• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,658 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...

Terror Time

Edit: Now edited and with bonus content.


As the sunning sun hangs low in the sky as the days reaches dusk. Sounds of irritated gowns, muffled swears, and frantic hoof steps ‘pomphing’ on the cloud floor; within a certain cyan mare’s home. Said pony stands before a mirror hanging on an adjacent wall and continuously examines herself.

Rather than donning her usual attire of….nothing other than her trademark colorful mane and tail. Rainbow Dash glances at her reflection wearing a tan pith helmet and an olive green vest.
The mare tugs at the vest; attempting to correct any twisting that may have occurred while slipping it on. Letting out another sigh, Dash paces in place as she takes several glances towards the door.

“Where is he?” The mare mutters as she glances as a clock attached to a nearby wall. “Back in a flash my flank.”

Rainbow Dash turns back towards the mirror and adjusts her head ware; while taking another short glance at the clock. “What is taking so--"

The mare it cut off as the sound frantic knocking rattles the bathroom door.

“Yo, Dash, you still in there?” A familiar voice asks from the other side of the door. “Figured you be done by the time I got back.”

“I’m just waiting on you. What took you so long?” Dash mutters as she turns towards the door and then back to her reflection. “What I asked you to get... It kind of ties the whole thing together.”


-Five minutes prior:

- Ponyville

“You simply must take me with you.” A blue unicorn mare pleads a she approaches the hedgehog.

“No, take me!” Another mare protests as she flaps her crimson wings.

Sonic opens his mouth respond, but is cut off as green female earth pony; dressed as a royal noble. Approaches the hedgehog and seductively drags her tail across his face.

“Don’t be fooled by these mere simpletons,” The mare purrs as she batters her eyelids. “Only a pony of class as sophistication will truly appreciate such an event.”

“Wait, don’t you work at the trade depot that sells farming equipment?” A voice in the growing crowd asks.

The mare blushes, “Well yes, but only the skilled and proper are permitted to do trade with other nations.”

“I thought it was that you just needed to be able to pull 100 pounds.” The voice says again.

With her ‘elegant’ farce revealed, the mare rears up on her hinge legs and plants her front hooves on the hedgehog’s shoulders.

“Just get me out of her for an evening.” She pleads; dropping the posh accent. “I don’t care where we go; as long as it anywhere else, but here.” The mare leans closer. “Please.”

The now massive crowd erupts into an uproar in response to the mare’s tactic and begins to encroach on the two with similar pleas of ‘getting out of Ponyville for a night.’ While others still attempt to seduce the blue hedgehog with promises of ‘making it worth his while’ if he takes them.

However, everyone’s pleas and promises devolve into a muffled chant as they all try to talk over one another.

Sonic cringes and back peddles as he glances at the approaching crowd and then begins scanning the area for a means of escape. The hedgehog spots an upturned cart by a ball tossing game and begins to inch towards it.

“Oh, I’d love to hang, but I gotta ju-…” The hedgehog is cut off mid escape as a light blue female earth pony appears in front of him and faces the crowd.

“Vhat is za meaning of zis? Crowding around like zim vith empty promises and zemands.” The mare all but shouts as she flicks back a flow of pink hair of way from her face. “You are all acting like ze children.”

“No iz far verse.” Another voice says as a pink earth pony appears alongside the blue one. “Iz more like ze virst day of spring and…”

“Wait a minute,” Sonic interjects, cutting the mare off. “So you guys do go through…”

“No!” The blue mare states firmly. “But ze’d think ve do, given how zes ponies are acting.”

“Yo lighten up, Lotus.” A mare in the crowd shouts.

“Yeah,” Another one adds. “We’re just trying to get out of town for a few hours.”

The mare realizing what she said instantly covers her mouth and takes a step back.

“Ah, so zis is vat your intentions were.” The pink mare exclaims. “Treating ze town’s hero as ze meanz to an end; vor shame.”

Aloe’s statement seems to strike deep as the crowd mutter out versions apologetic statements and begin to disburse and disappear into the other parts of town. Or return to the various booths that litter the town square.

Sonic watches the scene in utter shock as the two mares defuse the possibly ugly confrontation and send the other ponies packing. Shakeing himself out of his daze, the blue hedgehog turns to the pink earth pony and then to the blue one. As they trot past him and venture towards whatever they were doing before the crowd started forming.

“Hey, thanks guys. You really got me out of a jam back there.” Sonic states as the two mares stop and turn back towards him. The hedgehog scratches the back of his head and chuckles in amusement. “Before you two showed up, I was just going to book it and hope none of them would follow me.”

The pony now known as Lotus steps forward and gives the hedgehog and small nod; followed by a small smile. “It was our pleasure. Ve know how ‘persistent’ some of ze ponies can get.”

“Still thanks, miss huh…”

“Lotus,” The blue mare states as motions to herself and then to gestures to the pink mare besides her. “And zis iz my sister, Aloe.”

Sonic taps his chin in thought. “Lotus and Aloe, Lotus and…” The hedgehog snaps his fingers and points towards at the blue mare. “Wait, you’re the Blossom sisters that run the spa in down.”

“Zat iz correct,” Aloe confirms as she stops besides her sister. “I take is ze’ve heard of us.”

“Only what one of my friends has told me.” Sonic frowns at the statement. “Rarity keeps trying to convince me to go with her, but I keep trying to explain that Spas just aren’t my thing.”

