• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,658 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...

Through the Fire and Flames

Chapter: 19

Through the Fire and Flames

~Earlier that day~

As the final bell chimes over the local school house, fillies and colts begin to file in and fill the small classroom. Several still engaged in conversation with one another, as they take their seats in one of the many desks that line room.

"Alright class, quiet down. That was the final bell; it's time for class to begin." A bubbly pink pony announces as she emerges from behind her desk.

The class lets out a collective sigh and drops down in their desks; silently hoping that their actions can somehow persuade the pink mare into delaying the start of class.

"Oh hush," The school teacher replies in a firm tone as her chipper demeanor disappears for a moment. Only to return in force as she continues to address the less than enthusiastic group. "The day has just begun, and most of you are already seem less than thrilled to be here."

" Because, it's so boring," A young colt drones as he lets his head fall face down on his desk. Several others mutter in agreement as they sink further into their seats.

Cheerilee stops a hoof on the wooden floor; making and a loud crack and a collective flinch from the complaining students.

"That's enough; we have much to cover today and...." The mare is cut off by another groan from the class. "And we don't have a lot of time to spare. She finished forcibly through clenched teeth. "However, before we begin I'd like to introduce you all to some new students, all the way from Canterlot that will be joining us today."

A certain pink filly flinches in response to the announcement, while several others snicker at the snooty mare's reaction or comment on her actions earlier that day.

"Silence!" Cheerilee commands as she stomps her hoof onto the floor once more. "Now then," She turns towards the now slightly open door. "You can come in now."

As if on command, the large door swings open and small dark brown female unicorn with a gray and white mane/tail enters and stops before the class of onlookers. The filly then bows daintily and addresses the group.

"Hello every pony, my name is..."

"Oh great, another blank flank."Diamon Tira interrupts.

The class turns towards the snooty pink filly and then back towards the black unicorn; noticing her lack of a mark.

Cheerilee steps in to berate the troublesome filly, but stops as said foal is abruptly lifted from her desk; along with her usual cohort and flung into the air.

"Hey, put me down!" Diamond Tira shrieks as she spun around in a small circle.

"Me too!" Silver Spoon pleads as she feverishly attempts to keep her glasses on her face.

Everyone slowly turns to the recently insulted filly; who's now sporting a smug expression on her face as she uses her magic to levitate the two annoying ponies around the classroom.

"Holy crap!" Apple Bloom proclaims, as she and the others watch as their tormentors are flung around the room.

Scootaloo burst out laughing and falls to the floor, while Sweetie Belle looks up at her own horn and pouts.

Several other students mirror the Crusader's actions by either joining in on small orange pegasus's laughing fit or staring at what's before them in utter disbelief.

Cheerilee steps before the new filly and looks down at her with a mix of anger and mild amusement. "Put them down this instant." She commands with a voice of authority.

The order goes ignored by the filly as she continues to fling the two around the room.

"I will not ask you again," Cheerilee adds with a stern tone.

"Well, if you insist," The filly replies in a soft voice.

No longer being held by the young unicorn's magic. The two fillies fall to the floor; taking out their desks in the process.

"Ow," The unicorn lets out a shriek as she's struck in the back of the head. Then turns to her attacker with a surprised look.

A very annoyed Butterscotch stands before the dark filly; her hoof still raised from her previous action.

"What did you do that for?"

The pegasus scowls at the unicorn before replying. "Toffee, we talked about this." Butterscotch begins with a stern tone. "You weren't going to resort to magic unless it was a last resort."

"B-but they called me a 'blank flank.' A-and then laughed at me." The filly now known as Toffee whines as she gestures to the two antagonizers; who have now returned to their hooves. With the help of a very apologetic Cherrilee.

"Who did?" The young mare begins as she follows Toffee's outstretched hoof. "Oh...them." She drones before continuing. "I ran into 'those two' this morning. The one with the glasses ran away when the other one started shooting off her mouth." Butterscotch then laughs as Dimond Tira gives Silver Spoon a sour look. "With friends like that, who needs enemies."

"That is enough!" Cheerilee snaps as she approaches the two fillies. "I will not allow either of you to continue to bully my students." Her eyes then narrow. "Canterlot elitists or otherwise."

Toffee grins at the infuriated mare."Oh, don't lie, Girl Scout! That MUST have been catharsis by proxy! Those two will now think twice about messing with another pony, after today."

