• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,658 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...

Hedgehog in the Big City

While the last of the sun rays sink into the horizon, a massively condensed city bustles with activity high above much of Equestria's other lands--Except Cloudsdale, of course. The capital city prepares for the nights' festivities. Massive shops with tall windows line the market square, standing before the cobble stone streets; decorated from the ground to the highest point in scary ordainments of all things for the season; while other buildings stand as if they haven’t been attended to for decades.

Most lack any sort of illumination, aside from a lone candle shinning in a select number of windows. There, yards lay unkempt, filled with massive overgrowth of its trees and lawn. Some even appear to have fallen into complete disrepair while others have a strange fog looming around it, adding to the already creepy atmosphere.

All of it is fake of course, with the use of a few select spells of illusion and such. Even the most eloquent homes can appear to have fallen into destitute or be possessed by some supernatural forces.

Well, except old lady Jackie Lander’s house. It always looks like that.

Moving on…

As per the night princesses’ ‘request’, many have dressed for the occasion. Donning expensive costumes of historical and fictional characters or simple ones made from whatever was accessible at the time. Creating a mishmash of great heroes and villains, or even creatures of legend or mythos; while a few are dressed in the store bought costumes you’d see anywhere. Ghosts, mummies, cheesy pirate outs, and a few doctors and nurses miss about as well.

Solders of the Night Guard patrol the busy streets, bringing order to the chaos -and possibly to persuade some of the overzealous city folk from partaking in some questionable activities- while the elite Lunar Guards take to the skies and watch the ponies mill about from the shadows.

While most don’t notice the bat ponies as they patrol the city, some catch a glimpse of something shimmering off in the distance as light catches there charcoal black wings for a moment. But other than a raised eyebrow or slanted expression every so often, they remain invisible to the public.

As the town prepares for a fully Luna directed night, a group of snooty nobles trot towards the market, making snide comments of the ‘less than stellar’ decorations on a certain establishment or on a commoner’s choice of costume. One certain blond-manned, white unicorn stallion snubs his nose at a passerby dressed as a comic book hero and turns away in disgust as a vendor attempts to sell him a caramel apple.

“Your rotten apples dipped in overpriced sugary sludge even worth using as a door stop.” The snooty unicorn says as he literally spits on the ground in front of the stand. “Do you even know who I am? Or even what I could do to you if I see fit?”

The unicorn turns to the vendor, waiting for a stutter or frightened reply; only to see him dash away in the opposite direction.

“How unsightly, the poor fool can’t even…” The stallion trails off as he notices the other members of his entourage start to back pedal away from him; with varied frighten expressions. “What in the name of prench manicures are you all gawking at?”

A female noble gestures towards something behind the white stallion; who promptly lets out a snooty snort and turns in the direction the mare just pointed towards.

“I don’t know who you are, but nopony…GAH!” The unicorn stares at what’s before him with a gaped expression.

A massive figure easily dwarfing either of the alicorn sisters stands before the stallion. Its black caprice, like shell, shimmers in the moon light; each section fitting together like a set of platelet armor. While large fangs glisten as they hang from a massive maw.

The once overconfident and snooty noble, trembles furiously as he tries not to soil his royal garbs. “N-Now see here, w-whatever y-you are. I don’t…” He trails off as the creature kneels down so that it’s eye level with the stallion; who promptly gulps loudly.


A high pitched girlish scream erupts from the stallion as he and his band of trouble makers turns tail and flees.
As the group disappears from sight, the image fades and the vendor from earlier as well as a young female green unicorn step out from behind a stall.

“Well that was unexpected.” The mare laments as she watches the group flee from sight.

The stallion nods in agreement. “Indeed, you’d think he’d at least try to ‘buy’ his way out of a confrontation.”

“A fine example of Canterlot Nobility indeed.”

“*snort* Yep.”

Both burst out in a roar of laughter as the whinnying prince and his group of snooty nobles flees the scene.



Stallions and mares of all classes and types navigate through the busy street. While the Pegasi take to the air, unicorns and earth ponies are forced to push and shove to get to their destination.

At least until a large familiar symbol appears on the ground, gaining the attention of a few passersby. Then it ignites and everyone jumps back.

A circle of fire forms around the mark and then shoots several feet into the air; causing the ponies that had gathered around the strange marking to let out a yelp. Eight figures appear from behind the flames as they descend back towards the ground.

Some of the ponies’ still present, mutter out various ‘oohs’ and ‘awws’ and then start cheering while stomping there hooves. Sonic turns towards the group and gives them one of his trademark smiles.

