• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,658 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...

Friendship is Witchcraft

Chapter - 9

Friendship is Witchcraft

“Nice work,” A gruff voice comments as a large figure looks up at a now restored set of iron doors and lets out an impressed whistle. “I gotta say Twilight; I’m impressed how this turned out.”

The lavender mare blushes a deep crimson, in response to the complement. “Thanks,” Twilight mutters out as she looked away and began pawing at the stone floor with her right hoof. “It wasn’t that difficult, you just have to remember the key weight bearing points when taking on a task such as this.” The mare’s eyes widen as she then process the rest of the former hedgehog’s statement and turns towards the hulking form with a scowl on her face. “Wait, you didn’t think I could do it?”

Sonic holds his arms out in deference. “No of course not, I had total faith in you. I just didn’t expect you to do such a good job, that’s all.” The former hedgehog says with a smirk. “Besides, you’re adorable when you’re flustered.”

“I-I’m not Flustered, I just wanted to…” Twilight trails off at her realization and then narrows he eyes. “Well played, Sonic. You managed to…”

Sonic cuts the mare off as he taps her snout. “Boop.”

“Hey!” Twilight mutters as she looks away and scrunches her muzzle.

“Oh sweet merciful Faust,” A new voice shouts in annoyance. “Either kiss, buck, or whatever you plan on doing. Just stop with all that stupid flirting.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Another voice chastised. “That is no way to talk to a friend, besides we are in the presence of royalty. You can at least show some composure. Or is it that somepony is jealous?”

“Pfft! Me jealous? As if. I’m just not a fan of all the mushy stuff.”

“Your mouth says one thing, but your face says another.” A third voice chimes in. “If I didn’t know better you I’d say you rather enjoy the sort of canter.”

“Buck you, Blaze!”

“Hm tempting, but you’re not my type.”

The former hedgehog rubs his temples to in response oncoming headache that’s about to start. And then turns to the mare next to him. “Twilight, what….” Sonic trails off as he notices a very red Twilight muttering to herself.

Sonic snaps his finger in front of the unicorn’s face several times before letting out a sigh. The former hedgehog lets out a heavy sigh as he scoops up the blushing mare into his arms, opens one of the iron doors, and enters the room. “Nice going guys, you broke Twilight!”


As the massive door lets out loud creak, upon opening. The rooms’ occupants turn towards the source of the noise and acknowledge the arrival of the towering form of Sonic and the still petrified Twilight; now tucked under his left arm.

“Ah Sir Sonic, how nice of you to finally join us.” The princess of the night says in mock annoyance. “We were beginning to think you wandered off with Miss Twilight there.” Luna says gesturing to the still frozen unicorn under Sonic’s left arm.

The former hedgehog lets out an amused chuckle, as he scratches the back of his head with his free hand. “My apologized Princess, but two ton doors don’t lift themselves.”

“You know, addressing in such a matter is not necessary.” Luna mutters as she ruffles her wings slightly.

“Whoa!” Another voice chimes in as a certain (Usually cyan) pegasus mutters out as she stares slack gawed at the former hedgehog’s towering form.

“Well, someponie has been eating there Wheaties.” Pinkie Pie adds as she mirrors everyone else.

“Ah’ll say,” Applejack mutters out as she observes Sonic’s new form. “Sugarhog done and got himself some height.”

“Oh my, he’s so…so fluffy.” Fluttershy comments with a small ‘squee.’

“Gracious, he’s as taller than the princess’s.” Rarity states as she slowly turns toward the white alicorn.

“Nonsense,” Celestia begins as she closes the gap between herself and Sonic. “There is no way that somepony can…” The sun goddess trails off as she’s forced to glances upwards to make eye contact with the former hedgehog. “Wow.”

As the former hedgehog glances around the room, he spots a certain facy dressed feline standing in the corner.

“Hey Something wrong, Blaze?”

The sol guardian glances toward the direction of the voice, but then turns away and begins twiddling her fingers. “No, nothing of the sort, I’m just trying process this turn of events.”

Sonic lets out an amused chuckle at his friends responses. “Not really, the response I was expecting.” He then turns t the mood princess. “What about you?”

Luna shakes her head in response. “Neigh, we imaged they would be frightened by your transformation; like we were at first.”

The former hedgehog raises an eyebrow at the alicorn’s comment. “Wait, you were…”

“Oh, you just look so warm and fluffy.” Pinkie interrupts as she steps towards Sonic. “Like a big teddy.”

“Uh ok,”

“Ow, I just want to give you a big ole hug.”

Everyone goes silent at the party pony’s comment.

“Pinkie, dear,” Rarity begins, but is cut off as the mare goes into a full gallop as she get’s ready to pounce.

