• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,656 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

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Werehogs in Equestria

Chapter - 12

Werehogs in Equestria

With most of the attractions and concession stands still open, the mane 6 and Blaze are able to partake in the festivities. With Blaze playing a ball toss game with Dash; both trying to see who can knock over the stack of milk bottles first. While the others look on, with varied expression from the conversation earlier.

“Uh, yer not still mad are ya Blaze? Ah mean you seem might upset earlier and…well it’s been a while since then, so…” Applejack cautiously asks as she keeps her distance from the Sol Ruler.

“I’m not mad, miss Applejack. I’m just a tad disappointed that you were all acting that way.” Blaze says calmly as she knocks over the stack of bottle; much to Rainbow Dash’s annoyance.

Rarity appears on the feline’s side. “Are you sure, darling? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you that upset before and…”

“I’m fine,” Blaze snaps back as she slams a bit on the counter and receives three more balls. “As long as you all, think before acting for now on. Everything…will be fine.”

“You are so not ‘fine’.” Rainbow Dash mutters as she tosses a ball at her own stack of bottles and only manages to knock over one. “Darn it,”

Blaze smiles as she successfully knocks over another stack of bottles. “I don’t know, Sonic seems to think so.” Everyone stops cold and turns to the feline. “What?”

Pinkie bursts out laughing and falls to the ground. “I get it, it makes sense on so many levels.” The party pony says between her fits of laughter.

The Sol ruler chuckles to herself and makes another successful toss; knocking over another target. “Glade to see at least someone knows how to have a good time.” Her face then shifts to a frown as the picks up one of the remaining balls. “To think you all thought, he’d blindly take the first one to throw themselves at him.”

Most of what Blaze says goes unnoticed by the others, except for one very specific unicorn; who gives the feline an all knowing nod.

As the last of the bottle are cleared from the platform, Blaze turns to a now frowning red female unicorn with a clown wig on. “I believe that makes an even six.”

“Yeah so,” The mare mutters out as she uses her magic to collects the fallen bottles.

“Did you say, that if I were knock over six sets over in a row, you’d show me the ‘real prizes’ and not these cheap imitations?” The felines asks as she gestures to a badly stitched stuffed bear.

The unicorn lets out an annoyed grown as she uses her magic to remove a panel; revealing several finely crafted stuffed dolls and one very familiar one.

“No, it can’t be…”


“What in the world?” Sonic proclaims as he snatches a stuff toy from a nearby vendors display. “Where did something like this come from?”

Luna turns to the former hedgehog and then turn to the item in his hands. “That’s impossible.”

“This is me!” Sonic shouts as he gestures to the object in his hand, but then clears his throat before continuing. “I mean this looks just like me…the normal me anyway. How did something like ‘this’ get here?”

“Aw, that’s one of my most popular prizes here.” An elderly male pegasus states as he motions for Sonic to return the doll. “Folks been lining up around the block for one of those things. Can’t see why though, who’d want a stuffed pushie of that weird critter that just runs really fast.”

The former hedgehog glares down at the stallion; who in turn cowers beneath the towering form. “Were did you get this? I don’t remember giving anyone the ok to make anything like this.”

Still somewhat shaking, the elderly pegasus turns away and ‘attempts’ to put on a strong face. “I an’t tell no pony, a bunch of fellers have these. Why am I the only one being targeted?”

“You do know that profiting off of somepony’s likeness, with out there consent is a rather steep fine and can land one in dungeon for an unspecified about of time.” Luna states with a firm tone as she mirrors Sonic’s reaction. “However, if you were to tell us of individual that sold you these and handover what you have in stock. Then, we’d a bit more lenient with the charges.”

Spotting the night princess the stallion gulps and tries (poorly) to act aloof about her appearance. “Ah, P-princess Luna, I didn’t see you there. Pardon an old stallion for his misforctions, but the eyes aren’t as great as they used to be.”

“Right,” The alicorn says as she rolls her eyes. “If you happen to know of the individual who is trying to profit from my friend then….”

“Oh of course,” The pegasus almost shouts as he cuts the princess off. His eyes then widen as he realizes what he just did. “I beg your pardon, princess. I’ll get that information for you in a moment.”

The stallion disappears behind his display for a moment, but then returns with a scroll tucked under his wing. “Here you go, your highness.” He says, as he passes the parchment to the waiting princess.

Luna unrolls the form and reads it over. “Let’s see, 1000 units shipped to ‘Feather’s Fantastic Toys’ from Manehattan, by a company called ‘Polomare Industries’.” The princess read further down the scroll. “Personally, by a one Suri Polomare, hm. We’ll have to have a little chat with this ‘Suri’ at some point.” The alicorn looks up from her scroll. “Mr. Dust Feather,”

“YES!” The stallion shouts as he takes a ridged stance.

