• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,657 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...

Unexpected Company

"C'mon, Fluttershy," A certain cyan mare shouts with a commanding tone. "You know that I'm supposed to get a 20 percent cut of that. Right?"

The animal caretaker abruptly stops and gives the pegasus a particular look. "Really? Let's see where it says Rainbow Dash gets a portion of the winnings." She says coyly fishing out a ticket from a small satchel on her back. Angel Bunny suddenly emerges clutching a brightly colored piece of paper in his paws.

"Thank you, Angel." The pegasus coos as she grabs the ticket with the tip of her right wing. The bunny grumbles something intangible and disappears back into the pack; prompting a few nearby spectators to give the mare an odd look.

"W-what?" The pegasus studders. "I was going to town, and he wanted to come. The poor dear got tired and wanted to take a nap." She coos and then shrugs. "I guess it's pretty comfortable in there."

"So, what does it say?" A nearby pony asks."

"Oh right," Fluttershy holds the ticket up and examines it. "Let's see here; all bets are final, no refunds, you can't collect your winning if you don't have your ticket. All injuries sustained during or after can't be held accountable. Yadda yadda." The mare then looks up at an eager Rainbow Dash. "Nope, I don't see anything here about giving you a 20 percent cut or anything for that matter." She adds with a coy smirk.

"Hey, let me see that." The cyan pegasus exclaims as she attempts to grab the ticket.

"Ah, ah, ah, I can't allow you to do that, Dashie." Pinky Pie comments as she stomps onto the mare's tail; preventing her from lunging at the ticket and instead falls flat on her face.

Rainbow Dash rolls onto her side and spits out a mouthful of dirt. "Hey,"

"We all know what you were going to do." New voice chimes in as a light blue Pegasus with a white mane trots next to the group. Pulling a cart with something massive in it; covered by a tarp.

"I knew something was up when you bolted like that." Another pony adds as new mare appears; with an appearance much like the first one. Except is donning an oversized pink bow; who is also pulling a cart with something large in it.

Rainbow Dash springs to her hooves and gives a long glance to the pony's surrounding her. "Ok guys listen; I was just kidding. Fluttershy gets to keep all the winnings. I was trying to recoup my losses is all. Renting this stuff ain't cheap. You all know that right?"

"Oh Dashie, you so silly." Pinky Pie chimes in as she wraps forelegs around a now nervous pegasus. "You borrowed that chalkboard from Twilight. Those tickets are left over from a raffle at Sugarcube corner." The party pony then taps her chin with a hoof. "Oh-oh, you didn't need to do any advertising. Since everypony, just kinda showed up to see what was going on."

The cyan mare gulps loudly and steps out of the party pony's embrace. "W-well yeah, but I had to take the day off of work to make sure this was possible." Dash studders. "A pony's got bills to pay, and we're in tough times right now."

"Didn't you already have the day off?" Cloud Chaser chirps as she adjusts one of her straps. "In fact don't you always get this day off every week."

Rainbow Dash freezes.

"Also, weren't you just bragging about picking up a new 'official' Wonderbolts flight suit from 'Wings and Tails' the other day?" Filter adds with a smug look.

The speedster forces down another lump in her throat. "Well, you see...WHAT THE BUCK IS THAT?" The mare shouts as she points to something in the distance.

On instinct everyone turns in the direction she's pointing at; allowing the lying Pegasus to slink away. Well except Pinkie Pie; who gives her an 'i'm watching you' gesture before she escapes.

"Dash, I don't see any..thing." Cloud Chaser comments as she turns around and notices a now missing pegasus. "Ugh, she ran away."

"Everypony after...." Filter begins but is cut off by a certain party pony.

"Oh, there will be no need for that," Pinky claims with a dismissive wave. "We know where she lives; we'll get her eventually.' She adds in a low tone and then promptly disappears in a flash of pink.

"Where did she..." A green mare begins, but stops and abruptly lets out a squeak as the party pony reappears pulling another cart; packed with more mysterious items.

