• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,658 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...

Sparkle Sparkle

-10 minutes prior

“So, if you combine the positive vibes with the happy ones…”


“…you get a greater reaction then just using either of…”


The lavender mare breaks from her tangent and turns towards the source of the sudden outbursts.

“Y-you were saying something?”

A semi-transparent projection in the Princess of Love; cast in Twilight’s magic, shakes her head and lets out an amused chuckle.

“I merely asked how you were doing,” Cadence says the projection steps closer. “Not the elements of a good cheer. You silly filly.

Twilight forces a laugh at the princess’s comment. “Yeah, I guess I got a little side tracked there.” She stands in a regal pose. “You were saying.”

The projection of Cadence let out an amused snort. “C’mon Twilight, this isn’t official royal business; Just a friendly chat. No need to stand like that.”

Letting out a sigh and flipper her ears back, Twilight relaxes her pose and looks away. “Sorry about that. I just have had a lot on my mind recently.”

Taking notice of an obvious plight, the princess of love steers the conversation toward something else.
“I still can’t get over how well this crystal communication thing you came up with works. It’s like I’m talking right to you, but…” She trails off as her projected hoof phases through Twilight as she moves it back and forth. “…also not at the same time.”

Twilight glances at her semi charged horn. “I’m a little surprised myself. I didn’t think it could reach that far.” She turns back towards the projection of her former fowl sitter. “I’ve only done short range until now.”

“With a little bit of work, anypony could use this.” Cadence says as she paces back and forth. “How did you come up with this?”

The mare smirks smugly at the question. “Well, you only need a large burst of magic to open the channel and then it just requires a constant stream of it going to keep it open.”

Cadence waves her projected hoof back and forth. “No, that’s not what I meant. I mean how did you know that the signal would reach this far. You did just say you’ve only done short range till now.”

Twilight blushes several shades of crimson before answering as a big smile appears on her face.

A loud pop burst between the two. Both mares let out a shriek as something falls to the floor and rolls to under a nearby chair.

“W-what was that?”

Twilight glances at the invader of her conversation. “It’s just a scroll; I’ll get it in a sec.”

Cadence nods in agreement and smiles back at Twilight before continuing. “Anyways, you were saying?”

Twilight sheepishly smiles as her blush returns in full force. “Sonic actually came up with the idea. If it weren’t for him I’d still be trying to get Fluttershy at her cottage.”

The princess of love tilts her head to side in response to the mare’s comment. “So you’re telling me a being from another world. With no magical abilities; other than what you mention he gets from those emeralds. Was able to figure out an advanced magical array and improve it?” Cadence shakes her head in disbelief. “I know he’s smart, but how did he mange something like that?”

Twilight chuckles a bit at the question. “He suggested that I use more than one crystal to amplify and direct the signal. Something about it being concentrated if channeled between more than one of point.” The mare grins and looks way. “He even helped me set it up.”

“Oh, he’s a keeper.” Cadence chirps. “You better get your hooves on him before somepony else does.”

“CADENCE!” Twilight snaps as her face goes completely red. “It’s not like that…at least now.”

The princess gives the unicorn an all knowing smirk. “You don’t need to be the princess of love, to see that you have a thing for him.” She grins. “Have you told Sonic how you feel?”

Twilight turns her attention towards the floor and lets out a heavy sigh. “Yes, I have, but…”

Cadence holds a hoof to her mouth in shock. “But he didn’t feel the same way? Twilight, I’m so sorry that he didn’t…”

“No, that’s not it.” The lavender mare says as she cuts the princess off. “He didn’t even get a chance to answer before...before.” Tears start to run down Twilight’s face as she attempts to hold back a sob.

The projection of the princess steps closer. “’Before’ what?”



“I-I was put on the spot by everypony.” Twilight grits her teeth as she tries and fails to hold back the rush of tears. “So I panicked and said there was nothing between us.”

Cadence starts to breathe heavily through grit teeth, the princess attempt to collect herself. “Twilight dear, HOW THE BUCK CAN YOU BE SO SELFISH AND CRUEL?!”

The mare snaps to attention at the outburst, but says nothing as the princess continues.

