• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,658 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...


Chapter - 10


Pain, uncaring intense pain shoots through the young unicorn’s head, pain of which she hasn’t felt since she was a filly. Twilight attempts to push past the pain, but it become too much and her legs begin to buckle.

“Hey, stay with me!” A voice familiar shouts within the depts. of the mare’s mind. “I need you to keep going, to not give up.”

“But it hurts so much!” Twilight shouts. “I don’t think I can do this!”

“Yes, you can!” The voice shouts again. “I know you can do it.”

“How can you know that, you don’t even know…” The mare’s voice is lost in her throat upon her realization. “No, it can’t be.”


Being a being of long life the moon princess has seen and expensed some things that would either kill a normal pony. Or simply drive them mad. However, in all her years the younger of the alicorn sisters hasn’t experienced such a powerful force, since she was a filly and witnessed her mother take on a beast of unspeakable evil from lowest level of tartarus. No matter how much magic she poured into the spell. A greater forced seemed to stop her. Only one being had such ability and they were no longer part of this plain of existence…unless.

Luna’s eyes snap open. “No, that’s impossible.”

“C’mon Luna, don’t back out now…”


Having known to be somepony to not take risks with the well being of her subjects, few knew that that didn’t always apply to herself. Despite being known as ‘all powerful goddess’ the princess that ruled the great land that many called homed. Was a bit of risk taker when it came to matters that didn’t directly affect her subject, but only to herself. Not once, but several times. Celestia has put herself in great danger to pay an old debt she owed someone or repay a favor that was given to her by less than perpetual individuals.

Like many times before, Celestia has emerged from this events relatively unharmed. Or at least not in bad enough shape, that it would affect her duties. However, today wasn’t one of those times. If this spell were to fail, it would not only be a blemish on her ‘public viewed’ perfect record. But it would also mean that Celestia let down someone that she considered a friend; something that the princess hasn’t had since the days of old.

As the spell begins to waver, the princess prepares to channel more magic into it. That is, until two massive hands grab onto her face; knocking her out of her train of thought.

“STOP!!!” A furious voice shouts directly into her face.

Celestia forces her eyes open and looks upon two emerald eyes staring back at her.


With one last push, the spell fades and effects of it begin to vanish. Tables, chairs, and other assorted objects caught with in the spells range. Clatter to the floor, either shattering or simple falling on its side. As the last of the light fades, a massive figure stands before the three. Celestia is the first to open her eyes and spots a familiar face looking back at her.


“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.” The figure jokes as he removes his massive hands from her face.

“Did it work?” Another voice asks as another figure steps towards the white alicorn. “No, this cannot be!” The voice shouts as moon princess falls comes into focus and falls to the floor. “We have failed.”

“What! No!” A third voice shouts as Twilight steps next to Luna. “But we did everything by the book. It should have worked.”

“Well it would have, but…” The large figure begins as it comes into view; raveling to be the still transformed Sonic. “We didn’t take into account that I can literally take anything you guys throw at me. Super magic constructs included, I guess.”

“Then we shall try again.” The sun princess proclaims taking a regal stance. “I shall not stop still…”

“Two of you can barely stand and you are about one teleportation away from passing out yourself, Sunny.”

Celestia goes silent and lowers her head as the statement sinks in. “You are correct, it would be foolish to attempt such an endeavor right away. I only wish that…”

“Hey, you guys at least tried.” Sonic calmly ads as he gently tilts the alicorn’s head upwards. “I’m just glad you are all alright.”

“But why did you stop me?”

Sonic scratches the back of his head as if trying to convey a proper reply. “This is going to sound weird, but I could ‘tell’ that you three were at your limit. Lune Bell especially, since she was already running on empty when you guys showed up.”

“We still wish that our efforts would have barred fruit.” Luna comments as she returns to her hooves. “It is our fault that you became this way and now we are unable to reverse it. We only wish that there was something we could do to replay what you’ve….” The alicorn is cut off as a Sonic places a finger on her lips.

“It’s ok, Luna Bell, you did what you could. I know you didn’t mean for this to happen. I’m not mad, so stop beating yourself up over it.” The former hedgehog places both hand on princess’s shoulders and smiles at her. “Can you do that for me?”