The two sisters turn to each other and smile. “Ah, yes ze Miss Rarity speaks vather highly of you when she visits.” Lotus states as she turns back to the blue hedgehog.

“Ze should really honor us with a visit.” Aloe adds with a kind smile. “Zeven thee toughest of hero’s zeed a little rest vonce in a while.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Sonic says with an amused chuckle.”Also, I hate to ask, but you two wouldn’t happen to know where I could find some hair dye would you?”

The blue mare chuckles in amusement at the question. “To quote ze Miss Rarity, your spikez are a lovely shade of ze blue.”

“Oh, no it’s not for me.” Sonic says as he waves off the motion. “It’s for a friend of mine.”

Aloe’s ears perk up. “Oh zen vight zis way, igelkott. Ze have just za thing.” The mare boasts as she starts leading Sonic towards the spa.

Sonic scratches the tip of his nose. “igelkott?”


“Traffic,” The voice on the other side of the door states flatly and them remains silent for a few moments before continuing. “Yeah, I was thinking about that, maybe….”The voice tails off. “Could I come in? It’s not very fun talking to a hunk of wood on this end.”

“Sure, just don’t try any funny business.” Rainbow Dash says dryly as she adjusts the pith helmet to the left. “I haven’t forgotten what happened last time.”

With low creak the bathroom door swings open; revealing a very unamused Sonic.

“That was an accident and you know it.” The hedgehog says as he crosses his arms and smirks at the Pegasus. “Besides if I remember correctly. You’re the one that walked in on me.”

The mare blushes; still fixed on her reflection. “W-well you’re the one that grabbed my tail and started rubbing your face in it.”

“I had soap in my eyes and was looking for something wipe off my face.” Sonic states flatly. “Besides, that still doesn’t explain why you were in the shower in the first place. If I didn’t know better I’d say that…”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth and snarls as she turns towards the blue hedgehog. “It’s my house! And I can go where…”The mare trails off as she realized that she just snapped at the hedgehog and lowers her head. “I’m sorry.” She pauses and bites her lower lip. “I didn’t get a lot of sleep that night and was kind of out of it.”

A gloved lifts her head towards a set of emerald green eyes.”It’s alright Dash; I went a little too far with the joke.” His expression hardens. “You’ve seem to be on edge a lot lately. What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” Rainbow Dash states as she turns back to the mirror. “I’m fine.”

Sonic’s expression shifts to a scowl for moment, but then back to his former expression. The cyan mare is still focused on the mirror and misses the expression change.

“If you say so Dash,” The hedgehog says as he sets a small paper bag on the counter and turns to leave. “By the way, I grabbed those things you need for your costume.” The cyan mare lets out a mental sigh of relief as the footfalls lessen.

The footsteps abruptly stop and the sound of crinkling of paper fills the room. “By the way, is all this really necessary?”

Rainbow Dash turns to the source of the voice and spots the blue hedgehog holding a black spray can.

“What do you mean?” The mare attentively asks as she tilts the pith helmet upwards.

Sonic pulls out another and examines it. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you ponies show your- for lack of a better word- individuality and well... uniqueness by the color of your coats, manes, and tails right?” The mare nods. “So by changing that, doesn’t that kind of make you... Well... Not you?”

The cyan mare chuckles as she trots towards the blue hedgehog. “This is Nightmare night, everypony dresses up as something. Or else it would just be lame.” She turns to Sonic and smiles. “Besides I’m dressing as a character from a book. It’s not like this pony exits in real life or anything.” Her expression shifts to a serious one. “Then that would be weird.”


Meanwhile a small female Pegasus stands before a mirror covered head to hoof in cyan fur dye; only the dark purple of her mane and tail remain of her original color. The small filly reaches into a box and pulls out a spray can with several different colors on it.

“Just a quick shot of this and I’ll be looking 20% cooler in no time.” The small filly boasts, holding the can between her hooves and begins shaking it.


Sonic and Rainbow Dash share a laugh and each wipes away a tear.

“Yeah, that would be kind of creepy.” The hedgehog says lets a few chuckles escape his mouth.

“I know right. Can you imagine?” The mare adds as she snatches the yellow spray can off the counter with her wing. “Now give me a hand with this. This can get a bit messy if you don’t aim properly.”

The hedgehog nods and walks towards the mare.


Inside a certain boutique a certain dress maker sits before a large changing screen as a large shadow moved across it. Rarity looks down at her hooves as she taps them together and then turns back to the screen.

“Is there anything else I can get for you, your highness?”

The shadow stops and then starts walking towards the other end of the engaging screen.
“Miss Rarity, we’ve been over this. You don’t need to continue addressing me in ‘that’ sort of fashion.”

“But Princess B-“ Rarity attempts to interject, but is cut off.

“Nor is calling me ‘princess’, necessary either.” The voice sighs. “Here, I have neither kingdom to rule over nor any lands to call my own. So the title seems a bit hollow when spoken. Besides,” A small chuckle is heard. “I never much cared for the title to begin with.”

Rarity’s ears fold back as she droops further into her seat. “But to not address a pony of royalty and high society as such is just... Unthinkable.”

A certain lilac cat pokes her head out from behind the screen; void of the red band that usually holds her hair up. She now has to brush the bangs away from her face as it cascades across the top of her head.

