• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,656 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...

Nightmare on Duchess Street

The trio appears within an ornate section of Canterlot, with a burst of pink magic and a muffled sizzling sound. Ancient statues of many famous ponies line the city streets. Each in various possesses. Some are holding an instrument or old tome, while others hold some form of archaic weapon in their mouths or wings.

Sonic glances around and gives an impressed whistle as he glances at some of over the top architecture dominating most of the area around them.

“You ponies sure know how to make an impression. These look like you’d need to some serious coin to afford something like this.” He frowns. “Also, why do I suddenly have a craving for some bacon?”

Twilight tilts her head inquisitively. “What’s bacon?”

“Well it’s…”

“N-never mind, Twilight,” Blaze interrupts, inciting a frown from Sonic. “It’s nothing you need to worry about.” She gives the hedgehog an apologetic look and continues. “Anyway, where have you brought us?”

The mare gives the feline a smug look as she prepares for what will mostly be a lengthy explanation. “We are in the Castle District. One of the oldest parts of Canterlot and the only area that remains untouched by modernization boom in the last era.” Sonic opens his and points at Twilight to say something, but is stopped as the mare continues. “This here is sub area that many call the Culture District. Where most of our music halls, museums, and libraries are located; among other things.” Twilight quickly adds. “It is also where many foreign trades take place outside of…”

Hey, you guys!” A familiar voice shouts, breaking the mare away from her train of thought.
“Where many foreign trades occur outside of the Market Square and….”

“SONIC!” Another familiar voice shouts; following the sound of fast hoof steps.

The blue hedgehog turns toward the source of the voice and mutters out a few obscenities. “Ah, shi-“

A flash of pink collides with the hedgehog and sends him toppling end over a few meters. Sonic comes to a sudden stop as he lands in his back and spots a familiar pink party pony looming over him.

“Hi Pinkie,” The hedgehog grows as he frees one of his hands from under the mare and rubs his head. “You really have to stop greeting me like this. I’m not made out of magic pony rubber that you obviously are.” He says with a smirk.

The pink mare giggles, rolls off the downed hedgehog and offers a hoof to help him up. “Sorry Spiky, but glomping you is just so much fun.”

“So I’ve been told.” Sonic says dryly.

Pinkie blows a raspberry in response before continuing. “Oh, don’t be like that. Not many get a special Pinkie tackle. Besides,” She gives Sonic a sultry smirk. “You used to like it when I pounced you.”

“I said that one time and it was a joke.” The hedgehog replies bluntly; completely missing the undertone of the mare’s comment. “Besides, you told me you’d stop doing that.”

The pink mare’s ears fold back as she pouts, inciting a nervous twitch from the hedgehog. Pinkie opens her mouth to make a comment, but is cut off by a certain lilac cat.

“Sonic has made it quite clear that he wishes for you to stop ‘glomping’ him. I’ve been present during two such events where he evaded your advancement and asked you to refrain from continuing.” Blaze states firmly as she crosses her arms across her chest. “Besides, I’ve looked into this kind of behavior and it suggests that…”

“But Spikey is my bestest-best friend!” The pink mare defends as she interrupts the feline. “What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t show him how much I care about him if I didn’t give him a hug whenever I saw him?”

Twilight shakes her head and exasperates a loud sigh. “There are so many things wrong with that statement that’d I’d need a bulletin board to list them off to you." The mare face-hooves. “Look, can you just stop doing that to Sonic? Regardless if it’s an expression of your affection or not, Sonic has made it quite clear that he doesn’t like you tackling him like you have.”

“Yeah, that right is only reserved for you.” Pinkie says coldly.

The lavender mare tilts her head. “I’m sorry, what was that?”

“You heard me!”

Both mare growl at each other as both appear ready start whaling on each other. Sonic picks up on the building hostility and steps between the two and places a hand on each of their shoulders.

“Whoa, hold on you two. You guys need to calm down. What the hell is going on with you two? You guys are friends, you two look like you’re about to bring the smack down on each other here.” Sonic sighs and turns to Pinkie. “I know that whole ‘glomping’ bit is your thing, but I really wish you’d stop. If you want to give me a hug every so often that’s fine, but just not while your barreling at me like a freight train.” He then turns to Twilight. “And you need to stop being so over protective. I know you’re worried about me, but I think you’re over doing it a bit. Ease off some and you’ll see what I mean.”