Luna nods as she whips a tear away from her eye. “We’ll try.”

Celestia let out an undignified huff and turns away. Sonic catches his action and turns his attention back towards the sun princess.

“Wait a minute, are you jealous?”

The sun princess keeps her head turned. “I am not something silly as jealous, just concerned that…”

“You are so jealous, it’s written all over your face.” Sonic proclaims as he advances towards the alicorn.

“Perhaps you need to get a-HEY!” The princess is cut off mid sentence as she is put in a proved headlock. “Release me!”

“Not until you admit that you were jealous.”

In a futile attempt to pull away, Celestia frantically scraps her armored hooves across the stone floor. In trying to find any sort of traction and pull herself from the predicament the alicorn has found herself in. However, do to Sonic’s statue, all the sun princess manages to do is scuff her hoof coverings.

“I am not amused, séance this foolishness at once!” The alicorn commands as she continues to attempt to break free.

The ebony alicorn makes a poor attempt to stiffen a laugh. “We don’t know dear sister; it is most amusing from where we’re standing.”

Celestia glares at her sister and then turns to Twilight. “Then perhaps you can…” The alicorn trails off as she notices her faithful student mirroring the actions of her sister. “Oh Twilight, not you too.”

“I-I’m sorry, p-princess.” The lavender mare forces out between her with attempts not to laugh. “But it’s just so funny.” The last of Twilight’s restraint crumbles as she bursts out laughing and falls to the floor. Luna follows suit and leaves a very annoyed alicorn alone in the matter.

“Very well then,” The princess begins as she powers up her horn. “We shall-HEY!”

“Ah, ah, ah, no cheating.” Sonic chastises as he pinches the tip of the alicorns horn with his free hand.

As the sun princess ponders what action to take next, the others start to emerge from there hiding spots and turn towards the scene before them.

“Well, that’s somethin’ ah’d not like to repeat any time soon,” Applejack comments as she rises from behind the trunk and retrieves her fallen hat. “Hopefully, Sugar hog is…WHAT THE BUCK!”

“What, what, I heard yelling what’s going?” Rainbow Dash demands as springs out from hiding spot. “I bet it’s something…” The mare trails off as she notices the sun monarch’s current predicament. “Whoa…cool.”

Rarity follows as she daintily steps from behind the trunk. “That was most unexpected, let’s hope that…” The unicorn spots the hulking form of Sonic holding Celestia in a head lock. “Wa-haha!” She shouts and promptly faints.

Fluttershy emerges next, but remains silent as she blushes profusely at the scene before her. “Oh my.” The pegasus mutters to herself as her wings ‘prompt. ‘

“Oh boy, that was something!” Pinkie Pie shouts as she bounces over the chest and joints the others. “Let’s do that again!” The party pony then turns to what the others are gawking at. “What’s everypony looking…” The mare trails off as she turns in the same direction as the others. “Ow, that looks fun too!”

Blaze emerges last and dusts herself off. “Well that was ‘interesting’ how me managed to fit behind that large fixture is beyond me. Perhaps it’s…” The feline stops short at she spots a rather amusing scene before her. Trying not to make a fool out of herself, the sol guardian holds a hand over her mouth and attempts not to laugh outright at the absurdity of it all.

Sonic turns to the others as they leave the safety of their hiding spot and then chuckles to himself as he turns draws his attention back to the princess in his grasp. “Well it looks like the gang is all here. I think it’s about time to come clean, Sunny.”

Celestia makes one last push to break free; knocking her crown off in the process. Before letting out an angry groan and clenching her teeth. “We have nothing to ‘admit’ to, so ‘please’ stop this at once.”

“Still too stubborn to fess up, hun? Well alright then, who about this?” Sonic says a he hold up his right hand above the alicorns head and balls a fist.

“Oh, he’s gonna do it, he’s gonna do it!” Pinkie proclaims as he start to bounce in place.

“Do what?” Rainbow Dash asks as she turns to the pink party pony.

“Yer going to havea be a bit more specific, sugar.” Applejack add as he mirrors the pegasus’s action.

“Noogie!” Pinky Pie shouts as Sonic’s fist makes contact with the alicorn’s head.