“I’m gonna, do it, I’m gonna-Hey!”

A gloved hand grabs onto the pink mare’s tail; only for its owner to be ragged several feet, before the parry pony eventually comes to a complete stop.

Pinkie makes several attempts to pull free, before drawing her attention to the one that stopped her attempted ‘glomp.’

“Hey Blaze, what gives?” The mare demands as she tries to pull free. “Let me go.”

“I will when you cease this foolishness.” The Burmese cat states as she grabs another handful of the mare’s tail. “Your antics are most…”

“Yo Blaze, could lay off a bit.” Sonic says as he gestures to the Sol Guardian. “Pinkies is just being, well Pinkie. Which you and me both know is a tad off.”

“That’s right!” Pinkie announces before her eyes widen as the statement sinks in. “HEY!”

The room occupants (sans Pinkie and Twilight) make a futile attempt to their amusement. Some succeed and only manage to let out an amused snicker. While others (Rainbow Dash, in particular) bursts out laughing and fall to the floor.

Sonic opens his mouth to comment, but is cut off by fidgety voice. “So um…what’s wrong with Twilight?” A certain butter yellow pegasus inquires as she stands at the far end of the room.

“She just froze up.” The former hedgehog states as he sets the mare onto the floor; who despite her current state, is still able to stand upright.

“Oow, oow, I got this!” Pinkie Pie proclaims as bounces in front of petrified mare. “Alright, now I’m going to start off with something small.” Twilight remain still; continuing to mutter nonsense to herself. “SURPRISE!!!!” The party pony lets out an ear drum shattering shout as she pops a party favor in the mare’s face.

Noticing that Twilight’s expression hasn’t changed, Pinkie scratches the back of her head with a hoof and begins rummaging around in her mane. “Ghee wiz, I figured that would have work, maybe I should try something with a bit more…”

“NO!” Everyone shouts in unison; stopping the party pony in her tracks; who in return lets out a sad sigh as her ears droop.

“Maybe we should try a different technique,” The sun princess suggest as she leans over and whispers something into the former hedgehog’s ear.

Sonic turns to the white alicorn and tilts his head. “You think that will work?” The princess responds with a small nod.

“Yeah, maybe something that doesn’t cause us to all go deaf!” Rainbow Dash retorts as she rubs one of her ears with a hoof. “My ears are still ringing.”

“You guys are no fun.” Pinkie grumbles as she crosses her forelegs across her chest.

“Hush darling,” Rarity states as she adjusts her large brimmed hat.

Stopping in front of the lavender mare, Sonic leans down and deep breath. He then blows into the unicorns ear; snapping Twilight out of her dazed state.

“Gah!” The mare shrieks and she rears up onto her hinds legs and falls onto the floor. “What the buck, Sonic?”

The werehog lets out an amused chuckle as he reaches down and helps the mare to her hooves. “Hey don’t get mad at me, it was Sunny’s idea.”

Celestia hold a hoof to her muzzle and lets out a small giggle as she watches her student mutters unde her breath as she lifted back up. ”I only suggested that Sonic should use whatever method he’s done to jostle you from a similar state.”

“Well, you could have tried something else.” Twilight grumbles as she gives her head a few good shakes.

“Hey, you can’t argue with the results.”
“Yeah, but still…”

“Ah don’t mean to be a bother,” A certain farm pony begins as she directs the conversation elsewhere. “But exactly were ya two doing before we showed up? From what ya looked like ah moment ago, it musta’ been somethin’”

Sonic turns to the now restored Night Princess and as he scratches the back of head. “You want to take this, Lunabell? Or should I?”

“We shall attempt to clear up this ‘misunderstanding’.” Luna says with a stern nod and turns to the rooms’ other occupants. “To put it simply, we were trying to reverse the effects of….shall we say Sir Sonic’s current state. This as you can tell, our efforts haven’t been successful.”

The sun princess taps her chin with a hoof. “This would explain your ‘former state’ along with your request for assistance.”

“Exactly,” Luna confirms with a nod. “Do in part to the events prior and Sir Sonic’s ‘ambient abilities’ we haven’t been able to resolve this.”

“Are you referring to Sonic’s, magic absorption?” The Sol guardian begins; gaining a raised eyebrow and a nod from the Night Princess. “A few of us came to that conclusion during that match between…your other self and Sonic.”

“But how does somepony like Sonic do that?” Twilight inquires as she taps her chin with a hoof. “I mean, unless the emeralds are involved. That should be possible.”

“Not true,” Sonic states as he holds up a finger on his right hand to emphasize this. “I may not be able to use magic like you guys do, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have access to any.

“Explain.” Twilight demands sternly.

“Well, you ever wonder why I don’t simply burst into flames while running.”