Sonic then rubs each of the mare’s shoulders and then continues. “We’re all friends here, let’s not sweat the small stuff and enjoy ourselves.”

Pinkie blinks and then starts shaking her head, as she collects herself. “Spiky is right, we’ve both been acting like silly fillies lately.” She holds out a hoof towards Twilight. “We still friends?”

The lavender mare smiles at the pink party pony and mashes her hoof with Pinkie's. “Of course we’re friends. Things have just been on edge recently.”

I’ll say,” Pinkie laments. “It’s like everypony is just having a bad day lately." She tilts her head. “Maybe Spiky was right. There might be something in the drinking water.”

Sonic opens his mouth to respond to the mare, but is cut off as a gloved hand is placed on his shoulder. Looking to the gloves owner, the hedgehog spots a smiling Blaze looking back at him.

“That was rather thoughtful of you, Sonic.”

The hedgehog lets out a chuckle and scratches the back of his head. “Thanks, I have my moments.” He lowers her hand and turns back towards Pinkie. “So where are the others, Pinks? They can’t be too far away if you were able to find us so easily.”

“Oh, there right over there.” Pinkie responds as she gestures towards something with her hoof. “I’ll take them to you.”


Following the pink party pony, the three are lead to a most congested section of the District and towards a massive while marble building; where most of the crowd seems to be originating from.

Large pillars rise from the earth and into the sky; easily dwarfing the already massive buildings around it. Each spaced several feet apart and connected by another deck and two more rows of pillars. Giving way to an even larger dome that sits even higher than the supports it’s connected to. Several sets of vines also seem to have take room along the pillars and supporting deck; some even with several variations of fruit and flowers. Giving the building a more coliseum feel, rather than that of a music hall.

Sonic lets out a low whistle as he cranks his neck to look up at the structure. “Ok, I take back what I said. This shows that you ponies know how to make buildings.”

Twilight rolls her eyes at the comment and opens her mouth to retort, but spots a familiar blue alicorn amongst the crowd. The mare narrows her eyes as she attempt to focus. “Is that…”

“Hey, it’s Princess Luna!” Pinkie enthusiastically states as she start bouncing towards the mare. “C’mon, the princess said she wanted to meet us before…whatever she has planned for tonight.”

The three nod and follow the bouncing party pony thought the dense crowd.


As they navigate through the ever growing crowd. The three spot a few familiar faces as they approach the princess. “Good heavens, where have you been? We’ve been looking all over for you.” Rarity comments as she steps past a blue female unicorn. “You had us searching everywhere.”

“Yeah, it’s not easy looking you in this mass of crazy.” A certain speedy pegasus adds as she joins the alabaster mare. “You’d think you guys would be easy to spot, but no, that would have been too easy. There are at least a dozen ponies dressed as you in this area alone.”

“Ya had us almost ready to start knockin’ on random pony’s doors hopin’ to find ya.” Applejack as she stops near Rainbow Dash.

“I’m just glad to see that you’re all safe.” Fluttershy adds quietly as she appears behind Rarity.

Sonic smirks at the now reunited elements bearer and crosses his arms. “So, you guys were worried about me?”

Rarity takes a few steps forward, closing the distance between her and the blue hedgehog. “Of course we were. After finding Twilight a more suitable costume for the occasion, we searched all over. Even going back to where we originally departed, hoping that we’d be able to find you.”

“This here city is awfully big, we figured you got yerself lost and split up. We was hopin' to find ya and such.” Applejack adds as she gives the fashionista a smirk. “Rares here got herself lost the first time she visited and that was with a map.”

The alabaster mare opens her mouth to comment on the mare’s claim, but is cut off as a Rainbow Dash steps between then. “All that matters is that everypony is here now. We even asked Twilight to do one of her fancy tracking spells to find you.” She turns to the lavender mare. “What happened with that? We all guessed that you’d be the first to find him and lead him back here.”

Twilight smiles sheepishly and begins pawing at the ground with a hoof. “I actually did find Sonic shortly after casting the spell, but we ran into some complications on our back way back here.”

“Like what?” Pinkie inquires as she turns towards the mare.

“Well, “The mare begins as she looks at her hooves. “We ran into my mother and things got….difficult.”

“Yeah, that was odd.” Sonic states as he chuckles to himself.

Rarity raises an eyebrow at the two comments and pushes past Rainbow Dash. “Really now, what did your mother have to say?” She smiles hopefulness and puts a hoof on the mare’s shoulder. “Please tell me it was good.”