“I told you guys I’d get us here.” He gives them a cheeky smirk as he holds a hand to his ear. “And what’s this, is that phrase I hear?”

A few members of the group mutter out various comments on the hedgehog’s remark, while a few just shrug it off and remain quiet.

“So you got us here in one piece.” Rainbow Dash says as she steps forward and flicks her head back. “Big whoop.”

“It is actually a ‘big whoop’.” Another voice says as a certain lavender mare appears alongside the Pegasus. “Given the complexity of trip, factored with the amount of ponies….”

“Equestrian, Twilight, Equestrian.” Rainbow Dash retorts. “Not all of us can speak nerd.”

Twilight shoots the mare a glare before muttering something under her breath before continuing.

“Anyway as I was saying before ‘somepony’ interrupted me.” She gives the Pegasus another sharp glare. “To get us all here in one piece and right where we wanted to be; is nothing short of impressive.”

Sonic smirks at the mare’s analysis and lifts his chin in the air in a mock snooty expression. “It’s nothing, really.”

“True as that may be, nopony likes a showoff.” Another voice says as an alabaster mare steps forward. “Nor is it a proper use of fire gems.”

“Ah’d havta agree with Rarity on this one.” Another voice with a familiar southern twang adds.

The blue hedgehog’s eyebrows hastily rise. “Wait, did you two just agree on something?”

Rarity and Applejack glance at each other and smile in response. “I suppose we did,” Rarity tilts her head. “It’s not often that we stand on common ground.”

A loud gasp draws everyone's attention to a certain pink party pony as she now dons an equine version of military battle armor.

“The end is neigh, run for the hills!” Pinkie shouts as she attempts to bolt, but ends running in place for a few moments as a glove hand grabs onto her puffy tail. “What the hay? Let go!”

The owner of the glove appendage releases there hold and give the party pony an amused smirk. “Calm down, Pinkie. The world isn’t coming to an end. Rares and AJ just agreed on something.” Sonic ponders for a moment as he taps his chin. “However, the former does seem more likely, now that I think about it.”

Rarity lets out a huff at the statement as Pinkie processes what the hedgehog just said.

“Oh good point, things would have ended if that’s all it took.” The mare glances at the two ponies in question. “This isn’t the first time is it?”

“Most certainly not!” Rarity retorts. “We’ve agreed on dozens of things before.”

“Like what?”

“Like that one time we…uh…or that one instance we…” The alabaster mare grits her teeth. “Alright, when we agree doesn’t matter. All you need to know is that we’ve done so in the past.”

Noticing the building hostility; the lilac cat clears her throat to get everyone’s attention.

“Be as it may,” Blaze begins as she glances at the members of group before continuing. “That is a matter for another time. We came here to attend an event the night princess set up, not debate on petty squabbles.” The cat turns to the lavender mare.”Twilight, I believe you are in possession of the invitation that was sent.”

“Huh?” Twilight tears her gaze away from her feuding friends and summons the invitation with her magic. “I think it starts at nine.” The lavender mare unravels the scroll and points at something with her hoof. “Yep right here. ‘Proceedings start at nine at the old Canterlot stage. Show up early, seating is limited.’” The mare furrows her brow and looks up from the parchment. “I never did ask, why there of all places?” Twilight shrugs and poofs the scroll away with her magic.

“And it’s-” Sonic begins as he waves his hand and a gold pocket watch appears. He then flicks it open. “…a quarter past seven. So we have plenty of time.”

Blaze raises an eyebrow as she glances at the object in the hedgehog’s hand; while a smile appears on her face. “I’m pleased to see that you are still possession of that.”

Sonic glances over at the lilac cat and then back towards the watch in his hand. “Are you kidding? I love this thing. Plus, it still keeps time, despite being probably being knocked around quite a bit..” The hedgehog says with a cheeky expression.

“What’s so special about that beat up old watch?” Rainbow Dash inquires as she motions to the object in the hedgehog’s hand with a hoof. “Sonic is always messing with it, but he never mentioned why he carries it.”

“I gave it to him.” Blaze says flatly as she frowns at the pegasus’s remark. “I acquired it and gave it to Sonic as a token of appreciation.” The cat turns to the blue hedgehog and holds out a gloved hand. “May I?” Sonic nods as he flicks the cover back over the watch and hands it to Blaze.

“Why would Sugarhog, need ta carry ah watch?” Applejack speaks up as she watches the exchange take place. “Ah mean he’s faster than anypony ah known. So why would ya need to keep da time?”