“YOU PLAYED WITH ANOTHER HEART FOR WHAT…MONTHS!? ONLY TO STOMP ON IT WHEN IT WAS NO LONGER CONVIENT!” Cadence takes a breath in an attempt to calm herself. “You don’t do that Twilight, you just don’t”


“Let me finish!” The princess snaps. “I saw pain in those eyes, Twilight. Pain that would crush most ponies, but not him.” Cadence plops down on her haunches and gives the mare a sad look. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

Twilight opens her mouth to speak, but is cut off by a loud banging on the room’s door.

“I’m kind of busy, can it wait till later?” The mare says still facing the projection of Cadence.

“Open the door, Twilight. I need to speak with you.” A familiar feline says from the other side of the door.”

Twilight breaks her gaze and turns toward the door. “About what?”

“Just open the door.”

Giving the princess an apologetic look as gives her a ‘one second’ motion. Twilight uses her magic to open the door allowing Blaze to step into the room.

“I know you have your reasons.” Blaze says with a stern look. “But you can’t keep yourself locked way hoping things get better.”

Cadence loudly clears her throat gaining everyone’s attention.

The lilac cat turns towards the noise and gives the projection a confused look. “Oh, hello.”


Cadence stands before a projection of Twilight and the recent arrival. Cast the color of her own magic. While sitting in her person chambers. The princess frowns at the purple cat as she interrupts her conversation.

“Who’s this?” Cadence demands as she motions to the feline with her hoof. “I don’t think we’ve met before.”

The projection of Blaze bows slightly to the princess. “My apologies, I did not mean to interrupt your conversation.”

Cadence waves off the motion with an extended hoof. “It’s quite alright, Miss…uh.”

“Blaze the Cat; guardian and ruler of the Sol Dimension.”

“So, you’re a princess?” Cadence quips as she scratches her chin with a hoof.

“Something like that, yes.” The lilac cat says as she returns to a standing position. “And you are?”

The alicorn takes a regal pose. “Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but you can just call me Cadence.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.”


Twilight silently watches as Cadence and Blaze continue their conversation with one another. The mare opens her mouth to speak, but is cut off as the princess of love steps forward.

“As much as I enjoyed our little chat; I must ask what you needed to speak with Twilight about.”

Blaze takes a deep breath. “I wish to speak with her regarding a personal matter.”

“Oh and what would that be?” The Alicorn inquires as she gives the feline an inquisitive look. “I bet it has something do with why you’re standing before me and not Sonic.”

“Out of respect for Miss Sparkle’s privacy; I will not confirm or deny that claim.”

Cadence nods at Blaze’s projection. “I can respect that, though I would like to know if it has anything to do with Twilight current duress.”

“That is not my place to say.” Blaze states in a neutral tone.

The princess nods. “Fair enough, I won’t keep you.” She turns to Twilight. “We’ll talk later. Alright?”

“Yeah sure,” Twilight says with a weak smile.

Cadence turns back towards the lilac cat. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Blaze. Hopefully next time we chat, it will be face to face.”

“Let us hope.”

With a wave of her hoof, the princess powers down the spell and watches as the projections fade into nothingness.

Cadence lets out a heavy sigh as she keeps her sights fixed on the spot the faux two just stood. “Maybe you can do what I can’t.”


Twilight and Blaze watch as the projection of the alicorns fades away. As the image of Cadence disappears, the lavender mare lets out a heavy sigh and turns towards the lilac cat.

“Thanks, Blaze.”

The cat smiles in response. “Don’t mention it, Twilight.” Her expression then goes serious. “But I must apologize.”

Twilight tilts her head to the side. “Apologize for-HEY!”

Blaze abruptly scoops Twilight up in arms and begins carrying her out of the room.

“Wow, Sonic was right. You ponies are really light.” Blaze comments in shear disbelief.

Twilight narrows her eyes. “That’s because I’m using a gravity spell, so you don’t drop me.” She motions to her now lit horn.” NOW PUT ME DOWN!”

Blaze shits the mare in her arms and begins to descend a long stair case. “I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

“W-why not?” Twilight exclaims.

“Because if I do, you’ll go back in that room and refuse to come out.”

“Well, then I’ll stop using the gravity spell and see how-Whoa!”

The lilac cat begins to struggle as she attempt to keep hold of the mare. Twilight herself shift towards the ground.

“T-turn it back on! Turn it back on!” Blaze demands as she starts to lose her grip. “Or you’re going to take a spill down these steps.”