“Thank you for this information, it will help. If you can gather all remaining dolls in my friend’s likeness and return them to the castle by noon tomorrow. We shall overlook this for the time being.”

“Yes of course,” The pegasus shouts as he solutes the princess with his wing. “But I wasn’t the only one has this as you can see.” The stallion gestures to numerous stands; each with some sort of sonic themed stuffed toy at it. “How will you collect those as well?”

Luna frowns as she looks at the other vendors; all of which are now nervously collecting there ‘Sonic related merchandise’ for the Princess. “Oh, you leave those to me.”

“Please do,” A muffled voice says to the Princess’s right. “Someone is making a killing off of this and I doubt they have the best intentions in mind.”

The alicorn turns towards the source of the voice and spots a certain werehog chewing on a large piece of red taffy. “Where did you get that?”

“Back there.” Sonic states as he points to a concession stand several feet back. “You want some?”

Luna nods, “If it’s not too much trouble.”

“Hold on,” The former hedgehog begins as he’s about to hand the alicorn a part of his, but stops and clears his throat. “Right, sorry hold on.” With one simple wave of his arm, Sonic extends is reach far beyond any feet he’s shown earlier. His hand almost diapering into the distance; only to reappear just as fast, with a large piece of blue taffy in it.

“How’d you know blue berry was my favorite?” Luna inquires with a raised eyebrow.

Sonic shrugs before passing the treat to the princess. “Lucky guess.”

“We have a winner!” An enthusiastic green male earth pony exclaims as holds up a familiar stuffed toy and then passes to a certain speedy pegasus. “Another one of tonight’s popular picks for the daring explorer.”

“Yes!” Rainbow Dash squees as she grabs the stuffed toy and begins nuzzling it; only to suddenly realize where she is and instantly places it on her back. “I mean, awesome and it’s Daring Doo, by the way.”

“Well it’s a very nice costume,” The vendor complements before going back to his shtick. “Now everypony step right up and win a prize….”

“Well ah guess that’s now everypony.” Applejack states as she adjusts a familiar stuffed toy on her back. “Ah reckon be best be moseying on to the fountain. It has to be time by now.”

Blaze reaches into her dress and removes the pocket watch and flicks it open. “Just about, we still have a few minutes. However, given the current amount of individuals still out. We should head over there now, or else we might be late.”

“You’re starting to sound like, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash comments as she tugs at her vest.

“You say that, like it’s a bad thing.” The lavender mare shoots back, much to the pegasus’s dismay.

Dash’s eyes widen as the realizations sets in. “Wait, that’s not what I mean. I was just saying…”

“We can discuss your tendency of sticking your hoof into your mouth another time.” Rarity interrupts as she begins leading the other away. “We must make hast, it is in very poor taste to make a princess wait.”

“Da, da, da, da, da, da, charge!” Pinkie shouts as she makes a beeline for the fountain.

“Well somepony is excited,” Fluttershy mutters to herself as she follows the others to market square.


“So, I’ve been wondering,” Sonic begins as he matches the alicorn’s pace.


“What do you think would have happened, if we had gone all out from the beginning of that match and not held back like we did?”

Luna chuckles to herself and shakes her head. “There wouldn’t have been anything left if the arena if we did that.” The princess turns to the former hedgehog and smiles. “While we only speak for ourselves, the amount of power that could have been thrown around. Would have led to a vast amount of collateral damage on both sides.”

Sonic snickers at the comment as he too shakes his head. “I was thinking the same thing, we are a force to be reckoned with, when provoked. Glade to know that you’re on my side.”

“As are we,” Luna says with a warm smile, which then shifts to a frown as she continues. “Speaking of which, there is something else we wish to discuss with thee.”


“Well, it’s about earlier. We believe our actions we’re not of clear mind and simply as they say ‘in the heat of the moment’. The alicorn confesses with a sad tone. “We hope you don’t think less of us this.”

The former hedgehog remains silent and continues to walk at a steady pace. Creating an uneasy feeling in the pit of the alicorn’s stomach. Despite the festivities going on around them. The only thing the princess can uneasy expression on her possibly ‘former’ friends face. An array of emotions pass across Sonic’s features, from annoyance, sadness, relief and finally acceptance.

“So you want to take a step back and test the waters before taking the plunge?” Sonic finally says, breaking the uncomfortable silence. “I can respect that.”

“Ye are not mad?” Luna asks hesitantly and begins to bite her lower lip in anticipation of what the response is.