Blaze looks up at the farm pony and then back towards the watch in her hand. “True as that may be, Sonic has a tendency to get lost in the thrill of one of his runs and would lose track of time.” The cat says with a smirk, prompting a small chuckle from the hedgehog.

Rainbow Dash lets out her own amused laugh at the remark and turns to the lilac cat. “I know what that’s like. You get so lost in the moment that you forget about everything else around you.”

“Or miss important appointments.” Twilight mutters to herself.

The pegasus’s head snaps towards the lavender mare. “Hey, I said I was sorry! I lost track of time. What else do you want me to say?”

Rarity lets out an annoyed huff at the impending argument and places a hoof on each of the mare’s shoulders. “Girls, let us not fight. We came to the capital to enjoy ourselves, not argument with each other.”

Both mares mutter out inaudible remarks as they turn way from each other. While Sonic and Blaze stare at the situation unfold.

“That was very unexpected.” Blaze states with a confused expression.

Sonic chuckles at the cat’s remark. “Yeah, I’ll say. Who says chivalry is dead?”

The alabaster mare snubs her nose at the two comments and turns towards the two mares from earlier. “Besides we need to ‘correct’ the costume issue my good friend Twilight is having at the moment.”

“Nevermind.” The cat deadpans.

“Always with a hidden agenda.” Sonic adds.

Rarity lets out a lady-like scoff and turns back towards the lavender mare. “Come along everypony, we only have a few hours before the event begins and I’d hate to see things get delayed any further.”

The group lets out a collective grown and begins following the mare towards one of Canterlot's districts.

“I still don’t see what the big deal is.” Sonic says as he follows the others. “I mean is it some form of taboo that Twi and I are dressed in the same costume?”

“Not quite.” Rarity laments. “But ponies may get the wrong idea if you continue wearing what you have on.”

Pinkie bounces next to the alabaster mare. “Like what? That Twilight and Spiky are totally unoriginal and couldn’t think of anything unique?” The mare dramatically gasps. “That’s terrible.”

“That is one possible theory, Pinkie.” Rarity says through gritted teeth. “Another is that…”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash begin snickering, prompting the mare to cut herself off. “What’s so funny?”

“I think I know what’s going on here.” Sonic states with a huge grin.

“Really now? Rarity says with a annoyed tone.”And would that be?”

“Y-you’re jealous!” Fluttershy speaks up; breaking her silence since they arrived; prompting everyone to turn towards the mare.

“Me, jealous? How preposterous. Why would you think I would be jealous of something as trivial as that?”

“Because it makes them look like a couple.” The butter yellow pegasus says with a stern tone. “And that bothers you, because you want everypony to think that you and Sonic are one.” She gestures towards the fashionista’s costume. “That’s why you dressed as a witch.”

Rarity blinks at Fluttershy’s acquisition (not acquisition, accusation) as she opens and closes her mouth several times, trying to form a sentence.

“I believe you’re over thinking this situation a bit.” A familiar voice says as a gloved hand is placed on Fluttershy’s head. “It’s just a coincidence, right, Twilight?” Sonic asks as he gestures towards the lavender mare. Said mare is sitting on her haunches, giggling to herself as she blushes profusely and taps her four hooves together. “Right.” The hedgehog says turning back to the butter yellow Pegasus.

Fluttershy’s ears droop back as she processes what the hedgehog just said. “I guess you’re right.” The mare weakly smiles as she looks up at Sonic. “I don’t what came over me.” She frowns. “I’m sorry everypony.”

“It’s cool,” Sonic says he scratches the mare behind the ears. “I think everyone’s just a bit on edge lately.” He glances at Rainbow Dash and then gestures towards the others.”Right guys?” The group mutters out various forms of agreement. “Shall we?” Fluttershy nods and joins the others.

Sonic attempts to do the same, but is stopped as a gloved hand is placed on his shoulder. The hedgehog turns towards the source and spots the Sol Princess staring back at him. “What’s up Blaze?”

“Could I speak with you for a moment?” the cat responds firmly with a hint of desperation in her voice. “Alone.”

The hedgehog raises en eye brow at the feline’s request, but then shrugs it off before responding. “No problem, let me just tell the others real quick." Blaze nods. “Hey guys, wait up.” The group stops and turns towards Sonic.

“What’s up Sugarhog?” Applejack inquires with a tilt of her head.

“We gotta go, or else we’ll never near the end of it.” Rainbow Dash adds as she gives the alabaster mare a quick glance.

“Blaze has to talk to me about something.” Sonic begins as he gestures toward the lilac cat with his thumb. “You guys go ahead, we’ll catch up. Where should we meet?”