“It’s it also ‘unthinkable’ to ignore a Princess’s request. Is it not?” The cat states in a mock stern voice as she disappears back behind the screen.

Rarity frowns at the statement, knowing that any future arguing would still lead to the same conclusion. Glancing around her boutique as if looking for something to steer the conversation towards, the white mare notices a stylized sketch lying on the floor. With the use of her magic, the mare picks up the paper and holds it in front of her face.

“So, Pri- I mean Blaze, where did you come up with such a lavish design for your costume; if you don’t mind me asking. It’s seems oddly specific and almost seems to clash with your normal attire.”

The cat lets out a fake a gasp as her silhouette lifts something over her head and slides it on. “Isn’t that the point of this ‘Nightmare Night’ to pretend to be something you’re not? Or was I misinformed?”

“I suppose your right.” Rarity says with a frown. “Though I do wish you would have let me update that style or at the very lease change some of the accessories you’ve put on this.” She glances at the drawing still hovering in front of her face. “I mean, aren’t the wings a bit much?”


Starting at her refection in the bathroom mirror, a certain librarian uses her magic to levitate a small eyeliner brush and drags it across the eyelashes of her right eye; giving it a few quick swipes for good measure. Pulling the small applicator down, the mare stares back at her self.

Staring back at her is a very different pony; red piercing eyes stare back at the pony as back eyeliner and mascara only heightens the creepy factor. Twilight’s right ear twitches a she continues to stare back at her reflection.
“Maybe I should have gone with the wings and ear extensions.” The mare says to no one in particular as she examines her reflection.

“Then you’d look like a vampire bat pony.” A familiar voice says mater-o-factly in the distance. “Sometimes less is more.”

Twilight frowns at the comment and snaps her head towards the source of the snarky remark. “Oh yeah, w-well what do you know, Spike.” She snaps back; lacking any counter to the comment. “Let’s see what you picked out for a costume.”

The young drake chuckles loudly at the comment. “What’s so funny?!” the mare demands.

“Jokes on you Twilight, I made mine this year.” The sound of someone knocking on the front door cuts the dragon off. “It begins!” The drake states to no one in particular as soft footstep patter across the floor; followed by the tall-tell sound of hard candy clanking in a glass bowl. “Now hurry up and let’s get going. Everypony is probably waiting on us.”

Twilight rolls her eyes and uses her magic to levitate a set of false teeth into her mouth. The mare shifts them around a bit with her tong before opening her mouth, revealing a set large of fangs, and making a loud hiss sound.


Deep within the confides of a dimly lit room. A series of large machines hiss and pump as shots of steam bellow out from the various vents. A massive cauldron of some mysterious green liquid bubbles as it’s held over a large flame. With a loud snap the flame shuts off and the steal pot is tipped into a large metal funnel; that starts to travel down a serious of pipes.

Twisting and turning down the complete maze. The mysterious liquid passes though several other machines that churn it or reheat it. Or stopped and then poured into another large container; dwarfing the former one. As the liquid begins to cool, several others join it; all of them of varied colors and consistencies.

As the last of the other mysterious liquids fill the container, a large egg beater lowers into it and starts spinning; spattering along the walls of the inside of the container. Coming to a complete stop the mechanical egg beater lets out a loud hiss and begins rising out of the steal pot and makes a loud click as it stops several feet above it.

The now bright green mixture is poured out if the container and onto a large metal pan; making a loud spat as it lands. A loud hiss shoots out from one of machines above, following by the call of a brass horn; as the machine shutters to a stop.

A large light flicks; illuminating the large room and its contents. The sound of hoof fall echoes across the now silent room. A door creak open and a familiar pastry chef pokes her head into the room.

“Are you still messing with that thing, Pinkie? Your friends are going to be here any minutes.” The mare glances around the room and spots the large lime green blob still sitting on the metal pan. “Please tell me you’re not going as…that.”

The blob sits silently for a second before a large pink tongue bursts from it and licks away the mysterious mixture. A certain party pony stands in the spot the blob once did and retracts her cartoonishly large appendage.

“Nope-er-oony, just testing the scary cake maker.” The mare smacks her lips as she turns towards the elder earth pony. “I think I need to tweak the recipe again. It’s still not sweet enough.

Ms. Cake chuckles at the party pony. “Well it’s going have to wait my, my dear. It would be rude of you to blow off your friends to work on this old thing.”

“But I’m so close.” Pinkie states as her mane deflates slightly; only to suddenly poof back to normal a second later as a big smile appears on her face. “But I guess it will have to wait. What sort of host would I be if I didn’t show up to the party? Plus, Spiky is going to be there and I wouldn’t miss partying with him for all the taffy in Prance; which is a lot, let me tell you.”

The elder pastry chef chuckles as the mare’s remark. “You seem to have a thing for that Sonic fellow.”

“Of course!” Pinkie boasts with a wide grin. “He’s my bestest-best friend. I mean not that my other bestest-best friends aren’t my friends. Or that there any less important or…”

Miss Cake holds up a hoof to silence the pinke party pony and gives her a stern look. “I thought you were going to an event in Canterlot. Please don’t tell me you forgot.”

Pinkie’s grin shifts to a frown. “N-no of course not I just…HEY LOOK A DISTRACTION!” The mare shouts as she points to something in the distance.