The mare gasps. “Like a barrier?”

“Not quite, it’s more like an aura…I think” Sonic corrects as he taps his chin. “Someone explained it to me once a long time ago, but I don’t remember the details, but I think it has something to do with my natural energy...or I guess ‘magic’ in this case. That prevents me from bursting into flames from friction. Or was it linked to my…chaos reserves? I can’t remember exactly. There’s also my link to the chaos emeralds, but now we’re getting off track.”

Twilight taps her chin with a hoof for a few moments as she ponders this new information. “Interesting, this is a topic I’d like to address at a later time. However, I’m curious if the same thing is true for Blaze.” The mare turns to the Lilac feline. “Given that you have control of the flame, I mean.”

“Another topic for another time,” Blaze begins as she gestures to the hulking form of Sonic. “Now then, back to the topic at hand. How exactly does someone of your ‘abilities’ able to absorb another’s magic? Last I checked; you were only able to do that with chaos energy and from what I’ve been told. Magic is as much a part of an individual of this realm as our natural energy is to you and me.”

“So many questions so few answers.” Sonic mutters as he scratches his chin. “I guess, it would be easier to just show you.” The former hedgehog turns to the Night Princess. “Assuming that’s ok with you that is.”

“Of course,” The alicorn says with a smile. “Just don’t hold it too for too long; my normal reserves are rather low at the moment.”

The werehog smiles at the mare as he hovers one of his massive hands over her head. “It will only take a second.” Sonic adds as he places his hand on the alicorn’s head; which causes her mythical mane to disenchant, turn light blue, and fall flat across her neck and back; causes a few of the room’s occupants to gasp at the action.

“Now I’m not very good at explaining this sort of this, but from you guys mentioned earlier. I guess I’m able to absorb some of the princess’s radiant magic, while also neutralizing it.” Sonic waves his free hand around in a swivel motion as he explains this. “Unfortunately I can’t just turn it off. It’s kind of always on. Plus, for whatever reason the abilities I had from the last time I took this form, all carried over.”

“But what caused it?” Rarity attentively asks with an uneasy expression. “I mean, one doesn’t simply take on a new form without a reason.”

Sonic shrugs and removes his hand from the princess’s head. “You got me, maybe it was the mixing of chaos and…pony magic.”

“Alicorn,” Twilight corrects.

“Alicorn magic, whatever.” Sonic then places his hand back onto Luna’s head; causing her mane to disenchant again. “But whatever caused it, made for an interesting match.” The former hedgehog; much to the princess’s dismay, begins removing his hand lone just enough for the alicorn’s mane to re-enchant. Before placing it back on it; causing it to lose its power and fall flat.

“As intriguing as this may be,” The Night Princess begins as she swats the former hedgehog’s hand away with a hoof. “We assume, that’s not the only reason thee have come here.” She gestures to the mane six; who are still wearing their elements. “Or else ye wouldn’t have brought those.”

“Well you see,” Twilight begins as she nervously rubs her right foreleg against her left one. “We were concerned that…that…”

“That you had gone all evil miss bad pony and revered back to Nightmare Moon.” Pinkie interrupts; much to the unicorn’s annoyance.


“What? That is why we’re here isn’t it?” The party pony asks as she looks around. “I mean other than finding out what Spiky and the princess were up to a moment ago. Wasn’t that the whole reason we’re here?”

“Yes, well you could have approached the topic with a bit more tact.” Rarity begins as she trots next to the pink mare. “I mean, we’re in the presences of the rulers of our land. One doesn’t simply accuse one of our rulers of such things.”

“Tis alright, Miss Rarity.” Luna says with a kind smile. “We were not offended.”

“We’ve know one another long enough, not to let something as silly as titles get in the way.” Celestia adds, with a smile mirroring her sister’s.

“Though that does answer the next question I was going to ask.” Sonic ponders as if lost in thought.

“Indeed,” The Night Princess clarifies with a small nod. “We feared this would be a possible outcome resulting from our actions.”

The werehog turns to the alicorn. “I think you better handle this one, Lunabell.”

“We believe that would be wise, Sir Sonic.

“Now wait one cotton pickin’ minute.” Applejack interrupts with a hint of annoyance in her voice. “Now ah don’t mean to be rude, but why in the Sam hells are you referring to Sugar hog as ‘sir’ like that?”

“Applejack language,” Rarity chastises as she turns the farm pony. “Thought now that I think about it, It does raise the question as to why.”

“I was kind of wondering the same thing.” Rainbow Dash says as she scratches her head with a hoof.

“Me too,” Twilight says with a nervous smile.

“ME THREE,” Pinkie enthusiastically adds with a bounce.