Twilight reactivates the spell, just before the cat loses her hold and drops her down the wooden steps.


“That was a close one.”


The mare shifts within the confines of the cat’s grip. “Has it really gotten that bad?”

“Yep.” Blaze says flatly.

“So what did you want to talk to me about?”

The feline says nothing as she walks off the last step and approaches the front door.”


“Without decisive action, one can’t expect results.” The lilac cat says to no one in particular as she walks past the large unicorn bust. “I was hoping it wouldn’t have come to this.”

“W-why are you doing this? Twilight pleads. “I thought we were friends.”

“The reason that we’re friends is why I’m doing this. Spike!”

The small dragon zips past the two and opens the library’s double door.

Twilight gives the young drake a cold stare as she’s carried past him; while he draws his attention towards the floor.

Blaze releases her hold on the mare and sets her down on her hooves. “That was a little harder than I thought it would be.” The feline laments as she rubs her left shoulder.

“So, you brought me outside.” Twilight begins with an irritated tone. “What was the point?”

The lilac cat kneels down, so she’s eyes level with the lavender mare. “You are going go out there and ‘fix’ this problem you’ve been hiding from.”

“And what if I refuse and go back inside?” Twilight retorts.

“Then, I will ‘refuse’ to continue our training.” Blaze says with finger quotes.

“B-but you can’t do that!” The mare whines. “We’ve only just started.”

“I can and will if you don’t go out there and at least ‘try’ to get to the bottom of this thing you’ve been hiding from.”

Twilight ears droop as she lowers herself closer to the ground. “What if Sonic doesn’t want to talk to me?” She turns to the lilac cat. “What if he just tells me to go way?”

Blaze blinks at the mare’s question; as if not prepared for it. But then shifts back to her former scowl. “Then make him listen! Talk to him; get to the bottom of what’s been bothering you. And if he still refuses, ‘I’ll’ make him listen!”

“B-but.” Twilight says hesitantly.

The stoic expression leaves the felines face and it replace with a concerned one. “Twilight, everyone is worried about you. Sonic is worried about you. You’ve been held up in that room for almost a month.”

Twilight gives Blaze a small smile. “Thanks Blaze,” She glances at the entry if the library and then turns back towards the lilac cat. “I guess I just needed a little push.”

“Go!” Blaze commands as her bottom lip quivers. “Before lest you lose your resolve.”

The mare nods and makes a break towards town; only to glance back and see a disheveled Blaze slowly closing the library’s door.


As the large wooden door shuts and its locks are bolted. Spike emerges from the other room and approaches the spot the nerdy unicorn once stood.
“I can’t believe that actually worked.” He glances up at Blaze; who’s still standing by the door. “Hey, you alright?”

The cat’s shoulders slump as she digs her claws onto the doors wooden frame. The young drake takes notice of this and approaches the Sol Guardian.


Turning towards the dragon, the lilac cat stares back at him as tears falls from her face. “W-what do you want?” She whimpers; trying to wipe away the moisture from her face.

Spike takes a step back. “I-I just wanted to say…uh good job helping Twilight and…”

The young drake is cut off as the crying feline stomps past him. “Blaze!”

“Leave me alone!” The lilac cat demands as she makes her way towards the steps; only to stop as she’s about to ascend them. “Tell no one of what you just saw, Spike.”

The dragon gulps at the cat’s icy demand. “Y-yeah s-sure, no problem.”

Spike watches as Blaze disappears from sight with a confused look on his face. “Well that was unexpected. What’s got her so upset?” The young dragon scratches his chin in thought.

“Wait, does she like…” The drake is cut off as he lets out a loud belch along with a small puff if green fire. A black scroll appears within the flame and hovers in the air for a few moments before falling to towards the floor.

Spike catches the scroll before it can hit the floor and examines it. A dark blue ribbon bounds the item with a familiar seal securing it.

“What would Luna need from Twilight?”


As Celestia’s sun hangs overhead, the small town bustles with activity. Vendors cry out to any passerby to checkout their wares. While others trot by with carts filled with various items; heading to various destinations. As some scurry about the various shops, or converse at one of the various benches dotting the small down.

A certain blue hedgehog speaks with a particular red maned florist as he examines a blue rose.