Ms. Cake instinctively turns in the direction the mare just pointed before realizing what the mare just said. “Really Pinkie,” Sure turns back towards the mare; only to see an empty patch of floor, where the mare once stood.”Was that really--” She trails off. “…necessary?”

The mare lets out a groan as she flicks the light off and exits the room.


As the sun sets in the horizon, the shy burns with a fiery orange and purple; signaling the start of the festive night. Fillies and colts scurry around the busy streets; some in costume some in out. While shopkeepers add their final touches to the decorations outside their establishments. A few stallions and mares make the final adjustments to the various stands and games that litter the town square. As a few mill about the area, grabbing last minute items and such before the beginning of the festival.

A now burnt yellow pegasus lands in the market square and looks around at the hustle and bustle of the nearby ponies; So encouraged in their work that they fail to notice ‘Equestria’s fastest flyer’ standing before them. The mare rolls her eyes and lets out a snort.

“Maybe Sonic was right,” She glances at her costume and faux cutie mark. “No pony recognizes me now.”

“Well, if it an’t the infamous Daring Dashwood.” A familiar voice; with a hint of southern twang states. “Ah figured you’d be off looking for more buried treasure.”

Rainbow Dash frowns as the turn to the farm pony and lets out a sigh. “First of all it’s ‘Daring Do’ not Dashwood.” The pegasus begins as she keeps her unamused gaze locked on the approaching mare. “Second, its ancient temples and lost civilizations she searches for; not treasure. She just happens upon some from time to time and lastly…” Dash trails off as she gives her friend a once over. “What’s with the outfit?”

Applejack lets out an annoyed short. “Ya saying that ah don’t have a proper costume, Dash?”

The pegasus mare waves her forelegs in front of her face defensively. “No, of course not it’s just...” She trails off as he gives her friend another once over. “It just looks like something you’d wear normally.”

Standing before Rainbow Dash is Ponyville's local farmer, well known apple fanatic, and hero; Applejack. (Though she didn’t consider the last one to be true and figured any other pony would have done the same.) Who, instead of just donning her trademark stetson, is now wearing something you’d see straight out of a western.

A pale red and orange plaid shirt covers the mare's front half of her body. With obvious ‘fake leather’ chaps wrap firmly around her hind legs; tapered in such a way that still shows off her cutie mark. As well as a braided mane and tail, instead of the usual ‘pony tail’. Along with her ever useful lasso attached to those with a metal clip. With a red handkerchief tied around her neck to complete the ensemble.

The farm pony lets out gasp as she reaches into her knapsack- something her cyan friend missed somehow- and pulls out a brown poncho. Applejack drapes it over her head and cross her back.

Rainbow Dash grins at the ‘western themed mare’ and says the first thing that pops into her head.

“Yippee ki-yay.”


As some of the town folk continue to put the finishing touches on the decorations and games that dotted the square. Two figures shifted though the crowd as they make their way towards the large fountain. A few passes by give the taller of the two a sideways glance as they pass by; while a few stop and gawk at the shorter of the two.

“Not really the reaction I was expecting when I made this.” A certain fashionista laments as she scans the several on lookers in the crowd. “You’d think they never seen a fancy costume before.”

“I believe it’s the way you’re wearing it.” The figure walking besides her laments as they match the mare’s pace. “You’re the only one I’ve noticed wearing leggings. Is there some meaning behind those that you have possibly missed?”

Rarity lets out a gasp as she holds a hoof to her mouth. “I never thought of that, maybe I should change out of the.” The mare glances at a few of the slack-jawed onlookers. “Though, I do enjoy all this attention, maybe...” Rarity’s eyes snap open and she gives her head a few hard shakes. “What am I saying? To be gawked at like some sort of harlot? That is just-- Is just-- Dreadful!”

Making her way towards the fountain, Ponyville’s ‘premier’ designer, shows off her latest creation. A pointed large rimed hat sits on the mare’s head, just a few shades darker then her mane and tail, accented with black feathers and a vale. While a shimmering black cape drapes across her back, that’s held together with a small white brooch. With black net stockings going up her rear legs, just stopping before the bend. The mare sports a dark dress, the same color as the hat under the long cape; with turquoise bans on each of her forelegs, resting just above each hoof.

Going for the ‘win’, Rarity has not styled her name and tail in the usual fashion. Rather, she opted to let them to hang freely. The style to her mane and tail alone seemed to be getting the mare the most attention, while a few stares are directed at the rather risky stockings.

“That choice will have to be made on the way to our destination. The others are probably already waiting for us.”

“Indeed.” The mare says with a nod and turns towards certain Burmese cat. “Though I do believe that, not all this attention was directed solely towards me.”

The Sol ruler glances at some of the on lookers and then turns her attention back towards the fountain. “It would seem you are correct, Miss Rarity.”

“For what it’s worth, you did a fine job crafting that outfit of yours.” The mare frowns for a moment. “However, I do still think you would have benefited greatly, if you had allowed me to make those changes that I suggested.”

“Perhaps,” Blaze begins as she adjusts the red hair band holding her hair back.”But some of the things that you had suggested would have made this outfit unrecognizable. Plus,” The cat grimaces. “I don’t believe I would have been able to pull it off.”

“Nonsense darling, you would have been the talk of the town.” Rarity trails off as she glances at a few of the on lookers. “In fact, I believe you already are.”