The princess lets out a shriek as the former hedgehog’s fist starts grinding into the dome of her skull. Celestia rear legs spasms out as she desperately tries to break free. “Stop, stop, stop it, stop,…” The alicorn starts to chant as she’s given a rather rough ‘punishment’.”

“Not till you admit it.” Sonic states as he doubles his effort, gaining another shriek from the alicorn.

Luna and Twilight rise from the floor as they attempt to collect themselves; only to spot the sun princess’s ‘plight’ and burst into laughter once more.

The others don’t seem to be bearing any different. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Blaze seem rather amused by the matter. Showing various forms of restraint on simply bursting out laughing forthright. With Dash failing as she rolls around on the floor. While Rarity remains passed out and Fluttershy continues to chuckle to herself.

“Alright, alright, I admit it!” The alicorn shouts in desperation.

“Admit what?” Sonic asks with a smirk as he tightens his hold.

“That, I’m a little tea pot short and stout. Here is my handle here is my….” The princess is cut off as she’s abruptly released from her hold and falls flat onto the floor.

The former hedgehog bursts out laughing at the sudden change in the princess’s behavior. “Wow Sunny, where did that come from?”

Celestia blushes at the question. “It’s just sort of came out.”

Sonic whips a tear from his eye and lets out a small chuckle. “I’ll take your word for it.”

As the others ‘recover’ from their reactions on the matter, the former hedgehog retrieves the sun princess’s crown and places it back onto her head. “All hail Trollestia,” Sonic proclaims with an exaggerated bow. Princess of mischief.”

The alicorn remains silent as she frowns at the remark.

“Oh come on, Sunny. It’s all in good fun, it’s not like…” Sonic trails off as the jewel on the princess’s crown falls off. “Opps, that’s not good, is it?”

Rarity springs to her hooves as if shocked by some unknown force and lets out a gasp. “How dreadful, you’ve damaged a priceless treasure of the royal…” The unicorn is cut off as the sun princess extends her ring wing.

Celestia turns towards the now nervous Sonic and gives him a small smile. “Hold out your hand.” The former hedgehog silent complies, with a look uneasiness still on his face.
With a flash of her magic, the princess uses her magic to remove her crown and places it into the werehog’s outstretched hand. Sonic glances at the object in his hand and raises an eyebrow in response.

“What’s this?”

“Crush it, with all your might.” The alicorn says with a warm smile

Sonic shrugs at the request and places both hands over the crown. “Sure, why not.”

As the former hedgehog’s massive hands press down onto the object, the buckling of metal can be heard as the crown crushed to a ball. Rarity faints at the action while the others look on with varied formed of intrigue.

“Ok that’s enough, let me see it.” The princess requests as she looks down at Sonic now opened hand. After a few moments, all that remains of the once prominent crown is a crumpled up spear that resembles gold colored foil.

Celestia’s eyes widen as she look down at what used to be her crown. “Wow, you really did crush that thing didn’t you?”

Sonic nods and raises an eyebrow at the alicorn. “I still don’t see why…” The former hedgehog is cut off as the ball of crushed gold levitates and starts taking on another shape.

“Wait, is that…” Twilight begins as she stares at the levating spear in amazement.

“Correct, this is composed completely of.” The princess pauses as the object in her magic grasp, transforms into a giant red apple. And then takes a bite out of it as a new crown appears on her head. “Magic.”

“But how? Applejack inquires with a confused expression. “How did sugar hog crush it, if wasn’t real to begin with?”

“Simple, it’s composed of ‘bound magic’ which takes on the properties of what it’s shaped as. So it will behave as such when interacted with. Though that doesn’t mean it’s immune to magic cancelation.” The princess gestures towards the werehog. “Had Sonic held the object any longer then I allowed. Then it would have disenchanted and turned to dust in his hands.”

“It has been used since before our rule.” Luna adds with a nod. “Though few know that we still practice it with our royal regale. So we ask that you not tell anypony.”

The group nods.

“To think, such an old spell is still so widely used.” Twilight squeezes in excitement. “I can only image what other such spell once existed that could…”

“Watch out guys, Twilight has gone in to egghead mod again.” Rainbow Dash exclaims as she trots past the unicorn; Insisting a laugh from the others.