“So, this is white rose that you’ve turned blue? Sonic inquires as he holds the flower above his head.

“That’s right.” Rose Luck says with warm smile. “A little tricked I picked up a while back.”

“And what would that be?” The hedgehog asks as he turns to the mare.

“Trade Secret.” Rose Luck says in a firm tone.

“But it has no thorns.”

“Trade Secret.”

Sonic shrugs and turns back towards the flower. “Fair enough, wouldn’t want to lose your holdings on this certain flower.”

“It’s nothing personal, dear.” The mare says with a worried tone.

The hedgehog gives the reply a dismissive way with his free hand. “I didn’t take it that way. Don’t worry about it.”

Rose Luck smiles warmly at the hedgehog and opens her mouth to comment, but is cut off by the approach of frantic hoof falls. Turning towards the source of the noise, the mare spots a certain librarian approaching them.

“Good morning, Twilight.” The mare greets with a warm smile. “What can I do for you today?”

“Sup, Twi?” Sonic adds as he looks away from the blue rose.

Twilight stops a few paces from the flower stand and smiles and the cream colored mare. “Morning Rose, I’m just here to see Sonic.” She turns to the blue hedgehog. “You got a minute?”

“Sure let me just…” Sonic glances at the blue rose still clenched in his right hand and turns to florist. “Hey Rosie, how much is one of these?”

Rose Luck turns to the lavender mare and then back towards the blue hedgehog with a smirk. “This one’s on me, handsome.”

Sonic raises an eyebrow at his new nickname, but then shrugs it off and kneels down in front of Twilight and tucks it right above her right ear.

“There,” The hedgehog says with a satisfied smirk. “I knew blue would look good on you.”

Sonic’s eyes widen in realization of what he just said, while Rose Luck chuckles behind a hoof.


Twilight looks way and blushes at the gesture; and then more so at the comment. “It’s ok, I knew what you meant.” The mare turns back towards the hedgehog. “So you still want to uh…” She motioned with a jerk of her head.

“Oh, yeah sure.”

The mare smiles in response. “Permission to teleport?”

Sonic nods and it instantly engulfed in the unicorns magic and disappears alone with Twilight.

Rose Luck stares at the spot the two once stood and lets out an amused chuckle. “Go get him.”


High above the skies of Ponyville a certain cyan mare and griffon sit at a large wooden table. Rainbow Dash buries her face into her hooves as she lets out a loud groan. While Gilda shifts uncomfortably in her seat.

“You just had to go there, didn’t you?” Rainbow Dash asks with an annoyed groan. “You couldn’t just leave well enough alone?”

Gilda glares at the mare and crosses her arms. “Hey don’t blame me. How was I supposed to know that he’d take it the wrong way.”

“How was he not supposed to?” Dash begins as she looks up from her hooves and then lets out a grown. “Never mind, what’s done is done.”

“Maybe we should head into town and see if we can find him. You know try to clear up this little ‘misunderstanding.’”


-A few moments prior

Gilda and Dash enter the kitchen of the cyan pegasus’ cloud home and spot a certain blue hedgehog digging into a large stack of pancakes at the breakfast table. Sonic waves to the new arrivals.

“Bout time you came up.” He pours some syrup on his stack of pancakes. “What took so long?”

“Well you see…” Gilda begins, but is cut off Dash.

“Nothing just uh…..girl stuff. Yeah that. You know, uh…Gilda can you help me out here?” The mare turns to her feathered friend with a pleading look.

The griffin holds up her talons in defense. “Hey, don’t drag me into this.” The cyan mare frowns at her in response; prompting a sigh from Gilda. “Fine. Dash here was asking me about what’s in fashion and if anything is in the up and up around Cloudsdale.” Rainbow Dash’s frown shifts to a scowl. “Yeah and Dash was wondering if you’d like to show clothes shopping with her and…”

“I think he gets the point.” Rainbow Dash interjects.

Sonic cuts another piece from his stack of pancakes and takes a bite. “You two are pretty bad liars.” The hedgehog states as he goes for another bite. “If it none of my business; fine. But what’s with all the deception if it is?”

Gilda nervously scratches the back of her head with a talon. “Actually it kind of is and it kind of isn’t. You see I was passing though and…”

The clank of metal fork striking a plate cuts the griffon off. Sonic slowly looks up from his plate and gives her a blank stare.