“She thought the two were dating.” Blaze states flatly with a hint of annoyance in her voice. “She even went as far as to ask when she should be expecting grand children.”

Everyone snaps towards the lilac cat and stares at her in disbelief; even a few passersby’s that caught fragments of the conversation turned towards the Sol Ruler.

“Good heavens.”

“No way!”

“If ah heard from another pony, I’d be inclined to call you a liar. But knowing you ah know that ya always speak the truth.”

“Oh my.”

Pinkie lets out a snort and attempts to hold back a laugh. “Sonic and Twilight…settling down and…and” The mare trails off as she notices everyone staring at her. “Why isn’t anypony laughing? Am I the only one that finds this hilarious?”

“I don’t see why it’s so funny.” Twilight says as she blushes as she continues to scrap her hoof along the stone street.

“I think it’s just a mom thing.” Sonic laments as everyone turns in his direction. “We’ve all been there. So let’s just leave it at that.”

Rarity adjusts the brim of her hat and smiles at the blue hedgehog. “I’d have to agree with Sonic. Our parents, siblings, or just members of our family seem to know ‘what’s best for us’ at times they sometimes attempt to play the hooves of fate with our love lives.” She turns to the others before continuing. “Am I right, Everypony?”

The groups lets out varied forms of agreement and shifts side to side or fidget in place; as if not comfortable with the situation. While Sonic claps his hands together loudly in hopes of get everyone’s attention.

“Good, now that’s settled,” He turns to Rainbow Dash. “What did you mean by others dressed like me?”

The mare opens her mouth to response, but cuts herself off as a group of young fillies and colts zip past them; each donning a variation of one of the costumes Sonic saw the CMC wearing a while back; some even in full blue body suits of various kinds with spikes running along their backs. While others have the just the hat, but have ‘hoof gloves’ on their front hooves and pony version of his trademark running shoes on their backs. One of the lesser dressed versions stops before the hedgehog and gives him small smile.

“Nice Sonic costume, but his eyes are green not red.” The filly trails off as she glances as the other addition to his attire. “Also, he doesn’t wear a cape.”

Sonic lets out a sigh and rubs the bridge of his nose. “Thank you, now move along now; it’s easy to get lost in this crowd.”

The filly nods and trots off and catches up to her friends.

A few members of the group poorly hide an amused chuckle as they snicker at the event that just unfolded before them.

“Don’t. You. Even. Dare.”


Emerging from the dense crowd, the group ventures towards the Night Princess as she greets a few passersby with a few of her bat ponies doing the same. Luna’s face light up as she spots the gang heading towards here.

“Greeting and salutations my friends, we are ever so pleased to see that you were able to arrive safely.” The princess’s grin intensifies as she locks eyes with Sonic. “And we are especially pleased that you are here as well.”

A few members of the group raise an eyebrow at the statement, only to let out an audible gasp at what the princess does next.

Standing on her hind legs, the Night Princess wraps her forelegs around the hedgehog and pulls him into a hug. Sonic’s legs dangle back and forth as he’s lifted several feet into the air, while Luna nuzzles his face with hers. “Huzzah, what a joyous event this has become with you here.” The mare all but squeezes as a few passing ponies give the event an odd look before continuing on their way. While a few of the bat ponies grumble a few words in annoyance. “Oh, what fun we shall have when…” The princess stops mid sentence as she notices a certain Burmese cat giving her a hard look, while taking an attack position. “Is something the matter, young Blaze?”

“You are not the Princess of the Night! Who are you?” The cat growls as smoke start to rise from her clenched fists.

“I am Luna, ruler of the Night and the Realm of Dreams. What makes you think I am not?” The princess asks as her eyes dart back and forth.

Blaze bears her teeth as she gets ready to strike. “I’ve met the Night Princess and you’ve nothing but contradict her usual demeanor just now. Plus,” The cat taps her nose. “You can’t fool this nose; your scent is nothing like Luna’s”

“Yeah, I was going to ask about that.” Sonic states as he looks up at the now shocked faux-princess. “My nose may not be as strong as Blaze’s, but I know when something doesn’t smell right. Plus, Luna has a habit of talking in the third person.”

The others mutter out various forms of disbelief as the fake Luna sets the blue hedgehog back down and begins fidget nervously.