“Excellent, now then we’ve been cooped up this room for far too long. Let us make hast and enjoy this night we have made.” Luna proclaims, unaware of the conversation behind her.

The group nods again, but stops at the state of the room. “What about,” Applejack begins, but is cut off as the ebony alicorn flashes a small burst of magic from her horn and restores the room to how it once looked. “Never mind.”

As the others prepare to leave, Sonic is stopped by an out stretched wing from the sun princess. A few stop and glance as the action, but the former hedgehog just waves is off and ushers them to keep going. “You guys go on head, I’ll catch up.”

Just as the door closes, after everyone else has left the room. Celestia drops her usually friendly demeanor and glares at Sonic. “I believe you know why I asked you to stay behind.”

“I have a vague idea,” The former hedgehog replies.

“Then you must know that…”

“Ok first off, it was a joke.” Sonic states as he cuts the princess off. “I meant it in all good fun, but if I over stepped my bounds, then I apologize.” He then holds up his hands in surrender. “Don’t hate me alright.”

“I could never hate you.”

The former hedgehog then rises to his full height, inciting a gasp from the princess as she back peddles away. “Then what’s the problem?”

“Your actions are most unprofessional when interacting with someone of the crown and…”

“So, you want to me to start kiss your ass is that it?”

The alicorn gasps at the question and snaps her head upwards. “What no, I just fear that my little ponies will get the wrong idea if they see us acting so…”


“Yes exactly, they may thing that…”

“What, that we’re a ‘thing’ or something?” Sonic asks with an amused chuckle.

Celestia shakes her head. “No, that we may be giving you special treatment and…”

“Come on, that can’t be the only reason you asked me to stay behind.” The former hedgehog interrupts. “Whats up?”

“Were in troubled times and we must…” The princess mutters to herself.


“We must be strong and…”

“CELESTIA!” Sonic shouts, breaking the alicorn from her train of thought. “Are you ok, what’s wrong?”

“I’m fine I just…” The princess’s resolve crumbles as she falls to her haunches. “No I am not ok, something bad is coming. I just know it, but I can’t rally my armies on a ‘feeling.’ Every pony would start to question my well being and…” Celestia trails off as a large hand is placed onto her shoulder. Following the hands owner, she looks up at a rather concerned werehog. “Sonic…”

“Now, I’m not going to pretend I know what’s going on because I don’t, but I have been noticing an increase in the behavior you and those other rulers had that meeting about a while back.” The former hedgehog then smile. “But if I can help in anyway just let me know.”

Celestia lowers her head. “Thank you Sonic, few would say such things and not have some anterior motive that..” The alicorn gasps as two large arms wrap themselves around her and hold her close. “What are you doing?”

“You looked like you needed a hug. If not then, I’ll…”

The princess shakes her head and wraps her massive wings around former hedgehog. “No, you’re right I did…more than I thought.” She says with a sad tone.

As the moments pass, neither say a thing to one another. Celestia rests her head on Sonic’s massive shoulder. While the former hedgehog runs a hand though the alicorn’s now disenchanted ‘pink’ mane.

“It’s funny,” The princess begins as she breaks the silence. “I have one of the largest armies in the lands that have sworn to protected me, every moment of the day and night. But I’ve never felt safer than I do right now. Why is that?”

“I don’t know, Sunny. Maybe you’re just a good judge of character or…” Sonic chuckles before continuing. “It’s my charming personality.”

Celestia giggles in amusement at the comment. “Or it’s all of thee above, or maybe it’s…” A loud grubbing cuts the princess off; incising a small blush from the alicorn.

Sonic lets out a chuckle as he removes his hands from the princess. “Well someone’s hungry.”

“Sorry, I’ve been so busy today. I haven’t had time to sit down and have something for myself.”

The former hedgehog steps towards the door and grabs the handle. “Well lets fix that, why don’t we.”

Next Chapter Preview:

Sonic: "Oh, now you've done it. You just had to go there."

Luna: "FUS RO DAH!"

Rainbow Dash: "There is no pony as awesome as me."

Pinkie: "Well that happened...oh boy."

Cresent Moon