Butterscotch back hoofs the back of the snarky filly; inciting a small yelp as she leaps forward in response. "What is wrong with you? I agree that there both jerks, but that was a bit much."

"Hey!" Dimond Tiara snaps. " Do either of you know who my father is? He'll have you both ran out of town when he hears about this."

The young pegasi slowly turns to the pink filly and gives her a flat look before turning back to the black unicorn. "Father was looking forward to getting away from Canterlot. How do you think he'll feel when he hears that you got kicked out of school on your first day and we to move again?"

"Wait, hold on, you two are related?" A young colt asks as he practically leaps onto his desk. "How is that possible? Considering that one of you is a..."

"It's through marriage, you idiot!" Dimond Tiara replies with a harsh tone as she turns back to the two troublesome fillies. "And I'm not done talking to you two. I will not be ignored. You both will...what the..."

Whatever was about to be said is abruptly cut off as the entire room shakes; sending the bratty filly tumbling onto the floor.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" A white colt shouts as he adjusts a propeller beanie on his head. "I felt like an earthquake."

"Alright everypony, no pony panic" Cherrilee replies in an assuring tone as she attempts to maintain order.

"EVERYPONY PANIC!" A filly screams as she dives under her desk; sending the class into a frenzy.

Scootlaoo's ears perk up as springs up from her desk and then turns to Apple Bloom. "Wait, didn't you say Sonic and Blaze were doing some training thing at the quarry today?" She tilts her head. "Isn't that why you sis told us to get right to school?"

"Ah reckon so," The farm pony muses as she taps a hoof on her chin. "Sis was rather adamite bout' us not goin' oft ah beaten path this morning."

The once frenzied class abruptly stops and lets out a collective 'squee' before making a break for the door. With many commenting on wanting to see a certain blue hedgehog fight. While a few, question a familiar feline's pyrokinesis abilities.

Cheerily makes an attempt to stop the rebellious fouls, but trails off as everyone lets out a collective shriek as there repealed back into the room; some smashing into each other, while others only tumble backward and land in various positions.

The school teacher stared blankly at her now fallen class in shock; the mare stands frozen in place while attempting to process what just happened. Who or what could have caused this and why? More questions begin to form in her mind, but abruptly cease as a small groan from a gray colt snaps Cheerily out of her stupor and back to reality.

"Oh my goodness, is everypony alright?" The mare exclaims as she starts to help a fallen student to their hooves.

"Ow, I think I broke..." Rumble begins as he tries to roll to his but then stops as he notices a certain orange pegasus clinging to his torso. "Nevermind, I'm good." He finishes as he looks down Scootaloo; who smiles sheepishly in response.

Button Mash then springs up; missing his trademark attire. "Where's my copter hat? Has Anypony seen it?" The young colt exclaims as he frantically looks around the classroom. "It couldn't have gone far; I just had it."

"It's over here," Silver Spoon reluctantly replies as she holds up the aforementioned hat atop of her right foreleg.

The colt zips over and snatches the item away from the gray filly and places it on his head. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you." He adds while giving a surprised Silver Spoon a warm hug. Diamond Tira opens her mouth to protest but says nothing as her friend simply shrugs and pats the over efficient colt on his back.

As the others rise from a floor. A certain dark unicorn lets out a heavy sigh and shakes her head. "Did everyone get hit with the stupid stick or something?" The filly lets out another sigh. "You're supposed to run away from danger, not towards it!"

"Toffee! That's no way to talk to your....." Cheerily berates, but trails off as she notices the area around the door shimmer a bit before returning to normal. The mare slowly blinks and then shakes her head, as if to dispell the strange occurrence before her.

"I suppose I should have told you all, that I'm a former student of 'Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.'" The filly says in a small voice. "And had things gone differently, I may have been one of the top magic users of my class." Toffee adds with a nervous laugh.

Everyone in the room suddenly ceases any conversation and go silent in response to the unicorn's sudden confession and slowly turns to said filly; with various degrees of shock and envy.

~ * * * ~

A small, but slowly growing group of spectators line the cliff edge surrounding the small quarry. Many of the onlookers watch the event before them, unfold with eager anticipation. While others watch as if it's the 'most interestingly thing' they've ever seen. And a select few watch with interest, but also seem keen on clinching a brightly colored ticket in their hooves.

And then there's are a handful of others, trying to sell some poorly made t-shirts or other types wears that they obviously made on site with whatever they had on hand, be it either a felt tip marker or pack of color crayons.

