• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,658 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...

Down The Rabbit Hole

The group of four walks in silence as the Sun Goddess leads the pack down the long corridor.

"I-I, I had no idea." a down hedgehog comments as he walks alongside the moon princess. " If I knew it was that painful to talk about, I wouldn't have asked."

Celestia lets out a heavy sigh and turns back towards the blue speedster. "It was a long time ago and..."

"It's still pretty messed up." The hedgehog interrupts. This guy was your father's right-hand man of sorts, and he betrayed him for some really shitty reason."

"Language," The Moon Goddess chastises.

"To think that one of our empire's most revered hero...was a fraud. Gives you a lot to think about." Sanguis gives the Sun Goddess a hesitant look. "Is my relation to that..that creation going to be an issue?"

Celestia responded with a shake of her head. "No, of course not, I can't fault you for something that's beyond your control. Plus, you've shown that heritage isn't a factor in defining a pony's merit."

"T-thank you, ma'am." The guard studders with a shaky bow.

The Princess approaches the guard. "Stand tall, Sentinel. I chose you for this position because of your tenacity and courage, not this." She then taps her chin with a hoof. "But I must ask; why do you believe me so easily? Despite being told the contrary for so long."

Sanguis rises and looks the alicorn in the eye. " You've given me no reason not to trust you. Plus, I always knew most of those stories growing up were mostly bullshit." She then sighs. "It's just a lot to take in, having someone confirm this. That he ended up being A traitor, a cheat, and a liar. He set up a coup to overthrow your father and then just killed him ...why?"

"That what I would like to know. If Razer wanted something he could have had it, but instead he just took it by force."

The hedgehog raises his hand."Hey, I hate to interrupt, but how did this guy last this long? Wouldn't his bones be dust and armor be rusted to nothing at this point? Given how long ago it was?"

"Under normal circumstances that would be true, however. Do to the magic seal placed upon the sanctum. It halts the process for as long as the body remains in the tomb." Sanguis replies with a solemn expression.

"Well, aren't you just chop full of useful information." Sonic comments with a slight grin. "Reminds me of a friend of mine back in ponyville."

The guard chuckles in response. "You give me too much credit. I just know a few things about Griffon history and battle tactics."

"Whoever did this, knew who this guy was and what connection it had to the princesses."

Luna retrieves the folder from the hippogryph and opens it. "And according to what my team found. It as removed from the crypt two weeks ago. Given the amount of body decomposition."

"Alright," Sonic announces as he smashing a fist into an open palm and starts making his way down the walkway. "We have a baseline of when this occurred. Let's talk to that crew that brought that thing over and..."

An alabaster wing appears in front of the hedgehog; blocking his pack. Sonic looks up to a particular sun goddess who has a sad expression on her face. "Sunny?"

"I Appreciate your enthusiasm, Sonic. I really do. But you can't just storm in their demanding answers." Celestia states as she lowers her wing.

"Why not?" The hedgehog asks with righteous indignation.

The princess lets out a sigh. "Because you're not a citizen of Equestria...well not an official one anyway. So, any information you may gain regarding this. Will be considered hearsay at best."

"Well then just work your magic and make me one." Sonic snaps with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

A wing is placed onto the hedgehog's shoulder. "Sonic, I can't just wave my hoof and make you a citizen. Forms have to be completed; paperwork has to be filled."

"Or you could just marry one of its citizens," Luna adds in a dismissive tone.

Sonic lets out a sigh and crosses his arms. "Ah, the slow gears bureaucracy at work." He then turns to the sun goddess as she removes her wing from his shoulder. "Wait, I thought Equestria was a monarchy."

"It is, but if I just can't make rulings, pass judgment or make proclamations on a whim." The sun Celestia snaps, but then places a hoof on her forehead and lets out a sigh. "Sorry, I'm just as frustrated by all this as you are."

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry." Sonic replies, holding up his hands. As much of his anger as subsided. "I got ahead of myself and took it out on you when I didn't get my way." He sighs "So, what can I do to help? That doesn't involve having to do a mountain of paperwork?"

The Princess smiles. "The best thing you can do is not to incite a panic. To keep what transpired here to yourself."

"Uh ok, what do you want me to say if anyone asks?"

Celestia leans closer and speaks in a hushed voice. "I want you to tell them that everything in fine that there is nothing to worry about."

"Why are we whispering?" The hedgehog inquires. "And why keeping everything hush, hush?"

"Because I suspect that somepony may have infiltrated our ranks and that we must be careful who to speak to about 'sensitive information." The alicorn gestures towards a shimmering dome around the group with one of her forelegs. "See this construct that surrounds us? It prevents anypony that we don't want out and keeps our conversation quiet."