“I uh was also wondering why you added such title to our friend’s name. “ Fluttershy cowers behind a chair. “However, you don’t want to tell us. That’s fine too,”

Luna raises her head as if almost snubbing the others. “Tis is not a proper title for my savior? Our protector….our Knight.” The alicorn drapes a wing over the former hedgehog’s back and smiles at him warmly.” We see no other title that is a better fit.”

“So, uh Sugar hog really did send yer darker self packin’?” Applejack inquires as she tilts her head to the side. “Nothing personal, but ah’m finding that mighty hard to believe.” The mare turns to Sonic. “Uh, no offence.”

“None taken,”

The night princess holds a hoof to her muzzled, in an attempt to stifle a laugh.

“What’s so darn funny?” The farm pony exclaims.

“You see Miss Applejack, had our ‘other self’ been in control.” The princess says using her massive wings to make a ‘quoting’ gesture. “Then the match would have occurred quite differently. However…” Luna trails off as she consumed by a dark mist and emerges as Nightmare Moon. “Our other self was never part of the equation.”

Everyone back peddles at the reveal (except for Sonic) and takes attack positions; as if preparing to use some counter measure at any given moment.

“I still don’t understand why you guys are afraid of this form.” Sonic asks as he takes a step towards the Princess of Nightmares. “A lot of thoughts come to mind, but ‘fear’ is not one of them.”

“What would one of these ‘thoughts’ be?” The alicorn ask, gesturing her wings in the same fashion as before.

“Well, if I had to narrow it down to one word,” Sonic begins as he taps his chin and smirks as the princess. “It would be, exotic.”

The faux Nightmare Moon blushes profusely at the comment as she nervously flutters her massive wings. “Yes, well, we wish others shared that sentiment. Most just fear us.”

“Well, that’s their loss. They don’t know what there…” Sonic trails off as he notices the element bearers, Blaze, and the Sun princess are talking secretly amongst themselves. “What are you guys doing?”

Twilight looks up from the huddle and turns to the former hedgehog. “Discussing the best course of action, on how to handle this.”

“’Best course of action’?” Sonic ponders as he turns to the dark alicorn. “Do they think this is some sort of trick or spell?”

“The only spell I’m under is yours.” Nightmare says with a seductive purr.

Sonic chuckles at the comment as he turns back towards the others. “C’mon guys, stop with your conspiracy theories. It’s actually rather easy to explain, if you’ll give me a minute.”

Celestia looks up from at the former hedgehog and scowls. “You have five.”

“Yeesh, tough crowd. I guess I’ll start from the beginning…”

The night princess uses her magic to grab a crystal object from a nearby shelf and sets in on the floor. Then casts her magic onto it; creating a projection of herself and Sonic, prior to the recent events.

“In case you’re wondering,” The faux Nightmare begins as she glances at the others in the room. “It’s a memory stone.”


A certain blue hedgehog zips down a long hallway, before skidding to a stop before a very frantic looking alicorn; pacing back in forth.

“Yo Lunabell, what’s up? You needed me for something?”

The Night princess stops dead in her tracks and looks at the blue hedgehog. “Oh thank the stars you are here, we are in a rather troublesome bind.”

Sonic tilts his head at the rather disheveled appetence of the young alicorn. “what’s up?”

“Remember how we spoke of tonight’s main event and how it would as you said; ‘get everypony pumped for gladiator style combat’?”

The hedgehog nods in agreement. “I think I recall saying something like that. Why what happened?”

“Well you see,” Luna begins.

“Let me guess, those clowns didn’t show up?” Sonic asks, cutting the princess off.

Luna nods and lets out a sigh. “It would seem that no pony has seen nor heard from them since this morning. We hope nothing terrible has befallen them.”

“Na, probably just got wussed out.” Sonic says with a passive wave. “Some just can’t handle pressure.”

The princess frowns.” Be as it may, we are left without a main event for this evening’s proceedings.” Luna’s eyes widen upon her realization. “….unless.”

“’Unless’ what?”

“Do you recall during one of our trips into the dreamscape, that you have…oh how did you say it? ‘Not not a chance to stretch your legs in quite some time.”


“Wait hold up!” A familiar voice cuts in, breaking the spell and drawing everyone’s attention towards a certain pegasus. “When did you two start doing the whole `into the nightosphere’ thing?”

“Nightosphere?” The dark alicorn repeats as she raises her brow. “That’s rather cleaver, mind if I use that?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Yeah sure, go ahead.”

“Splendid,” The faux Nightmare hums with smile. “However, to answer your question; we’ve been frequently the outer realms of the Dreamscape a few times a week for about a month now.”