However, the growing audience or the rather obnoxious vendors go unnoticed by the two occupying the limestone quarry. Or at least they were, till one of them abruptly shouted at the top of their lungs.

"EVERYPONY! LOOK OUT!" A pale green female pegasus shouts as she haphazardly discards her 'officially made' headwear and hits the dirt.

Several onlookers raise a brow or tilt their heads in response to the hysterical mare. A tan stallion snarks at the pony and is about to follow with a snide comment, but trails off as something massive crosses his field of vision.


The spectators heed the stallion's warning; hitting the deck just as a shockwave rattles the landscape. Followed by a massive wave of flames, that strikes the cliffside.

~ * * * ~

"You're too slow! A cocky voice boasts a familiar blue hedgehog can be seen standing near the rock face with an amused smirk on his face.

"You're gonna have to do better than-Whoa!" Sonic's follow up remark is cut short as flaming projectile rockets towards his; forcing the hedgehog to jump out of the way,

With an amused chuckle, Sonic returns to his feet and brushes himself off. "Oww, testy."

"Don't tempt me, hedgehog." A familiar voice growls from within the rapidly clearing cloud of smoke and dirt. "One of these days, you'll run out of witty quips or nonsensical banter."

Sonic grins and crosses his arms. "Really? And what makes you think t-that..." The hedgehog trails off as the dust clears; revealing a sizable fissure now running up the side of the cliff face.

"W-what...H-how?" The hedgehog mutters to himself.

The Sol guardian's salute is then seen rising from the ground and standing at her full height; prompting Sonic to flinch slightly.

"Curious?" The felines inquiries with a smooth tone as she advances towards him. "You look like you have something to say."

"A few things if you must know, but I have to ask," Sonic replied as shaky hand points to the newly formed addition to the northern side of the quarry. "How'd you do that?"

The smug expression vanishes from the feline's face. "Oh that, I just channeled a flame into my right hand before impact. It was only a fluke, or I guess dumb luck that I managed to take out a portion of the cliffside.

Sonic wipes his brow with the back his hand and lets out a relieved sigh. "You had me going for a minute there, Blaze. I thought you had gained super strength or something." The hedgehog then chuckles. "Now that would have been kind of cool."

The feline lets out a small laugh. "Yeah, it would be pretty sweet. Unforchinatly that's not the case."

"So, you ready to get back to it?" The hedgehog inquires as he performs a shoulder stretch on his right side.

"Only if you lay off the lame quips." Blaze grumbles.

~ * * * ~

Back at the Gold Oaks Library, a stunned Twilight stares blankly into her telescope with a slacked expression.

"Wow," The mare exclaims to no in particular.

"D-did she just punch a hole into that cliffside?" The projection of Cadence mutters as she too stares into her own telescope; admit a bit more complex than the unicorn's rudimentarily one.

Twilight looks away and rubs her eyes with the side of her hoof before responding. "To be fair, the quarry was abandoned due to structural integrity issues on the northern side."

"Which means?" The princess asks softly.

"It means that it was unsafe and probably would have caused a significant portion of the pit to crumbled if any pony had tried to expand the excavation site in that direction." The mare then sighs. "Which is a shame, since 'apparently' there is a massive deposit of precious stones in the area."

"Still, you have to admit it was pretty cool," Cadence adds as she turns to the lavender mare.


~ * * * ~

On the eastern side of the quarry, a sizable group of speculators continues to watch the battle unfold below eagerly. Some even comment on the feline's previous actions with both fear, amazement, and shock.

Meanwhile, a certain butter yellow pegasus appears on the scene and attentively scans the area to see what all the commotion is about or to a find a familiar face. The mare grins as she spots the multicolored mane of her speedy friend.

~ * * * ~

"Alright, everypony you guys on the ground needs to stay back. That last blast nearly took out the first two rows." The cyan mare begins as she ushers several onlookers to take a few steps back.

"Aren't ya being a bit over cautious?" A Persian blue pegasus quips with a slight smirk.

Rainbow Dash turns to the young mare with an unamused expression. "I don't expect you to understand Cloudchaser, but if somepony gets hurt, then we have to call this whole thing off."

"Why are we doing this 'thing' anyways?" Another pony inquiry as a pale lavender pegasus appears donning an oversized pink bow. "I mean did they ask for an audience or was this meant to me a private get together?"