"C'mon everypony, let's get this back to Fluttershy's before it gets too late."

"Thank you," The caretaker mutters from behind one of the carts. "Lunch is on me, you guys."

The three mare's cheer in unison and all simultaneously smack their hooves together.


On the southern end of town, two lone figures strut into the square. Both sporting haggard appearances, but also chatting amicably with each other. One being a particular blue hedgehog; who's now ditched the sports tape and is now carrying an over-sized duffle in their right arm. While the other is the Guardian of Sol; still doing her track suit, but has left the top part open' allowing the jacket to flap in the breeze or when she moves her arms.

"Well, that was fun." Blaze comments as she turns to her traveling companion.

"Yeah, we have to do that again," Sonic replied turning his gaze to the Burmese cat. "You still up for some lunch."

The feline gives a small nod. "Of course, but would you feel offended if I asked to postpone our departure for a while?" She asks tentatively. "I believe our current appearance is a tad..."

"Grubby?" Sonic finishes, cutting the feline with a smirk.

"I was going to say unsatisfactory, but that also works."

Sonic shrugs and shifts the bag to his left hand. "I was going to suggest the same thing." He then smiles as he gives the feline a once over. "We got a little messy playing in the mud didn't we?"

"There was mud?" Blaze inquires as she taps her chin with her index finger. "Now that I think about it, there was. Funny how one forgets such details when focused on something."

The hedgehog chuckles as he passes the feline the duffle bag. "Ok, I know that was important, but that was just adorable." He lets out another laugh. "Never change, Blaze." Sonic then summons his gold watch and flips it open and looks at it. "Anyway, let's meet at the fountain in, let's say an hour. Does that work for you?" He asks looks back up at the Sol Guardian.

"Y-yeah sure." The now blushing feline shudders as she almost drops her bag. "So, uh until then," She adds while turning on a heel and making her ways towards the library.

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit," Sonic adds as he gives the guardian and small wave and heads in the opposite direction.


"Crap, crap, crap!" A particular pegasus shouts as she bursts through the front door of her cloud home. "How does something like that happen?" Her eyes then narrow. "They were both in on it; there is no other possibility than that..."

The mare then smacks herself across the face with her right front hoof. "Get a hold of yourself, Rainbow. There's no way they were in on it. It was just dumb luck." She chuckles. "Yeah, just a fluke." Her expression then turns serious. "I gotta get out of here. Hide out for a while. They'll know where to find me if I stay here.

And just as fast as she arrived, the speedy pegasus departs to areas unknown.

"Dash, you home?" A familiar voice asks as certain blue hedgehog appears from a nearby cloud and walks through the open front door. "Must have been late for work or something this morning. She never leaves this open." Sonic comments as he walks through the doorway and looks around before shutting the door behind him.

"Yesh, what a mess. I'm gone for three days and this place gets trashed."


"I assure you, it's not a dance of courtship." The princess of love confirms to the trembling form of a badly stung Twilight. "It was just a sparring match nothing more."

"B-but what if it wasn't." The unicorn pouts as her ears droop.. "You saw the way they were acting after the event. Something is definitely going on with those two."

Cadence frowns at the shivering state of the mare. "You're never going to know for sure if you don't ask and that's not possible if you keep hiding like this."

Twilight looks up at the alicorn. "But I'm hideous," She then lightly kicks a small bowl filled with some strange green goop; causing some of it to spill out onto the floor. "Where's that stupid dragon when you need him. He's the only one that can activate this with his fire breath."

One of her eyes was almost swollen shut while the other one was only barely open. Most of her face was puffy and at least three times its hedgehog's size. While the rest of her body had large bumps where the bees had stung her; especially on her forelegs. Where she frantically tried to swat them way when her magic didn't work.

The princess cringes and forces a smile. "Oh come on now, it's not 'that' bad. You can barely notice it. You'll be fine."