Sonic notices the vary expression of his friends and interjects. “Usually just on slow nights, just chatting and what not.” The former hedgehog rolls his eyes. “Didn’t think I’d have to go into details, but judging from your reactions; I was wrong.”

Rarity lets out a huff and turns away.

“Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Luna had asked for my assistance and…”

“I remember mentioning it once or twice.” The blue hedgehog ponders as he taps his chin. “I still don’t see how that helps the situation.”

The princess smiles and approaches the hedgehog. “What if we had a solution rectify that?

“I’m listening.”

“As you’ve probably already been told, we didn’t always have this appearance. For a short while, our looks were that associated of nightmares.”

“Yeah, I think Twilight mentioned something like that, during one of her ‘attempts’ at teaching me about Equestrian history. Something about the mare of nightmare or…”

“Nightmare Moon,” Luna corrects.

“Yeah that’s it, but I still don’t see how that helps out situation or let’s me scratch that itch for adventure, I’ve been having.”

Luna looks at her hooves for a moment before responding. “We if it comes to it; we may need to find an ‘alternative’ to tonight’s main event.”

“Like what, a battle?” The princess nods, causing the hedgehog to raise an eyebrow and scratch his head. “No offence Lunabell, but it wouldn’t be much of a match if it was just you and me. I don’t think I’d stand much of a change against those demigod powers of yours. Plus, I can’t in good conches ever hit you.”

“And why is that?”

“Because you’re my friend,” Luna blushes at comment and returns to focus to the floor. “I mean if you wanted to spar or something that’d be different. But I can’t in good conches just start wailing on you just for entertainment. Plus, I’d probably get lynched if I even put a mark on that pretty face of yours.”

The princess shuffles her hooves for a few moments as she process what the blue hedgehog just said. “We too value this bond we share. You call us friend and we know you say that with true sincerity; which is something that we have not experienced in quite some time.” Luna looks up at Sonic and smiles. “You have been a good friend to us, which makes what we are about to ask rather difficult.” The alicorn takes a deep breath before continuing. “We ask that you do battle with us during tonight’s main attraction.” Sonic opens his mouth to comment, but is cut off as Luna holds up a hoof. “Before you object to this, please hear us out.”

Sonic crosses his arms and grumbles under his breath.

“While we ask that you battle us for the ponies that have come to this event. It won’t be between you and me, rather somepony else.”

“I don’t understand, it’s with you, but with you…how does that…”

“Remember how we mentioned our other self, a moment ago?” Sonic nods. “Well, that’s you’ll do battle with.”

“How? I thought it went away when…”

Sonic trails off as a blast mist surrounds the princess; consuming her entire form within it. Only to dissipate a moment later and reveal the night princess’s ‘other’ known persona. One that many still believe exists within the young alicorn; Nightmare Moon.

“Neat,” The blue hedgehog mutters as he watches the alicorn’s transformation. While keeping the same expression, Sonic scans the new figure before him. Stopping once he’s made eye contact with the princess and takes a step back.

“Does my new appearance scare you?” The now black alicorn inquires as she looks down the blue hedgehog. “We assure you, no harm will befall you less…”

“So, this is the infamous Nightmare Moon?” Sonic asks as he cuts the princess off and gives her a familiar smirk. “I like the new look, Lunabell. It’s fierce, but also mysterious.”

The princess tilts her head. “You do not fear us, while in this form?”

“Why would I?” The hedgehog asks, as if the answer is odious. “It’s still you; just with a more…I don’t know, a sort of Mystic Night thing going.”

Luna raises an eyebrow at the hedgehog’s reply and then begins to chew on her lower. “You are perhaps the only individual that hasn’t shown any sort of fear or uneasiness to this form.” The princess then begins tapping her chin with a hoof. “Most curious, indeed.”

“So let me get this straight, if these guys don’t show up before there match tonight. You want us to battle in arena you set up. While you’re disguised as,” Sonic trails off as he gestures to the alicorn’s new form. “that.” Luna nods, causing a frown to appear on the hedgehog’s face. “I don’t know I’m not really digging this idea. Plus, I have to ask, are you ok with this?”

“Honestly we wish there was an alternative,” The faux Nightmare Moon replies as if the words had a foul taste to them. “We’ve spent the better part of the day trying to think of an alternative way…thus the fake greeting our subjects at the front entrance. “

“I was wondering what that was all about. For what it’s worth, it was a convincing copy.”

“Thank you.”

“But it didn’t fool either Blaze or me.”


“The one putting on the fake got the attitude and what not right,” Sonic then taps his nose to emphasize his next point. “You can’t fool the nose; we were able to ‘sniff’ out the fake rather easily.” Sonic states using air quotes when appropriate.