“Gilda I’m flattered, but you’re not my type.” He grins. “Besides didn’t we already go over how I don’t meet the specs of Gilda’s Wild Ride.”

The griffon opens and closes her beak several times; trying to form a response as her face turns a deep shade of crimson.

“W-what? No. I was here to see Dash.”

Sonic smirks at the response and returns to his breakfast. “Dash huh,” He turns to the cyan mare. “I thought you were straight, Skittles.”

“I am!” Rainbow Dash retorts. “I mean there was that one time in flight school, but…” The mare trails off; realizing what she just said.

The hedgehog leans closer. “Go on.”

Before Rainbow Dash can give a response, something strikes Sonic in the head and knocks him off the chair.

Dash chuckles at the suggestion. “’Little misunderstanding’ it was anything but ‘little.”

Gilda lets out a grown and face palms.


A burst of pink magic suddenly appears in a vast meadow along a large oak tree. Followed by an abrupt pop a certain lavender mare and hedgehog emerge from the light. Sonic stumbles backwards as he falls into the tall grass. While Twilight snaps her head and trots towards the blue hedgehog.

“Oh my gosh, are you alright?”

Sonic gives the mare a slow wave as he remains in the ground. “Oh, I’m just peachy.” He says dryly.

Twilight frowns at the remake and looks down at the fallen hedgehog. “No seriously, are you ok?” She scrunches her muzzled in thought. “By chance, could you be suffering from a bit of vertigo?”

Sonic burst out laughing at the question; prompting Twilight to shift back and forth on her hooves as if concerned with the response.

“No Twilight, it’s not ‘vertigo.’” Sonic says using finger quotes on the last word. “If that was the case I would been up the preverbal creek a long time ago.”

“Oh right.” Twilight says as she taps her hooves together. “So what is it then?”

The blue hedgehog ponders the question for a moment. “Not sure, maybe it was the fact that I was thrown halfway across town and then abruptly stopped.” Sonic scratches the side of his head as he sit up. “Or maybe it was something else.”

“But if that’s the case, then why doesn’t the same thing happen when you teleport with the emeralds?” Twilight’s face light up. “Maybe there’s a power balance, or possibly something to do with the natural energy you possess, or…”

Sonic bops the bops the mare on the nose to get her attention. “We can discuss your scientific ‘theories’ later. Didn’t you need to talk to me about something?”

Twilight’s ears drooped. “Right, right, got a little sidetracked there didn’t I?” She levitates Sonic back to his feet. “I did actually want to talk to you about something.”

The blue hedgehog begins to dusts himself off. “It’s cool.” He gives the mare one of his trademark smiles. “What’s on your mind, Twilight?”

Twilight blushes at the gesture and looks way. “I’ve been thinking…a lot actually.”

“Uh oh.”

The mare snaps towards the blue hedgehog and scowls at him for a moment; before her expression shifts back into a smile.

“Anyway, I’ve been giving this a lot of thought and I wanted to apologize to you.”

Sonic raises an eyebrow at the mare’s plea and crosses his arms. “For what?”

“For…” Twilight clenches her teeth and takes a few deep breaths. “For everything that has happened between us…for what has resulted because of in it.” She looks at the ground. “For what I’ve done to you personally.”

“Twilight we already…” The blue hedgehog is cut off as the mare shoots him a stern look; prompting him to hold up his hands in defeat and motion for her to continue.

“As I was saying…” Twilight takes a deep breath. “I’ve been giving this a lot of thought and I know you probably hate me now, but I just wanted to say.” She takes another deep breath. “That despite how I’ve acted. I-I still care about you Sonic. I never stopped. I know I have an odd way of showing it, but…”

Sonic gently lifts Twilight’s head to meet his gaze. ”Relax Twilight; we’ve already been over this.” He frowns. “Why would you think I’d be mad?”

“Because I kicked you out and lied to everypony.” Twilight looks away. “Who wouldn’t after that?”

The blue hedgehog lets out an amused chuckle before placing his hands on the mare’s shoulders; prompted her to turn back towards him and blush severely.

“You helped a friend of mine and gave them a place to stay; despite only having my word that they were trustworthy.”