Rarity steps forward and loops up at the hedgehog. “There is this quaint little shop just off of Hooves Street.” She gestures towards the road in front of her with a hoof. “Just take this road three blocks down and take a right. It has a pony shoe and a mask on the sign. You can’t miss it.”

“Got’cha.” Sonic says with thumbs up. “We’ll meet you there.”

“Don’t take too long.” The mare says with a smirk, which shifts to a serious one. “Also, please do be careful. Even though this is Canterlot, there are still some riff raff that may give you trouble.”

Sonic nods and grins back. “No problem, anyone tries anything, they’ll have us to deal with.” Blaze nods and crosses her arms.

Twilight suddenly trots towards Sonic and gives him a quick nuzzle. “Don’t get into too much trouble.” She smiles coyly as she turns to leave.

“Hold on, what was that?” Sonic asks in a stern tone.

“What was what?” The lavender mare replies as she turns back towards the hedgehog.

“That thing you just did, what does it mean?”

Pinkie bounces besides Twilight. “It’s sort of like a farewell shake or hug.”

Sonic crosses his arms and gives the mare a stern look. “No, that’s not it. It’s…”

“She’s marking you with her scent.” Blaze says flatly as she cuts the hedgehog off with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

“I-I am not!” Twilight retorts as her face turns crimson. “W-Why would I do that?”

“Then do tell, Miss Twilight.”

“I-it’s uh..” Fluttershy begins but is cut off by a certain farm pony.

“Ah got this.” Applejack affirms as she steps forward. “You know when Wynona rubs up against your leg whenever you stop by.” Sonic nods. “It’s kinda like that.”

The hedgehog taps his chin as he ponders the reply. “So what your sayings, is that Twilight wants me to scratch her behind her ears and rub her tummy?” Sonic grins and lets out an intrigued hum.” Twilight blushes a deeper shade of crimson as she blinks at Sonic’s comment. “T-that’s not what…”

“BAHAHAHAHA!” Rainbow Dash collapses on her back as she starts to let out a roar of laughter. “I knew you were into strange things, Twilight, but I never thought-” The mare cuts herself off as she attempts to stifle a snicker, but fails and lets out another laugh.

“Actually, I believe you're half right on that claim.” A certain fashionista states as she adjusts her large rimed hat. “It is a form of affection.” She taps her chin with a hoof. “I suppose you could say it’s a little more expressive than a hug, but not as far as a kiss; if that makes any sense. “

“So it’s a pony thing?” Sonic asks with a raised eye brow. “Or am I still off?”

“It’s actually a primal action from back before we became sentient.” Fluttershy adds with as she cowers slightly. “Some of my animal friends still do that and I think the two are connected.”

“I see that makes sense…I guess.”

A certain farm pony and adjusts her hat. "Well now that we've clear up that little misunderstanding, ah think it might be best if we hit the trail. Them shops'll prob'ly only be open for another hour or so. And we all know how Rarity gets when a shop she wants to visit is closes.”

The group mutters out various forms of agreement, while Rarity frowns at the wheat colored mare. “Thank you, Applejack,” The mare says with a hint of annoyance in her voice. “You really have me down so well.”
“No problem.”

“I was being sarcastic.”


Twilight steps between the two and places a hoof on each of their shoulders. “C’mon you two don’t start already. We’re here to have fun, not fight with one another. Now apologize.”

“But she…” Rarity attempt to retort, but it cut off by the lavender mare.

“I don’t care, just say you’re sorry.”

The alabaster mare lets out a low grunt. “Very well, but I’m only doing it for you Twilight.” She turns to the apple bucking mare. “Applejack, I apologize if I said anything to offend you.”

“Now it’s your turn, Applejack.”

The mare grumbles as she gives Twilight a dirty look. “You serious, Twi.” She lets out a grown. “Fine! Rarity, ah’m sorry for saying all those things about yer obsession with shopping and such.”

Rarity attempt opens her mouth to say something, but is cut off as Twilight directs her back towards the road. “Now that we’ve gotten all that cleared up. Let’s go to this shop you were so eager to show us.” She leans closer to the while unicorn. “Right Rarity.” The mare nods. “Good, lead the way.” Twilight turns back towards Sonic and Blaze. “We’ll meet you there, OK?”

With a little ‘persuasion’ the group trots off, leaving the hedgehog and feline starting at their departure with both expression of both worry and fear.

“Remind me to never piss her off.” Blaze comments as she tugs at her collar. “I imagine it’s not something you’d want to be involved in.”

“No you do not.” Sonic adds as he scratches the back of his head.