“Miss Blaze is correct, I am not who I appear to be.” The element bearers let out at a gasp in response and begin demanding to know where the real Luna is. The imposter raises a wing to silence them. “Quiet, do you wish to blow my cover?” The mares continue to grumble amounts themselves. “Before everypony jumps to conclusions, you must know that the Princess tasked me personally to greet her subjects while in this form.” The faux-princess waves a hoof dismissively before continuing. “Something about last minute preparations and not being able to greet the ponies and not being able to greet them before the show starts.”

“Well that makes sense,” Twilight begins as she approaches the imposter. “Luna probably wants to make sure whatever she has planned goes out without incident.”

“So, who are you then?” Sonic asks as he looks up at the fake alicorn.

“Misty Breeze,” The faux-princess states. “I was a member of the night guard before Luna’s return. Now I’m part of the elite unit.” She trails off for a moment, before continuing. “Anyway, Luna said she needed a unicorn to hold the illusion. So I was chosen for the task, since my powers are widely known within the ranks.” The fake Luna unfolds her massive wings and grins widely. “And now I have these.” She pouts. “They don’t work, but it’s still cool having them.”

“Well that’s all fine and dandy.” Pinkie says in a less than enthusiastic tone. “Why did you hug Spiky just now?”

The mare now know as Misty Breeze, looks down and starts drawing circles in the grass with one of her hooves. “Well you see, I’m kind of a fan of his.” She looks up and smiles sheepishly. “I’m actually the president of the Caterlot Chapter of his fan club.”

Sonic lets out a groan and face palms. “Of course there's more than one.” He looks up at the faux-princess. “That explains why all those kids were dressed as me.”

Misty Breeze shuffled her hooves as she lets out a nervous chuckle. “Well if it any consolation, that last little bit was all me. The princess just informed me that I needed to greet the ones attending and that I should keep a look out for you folks.” She drapes on her fake wings over the hedgehog. “She also informed me that if you should arrive before the show starts. That she would like your assistance with a matter she’s having trouble with.”

The hedgehog nods and turns towards the others. “I’ll meet you guys inside, after I see what Lulu wants.” He then turns back towards the fake alicorn and motions her to come closer. Misty complies and lowers her head. With a smirk, Sonic tilts her crown at a jaunty angle and then crosses his arms. “There, now we’ll be able to tell you two apart.”


Entering the massive complex, the group (minus Sonic) is lead through the winding halls by one of Luna’s Night Guards. The bat pony ushers them up to one of the upper decks and towards the more lavish section of the theater. Picking up on the ever increasing pacts and portraits on the walls, Blaze speaks up and breaks her silence.

“Where are you taking us?”

“The Princesses has asked that you join her in her private box for this event.” The bat mare states flatly, void of any emotion.

“Oh, cool!” Pinkie says putting a little more bounce her steps.

“It’s not every day that the two rulers of Equestria ask us to join them. We shouldn’t keep them waiting.” Rarity adds as she adjusts her oversized hat.

The other members voice various forms of agreement as the Guard stops before a large set of golden doors.

“We are here, please step inside. The Princesses are expecting you.”

“Thank you, miss uhh…” Twilight trails off as she realizes she never got the mare’s name.

“Silent Night, First Lieutenant Silent Night of the Crimson Fury.” The bat pony says with a hint of pride in her voice.

Rainbow Dash pushes past the lavender mare and stops a few inches from the bat pony’s face. “Who’s your commanding officer?”

“Captain Nightshade,” The mare replies fatly as if the question was trivial. “Do you have any other questions, Miss Dash?”

The speedy pegasus blinks at the question for a few moments before shaking her head.

“If there is nothing else that requires my attention. I shall be on my way.” She turns to leave, but stops and turns back towards the group. “Please enjoy the show and give the princess my regards.”

As the bat pony disappears from sight, the element bearers and Blaze turn back to the massive doors. “So, who wants to go first?” The feline asks as she turns back towards the others.


As the gang passes through the massive doors, they are greeted by the Solar Princess and an empty seat that belongs to the Night Princess.

“Where’s Princess Luna? I was hoping to speak with her before the proceedings.” Rarity asks as she eyes the empty seat.

“Still making preparations, I’m afraid.” Celestia says with a hint of sadness in her voice. “It seems some of the combatants didn’t show and she’s been trying to find a suitable replacement.”

“Combatants, isn’t this a theater?” Twilight asks inquisitively.