The speedster glances around the dome before turning back towards the princess. "Ok, I have to admit that's actually kind of cool. I didn't even hear it go up when I got here."


"So, you just want me to tell anyone that asks that your handling and that not to worry?"

Celestia nods and places a foreleg over the hedgehog's shoulder and pulls him close. "The less they know, the better. We have a traitor, and I assure you we'll'' get to the bottom of this by days end."

"And I'll make sure that my sister makes sure that we flush out this rat," Luna adds with a slight smirk.

"As well as find out what motive they had for unleashing this monster upon our Lady Celestia," Sanguis adds with a firm nod.

The hedgehog looks up at the sun goddess. "So you plan on finding the mole and have them lead you to the one responsible for this. That makes sense. So, what can I do?"

"You can keep the peace. I have a very excitable student back in ponyville that will want to know what's going on. Assure her that everything is fine and that she shouldn't need to worry. " The princess smirks. "She can be very influential when she needs to be, so it is imperative that Twilight keeps a level head. Else this could get a whole lot worse. You know how over dramatic she can get."

Sonic lets out an amused laugh. "Yeah, She tends to exaggerate things on occasion. He takes a step back and glances at the trio. "I guess you guys have things covered here. I'm gonna head back."

"You sure, I could have a guard accommodate you with a room till we reach a solution."

The hedgehog responds with a dismissive wave. "Na, I'll just get in your way. I'll just head back and make sure Twilight doesn't blow a gasket or something."

"Very well then, I'll walk you out." The sun goddess replies as she begins escorting the hedgehog down a small hallway; while a green female unicorn in a lab coat walks up the moon goddess and begins to speak with her. " Actually, I'm going to need to transport you to about a mile outside of town. We are in lockdown at the moment, and I don't believe that they'll let you by without me escorting you out personally." She places a hoof on the hedgehog's shoulder. "Permission to transport?"

"Sure, just let me know if you find anything out. Ok?"

"Of course." The princess starts channeling magic into her horn. "You'll be the first to know."

As the hedgehog disappears, Sanguis appear from the princess's right. "Speak freely, Sentinel. I suspect you have something to say."

"He holds you in high regards. Doesn't he?" The princess nods to confirm this. "A rather honorable trait that he cares for the individual, rather than what they stand for."

Celestia Laughs in response. "One doesn't simply run across half a continent, less they need to."

"I get the feeling he'd probably do it for fun." The guard replies with an amused chuckle.

The alicorn nods. "Perhaps, but my point still stands.

"Understood," Sanguis twiddles her talon together before continuing. "Would it be unfounded that I noticed that you see that hedgehog in a similar fashion?"

"Not at all," Celestia answers candidly as she starts making her way down the corridor"I have made no attempt at keeping that a secret."

"And I take it that also applies to your sister?"

The Sun Goddess turns to the guard and gives her a flat look; inciting an uneasy reaction from them. "My sister chooses to express herself very opening. While I've advised her against this, she continues to do so." Celestia then starts scanning the hallway. "Speaking of which where did sister run off to?"

"Oh, one of the scientists came by, said her presence was needed," Sanguis replies hesitantly

"Very well, then let's leave her to it." The sun goddess motions to guard to follow "Come along Sentinel, we have much to do."

"Yes, ma'am." Sanguis nods with an enthusiastic nod.


"Are the reports accurate?" The moon goddess asks as she levitates a clipboard in front of her face.

"Yes, your majesty, we followed your order precisely, but if you don't mind me asking. What do you plan on doing with it...that is if it's something I should know The mare inquires as she trots alongside the alicorn.

The alicorn passes through a set of double doors and towards the charred remains of the Draugr. "I merely wish to seek answers." Dark magic begins to surround the princesses horn. "By any means necessary."


Alongside a dusty road, a large deer emerges from a dense forest that runs along the side of it. Massive antlers jut out from his head. Signifying both is age and combat prowess; should another animal bee foolish enough to cross paths with him. The buck scans both sides of the roadway before turning back to the cluster of trees and signaling for someone to follow.

A small doe emerges next. Easily dwarfed by the giant buck. She steps out and looks around; making slow and precise steps. The buck rolls his eyes and motions for her to follow again.

"Come along now; there's nothing out here that's going to hurt us."

"Yeah, you do this everything we cross any roadway or stream." A small voice shouts as several small faces can be seen behind the timid doe.

The small doe turns towards the now three small deer as they emerge from the canopy. "You can never be too careful. There's always something out there that is out to get us."

"Bah, you're just paranoid." The buck responds with a wave of his hoof. "Nothing out here is to get us."

Just as those words leave the deer's mouth, a loud pop can be heard in the distance, just as the sound barrier is broken. The group freezes in place as a streak of blue comes barreling towards them.

"What did I tell you!" The doe shouts. "Now we're going to be...hun?"