The lilac cat glances at the hedgehog and then cringes as she watches the departing group. “I’ll take your word for it.” She places a hand on Sonic’s shoulder. “Shall we?”


As the group departs, Rarity glances over her shoulder just as Blaze leads Sonic down a side street. The mare lets out a snort followed by a grown as she turns back towards the others. Applejack takes notice of this and trots alongside the fashionista.

“What’cha lookin’ at Rares?” The apple bucking mare inquires. “Ya seem distracted by somethin’.”

Rarity lets out a sigh and maintains her pace. “Oh nothing Applejack, I was just thinking about something.”

“Mind if ah ask, what’s got ya so flustered?”

The unicorn waves a dismissive hoof towards the mare. “Nothing you should worry about. Just something I need to handle on my own.”

“If ya say so Rares.”

Pinkie notices the two mares as the end of the group springs towards them. “Hey, what’cha guys talking about?”

“Nothing important, just speaking with Applejack here about a trivial matter. No need to worry.”

The party mare narrows her eyes for a moment, but then shifts back to her usual happy expression and bounces away. “Whatever you say,”

Rarity lets out a mental sigh and attempts to steer the conversation else ware. “So Twilight, I see you and Sonic made up.”

Said mare starts to blush and smiles sheepishly. “Yeah, I guess we did.” She lets out a nervous laugh. “Turns out I was just exaggerating the whole thing. Would you believe that?”

The group lets out various forms of agreement



As a certain feline ventures down the winding streets, Sonic is more or less dragged behind Blaze as he maintains a firm hold on her gloved hand. Stopping before an alleyway, the cat glances to her left and then right before continuing onward.

Releasing her grip on the hedgheog’s hand the Sol ruler lets her hands fall to the side and looks up at Sonic with an apologetic look.

“Sorry for brining you all the way here, but I wanted to make sure we didn’t get interrupted.” She fiddles with the hem of her dress. “It’s kind of important.”

Sonic raises an eyebrow at the cat’s odd behavior, only shift to one of this trademark smiles and cross his arms. “No problem, Blaze. What’s up?”

The feline continues to fiddle with the hemline and stares at her feet. “I’m not very good at this sort of thing. So please excuse me if I may say something foolish.”

“What is it?” Sonic asks as he places a hand on the cat’s shoulder. “You can tell me.”

Blaze looks up at a set of caring emerald eyes and begins blushing as she looks away. “I would like your help with a matter. No,” She turns back towards the hedgehog with a stern expression. “I need your help with this.”

“Sure, what do you need?” The hedgehog replies nonchalantly as if what the cats about to say would be trivial.

The cat blinks at the reply than then goes back to fiddling with her skirt. “I’ve been in this land for almost a month now. And don’t get me wrong, it’s a wondrous land, but…”

“But what?”

“I can feel myself getting weaker with each passing day.” Blaze looks up at the hedgehog. “In time I fear that I may become a burden for you and the others; when placed in a troublesome situation.”

Sonic gives the cat a cheeky smirk. “So you were wondering if I would help you get back to your A-game?” The cat’s face lightens up at understanding of her request as she begins nodding profusely. “Sure, I’ll help you. Dash and I can always use another combatant during our morning runs.”

Blaze frowns at the suggestion. “Now quite what I had in mind, Sonic. While I appreciate the offer, what I was thinking we’d do some; shall we say one-on-one tactical training?”

“Wait, you want to spar?” The cat nods. “I thought you were getting plenty of that with Twilight?”

“Not quite,” Blaze begins as she looks back up at the hedgehog. “We have not reached the point of combat training yet, plus I do not know her capabilities at the moment. I fear that one of us may be injured if I were to try anything of the sort at this time.”

“Good point, good point.” Sonic ponders as he taps his chin. “That would be bad if one of you guys got hurt.”

“Exactly, thus why I’m asking for your assistance.”

“And here I thought it was because we were friends.” The hedgehog says with mock annoyance. “I guess I was wrong.”

The feline smirks and places a finger over Sonic’s lips. “Oh shush, you know that’s also the reason.” Her expression turns serious. “You’re the only one I can ask to help me with this. So, can I count on your assistance?” Blaze asks as she smiles hopefully.

“No problem,” The hedgehog replies as he messages his right shoulder. “Been getting a bit rusty myself, I could use a little action.” Blaze raises an eyebrow at the last statement. “You know what I mean.”

“I do,” The Sol guardian replies as she claps Sonic’s hands with her own. “And thank you, I just…thank you.”

Sonic frowns at the gesture. “What no hug?”