Twilight lets out a nervous laugh and scratches the back of her head. “Actually that’s not entirely true.” Sonic tilts his head to the side, but says nothing and motions for her to continue. “See, I uh kind of already knew about Blaze a bit before she came here. Thanks to the uh…”

“Oh, right.” Sonic drones with a less than amused tone. “I forgot about that.” He releases his hold and lets his hands fall to the side. “So, how much do you ‘know’ about Blaze? Prior to her arrival?”

The mare fixes her gaze and takes a slight breath before answering. “Well I know that you became friends during some time space distortion that caused your two worlds to merge for a brief time.”

Sonic chuckles and runs a hand through his quills. “Yeah, that was an interesting weekend.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow at the response, but lets it pass and continues. “That you two teamed up again when you ended up her world and help her save it from some…creature named Nega.”

“Ok, that’s…something. What else?”

The mare scratches her chin with a hoof and she ponders for a moment, before recalling something else. “Oh, and that you two vowed to meet again. Despite being worlds apart and…” Twilight trails off as her recollection starts to fade.

Sonic lets out a sigh and messages the bridge of his nose. “So, everything is starting to make sense to you now? Or is still jumbled mess like before?”

“A little bit of both.” Twilight admits with a small sigh. “Though, it’s a lot better than it was before.”

“Well that’s good…I guess.” The hedgehog states dryly as he turns away. “Everything is just coming out swimmingly.”

Twilight notices the annoyance in Sonic’s voice and places a hoof in his shoulder to get his attention. “You know, I’ve made it clear that this is a two way street. Anything you want to ask. I’ll gladly tell you. You know that right?”

Sonic turns towards the mare and cross his arms. “Yeah Twilight, I’m aware.” He grins and gives her a wink. “But what would be the fun in that?”


Busy at work, a certain party pony removes an assortment of pastries from a large oven and sets them on top of a metal rack. Spitting out the rag I her moth to prevent burning herself, the pink mare glances at the now full rolling rack and grins.

“Mr. and Mrs. Cake will be so thrilled that I got an early start this morning. they should easily be able to handle the rush n-now.”

The mare is cut off as a violent jolt shakes her every entire body; causing her rear legs to lock up while her front give out and forces Pinkie to face plant the floor. A few minutes pass before the party pony blows a flock of hair out her eyes and returns to a standing position.

“Phew! That was a doozy.” She looks around. “I haven’t had one of those in a while. I wonder what it’s gonna be this time.”

In a familiar meadow a certain apple buckin’ mare trots towards a massive tree. Upon seeing the tall-tell silhouette of a certain nerdy librarian; the earth pony’s movements shifts into a full gallop. Until she spots another familiar shape of a certain hedgehog.

Applejack skids to a stop and does a 180 in the opposite direction.

“Nope, nope, nope.”


A certain librarian and blue speedster sit at the base of the massive oak tree. Twilight lets out a relaxed sigh and she rests her head on Sonic’s shoulder. The blue hedgehog chuckles at this, but suddenly frowns as something catches his attention in the distance.

“Did you hear something?”

The lavender mare shits her head and looks up at the blue hedgehog. “I didn’t. What did it sound like?”

Sonic frowns at the answer. “It sounded like someone saying ‘nope’ a bunch of times. Odd.”

“Quite.” Twilight replies as she nuzzles his shoulder. “So anyway, you were saying?”

“Oh, I was just wondering if you Blaze were getting along. She seemed a bit on edge when I last talked to her.”

“Oh I see,” The mare replies with a whimsical tone. “We had heated debate regarding the cataloging system of the books in the library.” She frowns. “She kept going on how something called the dewy decimal system would be more efficient. I said it would take months if not years to adopt such an elaborate method and would actually hinder rather than help.”

Sonic lets out an amused chuckle. “Leave it to Twilight to make a mountain out of a mole hill.” His expression turns serious. “But seriously, is everything ok?”

Twilight hums with slight nod. “Blaze has been a big help around the library. (Other than the book thing) She’s even offered train me how to use pyro kinesis.”

“Cool, I was a bit worried there for a second.”

The mare giggles and re-adjusts her position. “Don’t worry, I got it covered.”

A calming silence hangs between the two. As a soothing breeze sweeps across the tall grass; causing the two to shiver slightly and for Twilight to scoot closer to Sonic.

Mentally kicking herself for breaking the silence, Twilight shifts her gaze back towards Sonic and asks something that’s been on her mind for almost a month.