The sun princess smiles at her student. “It can be a number of things. Before we had the funds to add additional structures to the district, this building served several purposes. One of them being a battle arena (while area works, readers will be able to understand better what you mean by saying arena), but most only know it as a theater, since it’s been one for almost a millennia.”

“I take it that’s why Luna is holding the event here.”

Celestia nods, “I gave my sister free reign this year for the night proceedings. Luna insisted that we bring back some of the events of old.”

“I believe this was one of those events?” Blaze inquires as she steps alongside Twilight.

“That is correct.”

“Well shucks, this sounds like right up our alley (alley, not ally. Ally is someone you trust).” Applejack says as she plops down on an empty seat. “It’s been a good long while since I seen somethin’ like this.”

Rainbow Dash sits down next to the apple bucking mare. “I like the cut of your jib, I’m all for seeing some action.”

Fluttershy silently sits down next to Dash, while Pinkie lets out a deafening ‘wee’ and bounces to a seat next to her. Rarity rolls her eyes and takes a spot on the far end, while Twilight and Blaze remain standing.

“Is there a problem?” The sun princess inquires as she looks at her student and the lilac feline.

“Actually, I was wondering.” Twilight taps her hooves together. “If I could sit next to you princess”

Celestia smiles warmly as she gestures to a spot on the massive bench she’s sitting on. “Of course Twilight, but wouldn’t you be more comfortable sitting with your friends, or,” She smiles, “Next to Sonic.” The princess looks around. “Speaking of which, where is he?”

Twilight blushes and looks down as she continues to tap her hooves together. “He’s helping Luna with something and hopefully will be joining us later.”

The princess gives the mare an understanding nod as she watches the mare take seat to her and then draws her attention back to the Sol ruler. “And for you miss Blaze?”

“These seats conflict with my, “ She gestures to herself. “Stature, I was hoping it would be ok if I found seating elsewhere.”

“Why not use my sister's till her return?” The princess says, turning to the empty chair. “I’m sure she won’t mind sharing it when she does and it would be a shame that you have to sit on the lower levels, because of some design oversight.”

Blaze bows and takes a seat in the massive blue chair. “You have my thanks.”

“No mention it,” The Princess says warmly. “Now get ready... the show's about to start.”


As several spotlight flicks on, the chatter and noise dies down to a mere whisper. With a puff of blue smoke the Night Princess appears in all her Royal Glory.

“Citizens of Caterlot, of Equestria. We thank you all for attending tonight's proceedings.” Luna’s booming voice echoes along the marble walls. “For many a century, many ponies and other inhabitants of this land were not aware of what this night truly meant. For decades it has been a mockery of sorts, against the darkness that once consumed me, but NO MORE!” A few ponies in the front rows flinch at the slight outburst. “While we will not discourage our ponies from continuing this, we simply ask that you do it out of enjoyment and not to pay tribute to a being that doesn’t deserve it.” Luna stomps her hoof again before continuing. “Before that day so long ago, we held tournaments and battles against the toughest and skilled warriors. Not to the death, as some of the more biased textbooks state, but only till one was unable to battle, incapacitated if you will. These matches were held in the empire to the north, but the nation still rebuilds itself after only just having been freed from Sombra’s reign.” Luna eyes the crowd before continuing. “So we’ll hold it here. It shall be a sufficient substitute for now. Until we can rebuild the true structure to the north.”

A barrier appears around the arena. “We’ve asked every unicorn that has attended this event to lend us their power for this.” The barrier flickers for a moment before disappearing again. “This will protect us from anything within this stage; while also stopping any overzealous patron from interfering with the match.”

The Night Princess gives her elder sister a no before continuing. “Now then, as a dear friend of mine suggested.” Luna takes a dramatic pause. “LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!”


-Some odd 2 hours later

“Pfft! Can you believe that last guy?” Rainbow Dash asks no one in particular as she watches the area get cleared out of various pieces of broken blocks and clutter. “I am an earth Pony; I should be the one to man the cart.” The mare says in a poorly done masculine voice. “What a dork.”

“I don’t know, it makes the most sense from a tactical standpoint.” Blaze comments as she turns toward the mare. “The ones with the most strength are usually the ones to carry the bigger weapons.”

The mare rocks back and forth in her seat. “True, but just the way he said it was hilarious.”

“Be as it may, I thought the match prior was most entertaining.” Rarity states as she levitates a glass to her lips and takes a small drink. “Who would have thought a pony could wield something so cumbersome so well.”