Walking alongside the unicorn fashionista the princess of Sol has changed from her usual royal garments into something a bit for ‘festive’. A red dress hands over the felines frame; stopping just above the knee. Accented with a black insert on the front and back along with white cross hatch bands going across.
Black socks run down each of her legs, into a set of oversized red and black boots. Oversized shoulder pads sit on either side of the dress as two long arms extend into long while stylized gloves with red knuckle guards on them.

Topping off the outfit is a set of small white wings on either side of the back; just above the feline’s shoulder blades.

“Perhaps your right Miss Rarity, I seem to have gotten almost as much attention as you have.”

The alabaster mare chuckles in response. “Well, that just comes with the job.”

“And what would that be...?”

“To look fabulous of course,” Rarity motions towards a cluster of ponies. “There they are over there.”


Along the outskirts of Ponyville a small figure trots along a narrow dirt path. Every so often, it would stop and fleck a set of large wings and adjust something on its torso; till the clock tower chimes in the distance.
Prompting the figure to let out a small squeak and jump back in response.

“Oh dear, I’m going to be late. I-I hope no pony will be mad if I am.”


As the mane 6 gather at the agreed meeting spot, each comment on turn out of tonight festivities and how each are excited about the ‘event’ they’ve all been invited to. Though, it’s not till Twilight and Spike arrive that the conversation shifts towards each other’s costumes; the first few directed towards the young drake.

“So uh what are yer suppose to be, sugar cube?” A certain farm pony asks as she gives the dragon a once over. “Can’t say ah’ve seen anything like that before.”

Spike twiddles a one the right side of his long whisker like mustache. “Well that’s probably because I don’t exist. At least not outside of a town that doesn’t border the dragon empire.”

Applejack tilts her head to the side. “Come again?”

“I’m a Kirin,” He gestures towards his anthropomorphic figure. “Or at least the closest one can get without become a quadruped.”

“Your gonna have to explain’ that one to me. Ah’m still a tad unsure what that is.”

“He’s half dragon half pony.” A voice says in the distance. “Few have ever been document, fewer still leave there home land.”

Everyone turns towards a certain butter yellow Pegasus as she lands a few paces from the group. “Most ponies think there a myth, but I’ve…” The mare trails off and cowers as she notices everyone staring at her. “I’m sorry; I’m not interrupting anything am I?”

The farm pony gives the mare a dismissive wave. “Na, we were just killin’ some time till the rest of our friends showed up.” She glances around before continuing. “Speaking of which, we’re still missing a few ponies.”

“Well you can’t have the stares of the show to not be fashionably late.” A familiar voice says in the distance; Prompting everyone to turn towards a certain fashionista and feline. “Sometimes you have to save the best for last.”

Applejack attempts to stiffen a chuckle behind a raised foreleg.

“What’s so funny?” Rarity demands as she shoots the farm pony a glare.

“Oh nothin’.” The wheat color mare states as she wipes a tear way with a foreleg. “It’s just than yer not the last one to arrive.”

Rarity’s ears perk up beneath her hat as she looks around. “Gracious, who are we still missing?

“Well we still have Pinkie and Sugar Hog, plus,” the mare looks around. “I haven’t seen Miss Blaze none neither.”

“I’m right here.” A familiar voice states as a certain feline steps towards the group, causing them gawk in response. “Do I really look ‘that’ different in this dress?”

The farm pony shakes her head frantically. “N-so course not it’s just…just Ah didn’t take ya somepony that wore that sort of thing.”

Blaze frowns at the statement as Rarity let out an addible gasp. “Surely you can’t be serious?”

“Ah am serious.” Applejack laments. “And don’t call me Shirley.”

The fashionista opens her mouth to retort, but is cut off by a certain speedy Pegasus. “You two will be at this all day at this rate.” The mare looks over the Burmese cat. “Though I gotta say, it’s a good look for you.” She tilts her head. “Did you dye your fur?”

“Actually, it’s a low form of illusion.” Blaze says a she adjusts one of her gloves. “Miss Rarity assisted in this.” The white unicorn grins at the phrase. “However,” The cat tugs on one of her pigtails. “This is merely a wig.”

“Well uh,” Fluttershy begins hesitantly. “I think it looks nice.”

“Thank you, Miss Fluttershy.”

Twilight loudly clears her throat to gain everyone’s attention. “Well then, all that leaves in Pinkie and…”

“I’m right here!” A hyper voice states as a certain party pony pop out of a nearby barrel; prompting everyone to let out a shriek and fall over.

“P-Pinkie, when did you get here?” Rainbow Dash stutters out as she returns to her hooves.

“Oh, right about the time you started complaining that no pony noticed you, Dash.” The pink mare says cheerfully as bounces in place.

The pegusus shakes her head. “Pinkie, you are SO random. Also, what are you supposed to be?”

“I’m candy!” The party pony says as she hops in place. “A big gummy, Pinkie!”

“Really now,” Dash asks in a skeptical tone. “It looks like you just covered yourself in sugar.”

Pinkie’s ears droop as she looks at the ground and begins pawing at it. “Well, I did have this super duper awesome costume ready, but….one of the twins had a tummy ach and….well.”

“That’s enough!” Rarity commands as she raises her hoof. “I think we all get the point.”

The fashionista lowers her hoof and turns to the butter yellow Pegasus standing nearby. “That is a simply fabulous butterfly costume. Did you make that?”

Fluttershy meekly nods. “Y-yes, it’s just something my animal friends and I put together.” She sinks towards the ground. “It’s nothing really.”