Blaze blinks at the question and then lets out an amused chuckle. “I was worried it may be inappropriate, but I guess….” The cat cuts herself off as she wraps the hedgehog in a warm embrace. “Thank you.”

“No problem, Blaze.”

“I don’t know what I would do without you, Sonic.”



“No, that’s not it, heavens no, my word what ponies would willing to go out in public dressed as that?”

Arriving at one of Canterlot’s ‘modest’ shops that dot the square. A certain fashionista gets to work, finding a suitable replacement for her unicorn friend. The ‘modest’ shop resides in a part of town that easily dwarfs anything in Ponyville. Its long rows upon rows of costumes of ‘any occasion’, (with the more risky ones kept in back) will overload any normal ponies' choices. However, to an experienced seamstress and designer, it gives them a template to work with on ‘what’s in season’ or the current fashion.

Said designer tears trough the shop like her life depends on it. Examining the various wares with the eyes only a season member of the fashion world can archive. To anyone viewing this without prior knowledge would see a rabbit mare trashing a reputable shop; while shouting obscenities.

However, her friends and thankfully the shop keep know otherwise. Other than a few words of agreement or disagreement on certain garments ’distastefulness’, the others kept away from the alabaster mare as she tirelessly searched for the ‘perfect costume.’

Rainbow Dash and Twilight examine the various fantasies and legend costumes; with lavender librarian comment on how ‘inaccurate’ some of the designs are or how impractical a certain set of robes/ armor would be ineffective in actual combat.

While Fluttershy, goes through the numerous animal costumes, a scant few portraying the creature to be ferocious, while most make them appear overly cuddly and huggable; much to the butter yellow pegasus’s delight.

“Consarnit! Son of a….*groan*” A certain farm pony shouts as she searches through one of the various shelves. “That’s the tenth one ah found in five minutes and Ponyville hasn’t had one in eight years!”

Pinkie appears behind the irritated earth pony. “What’s up, AJ?” The party pony inquires as she glances at the pile of assorted costumes sitting next to the apple bucking mare. “Something wrong with those costumes, there?”

Applejack lets out a sigh. “Hi Pinkie, no there’s nothing wrong with the costumes. It’s just,” The mare turns to the pinkie party pony. “Ah’ve been looking for a costume like this since I was my sis’s age. It was at Tools n’ Tact.”

“Toot and what?”

“Tool n’ Tact, it was one of those everythin’ stores you sometimes see, when ya venture towards the more ritzy places. Don’t really recall why it closed, ah think it had somethin' ta do with the owners son inheriting it and selling it off. But no pony really remembers the place and the building was torn town when they expanded the Town Hall ten years ago.” Applejack scrunches her muzzled before continuing. “Anyways, when Nightmare Night came around that year, ah one just likes this at the shop.” She gestures towards a while robe on top of the pile. “Only the owner wanted way too many bits for it. Somethin’ about it being ‘real rare’ or some nonsense like that.” The mare lets out an annoyed huff as she continues grumbling at the costume rack.

The pink party pony lifts one of the discarded garments and examines it. “So, uh what’cha gonna do with these?”

“Buy them!” The wheat color mare says flatly as she adds another one to the pile.

Pinkie’s eyes go wide. “All of them? Applejack, there must be like 20 here and you…..”

“Ok, maybe not all of them.” The farm pony interrupts. “But, ah’d like at least one of these to wear next year.”

“I see,” Pinkie Pie comments as she lifts one of the costumes. “Samurai Applejack….that’s actually pretty neat

“Ah, thought so…”


Navigating through the busy city streets, two figures casually stroll pass the various costumes ponies; some giving the two a second glance as they trot past. While most acknowledging the two with a nod or a casual ‘good evening.’

Blaze glances as some of the on lookers and shoots them an annoyed snarl; eliciting a gasp, followed by a hasty retreat.

Sonic raises an eyebrow at the feline as they continue to walk and then lets out an amused chuckle. “Blaze relax, most of these ponies haven’t seen creatures like us before.”

“I am not a thing to be stared at!” The Sol guardian says with a huff.

“I agree, but that’s how it’s going to be for a while. Besides,” Sonic begins with a smirk. “You shouldn’t let these Canterlot ones get to you. Most of them have their heads too far up their butts that they’ve long since forgotten what sunlight looks like; much less what fresh air is.”

The cheeky remark gains an amused giggle from the lilac cat, while a few passerby's let out a stuffy scoff and continue trotting with their heads held high.

“You’re probably right,” Blaze says between her poorly controlled laugh. “I shouldn’t let some stuffy noble dictate my every action.”