“We shall keep that in mind, however back to the issue at hoof. If an alternative solution to this conundrum were possible we’d seek that rather than ask that you do something that, you’ve already expressed not wanting to do. But as they say, ‘desperate times call for desperate measures’.”

Sonic crosses his arms as the frown from earlier shifts to a scowl. “I still don’t like this.”

“Please, we shall be forever in your debt if you assist us.” Luna pleads.

“There’s no need for that,” The blue hedgehog states as he holds up his right hand. “I mean, do you really want everyone to think that Nightmare Moon has returned? Fake or not it could do more harm than good, if we carry this out.”

The young alicorn smiles and drapes a dark wing over the hedgehog’s back. “That is where you’re wrong, you see what we have in mind is…”

“So after some planning, we came up with a solution that would help both parties. Luna gets the ‘main event’ to the show and I get to do something exciting.”

As Sonic finishes his explanation of the chains of events that lead up to the nights final match. The rooms’ occupants stare at the former hedgehog in varied forms of shock and annoyance; save for Luna who rolls her eyes at her sister’s scowl aimed at the two.

“Sister, your face will stay that way if you keep it like that for too long.” The Night princess comments as she smirks at the elder alicorn. “Which as you can image would hurt your omnipotent image of calm sincerity.”

“You took the joke a bit too far there, Lunabell.” Sonic mutters as he leans towards the night princess.”

“Oh, we see that…”

“You do realize that our subjects will believe that tonight’s event actually happened.” Celestia comments as she cuts her younger sister off. “They’ll think that Sonic will have actually defeated your Nightmare form.”

Luna turns to Sun princess and gives her a flat look. “We are actually counting on it.”


The night princess lets out a sigh before continuing. “Even though, it’s been quite some time since our return and the ‘purification’ by the elements. Our subjects’ sill fears us and calls us by the name of our former self. Many still have nightmares of the possibility of ‘eternal night’ and even after we have ridden them of this fear. They still refuse to even look at us; much less share the same patch of road. Even when traveling in the same direction. Dirvering their routes entirely or using the other side of street..”

Celestia opens her mouth to comment, but is stopped by a stern glare from her sister. “Please let us finish. While we can understand some uneasiness, this constant fear has gone on long enough.”

“So we came up with a plan to fix this..sort of.” Sonic cuts in and places a hand on her alicorn’s shoulder. “While things didn’t go like we wanted, everyone out there thinks that ‘Mare on the Moon’ is now gone for good…Or until something comes up and Luna needs to make her appear again.”

“Isn’t that a bit underhanded?” Applejack comments in annoyance.

“Yes, but considering that everyone was still skittish around Lunabell, despite Sunny saying that Nightmare Moon wasn’t around anymore. Proves that a lot of people…or I guess ponies didn’t believe her claim. Despite, you know being the all powerful ruler and all.”

The Sun princess frowns at the former hedgehog and then shifts to a scowl at she turns to her younger sister. “While we can see the merit for your actions, it still doesn’t excuse what you did. Now everypony will doubt the power of the elements and question…”

“Oh for crying out loud lighten up!” Sonic cuts in; much to the alicorns annoyance.

“Excuse me?”

“We get it, it wasn’t the most well thought out plan. But considering that we killed two birds with one stone…”

“That’s awful, why would you want to kill a cute little birdie?” Fluttershy interrupts as she rises up from her hiding spot.

“Not literally,” Sonic comments as he smirks at the now trembling pegasus. “It’s a saying where I’m from, it means achieving two ends with a single effort.”


“Anyway,” Sonic continues as he turns back to the Sun Princess. “We solved the issue with the missing combatants and helped with that damn sigma against your sister. It’s a win, win.”

“Still It,” Celestia begins.

“If ends up being an issue, then we’ll just come clean about it and say it was all just an act.” The former hedgehog states as the moon princess nods. “Besides, anyone tries to do something that will bring harm here; they’ll think that the elements aren’t as powerful as they really are. Bam, we now have an ace in the hole if we need it. Now we have three wins for the price of one.”

The sun princess presses her lips together and lets out a deep sigh through her muzzle. “Very well, we’ll try things your way. However, if this goes in a direction that brings harm my subjects or myself; I’ll ‘correct’ this personally.”

“It won’t, but if for some strange reason it does.” Sonic says with a stern look. “We’ll take a step back and let you handle it.” Luna nods in agreement and turns to the others. “That is, if what you all just heard, doesn’t leave this room.” The former hedgehog turns to the ebony alicorn. “Unless someone was listening in from the other side.”

The night Princes shakes her head. “Neigh, once the doors were repaired. The noise canceling enchantment was activated.”

“If that’s the case,” Twilight begins. “Why were we able to hear you on the other side of them?”

“They weren’t shut all the way.” Luna replies flatly as a frown appears on her face.