“Nonsense,” Rarity says with a righteous hoof point. “It is simply divine. May I ask what inspired you to make such a fashionable outfit?”

Rainbow Dash attempts to hold back a snicker. “I think I know what inspired it.”

The alabaster mare snaps her head towards the faux explorer. “Really now, what would that be?”

“It’s not a what, but a who.” The mare continues to hold back a laugh behind a foreleg. “And it’s some pony we all know.”

Rarity’s eyes snap open as she starts putting the pieces together. “Surely you can’t mean…”

“Well alright then,” Applejack cuts in attempting to change the subject. “All that leaves now is Sugar Hog and…”

A loud yell cuts the mare off as two familiar male unicorns run by; one with a large bucket on his head.

“Get it off. Get it off! I can’t see!” The taller of the two demands as he charges wildly though the market square.

“I will once you stop running!” the short one retorts as he struggles to keep up.

The mane 6 and Blaze watches the antics of two colts. Till they notice the one with the bucket on his head, is charging straight towards a hot food stand.

“Look out!” They all shout in unison and frantically galloped towards the blinded unicorn.

A loud snap cuts the approaching group off as a large gust of wind almost knocks them backwards. Applejack feels something graze her flank and turns to notice her bundle of rope is gone.

“What the…”

Just before the tall unicorn blindly crashes into the stall a lasso hooks around the colts hind legs and pulls him to the ground; knocking the bucket off upon landing. The now bucket free pony rolls onto his back and looks up at the shadowy figure looming over him.

It’s imposing tall stature, glowing red eyes, and glomming white fangs prompt the young colt to let out a girlish shriek and curl into a ball.

“I-I’m sorry,” He stammer out still cowering in fear. “I’m too young to die, please don’t drink my blood.”

The smaller of the two colts skids to a stop and flings an apple from a nearby stand with his magic at the mysterious creature; striking it in the head.

“Leave Snails alone, you... you monster!”

Rubbing the spot it was struck, the shadowy figure turns toward the small colt; causing him to back pedal a bit.

“Snips run!” The pony now known as Snails shouts. “Get help.”

The figure turns to the fleeing pony and then towards the one still lying on its back and throws it’s hands up into the air.

“Seriously dude,” A familiar voice asks as it crosses its arms. “This is the thanks I get for saving you from become a crispy fried pony?”

Snails uses his magic to illuminate the small area and reveals a certain hedgehog standing before him.

“S-Sonic?” He shudders out in confusion.

The blue hedgehog grins. “The one and only,”

Approaching hoof steps and muffled voices draws the two’s attention toward group of approaching ponies.

“Uh hi,” Sonic says with a slight wave. “Just uh, keeping the peace. Yeah.”

“Ya sure roped him good.” A familiar voice stated as a small yellow female earth pony emerges from the crowd. “Ah mean that twas some quick thinkin’ there, Sonic.”

“Yeah, I mean you even hog tied him too.” Another voice squeaked as a small while unicorn stops near Apple Bloom.

Seeing that the ‘mysterious figure’ was just the town’s hero, the crowd disperses and returns to whatever they were doing before the ‘incident’. Snails even shakes free of his bindings and scurries off. Sonic raises an eyebrow at the sudden departure of the crowd, but then shrugs it off and returns to his feet.

“Well that was weird.” The hedgehog says as he watches the crowd hastily vanish. “I wonder if it’s something I said.”

“Na, those two are always getting into trouble.” Sweetie Belle states with a reassuring tone. “Kind of become old news after a while.”

“Kind of like a certain group of crusaders I know.” Sonic retorts with a smirk.

“HEY!” The two fillies shout in unison.

The hedgehog lets out an amused chuckle. “I’m just kidding.” He then smirks. “Those are some neat costumes by the way.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle grin widely at the hedgehog’s phrase.

Wrapped in a series of tan bandages, the small farm pony dons the guise of an accent Ferro; minus any of the royal regale. The fillies' bright orange eyes shine brightly against the skillfully places bandages; only allowing a few places of her yellow fur to remain visible; mostly along her knees and neck.

While the unicorn has a series of ‘patch marks’ painted on her alabaster coat. Some a different shade of her usual fur color; possibly to show that other pieces of other ponies have ‘sewn on’. As well as donning two large bolts on either side of her neck as her mane and tail are styles as if she was shocked with a large amount of electricity.

“Hey, you guys are one short. Where’s Scoo-GAH!”

Something large and while spears the hedgehog and knocks him to the ground.

“Ah, not again,” Sonic shouts as he tries to push the large white mass off of him. “Why can’t you ponies take the hint that I…” The hedgehog trails off as spots a familiar music mixing mare staring back at him.

“Whoa man, calm the buck down!” Vinyl commands as she uses her magic to remove her shades. “If I knew you were going to freak out like this. I would have done something else.”

The hedgehog blinks in response and then raises an eyebrow. “You just speared me, dressed as ah…”

“A cat,”
“Yeah, a cat and now you’re…wait what?”

“Meow” Vinyl says playfully as she ‘paws’ as the hedgehog’s chest with an oversized cat foot and begins imitating a purring sound.

“That is so hot!” Sonic states as the mare currently straddling him starts to blush.

Vinyl opens and closes her mouth several times; attempt to form a response. Only to let out a small yelp as she’s incased in a dark pink aura and unceremoniously lifted off the hedgehog.