"What are you getting at, Filter?" The cyan mare grumbles with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

The mare frowns. "Exactly what I just said, did Sonic or Blaze ask you set up this little shindig or did you just do it to collect a quick bit?"

A nervous chuckle leaves the cyan mare's lips. "W-well you see, I just..."

"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" A voice shouts from within the crowd.

"Oh hey, look at that I'm needed elsewhere." The Pegasus claims in a rushed tone as she takes flight and heads towards the direction of the shout. " I gotta go, bye."

Cloudchaser and Filter give change. "Come back here; I'm not done talking to you!" The pink bowed pegasus shouts as she flys after the suspicious mare.

~ * * * ~

Flying over a small group gathered around a standing chalkboard. The cyan pegasus scans the area briefly before spotting a particular pink party bouncing in place; waving to the mare with an enthusiastic wave.

"Hey Pinky, what's up? Dash inquires as she lands near the energetic pony. "Ready to finally make a wager on this?" The mare adds with a coy expression.

"Oh no, I'm not here to make any bets." The party pony replies with a dismissive wave. "But I know some pony who does."


Pinky Pie side steps before replying. "Fluttershy,"

Said mare lets out a small 'eep' after being revealed and ducks behind party pony.

"Fluttershy wants to 'bet' on something?" The cyan pegasus asks with barely contained laughter. "What, do you want to put your bits down on 'them having fun time and not getting hurt?'" Rainbow Dash's composure crumbles and she falls to the ground laughing. "B-because that s-ship has sailed."

The party pony rolls her eyes in responses and then raises her hoof. As if about to strike down the rude mare, but is stopped by Fluttershy, who slowly shakes her head.

Having finished with her laughing fit, Rainbow Dash rises to her hooves and wipes away a stray tear. "But seriously why are you here? If it's to watch the fight, I think you just missed the best part." The mare leans in closer. "Blaze just punched a hole in solid granite."

"Sandstone," Pinkie Pie corrects.

The cyan mare rolls her eyes. "Whatever," She then turns back towards Fluttershy; peaking from behind Pinkie Pie. "Are you here to bet one of these two?"

"One both actually,

Dash tilts her head. "Both? Uh Fluttershy, you not going to make any bits if you bet on both of them. You might break even, but not much more than that."

"It's not for either one to win, but to..."

"What, both lose?" The cyan mare interrupts. "I don't get why you'd..."

"Oh, like a tie. If neither of them wins, but neither loses." The party pony finishes with an enthusiastic bounce.

Rainbow Dash chuckles for a moment. "Ok Fluttershy, if that's what you want to do. I'm not going to stop you, but I must warn you. The chances of that happening are slim to none." The mare holds out a hoof. "So, what do you got?"

Fluttershy reaches off screen and pulls out a hefty bag of bits and drops them in front of the now awestruck pegasus.

"Whoa, where did you get all that? " Dash inquires with a low tone.

"Don't worry about it, now are you going to accept it or not." The caretaker replies in a flat tone.

With dexterity only comfortable to Pinky Pie, the cyan mare flings the satchel over her shoulder and trots over to the caulk board; writing something on it before setting the bag with the others and turning back towards the mares.

"Alright then, that's that. Enjoy the show."

~ * * * ~

Before the ever growing crowd. The two offworlders continue to do battle with each other, with a certain hedgehog maintaining control of said fight as the Sol guardian continues to makes a futile effort in striking a solid hit.

"What's the matter, Blaze? I thought you were going to get serious?" Sonic mocks as he dodges an onslaught of quick strikes from the increasingly frustrated feline. "Stop holding back on me."

Blaze attempts to land a roundhouse kick to the face of the smirking hedgehog but misses he sidesteps out of the way. "I'm not holding back, you insufferably hedgehog." The feline growls as she attempts to leg sweep with similar results.

"It's lucky you're cute, Blaze. Because you're a horrible liar." Sonic quips as he dodges a spinning ax kick. "I've seen you move at least twice this fast back in Sol.

Being called out on her folly; the feline lets out an angry roar and launches a wave of flames towards the unsuspecting hedgehog; Who is knocked back, as he's only able to deflect part of the attack. While replying Twilight's enchantment spell and the Sol guardians, former body wraps to absorb the rest of the impact.

"What the hell? I thought we agreed on to not using extreme flames." Sonic snaps as he lowers his arms. "This spell and wraps only do so much."

The felines expression morphs to one of concern as she rushes towards the hedgehog. "I'm so sorry, Sonic. Are you alright?"