“I see,”

“So, we good?” Sonic begins as he turns to the others. “I know it’s a bit to ask, but…”

“Ah won’t tell a soul.” Applejack exclaims with a nod. “We trust ya have yer reasons. Isn’t that Right girls?”

The others nod in agreement.

“My lips are sealed!” Pinkie pie proclaims as she literally zips her lips closed.

“Where it any pony else, I’d be inclined to agree to such a request.” Rarity states as she tilts the brim of her hat back. “But for you, I shall not let this information slip.”

“No problem, big guy. I got it covered.” Rainbow Dash boasts as she tilts her head up proudly. “Any pony spills the beans. They’ll have to deal with me.” The mare smashes her hooves together to emphasize her claim.

Twilight frowns at the mare’s comment. “You do realize that we’re the only ones here.” The unicorn states as she gestures to the rooms occupants. “So, you be ‘settling things’ with one of us.”

“I-I hope it doesn’t c-come to that.” Fluttershy squeaks as she peaks up from behind a small chair. “Having to turn on one another, because of something like that.” The mare shivers. “Y-you have my word, I-I won’t tell any pony.”

The lavender mare rolls her eyes. “No pony is going to hurt anypony. Dash is just being…well Dash.”

“HEY!” The costumed pegasus shouts in protest.

“But that still doesn’t mean I’ll tell anypony.” The mare then turns to the (usually) lilac feline. “What about you Blaze?”

“What about me?” The Sol Guardian asks as if offended by the question.

“Are you going to say anything?”

“Why would I?” Blaze as she did before. “I trust that Sonic has the best intentions for this. Why would I even think of putting that in jeopardy, because of a loose tongue?”

Twilight stares at the feline, at a total loss for words. She attempts to comment, but is cut off by the moon princess.

“Excellent, “Luna cheerfully proclaims as she returns to her normal self. “Now then, on to more pressing matters.” The alicorn states as she turns to her elder sister and then to the lavender unicorn. “Our attempts at returning Sir Sonic to his normal form have not been successful. Perhaps if you two would assist us in the matter, then perhaps we can rectify this.”

“Before you begin, I have a question.” A certain party pony asks as she raises her right hoof.

“Go ahead,” The sun princess says with a kind smile.

“What happened to Spiky that make him go all big and fuzzy? Was that part of the plan or…”

“No, it wasn’t.” Sonic states as he turns to the pink party mare. “I was supposed to use the emeralds and go into my super form and ‘vanquish the evil princess.’ However,” The former hedgehog trails off and turns to the now navy blue alicorn. “Something went wrong and I turned into,” Sonic gestures to himself. “This. What happened anyway?”

Luna shakes her head and lets out a sigh. “We are not curtain, perhaps it was the flash of light that stirred up an old memory. Or maybe it was the sheer amount of power you were giving off when using those emeralds.” The princess lets out a sigh. “We fear that we’ll never know for certain.”

“Well as the saying goes, ‘sh*t happens’.” Sonic proclaims as he turns to others and then back to Luna. “There’s no use crying over split milk, so let’s just move on and get over it.”

“Agreed,” The sun princess says with a firm nod. “While I don’t agree with how you worded the first one. The message is still clear.” Celestia then turns to her faithful student. “Now Twilight, will you assist us in returning Sonic to his normal form?”

“Yes, of course!” The unicorn replies with a cheerful smile. “I’ll help anyway I can.”

Excellent, now then I need the rest of you to stand back.” Celestia begins as she turns to the other element bearers. “I’ll do what I can to contain this, but…”

“Say no more, I got it covered.” Pinkie Pie states as she now dons a full suit of armor.

“How did you…never mind. Everypony step back: except for you Twilight.”

The others comply and take several large steps back; some even hiding behind/ under some of the ornate furniture.

“This is going to be so awesome!” Rainbow Dash states as she peeks from behind a large armoire.

Rarity rolls her eyes at the Pegasus’s claim. “You really are easily impressed aren’t you?”

“Well, not everypony has that there fancy magic of yours.” Applejack states as she ducks behind a couch. “So ya can lose that hoty-toyt attitude of yours.”

“Yeah, stop being a meanie!” Pinkie adds as she emerges from a steal flower pot.

“I-I just hope they’ll be ok.” Fluttershy mutters from behind her hiding spot.

“They’ll be fine, Miss Fluttershy.” Blaze says calmly as she remains out in the open and crosses her arms.


“Tell us, young Twilight. How are ye skill of magic reversal?” Luna demands as she turns to the lavender mare. “Are ye skilled enough in it, to pull of this task?”

The unicorn opens her mouth to reply, but is cut off by the sun princess. “I wouldn’t have asked for her to assists if I wasn’t confident in her abilities.”