Just as the unknown object is about to tear through the group, a gloved hand is placed on the doe's back as the projectile springs over the group and continues for a few moments before a certain blue hedgehog can be seen skidding to a stop a few feet away.

"Hey sorry about that. Is everyone alright?" The speedster asks as he begins walking towards the group.

The Buck opens his mouth to talk, but is cut off as three small deer run towards the hedgehog and start overwhelming him with questions. "How did you do that?" A small buck asks with a huge grin on his face.

"You're Sonic aren't you? That is so cool." A little doe asks with a smile that could rival her brothers.

"I bet you blow through those weird things on your feet. Who makes those?" The smallest of the bunch asks as he appears alongside his sister.

Sonic holds up his hands in defense at the barrage of questions. "Calm down you three. I can only answer one question at a time."

"Then answer this one." The buck roars with a commanding voice. "Why did you..."

A loud explosion echos in the distance. Drawing everyone's attention to a huge plume of smoke as it rises above the tree line.

"Gotta go, rain check ok?" The hedgehog hastily replied, Not waiting for an answer as he takes off in a blast of speed.


Heavy coughing can be heard as certain feline attempts to wave the smoke away from her face. "Ms. Twilight, I believe that wasn't supposed to happen.

"I know," Another voice can be heard as another figure can be seen through the thick veil of smoke. "Quick find a window. I can clear this out after that."

Before either of them can react. The front door is flung open, and a blue hedgehog can be seen on the other side of it.

"Blaze, Twilight? You guys in here?" The speedster shouts as he steps into the library.

More coughing can be heard before gaining a response. "Yeah, we’re in here. Quickly find a window, before we all get asphyxiated." Twilight shouts before she starts coughing again.

The hedgehog complies and zips around the room; opening every window on the first floor.

"Alright, everypony hold on to something. Twilight shouts as a spire of light can be seen through the haze.

A gust of wind blast through the library. Making short work of the suffocating smoke, but also blows several loose papers across the floor. With many of them sticking to the furniture and other fixtures; one even covering the hedgehog's face. As the smoke clears, Blaze can be seen crouched on the floor. While another figure can be seen standing near the reading circle.

The feline lets out a small groan as she rises from the floor and brushes away a few articles of parchment that had clung to her during the ordeal. “Phew, that was intense.” She then looks around. “Is everyone alright?”

“Phey whink sow,” Comes a muffled reply from the speedster as a gloved hand begins to reach for the paper covering his face.

Blaze smirked in response and begins to approaches the hedgehog to assist, but abruptly stops as something catches her eye. “Twilight, is that you?” The feline asks cautiously as she turns to the unknown entity; who still mostly hidden in the rapidly clearing smoke.

“Y-yeah, I think so.” A shaky voice reples as the figure steps through the rapidly dissipated smoke.

“Good, because I need to ask you something very important.” Blaze says in an eerily calm voice.

“Sure, what would you like to know?” The unicorn replies in a chipper tone.

“Whats up with that form and WHY ARE YOU NAKED?” The feline shouts as she turns to the individual and points at them in a demanding fashion.

Sonic tears off the paper from his face at light speed to see what all the commotion is about and what nonsense the Guardian is spouting. “Of course Twilight is nude, she’s always been since I met...her?” As the hedgehog's eyes focus he trails off as the sight before him.

A figure covered in matted fur stands before him. Most of in individuals fur are of a pale green color, but bits of lavender can be seen in various spots. The hedgehog recalls only seeing this color on only one individual; who just this morning was also covered in an odd ointment that gave them a similar shade. However, that person stood on four legs and was several feet shorter than him. While this individual is significantly taller; probably coming to his collarbone if his assumption was correct. Who now stands on two legs and possessed two arms. Which now hang limply at its side. While the face remains somewhat similar; admit slightly smaller and a change in shape. It now is atop a small petite/ slight hourglass type anthropodermic frame.

The hedgehog blinks a few times as he opens his mouth; trying to form a reply to what’s before him. “Twilight...??” He manages to force out as he still attempts to process the situation.

Twilight grins sheepishly and begins to approach the bewildered Sonic.As the last of the smoke disappears, and her form is now fully visible. “It sure is, what do you think?”

“I think...youch!” The hedgehog is cut off as a set of hands covers his eyes in very forceful fashion.

“He thinks you should put on some clothes on, make yourself decent.” The feline interrupts as she appears behind hedgehog and covers his eyes with her hands.

Sonic removes the guardians’ hands from his face and slowly turns back to her. “You need to relax, Blaze. This obviously just happen, so she’s probably still processing.” He then turns back to transformed mare and smirks. “While I don’t mind it, you should probably go find something to wear. It’s apparently making Blaze uncomfortable.”