“So, we’re good right?”

Sonic lets out an amused chuckle before running a hand through Twilight’s mane. “Yeah, were good.”

The mare lets out an adorable *squee* and hugs the unsuspecting hedgehog.


Atop a massive collection of clouds a certain griffon and Pegasus look downward at events unfolding in the clearing below them. Gilda cringes at the overly affectionate mare hugging the blue speedster and slowly turns to her cyan friend.

“Dash, I’m sorry I didn’t know that…” The griffon trails off as she spots the speedy Pegasus gritting her teeth in rage and emitting an odd aura. “Uh Dash?”

The cyan mare starts breathing through clenched teeth. “That little hussy,” Dash spits with ill content

“Maybe those two are…” Gilda attempt to interject but is cut off by the enraged Dash.

“No! I know Sonic too well to know that he wouldn’t lead a pony on only to two time them behind their back. Twilight must have ran into him in town and wanted to talk to him about something.” Dash nods with a slightly rage expression. “Yeah, that has to be it.”


The door of Golden Oaks Library swing open as very excited Twilight trots in and uses her magic to shut the door. Spike takes notice of the mare’s sudden change in behavior and walks towards her from his reading spot on the other side of the room.

“Well somepony is in a good mood.”

Twilight nods happily. “Yep, In fact I feel a song coming on.”

“Well it’s going to have to wait.” The drake hands the mare the black scroll from earlier. “You got a letter from Luna.”

The mare opens the scroll with her magic and out pops eight black tickets with solver lettering on them.

“It would appear that we’ve been invited to a special event in Canterlot during Nightmare Night.”

“Neat,” Spike quips as climbs onto the unicorn’s back and attempts to take a peek at the scroll.

Twilight rolls her eyes and levitates Spike to the floor and passes him the parchment with her magic.

“So, have you seen Blaze?” the mare asks merrily. “I really have to thank her helping me pull my head out of my flank.”

Spike gestures towards the staircase. “She’s in her room.”

The mare hums cheerfully and heads towards the flight of step, but it stopped by a slight tug on her tail. Turning back she notices that Spike has handful of it in his claws.

“Is there a problem Spike?” Twilight asks inquisitively.

The young dragon opens his mouth to speak, but then suddenly recalls his ‘promise’ to Blaze earlier.

“Spike?” The mare asks again; breaking him from his stupor.

Oh uh nothing, Twilight.” Spike says hesitantly. “Just wanted to say congrats on getting over your slump and going out and such.”

Twilight giggles and gives the dragon a slight nuzzle and walks way. “Silly Spike.

The dragon forces a chuckle as he watches the mare ascend the steps. “Yeah that’s me. Spike the silly dragon.


A certain lilac cat sits on a large lawn chair resting on the library’s outdoor seating area. So engrossed in her book, she doesn’t hear Twilight enter, till she closes the door behind her.

“Good day, Miss Twilight. I trust everything went well.”

The mare nods happily. “Yep, better than I expected and I have you to thank.”

Blaze closes her book and sets in on her lap and turns towards the new arrival. “No need to thank me, I’m just helping out a friend.”

Despite knowing Twilight meant no ill will, the words still taste bitter coming from her mouth.

“Still, if it weren’t for you. I would have been in that room worrying myself into frenzy over nothing.”

The cat blinks at the response and tilts her head. “What do you mean?”

Twilight sheepishly smiles. “It turns out I was worried over nothing. Sonic was never mad at me and I just blew everything out of proportion.” She lets out a small laugh. “It’s actually rather silly if you think about it.”

A small smile appears on the guardians face as everything clicks. Twilight wasn’t going to ask Sonic out. She was just worried that she did something wrong to make him hate her. (Something of which he’d never do without good reason.)


The cat snaps away from her thought and looks back up at the mare. “Yes, miss Twilight?”

“Ever heard of Nightmare Night?”

Author's Note:

As questions are answered, many more are brought to light. What adventures await out heroes and what is busy at work in the background. Find out on the next Chaos in Equestria.

Phew that took a bit longer than usual to write. Sorry, if it ended up being dialog heavy, but I wanted to tie up some lose ends and such. Plus writing mopey Twilight isn't fun.

All characters belong to there respective owners. Let me know what you think in the comments below.