A small smile appears on Twilight's lips. "Really?"

"Of course, would I ever lie to you?" Cadence replies with a small nod.

"By the creature, what happened to you?" A new voice exclaims, prompting everyone to turn toward a terrified feline.

Twilight turns to the projection of Cadence and scowls as the Sol Guardian drops her bag and runs towards the mare. "I told you,"

"Are you alright?" Blaze asks as she kneels down and cradles the unicorns face in her hands.

The mare smacks the felines hands away and takes a step back. "I'm all right,"

Blaze advances towards Twilight and examines her face once more. "You don't look 'fine.'" She replies with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Let me help you if I can."

Twilight raises her hoof to smack her hands away but stops as she's interrupted by the princess. "You should let her at least try."

The feline looks up at Cadence's projection and then back towards the reluctant mare; slowly turning her head in her grasp.

"You said earlier that you had to wait till Spike came back because the ointment is heat activated. Why not have Blaze do it?"

Blaze slowly slides her hands away from Twilight's face. "I have never tried to use my flame for any medical application before. I'm not sure it will work."

"Come now What's the worst that could happen?" The princess replies passively with a wave of her hoof.

"Well for starters I could oh I don't know maybe melt Twilight's face." The feline replies harshly. "Or straight up burn her alive."

The alicorn and unicorn flinch at this, but then turn to each other and exchange a small nod.

"I trust you, Blaze," Twilight replies in a soft voice. "If anything starts going wrong, I'll let you know right away. So don't worry."

Blaze takes a deep breath and rises to her feet. "Very well, if you'll excuse me." She adds before exiting the room.

The sound of running water can be heard, followed by vigorously scrubbing. Twilight and Cadence exchange glances before turning back towards the doorway the feline went, though.

A few moments later, the Sol Guardian returns. No longer wearing the top part of her tracksuit or gloves; leaving only the bottom portion and an undersized shirt. Blaze lets out a heavy sigh and kneels down and looks at the unicorn. "Apologies Twilight, I didn't want to makes matters worse by causing an infection."

Twilight nods and smiles sweetly at the feline. "I appreciate it whenever you're ready." She says to a sitting position.

Small bits of fire ignite from felines hands; causing the mares to flinch slightly. Blaze then dips her hands into the bowl of the strange green paste and removes them; applying it to the worst areas first.

The mare attempts to lean out of the Guardian's reach but stops as a firm hand grabs her by the back of the neck. "I do not wish to cause you any harm, Miss Sparkle, but if you continue to keep moving around like that. I can't guarantee it won't happen." The feline says in a stern tone.

"Yeah stay still, Twilight." Cadence adds with a cheerful expression."


"Now if you look over here, I have just the thing to complement that lovely coat of yours." Ponyville's 'established' fashionista boasts as she levitates a roll of dark yellow fabric from a shelf. "It will be marvelous, simply marvelous."

"I hope you're right," A small red pegasus with a bright red bow and a dark mane and tail replies a she looks at the unicorn as she prances around the boutique. "My sisters have been on me for weeks to check this place out. Said since I was the 'oldest' I should be the one to see if it's any good or not." She lets out an annoyed scoff. "Lazy bums."

Rarity stops mid stride and turns toward the mare. "Oh don't be so harsh, I'm sure they just trust your opinion on fashion."

The mare rolls her eyes and crosses her forelegs across her chest. "Oh, if you only knew my sisters. You'd know that they just didn't want the responsibility."

"So, how are your sisters? I don't seem them much these days." The fashionista inquires as she examines several rolls of fabric.

"Meh, they're fine. Bubbles is the star of the school play and Buttercup is staying out of trouble for the most part anyway."

"And how about you, Blossom?"

The mare shrugs and leans back in her seat. "Alright I guess, been getting pestered by some recruiters from the School of Science in Phillydelphia."

Rarity sets the now dozen or so rolls of fabric near a dress dummy and trots towards the mare. "That's great news; I'm sure you'll do well over there."