“They were fencing, Rarity.” Applejack says flatly. “They were swingin’ around some floppy metal things trying to poke each other. Not my idea of entertainment.”

“It was once something the nobles did to resolve feuds within the houses.” Celestia says as she continues to watch the arena get cleared out and then frowns. “Now they just argue.”

“Ah meant no disrespect your highness. It’s just not somethin’ I found all that fun to watch.”

“It’s quite alright, Applejack.” The princess says warmly. “I took no offense by it.”

“Speaking of random nonsense, has anypony seen Spiky?” Pinkie inquires as she absentmindedly finishes a bucket of popcorn. “I mean wasn’t he suppose to be here by now?”

“No I haven’t,” Twilight replies as she looks her mentor and then the others. “Has anyone seen him?” Everyone shakes there head. “Strange, I wonder where he went.”

The mare’s musing is cut off as the Night Princess appears in the now cleared out arena with a solemn look on her face. “My little ponies, we bring you unfortunate news. we have just been informed that the combatants of the last event will not be attending. No word on what happened, but…”

Luna’s speech is cut off by a series of loud ‘boos’. “We meant well and…” She’s cut off again by another series of boos and shouts about her inferiority to her elder sister. The princess’s ears fold back as she attempts to address the crowd once more. “Please, we only meant to…”

“So you’ve failed to deliver, Princess?” A familiar voice shouts over the building intercom system. “We all came here to see some action and now you tell us the main event is canceled, because the competitors wussed out?”

A spotlight flicks on and points towards the source of the voice. Revealing it to be none other than Sonic. Said hedgehog starts walking down the lower deck towards the barrier.

“We came here to see a battle,” He snaps his fingers on his free hand; disappears and reappears inside the arena in front of Luna. “And we’re sure as hell gonna get a battle.”

The crowd erupts in an out roar, changing various forms of what the blue hedgehog just said.

The Night Princess locks eyes with Sonic and starts to back pedal. “W-we only wished to entertain our ponies and now-”

“Skip it!” Sonic shouts back; catering to the crowd. “We all came here for a show and where not leaving till we get one.”


“What is Sonic doing?” Twilight demands through gritted teeth.

“Yeah, he’s being a real meanie pants to the princess right now.” Pinkie adds.

“I dare say, he’s acting rather rash for such a minor infraction.” Rarity says as she watches the event unfold.

“True, but we all came here to see two high profile ponies fight and…” Rainbow Dash cuts herself off as the entire arena is basked in the light of a full moon. “Strange,” The mare says looking up at Luna’s moon. “I thought the Princess wanted tonight to be cloudy, so that everything will look all spooky and stuff.”

Celestia watches the event unfold smirks. “This shall be entertaining.”


Luna continues to back step back in response to Sonic’s verbal assault. “I-I just hoped that…”

“Blah, Blah, blah!” The hedgehog snaps back as he closes the distance. “All you’ve done is made excuses. Why not try fixing one the problem, instead of trying to explain it away! Furthermore,” Sonic stops mid sentence as he glances up at the full moon overhead. “What the hell?”

The Night Princess looks up at the full moon and then back at Sonic. “If thy truly wishes to see a battle, we shall provide it.” Luna says with a deep voice. “But remember, ye have asked for this.”

Sonic turns back to the night princess and then raises an eyebrow. “Ok, didn’t see this coming.”

Black mist rolls off the alicorn's frame as her features start to shift. A spear of darkness consumes the princesses; while it a cluster of several different colored calls of light swirl around inside if it. The orb explodes, inciting everyone to shield their eyes from the light only to see something very different in place of where the Princes of the Night once stood.

A figure that easily dwarfs Night Princesses stature stands in her place. With jet back fur across its entire body. A mane and tail of several star clusters flicker back and forth as a highly polished helmet and breast plate shimmer in the moonlight. The new arrivals eyes snap open, reveling a glowing set of eye like eyes; that startles more than a few members of the crowd. An armored hoof stomps down onto the broken earth as everyone takes a pregnant pause.

“Nice entrance, who are you supposed to be?”

The figure stomps its forelegs on the ground and flairs out its wings. “I AM NIGHTMARE MOON AND WE SHALL BE YOUR OPPONENT!”

Next Chapter Preview:

Nightmare: "Is thee ready to admit defeat?"

Sonic: "Not a chance Moon Butt, I'm just getting started!"

Pinkie: "Wowe, that sent her flying!"

???: *Howls*