“That’s the spirit,” Sonic encourages with a thumbs up. “Be who you want to be, not what everyone else wants you to be.”

“No truer works have been spoken.” Blaze states with a solemn nod.

The blue hedgehog scratches his nose and lets out an amused chuckle. “Thanks, I have my moments.” He lowers his hand and glances down the busy street. “Are you sure this ‘shop’ is on this street?”

“Positive, Miss Rarity said it was on Hoovers Avenue.”

“I thought it was on Hooves Street?” Sonic asks with a hint of worry in his voice.

“No, I’m sure it was Hoovers….ah damn! It was Hooves. We’re lost; I have no idea where we are.”

Sonic smirks at pats Blaze on the back. “Don’t worry, we’ll fine it.” A sound of an overhead bell cuts the hedgehog off as a familiar mare steps out. “See, there’s Twilight. The others can’t be far behind.

Blaze ponders the thought as the hedgehog walks ahead. “Why would Twilight be…?” Then the cat puts the pieces together. “Sonic wait, that’s not Twilight.”

The hedgehog stops just before the now approaching mare and gives the feline a confused look. “What are you talking about? Of course it’s Twilight.” He gestures towards the mare. “I mean who else could it be?”

Said mare stops before Sonic and glances up at him. “Uh hello.”

“Hey Twi, what up?” The hedgehog asks giving the mare a cheeky grin and then starts looking around. “Where are the others?”

“’Twilight’ shifts back and forth on her hooves as she maintains eyes contact. “Uh, it’s just me here. I wasn’t with anyone else.”

Sonic frowns. “What did the others go on ahead? Nice costume by the way, I almost didn’t…”
The hedgehog cuts himself off as he pulls the mare out of the path of a past approaching rickshaw. “Hey, watch where you’re going!” Sonic shouts back as turns back towards the unicorn now in his arms. “Are you alright, Twilight?”

“I keep trying to tell you…” Blaze begins, but is cut off by the faux Twilight.

“I’m fine.” She then smiles. “Thank you.”

“Hey no problem, just doing…”


Everyone turns to the sudden shout, just as a certain lavender mare rounds a corner and begins trotting down the avenue. Said mare, now sporting something you’d see in Egypt. Jet mascara covers the unicorns lids; with one ornate symbol of Ra over her right eye. An ornate head piece rests on her head as a majority of her body is covered in a white dress that sits snugly on her frame. Gold gauntlets cover the bottom parts of her legs; just above the hoof. Each incrusted in some form of precious gems. A necklace just as ornate as the head dress drapes over the mare’s shoulders. Looking more like shoulder guards, instead of a piece of jewelry. While a fancy gold belt completes the outfit; wrapping around the middle of the unicorns barrel.

The lavender mare skids to a stop just before the group and kneels down as she attempts to catch her breath.

“W-where have you been?” *gasp* “I’ve been looking all over for you?”

“Twilight?” Sonic begins as he looks at the panting mare and then at the one still in his arms.

“S-sonic isn’t an easy mistake, that’s my…”

“You never told me you had a little sister.” Sonic says, as he cuts the mare off.


“Come again?” Blaze adds in a confused tone.

The mare in Sonic’s arms chuckles to herself as she looks up at hedgehog and then towards the nerdy librarian. “Try again, dear.”

Sonic sets the mare down and scratches the back of his head. “Uh ok, you’re her big sister then?”

“Sonic that’s my…”

“Let him figure it out.” The mare says, cutting Twilight off. “Try again, Sweet heart.” She continues with an amused smile.

“Hm,” The hedgehog ponders for a moment. “Your, Twilight’s cousin?”

“Nope, still wrong keep going.”

Twilight rolls her eyes, while Blaze crosses her arms across her chest.

“Well if you’re not sisters or cousins, then all that leaves is,” Sonic stops midsentence. “No, I must have missed something. There is no way that you’re Twilights…”

“Mother?” The mare finishes, which a smirk. “That, I am.”

Sonic opens and closes his mouth trying to form a response to this sudden revelation; much to the elder mare’s amusement.

“Would it make you feel better to know that you aren’t the only one that has confused us as siblings?” The hedgehog slowly nods. “Well then rest assured, you aren’t the first and probably not the last.”

Twilight lets out an annoyed grown and teleports between the two. “Well now that you met, we should really get going. The other are…”

“Now don’t be rude, Twilight.” The mare chastises as she gives her daughter a stern look. “At least let me introduce myself. It’s not every day that one gets to meet the famed Sonic.” She smiles and looks up at the hedgehog. “Plus, up until a few moments ago, your colt friend thought I was you.”