“Pfft, hardly,” Sonic states with an amused chuckle. “To be honest, I had a feeling ‘that’ was the case. Given everything that has happened and all.” He then turns to the alicorn and places a hand on her shoulder. “Things got pretty hectic around here, so I think it’s safe to assume neither of us were really in the best state of mine at the moment.”

Luna nods in agreement. “Agreed, it has been one of those nights.” The alicorn then places a wing on the former hedgehog’s hand. “Thank you for understanding.”

“Hey no problem,” Sonic eyes then widen as something occurs to him. “Wait, this sort of thing happens often?”

The princess chuckles and shakes her head. “Hardly, we shall explain at a later time. We’re almost at the fountain.”

“Cool, I can show everyone what I won.” A comically misshaped stuffed toy of a certain princess of the night suddenly appears in the former headgehog’s hand. “I am Princess Whoona,” Sonic begins using an exaggerated tone in his voice. “All fear my adorableness.”

“Then we shall show our friends this.” A rather realistic stuffed version of Sonic appears in front of the alicorn and is instantly caught in her magic. “This is way past cool.”

Sonic frowns at the princess. “No, if you’re going to do that you need to do the voice.”

Luna sighs, “Oh very well.” The princess clears her throat. “This is way past cool.”



“Ugh, were are they?” A certain speedy pegasus whines as she rolls onto her back from her resting area on the ring of the ornate fountain; almost losing her hat in the process. “We’ve been waiting here forever.”

“Actually, it’s only been 5 minutes.” Blaze comments still looking down at the watch, while sitting on the opposite side. “A little patents goes a long way.”

“pfft, says you.” Rainbow Dash retorts. “I’m the fastest flying in Equestria. Meaning there is no ‘waiting’. Things either happen right this moment or not at all because….”

“Oh for Pete’s sake, could you for once not lose it when somepony asks you to relax for a moment.” Applejack snaps rolls off a nearby bench and begins trotting towards the usually cyan mare. “Ah mean, ah get why you want to get moving, but this is just ridiculous.”

Rainbow Dash swings around to give the farm pony some snarky comment, but is stopped as Fluttershy steps between them. “Now come on everypony, let’s not fight. We’ve seen enough of that tonight. So let’s just sit back and wait for Sonic and the princess to show up. I’m sure they are almost here.”

“Yeah sure, five more minutes and then I’m gone.” Dash mutters as she looks way.

“Thank you, Miss Fluttershy.” Blaze says as she looks up from the watch.

The butter yellow pegasus fidgets at the complement. “It was no problem…really.”

“Why is everypony so on edge lately?” Twilight mutters as she looks over a rather long scroll. “It’s like there’s something in the air that’s making everything intense.”

“Yeah, it’s like there’s something in the water that makes all go nuts.” Pinkie adds in a serious tone.

Rarity giggles at the party mare’s comment and shakes her head. “Pinkie darling, there is nothing in the drinking water. I believe it’s just that we…”

The rest of the mare’s comment is cut off as everyone falls silent as two figure appear in the distance. Towering above the almost endless crowd of patrons, stands one very specific alicorn and former hedgehog. Both seem to be in friendly conversation as they navigate the ground and close the gap between them and the fountain.

“So you think I should stay ground side for a few days? Is the really that bad?” Sonic inquires as he looks at the ebony alicorn with a concerned expression. “I mean I kind of live in one at the moment, so it might me a bit difficult.”

Luna shakes her head and smile. “We doubt the effects will last more than a day or so. It just would be wise to take every precaution, before we know if there are any long term effects of what has caused your transformation.” The alicorn’s smile fades. “You did crash through quite a few of them during our match, so it’s safe to assume your abilities to walk on them are in question.”

Sonic hold ups his hands in defeat. “Alright, I get it. I’ll find some place to stay for a few days till we know for sureif I’m going to turn back this for some reason.”

“Well if you need a place to stay, I may be able to provide that.” A third voice says, breaking the two away from their conversation and towards a certain stylishly dressed fashionesta. “That is if you don’t mind a cozy room that is.”

“Ah Miss Rarity, always eager to help others. A trait that will get you far, we assure you.” Luna comments as she looks down at the white unicorn.

The mare blushes at the complement and rubs her right foreleg against her left. “I was just trying to be a good friend.”

“That is ‘only’ there’s a chance Sonic needs to stay there. Else he’s staying put.” Rainbow Dash says with a cocky smirk.

Sonic shakes his head and then turns to the moon princess. “Well it looks like this is my stop. It was nice chatting with you, we should do it again sometime.”

