• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,658 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...

Fire Woman

“So, that’s why you seemed so reluctant to tell me. We are sorry Sonic; I did not know that this was weighing on you so greatly.” The moon goddess whispers as her head falls and her ears droop. “We thought that you were merely just being indecisive and..” The princess taps her chin with a hoof. “How does the saying go? “Playing the field?” She then turns to the hedgehog alongside her. “But it seems that we were incorrect in our assumptions.”

The hedgehog lets out a forced laugh and looks up at Luna. “Probably seems rather pathetic on your end, doesn’t it? Keeping everyone at arm's length and just hoping it resolves itself.” Sonic’s face twists into a frown as he continues. “But it just seems no matter what I do, there will unintended fallout, and it will probably ruin an already unsteady friendship...well ‘unsteady’ since I arrived anyway.”

Remaining in the same spot as earlier, the Princess and hedgehog both face a starlit sky as the moon has seemingly vanished; in a reflection of the current atmosphere of the conversation. The numerous fireflies that once filled the tall grass have now ventured off in the distance and there glow can only be faintly seen within the tall grass.

“The fact that you’ve shown reluctance in your decision. Knowing the possible consequences doesn’t make you pathetic.” The Princess begins as a small smile appears on her face. “It shows that you truly do care for your friends.” She then continues as her smile increases. “And it also explains why you never reacted to the not so subtle hints I’ve been dropping.” Luna extends a hoof and pulls Sonic close to her. “For a moment there, we thought you were just dense.”

“You wound me, Nim.” The hedgehog comments as he places a hand on his chest. “To think I wouldn’t notice what you were implying.” He then smirks before adding a small quip. “Especially considering that you had as much subtlety as a bull in a china shop.”

Luna playfully shoves Sonic laugh. “Hey, cut us some slack. We are a bit out of practice and have found that the old ways of attraction aren’t used much anymore.”

“Like what? Batting your eyelashes and making kissy faces at them?” The hedgehog sarcastically mocks. “Because I've seen many still use those."

The princess shakes her head as she poorly suppresses a laugh. “Nay, such open acts of affection were not of popular opinion. If one wanted to attract another pony’s interest. It was customary to give them a meaningful gift or a large sum of coin. Mainly, to show that you were willing and able to support them. Though this was typically by a stallion, who was interested in a mare. If the roles were in reverse, the mare would give the stallion a family lineage chart. Unusually in the form of an expensive book or ornate scroll. To show that she can give them offspring that will be able to carry on the family’s legacy.”

“That just seems overly complicated and unnecessary. Why not just talk to the person and tell them how you feel? Instead of doing all that other nonsense. Especially considering that you’d be out a lot less if they didn’t feel the same.” Sonic looks up at Luna. “Which did happen didn’t it? Or were you expected to just expected to go through with it? Even if you didn’t feel the same?”

“It happened, but it didn't make the individual very popular with others. Primarily, if the one interested was from a more powerful house or family. It raised the status of the lower standing house if the two were to marry. Plus, it would make it more difficult to find another. Since by many, it would deem you unapproachable and made to look like you were holding out for a ‘higher bidder.’ The princess adds with a hint of disdain in her voice.

“Yesh, that’s just ridiculous.” The hedgehog then taps his chin. “But that does explain why a lot of nobles I've meet act all high and mighty. Who can’t seem to pull their heads out of there butts.” He then laughs. “Using your wealth and status to get whatever you want. That’s just messed up.”

“Indeed, while the players have changed. For the most part, the game has remained the same.” Luna’s expression shifts to a serious one. “Had you been using your status and popularity to ‘sow your wild oats’ as they say. With as many mares as you could. Under the guise that they were special to you. We wouldn’t be having this conversation and things between us would be much different.”

“What kind of guy do you take me for?” The hedgehog retorts with a mock annoyed tone as he looks up at the princess. “To think I’d do something so immoral and…” Sonic then trails off as he turns his attention to something in the distance and takes on a more somber expression. “The messed up thing is, that it wouldn’t be hard to do if I ever decided to. Hell, some would probably be ok knowing; just as long as they got a piece. So, they could brag to there friends about it. Am I that big of a deal here or am I just overthinking things?”