Said hedgehog adjusts one of the wraps on his right hand. "I'll live,"

Blaze frowns as the short reply. "I didn't mean to..."

"What's up with you?" Sonic snaps, cutting the feline off. "You ask me to help you train, which I do. Without so much as a second thought." He then crosses his arms. "But this, whatever it is that you're doing it not helping either of us. I think that we need to call this off until you get your head back into the game." The hedgehog adds as he turns around to leave.

"Wait," The feline shouts as she runs after the hedgehog.

Sonic stops and turns to the Sol Guardian with an unamused expression. "What?"

Blaze balls her hands into fists and stares down at the ground. "While I will admit that I have been holding back slight, in fear of not hurting you. I've also been having difficulties with another matter."

The hedgehog tilts his head. "And what would that be?"

"This ridiculous attire," The feline replies; louder than intended as she gestures to her clothing. Blaze follows with a low tone as if trying balance out her outburst. "Rarity, bless her heart for trying to help out. But I believe she's done more harm than good this time."

"What do you mean?"

The Sol guardian looks around briefly before responding though clenched teeth. "It's too tight."

Sonic lets out an amused laugh. "Of course it is, you've been wrapping yourself up like a mummy for creator knows how long. So, she probably made the outfit conform to measurements she got while you were wearing that sarashi wrap."

"She knew about the body wrap. So, this outfit was made with 'breathing room' in mind." The feline replies in a hushed whisper. "The issue is that the material doesn't move or flex as I requested. I believe it was made in a rush and not thoroughly thought out."

"Leave it to Rarity to make something fashionable, but not practical."

"Still, it's restriking my movement and..."

"Well if it's not working for you, take it off," Sonic interrupts.

her telescope profusely. "I-I don't think that's a possibility."

"You're wearing something underneath right? Or do you need to change back into your other clothes?"

Blaze grabs her tail and begins to fiddle with it. "Yes, I did have enough foresight to wear something underneath, in case this outfit proved to be too 'insolated.' However, I fear that it may be a tad inappropriate."

"C'mon, it can't be that bad."

"It's uh," The feline leans closer and whispers the rest into the hedgehog's ear.

Sonic's eyes widen. "Oh, I can see that being a tad more revealing than you're used to." He scratches the back of his head. "I uh guess if you want. You could go change back into your other outfit."

Blaze shakes her head. "Not possible, it's an older outfit and was already rather 'restricting.' Even while as you put it so colorfully; I was wrapped up like a mummy. So, that option is out."

The hedgehog begins tapping his chin. "There has to be a way around this. Did you explain to Rares what you planned to use the outfit for and what it needed to have?"

"Of course, I asked that it be form fitting, but also allow free range of movement. I was very clear on this." The feline exclaims and then lets out a sigh. "I guess that was conveniently left out to be more 'fabulous.'" She adds, with a dramatic flair of her arms.

"Ok, I'm sorry, but that last part was funny." The Sol guardian glares at the hedgehog. "What? It was. But, if I know Rares, she would never skip a client's request. No matter how 'garish' it may be."

The feline lets out an amused giggle. "Fair enough, but how would she be able to hide any things like that." Blaze begins to pat herself down as if trying to find some secret pocket or zipper to resolve her issue. Before letting out, an annoyed grown. "Ugh, forget it. I have a better idea."

Sonic tilts his head. "What's that?"

With one swift motion, the Sol guardian's nibble hands reach for the zipper of the cumbersome jacket and begins to unzip it.

"Oh, I like where this is going." The hedgehog comments with a smirk

"Shut up," Blaze grumbles as she flings open the coat and lets out a soft moan and shutters. "Oh my,"

"Feel better?" Sonic asks with an amused laugh.

"You have no idea," The feline purrs.

"Hey, I got stuck wearing really tight pants a while back. So I can sort of emphasize with you."

"I bet," Blaze replies as she removes her coat; revealing a sleeveless white crop top underneath. And hangs the restrictive attire onto a low hanging branch. "you ready?

"You betcha, but" Sonic points to charm on his necklace; as it begins to pulsate at slow intervals. "We don't have much time; this is starting to run out."

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" The feline asks with new found enthusiasm.

~* * *~

"Very clever, I can see why so many have taken a fancy to him." The projection of Cadence mutters as she continues to watch the battle through her telescope.

Twilight looks away from her own telescope and back towards the princess. "What do you mean?"