"But that just means that I have to accept I'm not a kid anymore," Blossom grumbles as she slumps in her seat. "I'm just not ready to leave everything behind yet."

"Whoever said you had to do that?" The fashionista inquires as she rests a hoof on the mare's shoulder. "Just because you got accepted to one school, doesn't mean you have to take it." Rarity retracts her hoof and takes a few steps back. "What I mean is that don't rush into something you're not ready to do just yet. You have plenty of time to decide."

The mare smiles. "Thanks, Rarity."

"Don't mention it; now we really must be...oph!" The rest of the unicorn's sentence is cut off as a gust of wind blasts through the front door.

"What the buck was...that?" Blossom shouts from behind a raised wing and then trails off as she notices a strange creature holding the fashionistas in its arms.

"Good afternoon, Sonic." The unicorn says in a sing-along fashion. "For what do I owe the pleasure." She adds batting her eyelashes.

The hedgehog shrugs and adjusts his grip on the mare. "I dunno, just returning a favor."

Rarity raises an eyebrow. "A favor? I don't understand."

Sonic shifts the mare to his left arm and summons a small piece of paper. "Right here, 'one hug as payment for services provided."

The fashionista examines the parchment as she takes it with her magic. "I hate to break it to you Sonic, but I didn't write this." She then flinches. "That is to say; I'm not complaining about your payment methods, though."

Blossom frowns at the display of affection and turns away.

"What's eating you?" Sonic inquiries still maintaining his grip on the unicorn.

"I'm just wondering who wrote that if it wasn't Rarity."

"It was MEEEE!" An overly cheerful voice chimes in as Pinky Pie emerges from behind a coat rack.

"BUCK!" Blossom shouts as she falls out of her chair. "Where in Tartarus did you come from?"

"Blossom language," The Fashionista scolds as she gives the mare a sour look. Before turning to Pinky. "But I must ask, why did you feel the need to write such a note?"

The party pony gives the mare a dismissive wave. "Oh that's easy, you looked like you were having a real bummer of a day. So, I figured a big ole hug from Blue would cheer you up." The pony then hops in place. "It always works for me."

"Blue? Who is...?" The mare lets out an amused laugh. "Oh how very fitting."

"And let me guess, I'm blue." Sonic inquires flatly as Pinky Pie nods eagerly. "That's ironic coming from you."

Pinky tilts her head to the die. "How is that?"

"Because, your name is Pinky, duh." Blossom interrupts from her spot on the bench.

"Hey now, there's no need to be a jerk." The hedgehog scolds.

Blossom lowers her head and pouts. "Sorry."

Rarity turns to Sonic and smiles. "While I'd usually ask you not to assume that your unorthodox methods of 'cheer' are universal. However, I am pleased to say that this time it has worked swimmingly." The mare then gives the hedgehog and seductive smile. "Very swimmingly indeed."

"Then my work here is done, Bye everybody." The mare waves and then abruptly stops and looks a very confused Blosum. "Oh, I almost forgot." She removes a small package from her mane it to the pegasus. "This is for you."

Blossom looks at the strange item in her hooves. "What is this?"

The party pony shrugs. "I don't know; I was just told to give it to you." She then turns back towards Sonic and Rarity. "Don't get too burnt out on those. You still owe me one, Blue." Pinky adds as she disappears from once she came.

Blossom leaps off her chair and peers behind the coat rack, trying to locate the mysterious mare. "Where did she go? How'd she do that?"

"It's Pinky, and that's all you need to know," Sonic replies as he turns towards the confused mare.


Despite the relaxing sensation of being held like a princess, the ever burning question plagues the designer's mind and prevents her from fully enjoys what her random, but well-meaning friend had set up for her.

"Now, it's not that I don't enjoy our little talks and what you're currently doing, but I must asks. What brings you to my quaint little shop? I doubt it was to thank me for helping out Blaze."