Twilight blushes at the princess’s praise and bobs her head in place. “Thanks princess.” She then turns to the ebony alicorn. “Are you sure this will work? Given into account Sonic’s ‘natural’ abilities.”

Luna taps her chin in thought. “We are certain, however…”

“It’s worth a try.” Sonic proclaims as he steps between the two. “So how do you want to do this? Am I supposed to stand in the middle or…”

“Step in an open area of the room and we shall surround you.” Celestia replies as she turns to the others. “We must all focus our magic onto one area.”

“Exactly,” Luna begins as she looks at her sister, Twilight, and then to Sonic. “Is everypony ready?”

“Yes of Course,” Celesta states with a nod.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Twilight mutters as she shifts uncomfortably in her spot.

“I’m ready over here, let her rip.” Sonic adds with a toothy grin.

The three mare’s exchange nods and circle around the werehog. Luna taking a spot on Sonic’s left, With Twilight taking a position on his right, and Celestia taking her spot front and center. As the three mares’ get into position, the tree shares a nod and begins channeling magic into their horns.

“Now this may feel funny for a second,” Celestia begins.

“But it shall not, be any different from what you’ve experienced before.” Luna adds with a smile.

“J-just relax and it will be over shortly….hopefully.”

Sonic gives the three a thumbs up followed by a nod. “Do it.”

An ornate symbol composed of gold magic appears under the former hedgehog. And then by a ring of blue magic symbols that surrounds it. Followed by another set of small ones; made of bright pink magic.

“Alright, on my signal, we synchronize the spell and then channel our magic into it.” The other two acknowledge the order by a firm nod and then close there eyes. “Now on the count of three; one…two…three!”

The middle symbol begins shining with a bright light as the set of blue rings begins to turn in a clockwise fashion. While the outer pink ring, starts turning counter clockwise. Each rings spins at a different speed; Getting brighter as they spill. Luna’s spins at a relatively slow pace, gaining strength as it goes. While Twilight’s spins so fast, that it almost becomes a blur the faster it goes.

Then as if finding the secret combination to a safe, each ring abruptly stops and begins casting a bright light. The symbol in the middle remains as bright as before, but seems to be traveling to other rings; giving each a sort of ‘out glow.

Twilight clenches her teeth as she continues to channel her magic into the ring. While Luna seems to be struggling to keep her ‘regal stance’ as her mane and tail start to shift out of enchantment. Celestia meanwhile, seems to be the least affected. Maintaining her stance and composer; only shifting slightly as she channels more magic into the ring.

As the sun princess’s magic begins to consume the others, Sonic looks at the three mare’s. Each of which have their eyes shut, as they continue to channel their magic. Two of which appear to be struggling with the task; evident by their pained expressions. The former hedgehog attempts to get Luan’s attention, but stops short. As the three mares eyes snap open; each completely white out with magic.

“Now!” Celestia commands; resulting in everything going white.

Rainbow Dash shields her eyes with a wing as everything starts going bright. “You guys might want to hold onto something. Things are about to get intense.”

A blinding light consumes everything in its path; taking everything with it, with an all powerful white light.


Chairs, tables, and almost anything that isn’t nailed down begin to lift from the floor as the three continue to pour magic into the spell. The remaining members of the mane 6 and Blaze are forced from their hiding spots and attempt to take shelter in another; which ends up being a rather large, over sized chest. That seems to be thoroughly glued to the floor; by some form of magic or other conventional means.

“Whoa Nelly, those three are about to bring the whole place down!” Applejack shouts over the rumble of the future crashing into each other. “Ah didn’t see myself going in a magic explosion!”

Pinky makes an attempt to pear into the blinding light, but then removes a pair of sunglasses from her mane and looks trough them. “Wowe, this is getting intense. Spiky is just taking this whole thing in stride. Whatever Luna hit him with must have been tough.”

“What are you talking about?” Rarity shouts over the commotion. “How can the combined power of…”

“She’s right!” Blaze shouts, cutting the mare off. “Whatever they’re doing, isn’t working.”

“This is bad, this is very bad.” Fluttershy mutters to herself as she takes the fetal position. “If those three can’t…”

“Oh for crying out loud, stop being a bunch of drama queens!” Rainbow Dash shouts over the others. “The big guy can take it; he’ll be his usual cool blue self in no time.”

“I won’t be so sure about that.” Blaze mutters out; too quiet for anyone to hear her.

Next Chapter Preview:

Sonic: "Well that's something?"

Pinkie: "Oh, he's gonna do it, he's gonna do it!"

Celestia: "We are not amused."

Luna: We don't know, sister. IT's rather entertaining from where standing."