The projection gestures towards the direction of the quarry. "Don't you see it, even when Sonic's trying not to, he brings out the best in others."

"I don't get it,"

Cadence turns to the mare and points at her telescope. "Just watch what's going on down there. In a matter of a few moments, he has made that feline...Blaze was it?" Twilight nods. "Stopped second guessing herself and fight to her full potential."

Twilight frowns in response to the alicorn's statement and goes back to watching the fight through her telescope. "I don't see what you're getting..."

The mare trails off as she is now watching a very different battle than what she just saw a few moments ago. Rather than it being the one-sided fight as it was before, both of the combatants seem to be now evenly matched.

Twilight lets out as small laugh as she watches an over confident Sonic get knocked to the side as he attempts to taunt the bermise cat. "I see what you mean. Maybe it's just that Sonic wants to see us at our best. Or maybe he just likes teasing us and knows which buttons to press."

Cadence laughs at the unicorn's cheeky comment. "Maybe it's a little bit of both. You have your work cut out for you, Twilight. Just look at everypony down there. Sonic just made little miss fancy pants loosen up and let her mane down. That's not going to go unnoticed."

"You're right," The mare stomps her hoof. "Darn it, what am I going to do?" She adds while simultaneously beginning to panic.

Unbenownced to either of them. Something large falls from beneath the wooden walkway and falls into the bushes.

"Relax Twilight; I was only messing with you. I'm sure you'll be okay.

"I hope you're right, the last thing I need is..." Twilight trails off. "Wait do you hear a buzzing noise?"

"Buzzing? I don't hear any...oh buck!"

The mare's head snaps towards the princess's. "W-what, What is it?"

"R-right behind you." Cadence whimpers.

Twilight turned around just as something vast and angry filled her vision. "OH, NO! NOT THE BEES! NOT THE BEES! AAAAAHHHHH! OH, THEY'RE IN MY EYES! MY EYES! AAAAHHHHH! AAAAAGGHHH!"

~* * *~

Having delivered another successful strike. The Sol guardian knocks the hedgehog back. Whom; despite being able to deflect most of the impact; is send skidding backward in a three-point stance.

"See, what did I tell you? It get's a whole lot more fun once you take the kid gloves off." Sonic boasts as he lowers her arms and returns to a standing position.

"I admit, I was skeptical of you're the suggestion. However, it seems I was incorrect in my assumption." Blaze replies as she places an arm her right shoulder and begins rotating her free arm in a bent position.

"Great, we're just getting started. Once we..uh oh." The hedgehog trails off as he notices the pendant around his neck rapidly start blinking. "Looks like we only have a few secs till it's out. One last attack?

"One last attack,"

Taking a ready stance, the two fighters explode from their positions at each other at a blinding speed.

~ * * * ~

"What are they doing?" A particular cyan mare inquires as she pears down the cliff side.

"Oh, I know." Pinky Pie announces as she starts jumping in place. "EVERYPONY, HIT THE DECK!"

The spectators begin to panic, but most obey the party pony and take over. Except for Rainbow Dash, who gives the mare an odd look.

"Pinky, what are you.." The rest of the mare's question is cut short as a shockwave tears through the surrounding area; kicking up a huge cloud of sand and dirt. Forcing the few who didn't heed the party pony's warning to shield their eyes. Just as a certain hedgehog and feline tumble backward end over end. Till finally coming to a stop a few meters away from each other.

"Is everypony alright?" Pinky asks as she springs to her hooves and looks around; spotting Rainbow Dash still standing in the same spot as before. "Dashie?

"I don't believe it," The mare explains as she tries to wipe away some of the sand from her face.

"Believe what?" Pinky inquires as she springs to the weather pony's side. "Oh, are they ok?"

Fluttershy springs from her hiding place. "Is some pony hurt? The mare springs into action but stops short just as the particular sound reaches her ears.

"Wahoo, that was awesome."


Just as fast as the two had been knocked down. Both were now on their feet. Well, Sonic was on his feet and helping Blaze to her's before anyone knew what was going on.

"Hey, you up for some lunch? I have a real hankering for something different. You wanna come?" The hedgehog asks as he helps the feline to her feet.

"I would like that, it sounds lovely,"

Next Chapter Review:

Blaze: "This is certainly unexpected."

Gilda: "Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in."

Sonic: "This is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better."

Sanguis Rose: "There is an old Griffon saying; "You can't put a price on honor." Well..Maybe the offer was too low."

Unexpected Company