Sonic lets out a small chuckle and sets the mare back down on her hooves; much to her annoyance. "It's funny that you should mention that. I did want to talk to you about that."

Rarity tilts her head. "Oh, was there something wrong with the outfit?"

"Kind of, it's a little hard to explain without having a way to show you." Sonic reluctantly replies as he scratches the back of his head.

The mare gives him a small nod. "Say no more; I know exactly what you're talking about, "She then turns back toward Blossom; who is still intently staring at her present. "I'll be back in a moment. I hope you don't mind."

Blossom looks up a dull her package. "Oh, it's no problem. I'll just stay here...trying to figure out what's in this thing."

"Excellent. Hopefully, this shouldn't take long." The mare replies in a cheerful demeanor. "Come with me, Sonic." She adds motioning the hedgehog to follow.


"Just a little more and..done." The Guardian chimes as she removes her hands from a very green looking Twilight. Said is mare is covered from head to hoof in 'mysterious' compound that was in the bowl. Even her mane and tail have been given a strange green tint from it. Blaze rises to her feet and wipes her hands off on a nearby towel. "I think I got it all."

Twilight opens her eyes and looks around. "Did it work?" The mare then does a small hop. "Hey, I can see again, and the pain, it's gone. What was in that stuff anyway, Cadence?....Cadence?"

Both turn to an awestruck alicorn and one of the crystal guards standing nearby with a slack-jawed expression. "That was so hot." The princess comments as the stallion silently nod his head in agreement.

"CADENCE!" The unicorns shouts as she recoils and hides behind a now stunned feline. "WHAT THE BUCK?"

"You have a way with those hands of yours." The princess comments in a suggestive tone; ignoring the mare's outburst.

"I'll say," The guard adds he looks down at the felines hands.

Cadence turns her attention to the nearby guard. "Who let you in here?"

The guard stumbles backward before giving a shaky bow. "Apologies your highness, it was requested by Princes Armor that I check up on you and see how you were doing."

"Leave it to Shining to send a pony to do the job he should do." The alicorn says with a huff.

"Everything alright with you two?" The studious unicorn inquires as she peeks from behind Sol Guardian.

The princess gives the mare a dismissive wave. "Everything is fine, Twilight. Things have just been stressful since becoming rulers of the Crystal Empire." Cadence sighs. "We never seem to have time see one another. No pony said this was going be easy, but I never expected this."

"Ruling a nation or empire never is. There is no guide book to do this sort of thing, well not one that does you any good anyway." Blaze comments in a saddened tone.

Cadence smacks her front hooves together. "That's right; you are the ruler of a nation of your world aren't you? Twilight mentioned that during our last meeting." The alicorn smiles sheepishly. "Perhaps you can give me some pointers."

"Well, it there is nothing else then," The guard attempts to make a break for it, but inadvertently knocks off his helmet. Causing a massive burst of light to appear and a now stunned mare standing in the place where stallion once stood. "Oh no, not again."

Blaze recoils and starts walking away backwards. "Nope, nope, nope, I'm not going to ask." The feline announces as she grabs something from the closet and makes her way towards the exit. "I have things to do, and I've already spent too much time with this."

"What do you have a hot date or something?" The princess teases as the projection advances.

The feline stops in the rooms doorway and lets out a heavy sigh. "I wish." She says in a quiet tone and exits the room.

While a now enraged Twilight Springs to her hooves and stomps towards a now very fearful alicorn. "WHAT THE ACTUAL BUCK, CADENCE?"


"So as you can see, I did what I could in the time I was allowed." Rarity says as she gestures to a 'Blaze shaped' mannequin dressed in an alternative outfit. "It was already a challenge finding something to conform to shall we say her unique proportions."

"I know about the sashi wrap, Rares." Sonic replies as turns to the fashionista. "The biggest issue was that it was too constricting and limited movement."

