Why, so you can hit me with your freaking magic. No thanks.”

The ebony alicorn lets out a deep growl as the ground begins to shake.

“Oh, what’cha gonna do now? Shake me into submission?” The hedgehog quips as he shoots the princess a smirk. “Or are you gonna-Whoa!”

Sonic is cut off as several stone pillars shoot up from the ground; each one rising well beyond the arena’s open roof. Riding one up till it reaches the top of the stadium. The hedgehog lets out an impressed whistle.

“Well would look at that, you've managed mess things up more than they already were. “ Sonic begins to slowly clap. “Nice work.”

“It will stop your troublesome speed and finally put an end to this foolish match.”

“Wait, hold on. You've been trying to beat me this whole time? And here I thought you just like having me around.” The hedgehog lets out an amused chuckle. “Why didn’t you just say so.”

“What makes you think that We’d-” Nightmare Moon trails off as she looks up at the hedgehog and sees a vacant spot where he once stood. “Now where did he-”


Something strikes the Princess in the back, hard; sending her tumbling several feet. Nightmare rises to her hooves, but is struck again in the stomach and then the sternum; send flying backwards.

Rising to her hooves once more, Nightmare Moon lets out a chuck as she surveys the landscape.

“You think those little tricks will work on us. We’re…”


Something strikes the Alicorn in her metal helmet; sending a certain hedgehog backwards as he stops his assault and begins rubbing his head.

“Ouch~! What is that thing make of?”

“It matters not what material our armor is made of.” Nightmare Moon begins with a smirk. “If this is the best you can do. Then this battle is already over.”

“Not quite,” Sonic says as he reaches behind his back and pulls out the blue Chaos Emerald. “These folks came to see a show and I intend on giving them one.”

The alicorns eyes narrow. “And prêtell what you plan to do that you haven’t tried already?”

Eight differently color emeralds begin circling the hedgehog. “Oh just a little something I’ve been saving till now. You might want to stand back.”

Nightmare complies and smirks at the hedgehog. “You think your fancy little rocks will help you now. If you truly think those things can save you now than…”

The alicorn trails off as something flashes before her mind; something glowing of a brilliant shade of glow with a set of burning red eyes; eyes that seem to pierce the mare very soul.

“NO!” The ebony mare shouts as she fires a bolt of magic at the transforming hedgehog; sending him crashing into the outer ring of the arena.

The crowd lets out a gasps as they witness the hedgehog being struck by the Princess’s magic. Some even shouting, calling Nightmare Moon a cheater. Or various other insults that begin to blend with the others.

Nightmare Moon stares at the newly kicked up cloud of dust and smirks as she approaches it. “So, Equestria’s hero is brought down by a mirror blast of magic? Hmph, how pathetic.” The mare turns towards the crowd and begins to laugh. “You held so much faith in this... this rodent, that you have been blinded by your own inability to defend yourselves.” She turns back towards the dust cloud. “What say you, ‘hero of Equestria’? Have any other ‘tricks up your sleeve’ or are you ready to bow before your Princess?”


The mare frowns and approaches the dust clouds edge. “I said, are you ready to summit and-GACK!”

Nightmare Moon is violently cut off as something bursts from the vale of dust, grabs her by the throat, and unceremoniously lifts her several feet into the air. The crowd lets out a gasp as the alicorn is effortlessly hoisted several times her own height.

“RELEASE ME…RELEASE ME I SAY!” The ebony mare demands as she squirms in the unknown creatures grasp. “YOUR PRINCESS DEMANDS IT!” She shouts again and fires several magic bolts into the cloud; one managing to strike home as the hold on the princess is broken and sends the alicorn crashing to the ground.

“What matter of beast have you allowed yourself to become? No matter. We shall slay it and…” A low growl escapes the cloud and sends a shiver down the alicorn’s spine. “Oh no…”

Something large and blue bursts from the cloud and strikes the Moon Princess square in the chops; Sending her crashing into the arena’s upper decks and startling a few spectators as she crashes into the barrier separating them from the battle.


“Uh what just happened?” A certain cyan mare asks as she watches a thick cloud of dust cover the arena below. “I mean big guy was about to go super on Nightmare Moon and then she’s sent flying halfway across the arena.”

“Whatever it was, it was a cheap shot ever for that ruffian that has taken control of the Princess.” Rarity comments, but quickly adds as she turns to the Sun Goddess. “Uh no offence intended, your highness.”

The Sun monarch nods with a kind smile. "None taken, Miss Rarity."

“Well if what I think happened then…” Twilight begins, but is cut off as certain feline begins to let out a low growl in her seat. “Blaze, what’s wrong?”

Everyone turns to lilac cat as she stands in her ornate chair curled up in an attack position; as if ready to strike the first who come near her.


“There is something very wrong, Twilight.”

“And what would that be?” Twilight inquires as she tilts her head to the side.


A collective shiver runs through the entire arena.

Next Chapter Preview:

Rainbow Dash: "Whoa, what is that?"

Pinkie Pie: "Well somepony has been eating their Wheaties."

Fluttershy: "I-it's so fluffy."

Nightmare: "One this day, one shall stand. Once shall fall."

Black Dog Night.