Luna gently guides the hedgehog’s attention back towards her with a foreleg. Surly you jest, Sonic. Shortly after your arrival in Equestria. You’ve made yourself rather well known. With these heroic feats you’ve accomplished.”

Several newspapers appear and hover over the two’s head. Luna snatches one with her magic, while Sonic grabs the one closest to him. Turning it to face the hedgehog with her magic. The moon goddess gestures to headline, with the words ‘Blue Blur, saves the day.’ Printed in bold letters, with an image of the hedgehog mentioned above carrying a mare from a burning building.

“Like this, for example, Luna begins as she passes the newspaper to Sonic and grabs another one with her magic. “Or this, The moon Goddess gestures to the next one with the header. That reads, ‘A fight against overwhelming odds.’ With an image of Sonic facing off a group various creatures trying to rob a bank.

“Or my personal favorite.” The alicorn claims as she uses her magic to grab another newspaper. with the headline. ‘A hero rises.’ With an image of a pre-transformed Sonic facing off against Nightmare Moon. During their battle on Nightmare Night Luna waves, her right hoof and several other newspapers appear. “And these are just the ones we’ve come across. We’d wager it’s safe to assume there are many others that we haven’t seen.”

Sonic grabs the final paper and begins flipping through it. “You seem to like what happened on that night. Why is that?” He inquires as he turns back to the alicorn.

“Because it was the night you defeated Nightmare Moon.” The mare replies as if the answer was obvious.

“No, Twilight and the others did.” The hedgehog corrects. “What we did was just put on a show.”

“Yes, and a sizeable amount of Equestria’s populace witness this. Enough, in fact, to finally put many at ease when in my presence or at times of conversation.” She then lets out a sad sigh. “While it is true that many did take my sister’s word of Nightmare Moon’s defeat. Nopony was there to witness it. Other than the Element bearers. So, many of Equestria’s citizens where caution to downright terrified of my alternate form’s return. Resulting in most avoiding me forthright.” Her muzzle then scrunches. “You wouldn’t believe some of the stories I’ve heard on how this would happen."

The hedgehog takes a moment to absorb this information; flicking one of his quills absentmindedly in the process. “So, what you're saying is that little stunt we pulled the other night not only entertained the crowd when the other guys bailed on the show. It also put that stigma that some people had about you reverting to your nightmare form and trying to take over again.”

“That is correct” The princess responds with a hint of shame in her voice. “We apologize that we have to involve you,but..”

“You should have told me.” Sonic snaps as he gives the princess a sour look. “I wouldn't have been so reluctant to help you that night. Hell, I probably would have gone all out.If I knew that there was another reason you suggested that match up.” His scowl fades slightly. “I mean, I still would have felt bad for having to do it, but I would have understood why.”

Luna pulls Sonic close and wraps her forelegs around his torso. “You’re right; I should have been straightforward with you. I just feared that you…”The alicorn’s voice shifts to a deeper pitch at she continue. “You are one of few ponies that I can call a friend and not have it sound hollow.” A black mist starts to rise from the princess’s form as her body begins to change shape.

Despite having his face and most of his body still pinned against the princess. He notices the sudden change in her form. “Nym?” He asks with a muffled voice. “You alright.”

“Of course, Sonic.” A new voice responds. “Why would you think I wasn’t?” The voice asks in a worried tone. “Because you sound…” The hedgehog begins as he pulls himself away from the princess’s grasp. “...different?”

Staring back at the hedgehog is not the young alicorn he has spent the last several evenings within the dreamscape, not the one who raced him to the moon. Instead, it’s the one that many; until recently. Feared would return and attempt to overthrow the sun monarch once again and force eternal night. Nightmare Moon; minus her iconic armor.


“There’s no end to these guys!” The Sol guardian exclaims as she knocks a would-be attacker away with a roundhouse kick. Only to have another make the same attempt. “We’ll be overrun at this point.”

Honey delivers several precise ‘haymakers’ to grey wolf brandishing a makeshift club. Before knocking the weapon out of there hand and striking them on the head with it. “Tell me about it. Every Time I’ve faced these guys. Their numbers seem to double. It’s like they have a recruitment station or something.”

“While you have to respect their tenacity, this is not going to end in our favor if we don’t do something quickly,” Blaze comments as she dodges an attacker with a sword and delivers a heeled shoe to there face. Knocking them down and relinquishing their sword.