The mare gasps and covers her mouth with a hoof. "Oh my, that wasn't my intention at all. The material used was meant to allow free ranges of movement and was also supposed to be durable. That is unless..." Rarity face hooves.

"What's wrong?"

Rarity lets out a heavy sigh and lowers her hoof. "I forgot to factor in extreme heat. Do to Blaze's shall we say unique physiology. She's already at a higher than average temperature. Add her pyrokinetic abilities into the equation, and the material will contract and shrink almost instantly."

"So, it was an oversight on your part?" The hedgehog inquires as he kneels down and places a hand on the mare's back.

The unicorn nods and lets out a heavy sigh. "Something I should have considered but was too swept up in making the outfit. That it must have been just overlooked."

Sonic glances at a nearby clock and then makes his way towards the door. "Well as long as we got that figured out. The next one hopefully won't have the same issues." He then gestures towards the exit with his thumb. "I gotta go do this thing; I'll see you later."

Rarity smiles and waves to the hedgehog. "You do your thing, Darling. I'll have a word with Mis Blaze on making more appropriate attire. To accommodate her more conflagration personality." "

The hedgehog chuckles as he passes by a very bored looking Blossom. "That's one way of putting it. I'll see you later." He then turns towards the mare. "sorry about that; I didn't know you guys were in the middle of something."

Blossom waves it off and gestures towards the door. "It's all good; you get out of here. Go take care of that 'thing.'"

Rarity giggles briefly at the exchange and starts making her way back towards the pegasus. Till something suddenly dawns on her and she trots after the exiting hedgehog.

"Wait," The mare exclaims as she holds out a hoof towards the hedgehog as he's about to leave.

Sonic stops and turns towards the mare."What's up?"

"I know it may seem in bad taste to ask, but I was wondering if you would like to join everypony at the spa later this week. How about this Thursday?" She smiles meekly tapping her front hooves together. "I was going to ask that you attend the local spa with others and myself as a form of repayment for the outfit I made for Blaze. But, I understand if..."

"Sure, I could use a little R and R," Sonic replies as he makes his ways towards the exit. "Thursday works, tell the others I'll be there."

A small grin appears on the fashionista's face as she watches the hedgehog leave. "Looks like you'll be joining us after all, Dash."


In the town's market square. A small fountain sets with ponies of several types milling around it. Until a sudden and abrupt gusts of wind blast past them; prompting them to shield themselves from what caused it. A small chuckle breaks the silence a certain blue hedgehog is seen standing near the structure.

"Sorry about that, I was running a bit late there."

The nearby ponies either shrug or nod their heads and continue to wherever they were going before the hedgehog's sudden arrival.

Sonic summons his pocket watch and flips it open. "Alright, right on time. I wonder when...."

"Sorry I'm late," A new voice shouts as a small gust of wind blasts through the square, and a very distraught feline is seen approaching the fountain. "I got tied up doing a few things." She adds with a small blush and uneasy demeanor.

"Kinky." Sonic quips with an amused smirk.

"Shut up!"

The hedgehog crosses his arms and approaches the Sol guardian. "To be honest, you're actually right on time. Did you have something to first or..."

"No, we can go now." Blaze interrupts as she runs a hand through her hair."

Sonic examines the feline for a moment before responding. "How many of those outfits do you have, Blaze?"

"Enough," She responses in a flat tone. "Now are you ready to go or what?"

"Yeah, just...Oh hey, I almost forgot. The hedgehog says with a loud snap of fingers. "Do you have any places this week?"

The feline furrows her brow. "I don't think so, why do you ask?

Sonic begins scratching the back of his neck. "Rares wanted to do a get together with everyone at the spa this Thursday. She asked if we wanted to go."

"Sure it sounds like fun. I've meant to check that place out for a while now." Blaze then smirks. "Now are you ready to do this?"

"Ready when you are," The hedgehog responses as he clears his throat. "Follow me." He adds before taking off in a blast of speed.