“Put me down, put me down!” The mare demands as she’s left hovering in the air; still surrounded by the same pink magic aura. “That is so not cool, Twilight.”

The mare in question trots towards the still hovering mixing pony and lets out an unladylike snort. “You’re one to talk.”

“Quite right,” Another voice explains as a certain fashionista appears alongside the lavender mare. “A lady doesn’t ‘pounce’ a stallion in public. It is just so uncouth.” Rarity adds as she flicks her nonexistent bangs out of her face.

Sonic raises an eyebrow at the two mares and then turns to the still hovering pony, trapped in Twilight’s magic grasp. “You two have made your point. Can you put Scratch down, please?” The hedgehog asks flatly.

Twilight lets out a nervous laugh and releases her hold on the music mixing mare; setting gingerly back down hooves. Vinyl gives the lavender mare a sour look and then turns back to Sonic.

“Thanks for the save, Needles. I was getting worried that I was in trouble there for a second.”

“It probably would have been.” A voice says with a menacing chuckle. “No pony gets to ‘pounce’ Spiky except me.” The lavender mare glares towards the source of the voice. “Oh, and of course Twilight.”

The group slowly turns to a disturbingly strait mane glaring Pinkie; whose mane instantly re-inflates upon seeing the blue hedgehog.

“Hi Spiky,” The party mare cheerfully shouts as she springs over to Sonic and gives him a big hug. “Everypony was looking for you.” She tightens her grip and glares up at him. “Only to find you ‘playing’ with somepony else.”

Pinkie’s glare breaks for a moment as she cheerfully waves at the confused music mixing mare. “Hey Vinyl, what are you doing here?”

“Uh hi Pinkie,” The mare says hesitantly as she glances over at Sonic for help with the party pony; only to receive a shrug in response. “Just uh, showing Needles my costume here.”

The pink mare grins at the response, “I noticed.” Her smile vanishes. “Why are you dressed like a cat?”

“That is a good question.” Another voice says as a familiar feline appears alongside the party pony. The cat cracks her knuckles and raises her nose at the mare. “Why indeed.”

Vinyl gulps at the Sol guardian’s arrival and cowers behind the blue hedgehog. “I-It was all a coincidence I swear. D-don’t hurt me.”

Blaze stops dead in her tracks and gives the mare a bewildered look. “Why would I want to cause you any harm, Miss Scratch?”

“I dunno,” A familiar voice speaks up, prompting everyone to turn to a certain blue hedgehog. As he pries himself out of the party pony’s death grip. “Maybe it was the menacing gaze or the fact that you’ve been casting a fire ball in your right hand since you stopped…talking” Sonic raises an eyebrow as he examines the other mare’s costumes.

The bemuses cat glance as her smoldering right hand and arches an eye in response. “It would seem that my actions don’t match my intent, my apologies.”

Vinyl lets out a nervous chuckle as she begins to inch away from the Sol Guardian. “I-it’s c-cool, I-I can see why y-you’d think something is up.” The mare’s cat ears fold back as she forces a nervous grin. “I-It was nice talking to you, b-but I have to go. Bye.”

The group watches as the music mixing mare bolts; almost knocking over several ponies in the process and disappears behind one of the festive decorations that dot the area.

Sonic watches Vinyl flee and then slowly turns towards the group as he crosses his arms. “Really? Was all that necessary, guys?” He shakes his head in disappointment. “I mean seriously, c’mon.”

Blaze opens her mouth to retort, but quickly shuts it and lets out a sigh. “Your right, we all acted…out of place just now.” She takes a regal stance. “We should all apologize to Miss Scratch for our actions.”

“Hey speak for yourself!” A certain mare retorts as she lands next to the blue hedgehog. “Not all of us were acting like a clingy ex just now.”

“Ah’d have ta agree, with Dash here.” A certain farm pony adds as she trots next to the Pegasus. “Ya three, may be my friend, but ah an’t apologizing for somethin’ ah didn’t do.”

The blue hedgehog smacks his hands together to get everyones attention. “Alright then, now that that’s... settled. Let’s…” Sonic pauses as he notices Applejack slowly slinking away. “Uh AJ, what are you doing?”

“Oh uh nothin’, Just uh gonna got uh check on somethin’ real quick. You guys go on without me?” The mare frantically scans the area as she quickens her pace as she spots her younger sister by one of the stalls. “Ah think Apple Bloom want help with-GAH!”

Applejack lets out a shriek as Sonic suddenly appears before her with his arms crossed and a frown on his face. “Something going on that I missed?” He taps his foot. “You’ve been avoiding me all week. What’s that all about?”

“Nothin’” The wheat colored mare says as she looks in every direction, but the blue hedgehog’s. “Just have a few things that need takin’ care of and…” Applejack is cut off as her head is grabbed by two large gloved hands and shifted towards two emerald green eyes. The mare blushes. “W-what are ya doing, Sugar Hod?”

Sonic smirks as he releases his grip and kneels down to about eye level with the mare. “You’re really terrible at lying, AJ.” His face shifts to a serious one. “Now c’mon, what’s going on?”

The farm pony sighs and looks away. “I told my sister, I’d ask you somethin’ next time we ran into each other.”

“Did you promise?”


“I said did you promise your sister that you’d ‘ask me this question?”