“U-uh ok,” The mare nods and starts making shaky steps towards the stairs.

The hedgehog then turns to the feline. “Why don’t you go with her. So she doesn’t faceplant on her way there.” Blaze nods and goes after Twilight.

Sonic collapses onto one of the plush reading chairs with a heavy sigh. Tilting his head back and looking around the now empty room.

Shuffling and movement can be heard on the upper level. With someone letting out a shriek, followed by the sound of something falling onto the floor. The hedgehog springs from his seat and starts making his way towards the stairs.

“Hey, is everything alright up there?”

“Yeah, were fine.” Blaze calls back. “Twilight tripped over the rug.”

“I-I did not,” The mare retorts as several loud stomps can be heard.

“Oh, really? Then what do you call it? Having an extreme close up inspection with the floor?”

This gets a chuckle from the hedgehog. “You two play nice now. Don’t make me come up there.” He jokes while making his way back to the chair.

“No need, we’re on our way down.” Twilight calls back as two sets of footsteps can be heard making their way towards the staircase.

Blaze is the first to come into view. Now with several green hand prints dotted all over her body. This gains an amused smirk from the speedster, but he quickly restrains himself. When the feline gives him a death glare. Twilight is the next to descend the staircase, Still, in her new form, she is now wearing an undersized bathrobe that looks about ready to burst open.

Sonic rises from his seat and greets the two as they make their way back into the library’s reading room. “Yesh, what happened to you, Blaze?”

“Twilight kept falling into me when we were trying to find something for her to wear.” The feline replies with a slight huff. “Had I known that the ointment was still wet. I would have just grabbed her a towel.”

The hedgehog points a thumb to the now robed mare. “Well, that explains the bathrobe.”


“So, what brought on this change?” The speedster inquires as he gestures to the transformed mare; who is fiddling with her bathrobe. “Not that I mind, I’m just curious.”

“Twilight wanted to..”

“It’s a new spell I've been working on.” The unicorn interrupts as she takes a step forward. “It’s one that I came up with to study what it would be like to walk around like you guys.” She grins smugly. “I believe I was able to pull it off. What do you think?”

Sonic shrugs and walks towards the mare. “Honestly, I don’t know. I kind of wondered what you ponies would look like as Moebian, but that’s kind of it.” Twilight begins to deflate in response to the hedgehog's reply. “But, that’s not to say I don’t like it. It’s different; I'll say that.”

Twilight brings a hand to her face and begins to twiddles her fingers. “It’s strange, I’ve seen you and Blaze use this strange appendages, but to actually have a set that I can control. Is an odd sensation in itself.” She looks down and wiggles her toes. “And to balance on only two of legs, rather than four has taken a lot to get used to.”

“So, what did you find out from the Princess when you took off to Soleanna this morning?” The feline inquires, steering the conversation elsewhere.

The speedster scratches his head. “Soleanna? Is that what that place was called? I guess I never asked when I was there.” He then turns to the guardian. “Does that name sound familiar to you? I get the feeling I've heard it before.”

“You’re right it does.” The feline replies. “Can’t recall where I heard it from, but I get the strange feeling I've been to a place going by that name...odd.”

“You’re getting sidetracked, what did you find out?” The mare interrupts with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

“Oh um,” The hedgehog begins, but then recalls the request the Sun Goddess had, regarding keeping this under wraps. “There getting to the bottom it. Sunny’s got some brute of a guard tagging along now. So, no more surprise encounters.”

The mare tilts her head. “A guard, what kind of guard.”

“Oh, it’s this hippogryph...I think I’m saying that right.” Sonic cringes slightly as if having trouble finishing. “She’s a bit taller than Gilda and is decked out in this sweet armor. Sunny will be all right.”

Blaze brings a hand to her face and begins tapping her chin. “Oh Gilda, Is that the griffon we met in the market earlier today, while in Bartertown?”


The two ladies visibly relax as if a huge weight taken off their shoulders. “Phew, I was worried there for a second,” Twilight comments as she whips her brow.

“A second?” The feline jests with a small laugh. “You were getting downright hysterical over it.” The mare grumbles something under her breath and turns way. “ I too was concerned about this, but It seems that we all ended up getting worked up for nothing.” She then glances at herself and grimaces. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I need to get changed. I’ll be back in a moment.”

As the feline leaves the room, Twilight watches her go before approaching the hedgehog. “Hey, can I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

The mare grabs the speedster hand and begins leading him to a small secluded section of the library. “Come with me; it’s kind of important.”

“Ease up Purple Smarts; I’m coming.” The hedgehog jokes as he’s pulled further into the building.

Twilight releases his hand and turns back towards him. “Sorry, this has been on my mind since earlier today, and I really need some confirmation on something.”

“Sure what’s up?”