In the outskirts of an unknown town. Two blasts of wind make a quick stop before a massive wooden sign.

"Why are we stopping here?" The feline inquires as she looks up at the mile marker. "Town is still a ways ahead.

Sonic lets out an amused chuckle. "Funny story, when I was checking this place out a few months back. My arrival nearly caused the local guards to collectively shat themselves. So they asked me if I wanted to make any more visits. I should walk in the front gate not charge through it or leap over it."

The feline giggles into an open palm. "I can see that being an issue when they're not familiar with your abrupt and sporadic arrivals." Her expression turns serious. "This also gives us time to speak of a matter I wish to bring up with you."

"What's up, Blaze?" The hedgehog asks as he turns to the guardian. "Something wrong?"

"Yes, and no..." The feline lets out a heavy sigh. "There's no easy way of saying this. So, I'm just going to say it." She lets out another sigh."It's become rather apparent that you've been keeping everyone an arm's length; myself included. I believe I may know why, but I'd rather hear it from you."

Letting out a sad chuckle, Sonic abruptly stops and slowly runs a hand through his quills. "Is it really that obvious?" He then sighs. "Here I thought I was at least somewhat secretive about it." The hedgehog looks up at the guardian with a sad smile. "I know that some of my new friends here want to be more than just friends."

"What's stopping you?" Blaze asks with a hint of hopefulness in her voice.

The hedgehog grimaces. "Well, for starters. The end of probably a strong friendship." He then sighs. "You saw what happened the other night. Even a hug from Scratch set everyone off."

"To be fair, she did tackle you to the ground in front of everybody." The feline rebuts as her hopeful cheer begins to vanish. "I can't speak for the others, but I was more annoyed by her disregard for common decency and costume."

Sonic lets out a heavy sigh. "I've known Scratch since I got here and she's made it abundantly clear she just wants to be friends."


"Something about not wanting to ruin a good thing by getting involved with a friend." The hedgehog shrugs. "I guess she had some bad experience in the past and didn't it to happen again. I didn't actually pry, and she didn't seem too keen on sharing it with me."

Blaze knits her brow before responding. "That I did not know that, and I'm sure the others didn't either."

"See, that's why I can't get close to anyone here. Every time I do, everyone just ends up fighting with each other." The hedgehog adds with a dull tone. "Why am I so special?"

The feline snarls at the last comment and begins to stomp towards him angrily. "Sonic?"

The hedgehog looks up just as a gloved hand strikes him across the face; causing him to stumble backward.

"WHAT THE HELL, BLAZE? WHAT'D YOU DO THAT FOR!" Sonic shouts as he places a hand over the red hand print slowing forming on the right side of his face.

"You are an idiot." The felines replies in a stern tone. "You may not see it, but you are important to everyone here...to me. If it weren't for you, I'd probably be dead or suffering a fate much worse. I'm sure the others can say the same."

Blaze takes a few steady breaths before continuing. Even now, you look out for us. Help us when we need it. Bring light to a usually mundanes dreary day." She takes another shallow breath and continues.

"There is something I've wanted to say to you for so long. it's that I-I...that I s to say that...I." The feline lets out an annoyed groan as frown appears on her face and turns beat red. "You are important to me; I don't know what I would do without you I'd probably..."

The rest of the guardian's proclamation is cut short as she pulling into a warm embrace. Blaze blushes profusely and returns the gesture.

"Thank you," Sonic says in a soft voice. "You have no idea how much I needed to hear that."

Blaze freezes in place as the immediate action catches her off guard and her face turns a dark shade of red. The feline snapped out of her daze and began patting the hedgehog's back with her right hand. "I-I'll t-talk to the others and let them know how their foolish behavior is affecting you."

Sonic tightens his grip onto the feline. "Thanks...again." He then chuckles. "Now it is you that is helping me."

The feline lets out a small laugh. "Yeah, I guess I am.


"Oh cmon, Twilight. I'm sure you're just over thinking this."