Luna nods in agreement. “We would like that,” A small pendent puffs into existence and is then instantly caught in the alicorn’s magic. “Take this, it will allow me locate you if there are some complications later this evening or if we’re unable to find you before sunrise.” The princess uses her magic to hang the necklace over the werehog’s neck.

Sonic looks down at the new item and then back at the princess. “Hey thanks.

“You’re welcome.”

The alicorn then turns to the others and takes a regal stance. “For now we must part ways as the work of a princess is never done, but we shall meet once again.” Luna then smiles. “Sooner than you think. Farewell.” The ebony mare then disappears in a puff of blue smoke.

As the smoke fades, Sonic turns to the mane 6 and notices each has a stuffed version of him on their backs. “So, you guys planning on explaining why you all have those or are we going to just ignore that?”

“They were game prizes,” Pinkie announces with an excited bounce. “We all have one!”

“Or course they are,” The former hedgehog says in a flat sarcastic tone. “Just perfect.”

As everyone begins to shift in place as if uncomfortable with the situation. Sonic claps his hands together, to get everyone’s attention. “We’ll get to how many ways that’s messed up at another time. Rarity,” The former hedgehog points to the white colored mare, prompting her to go ridged at her name.


“You cool with me crashing with you for a few days, till we figure if this will keep happening?”

“I-I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t” The mare shudders.

Sonic nods and then turns to Rainbow Dash. “That sit well with you?”

The mare in question shrugs. “You gotta do what you gotta do, if that means you have to stay groundside for a few days to make sure you don’t fall through the floor. Then it’s ok with me…assuming of course you don’t get turned into one of Rarity’s ‘projects’.”

“I would never think of,” The fashionesta begins with a huff, but is cut off.

“Good enough,” Sonic then points to the Sol Guardian. “Blaze,”


“You cool with bumping that’ thing’ back a few days? Just to make sure I don’t keep turning into this anymore.”

“Of course,”

“What sort of…” Applejack begins to ask, but is interrupted by an outstretched hand.

“Not important.” The former hedgehog then looks at the others. “Anyone have any questions?” Everyone shakes her head in response. “Great, now let’s….why don’t you do the honors Pinkie?”

“With pleasure,” The pink mare says with an excited bounce. “It’s Party time;
P-A-R-T-Y? Because we Gotta.”

“Well said,” Blaze adds with a nod as she and Pinky lead the mane 6 towards the still rather active festivities. Well except for one individual.

“Excuse me. Can I talk to you for a second?” A small voice says to the former hedgehog’s right.

Sonic looks down and spots a very nervous unicorn looking back at him with a forced smile. “Hey you got yourself a new costume, it looks nice.”

The mare blushes in response. “T-thanks.”

“So, what’s up Twilight?”

The mare begins pawing at the ground. “I was wondering….” She takes a deep breath. “If you weren’t doing anything this weekend that…” Twilight then begins forcing down the lump in her throat. “You’d want to check out this new restaurant that opened with…me.” The unicorn finishes as she clenches her jaw and forces her eyes closed, as if waiting to be struck.

“Like a date?” Twilight nervously shakes her head; as if still prepared for what she thinks is going to happen. “Sure,”

Twilight’s eyes snap open as she looks up at a smiling Sonic. “R-really? Y-you really would go with me?” The mare’s eyes begins to sparkle with hopeful joy.

“Of course,” Sonic then gestures to himself. “Assuming of course, I’m not still tall dark, and scary.”

“Even if you were, I’d still be ok with it.” Twilight then grins in a way that would rival Pinky’s “I can’t believe I finally worked up the courage to ask. Is that weird? Please tell me it’s not weird. Because I know it’s weird that…”

A large hand stops the unicorn mid rant as it’s gently places on her side. “Relax Twilight, all you had to do was ask.” The mare freezes upon the realization that she made it a bigger deal then it really was. Seeing the unicorn about to go into colossal meltdown. Sonic shifts the conversation to something else. “So, what did you have in mine?”

The question snaps the mare out of her mini episode as she looks up at a still smiling Sonic. “Well I plan on to keeping it low key, but I also want it to be a surprise,” The mare grins. “So you’re just going to have to wait and see.”

“Cool, this should be fun.” The former hedgehog the motions to the group as they slowly fade in the distance. “Now come alone ma’ lady, we best not be left behind.”

Twilight nods and skips ahead with a bit of bounce in her step while Sonic follows behind.

Next Chapter Preview:

Sonic: "Well, I usually don't make house calls, but this time i'll make an acceptation."

Pinky: "This is so comfy."

Twilight: "Is is just me or is everypony on edge?"

Blaze: "Let us not resort of underhanded tactics here."

Bark at the Moon