“Say what now?” Sonic begins.

“C-colt friend?” Twilight adds with a heavy blush.

“When did this happen?” Blaze asks as she gives the lavender mare and blue hedgehog an annoyed look.

“M-mom, h-how did you come to that conclusion!” Twilight studiers as she attempts to regain her composure. “We're not in that sort of relationship. Yeah, I mean it’s clear how I feel about him, but…”

The elder mare raises an eyebrow at the unicorn’s outburst. “Really now?” A scroll proofs into existence. “From what you said in your letters. I was under the impression that you two where already dating for a while and that your father and I should be expecting some grand children soon.”

Twilight turns red as a tomato, just as Blaze grits her teeth in rage; while horribly attempting to hide her annoying in the matter.

Sonic takes notice of his friend’s plight and snatches the scroll away from the elder mare. “Let me see that.”

The mare opens her mouth to reply, but is cut off as a gust of wind blasts past her.

“Let see here,” Sonic begins as he unrolls the parchment and starts reading over it. “Just letting you know….Blah, blah, blah, ‘That Sonic I told you about did something really amazing.’….of course.” The hedgehog continues to mutter as he reads the letter. “Is it wrong that I….” Stopping midsentence, Sonic glances over at Twilight and then towards the elder mare. “Unless I read this wrong, is just says that Twilight enjoys spending time with me.” He frowns, “How does that translate to all that nonsense you just said miss…uh”

“Velvet, Twilight Velvet, but you can call me the latter. It’s less confusing that way.”

“Right,” Sonic replies still frowning. “So tell me, Miss Velvet how did you come up with that?”

The mare pouts as she folds her ears back. “I guess you’re right, my daughter spoke so highly of you. I naturally assumed that you two were together.” She looks up at the blue hedgehog. “Not that I would have anything against that, mind you. I’ve read in the papers, about how to saved Twilight and her friends on more than one occasion. Plus, you’re the only stallion my daughter has spoken of so fondly that wasn’t family or some long dead spell caster from the dark ages.”

Twilight frowns at her mother’s statement, but keeps quiet and lets her finish.

“So forgive me for thinking that my daughter has finally found somepony.” Velvet says with a hint of sadness in her voice. “Not many approach Twilight, must less talk to her. On the count of her being the Princess’s student and that many are intimidated by her abilities.”

The lavender mare opens her mouth to protest that claim, but stops as Sonic pats the elder mare on the head. “You were just worried about your daughter.” The hedgehog grins as he removes his hand. “It’s cool.”

Velvet process the hedgehogs comment for a moment before responding. “A couple or not, you mean the world to my daughter.” Twilight opens her mouth to interrupt, but stops as her mother gives her a stern look. “So take care of her, treat her right and make me not regret giving you a chance.”

Looking up at Blaze, the mare gives the cat an uneasy smile. “My daughter has spoken highly of you, Miss Blaze. I’d like stay and chat, but I was actually on my way to something and know that you three aren’t heading in the same direction. So we’ll have to wait till next time to talk.”

The Sol guardian nods and gives the mare a small bow.

Velvet turns to leave, but stops and looks back at the three. “Next time you’re in Canterlot. Swing by, I’d like to introduce you to the rest of the family.”

The three watches the mare disappear in the distance, none saying a word to each other as Velvet trots out of sight.

“Well that was weird.” Sonic laments; breaking the silence.

“Indeed.” Blaze adds as she crosses her arms.

“Sorry guys I should have warned you.” Twilight says with a saddened tone as she lowers her head.

“Hey no problem Twi,” A friendly voice says as a gloved hand tilts the mare’s head upwards. “Everyone’s parents are weird. It’s just a good thing we got the over protective mother bit out of the way first.”

The lilac cat clears her throat, to get everyone’s attention. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but where are the others and how far are we away from this ‘theater’?”

“Not far,” Twilight replies. “And everypony else is there waiting for us.” She turns to the two and smiles sheepishly. “I can get us there in a jiffy, but I need to teleport us; any objections?”

Both Sonic and Blaze shake their heads.

“Good, now hang on. The magic disturbance is little strong today.”

Sonic opens his mouth to comment, but is cut off as a blinding light consumes his vision and he’s forced to shield his eyes.

In a blast of light the three disappear out of sight.

Next Chapter Preview:

Sonic: "Well you don't see that everyday."

Applejack: "Ah reckon things are about to get a lot more interesting."

Rarity: "Gracious, what is that?"

Luna: "Huzzah, let the games begin!"

Nightmare on Duchess Street