"Am I? I mean yeah, I know there was nothing behind it, but.." A sheepish smile appears on the mare's face. "I liked it. What am I supposed to do? I'm not into mares. At least I don't think I am."

"I am so glad I came into work today." The guard comments as they retrieve their helmet and re-engages the magic disguise.

Cadence turns towards the 'stallion.' "Why are you still here?"

"Leaving now," They mutter as they slink way.

"So, that was something." The princess comments as she turns back towards the lavender mare. "Wanna talk about it?"

Twilight shakes her head. "No, not right now. I'm just going to take a shower and maybe lie down for a while."

The alicorn frowns. "Ok then, I'll talk to you later."


Approaching the outer ring of the city the duo spots a cart propped up on several planks of wood, with a dozen strange creatures surrounding it.

"What are those?" The feline inquires motioning towards one of the beings. "Why look like a pony, but..."

"They're Kirin," Sonic begins as he advances towards them. "Hey guys, need a hand?"

"Didn't Spike dress like one, for that Nightmare celebration last week?" Blaze whispers into the hedgehog's ear.

The hedgehog shrugs and turns towards the feline. "Kind of, I'll explain later.

Approaching the small group of hybrids, Sonic clears his throat to get their attention.

"What do you want?" One of the creatures with a bright sea foam green colorization asks with a distinctly female voice as it turns towards the hedgehog.

"Whoa, no need for the hostility. Just checking to see if any of you need any help." Sonic replies holding out his hands in front of him.

"Well, we don't need any help from the likes of ..ow!" The rude Kirin begins but is cut off as a small brightly colored yellow variant smacks them across the back of the head.

"Be silent, Misty Marsh. We've been at this for over an hour. Maybe they might be able to help us."

The Kirin now know as Misty Marsh mutters something under her breath and trots away.

"Sorry about that, we're all a little on edge. You think you can help us with our predicament?

Sonic crosses his arms across his chest. "That depends on; what seems to be the problem?"

"Fair enough," The Kirin replies with a shrug. "We've been trying to change out our left front wheel that we busted up on the way in." They smile sheepishly. "None of us have been able to get the darn thing off, and all we've managed to do is start stripping the bolt. So..."

The hedgehog glances over at the distressed cart and then back at the smiling kirin. "You do know that they have reverse threads on the left side right?"

Every one of the Kirin face hooves and lets out a collective groan. "Are you serious?" The yellow hybrid exclaims as they slowly drag their hoof away from their face. "Why would they do that?"

One of the stationary Kirin grabs a wrench and tests out this 'claim'; breaking the troublesome nut free. "Hey, he's right."

"If I recall, some 'genius' thought it was to prevent the lugs from unscrewing when the wheel was in motion." Sonic replies using finger quotes on the word genius. "Turns out they just didn't know how fasteners worked and made it difficult for everyone else."

"H-how...How did you know all that?" The feline exasperates as she throws her arms up into the air.

The hedgehog nonchalantly shrugs. "I heard it from somewhere a long time ago. Didn't think it was true, till I started trying it out on some captured tech."

"Well, however, you came across this information. You have my thanks, traveler." The Kirin then holds out her hoof. "The name is Rei."

Taking the outstretched appendage, the hedgehog gives it a firm shake. "And I'm Sonic, Sonic The Hedgehog." He then points to the feline behind him. "This is Blaze, Blaze The..."

"Blaze is just fine," The Guardian interprets.

Rei gives the feline a firm nod "Well then, we'll be on our way, it's already over mid-day, and we haven't gotten into town yet."

"Now wait a minute." The hedgehog begins as he walks towards the disable cart. "I can give you a hand with this. Someone toss me a wrench."

Next Chapter Preview:

Sonic: "Try not to freak out too much when you walk in."

Gilda: "Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in."

Blaze: "Well, that was certainly something."

Sanguis Rose: "Stop right there, criminal scum."

Who run, Barter Town?