The other feline cringes as her newly acquired club busts over the head of another attacker. And then, flings the remaining piece at a large fox as they attempt a sneak attack from the treetops; sending them crashing into an oncoming hoard. “These guys aren’t stupid...ok they are pretty dumb. But even an idiot knows that we’ll eventually tire out if they keep throwing their men at us.”

“Exactly, which means that we…” Blaze trails off as she deflects another sword-wielding opponent’s attack and notices her fighting partner has changed tactics and is now using a similar fighting style like her own. Breaking the guardian's concentration just enough for her opponent to knock the sword away. Giving them an opportunity to deliver and goes in for the finishing strike but is beaten away by Honey, with a newly acquired war hammer.

“You’ve got to be more careful, Blaze.” The other feline chastises. “These guys are in it to win it and aren’t afraid to fight dirty to get it done.” She adds while knocking away another attacker with her newly acquired weapon.

The guardian bites her lip in response to her folly and other felines comment. Had Honey not intervened. She surely would have perished or would have been severely wounded. Blaze mows over this for a moment, but then casts it aside for a later time and returns to assisting the other feline; who is now facing off against a sizable group of bandits.

“About time you re-joined the party.” Honey quips as she blocks an oncoming attack and then knocks them away with a right hook. “What happened back there? She adds with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

“Sorry, sorry,” The other feline responses meekly (well as ‘meekly as you can, given the situation.) I wasn’t aware you knew several fighting styles. Given the one, you've used until just now. It caught me off guard for a moment.”

Honey flings the remaining part of her war hammer at a group of bandits; knocking them to the ground. “Oh that, many don’t know this, but I possess Photographic reflexes.” She replies in a cheeky tone. “Usually I stick to just one, but….”

“You're kidding, right?” Blaze asks as she retries a mace from the slowly accumulating piles of discarded weapons around them.

“Pffft! Of course,” The feline responds with a cheeky laugh. “I’m a seamstress, not a martial arts master. I just picked up a few things from my matches, during my downtime.

Blaze lets out an annoyed grown and lets her shoulder slump. “I fail to see the humor in it, given the situation. One would think you’d have more of resolve and…”

“By the creature, you need to lighten up!” Honey exclaims as she floors an attacking wolf with a devastating strike. “These blockheads barely have a brain cell between the ten of them. They’ll eventually figure out that uh oh.” The feline trails off as the once unending group of bandits, suddenly start to flee into the dense forest. “This isn’t good.”

The other feline frowns as the statement and watches as everyone disappears from sights. “They’re retreating. What part of that isn’t good?” The guardian inquires as she turns to the other feline.

“That wasn’t a ‘retreat’!” Honey snaps she tosses her now useless war hammer to the ground. “They’re regrouping, so they can attack us all at once from all sides.”

A chill runs down Blaze’s spin as she starts to process what the seamstress just said. It did seem too sudden that a group that was beginning to gain the upper hand. To suddenly, out of nowhere, turn tail and flee. She activates her pyrokinesis; no longer worried about the collateral damage, it would cause. “What should we do? Assuming what you claimed was correct. We’re sitting targets if we stay here.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Honey replies as she picks up a bow staff and tosses it to Blaze and then grabs a pair of maces for herself. “We need to find another area that isn’t surrounded by this dense forest.” She then grins. “And I know just the place.”

The feline then takes off in a full sprint; catching the guardian off guard for the second time. “Follow me! She shouts back as she starts to distance herself from the previous location.

“Hey, wait up!” Blaze snaps as she rushes off after her.

Next Chapter Preview:

Sonic: "Well that happened."

Twilight: "I'm overcome by a world of emotions!"

Honey: "Remind me to never piss you off."

???: "just when it gets weirder, it gets fun."

Black and Magic Woman

Comments ( 9 )

I love it ! It is so amazing thankyou so much for making this it has been too long though it was a good chapter it seemed like you were stalling for so!etching but still it's awesome!

As much I love Luna, Nightmare Moon does look more mature.
She looks like her age just like Celestia.

here lies sonic battle for equestria rip

Is this series ever coming back I hate when things aren't finished 😩😭

hay do continue it:heart:

continue it we all want to see more chapters:heart::flutterrage:

I don't know why this was canceled but I hope it continues somehow

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