Applejack’s eyebrow rises behind her fringe as she tilts her head back slightly. “Wha’cha ya getting at, Sugar? Ah just told ya, Apple Bloom said ah should ask ya somethin’ next time we meet.”

“Exactly, you never agreed much less promised to ‘whatever it is that you needed to ask me.’ So quite frankly you don’t need to do anything.”

The mare face hoofs and lets out a low growl. “Consarnit!”

Sonic lets out a chuckle as he begins looking over the other ponies costumes. “Let’s see here,” He looks at Applejack. “We have Annie Oakley.” Then he turns to Pinkie. “Sugar Rush.” Rarity enters his line of sigh. “One of the good witches from Oz.” Fluttershy peaks up from behind a bush. “Shutter bug.”

The butter yellow Pegasus giggles at the comment as Pinkie jumps in place.

“Ok, who else?” Sonic turns his gaze towards Twilight. “A vampire... that-- *snicker*.” The hedgehog turns towards a certain drake as he mingles with a few fillies. “Hey Spike, you were right. Vampires can sparkle. I owe you ten bits.” The drake rubs his hands together villainously as a certain lavender mare grumbles in annoyance. “Temple Spelunker; not a hard one since I helped put it together.” Dash frowns at the comment. “And finally, last but not least….” Sonic pauses as he gives a certain feline a once over. “Honey?”

“Excuse me?” Blaze asks inquisitively. “Who is this ‘Honey’?”

The hedgehog waves dismissively at the comment. “Never mind, I’ll tell you later. Is everyone ready?”

Blaze crosses her arms across her chest and smirks. “I shall hold you to that, bat boy.”

“Not ‘bat’ vampire.” Sonic states mater-o-factly as he pulls out a large bungle of dark fabric from behind his back. “I even got a cape and everything.”

Twilight lets out a nervous chucked. “I have one of those too.” A black cape phases into existence and drapes over the mare’s back. “I wasn’t sure if it was a bit much to wear it.”

“Na, not at all. “Sonic says with a dismissive wave and a grin. “In fact I think it kind of ties the whole look together. Wouldn’t you agree?”

The lavender mare blushes and begins pawing at the ground with a hoof. “I was thinking the same thing, actually.”

“Which only proves that great minds think alike.” Sonic states enthusiastically as he crosses his arms and gives Twilight a playful wink; causing her to blush profusely. “Now is everyone ready, to get this show on the road?”

“Sonic darling, won’t yours and Twilight’s costumes…’clash’?” Rarity begins as she steps forward. “Certainly an alternative must be chosen.”

“Na, it’s no big deal.” The hedgehog replies with a dismissive hand motions. “Besides we don’t have the time. Worst case scenario; we find something once we get there.” Sonic gives the mare a stern look. “That is if it’s really is that much of a problem.”

“We shall see Rarity says with a nod of her head. “C’mon very pony, let us head towards the station before the crowds….”

“I got a better idea.” Sonic interjects; cutting the mare off.

“Really now?” Rarity asks as she raises her eyebrow. “What could you have in mind that it better then the train?”

The blue hedgehog grins as a red Chaos Emerald appears in his hand. “We’re taking the express route.”

“Ah no,” Applejack says as she starts backing way. “Last time ya tried using that, we all ended up getting scattered like jacks all over the platform. What makes ya think this time will be different?”

“I’ve been practicing.” Sonic states plainly. “You can even ask Dash.”

“It’s true,” Rainbow Dash replies with a smirk. “Sonic almost never uses the zip copter anymore.” Pinkie frowns at the comment and looks away.

“Well, I wouldn't say I stopped using it.” Sonic interjects; hoping to spare the party mare’s feelings. “I just don’t use it to get to and from town. I still use it for long trips.” Pinkie grins and returns to her energetic bouncing.

“To transport such a great distance,” Twilight begins as she taps her chin with a hoof. “With this many ponies…just isn’t possible.”

“Oh ye of little faith, Sparkles.” Sonic says with a smirk. “I’ve done the impossible before. Why should this be any different?”

Twilight opens her mouth to comment, but is cut off by Blaze.
“Agreed, let us make hast. The festivities will soon begin.”

Sonic tosses his gem into the air a few times before turning to the Burmese cat. “Finally someone that’s speaking my language.” He turns to the group. “Any objections?” Everyone shakes their heads.

The blue hedgehog motions everyone to gather close and hold up the chaos emerald once everyone complies. “Let do this; CHAOS…CONTROL!”

With a flash of light the group vanishes from sight; leaving only a small patch of disturbed earth where they once stood.

Behind a small cart a small filly emerges dressed as a certain blue speedster.

“Phew, that was close.”

Next Chapter Preview:

Pinkie: "Weeee! That was fun!"

Twilight: "Why is everypony staring?"

Blaze: "If thou Wishes to keep thy sight, then...

Luna: "Huzzah! The friends have been doubled!"

Nightmare on Duchess Street

Author's Note:

Edit: Now edited and with bonus content.


Nightmare Night is upon us again and the gang prepares for a festive night at the country's capital.

What could possibly go wrong?

You don't have to answer that.

While Ponyville gets ready for there own celebration; hoping to outdo last years events.

What awaits our heroes in the city of Canterlot?

Find out next time on, Battle for Equestria!

Ok, another chapter out and ready for your viewing pleasure, let me know what you guys think in the comment section below.

All characters belong to there respective owners.