• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,658 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...

Feathers of Flight

"Stand down foul creature. What business do you have with our Lady Celestia?" A crimson hippogryph, gilded in heavy steel armor demands, holding a silver sword an inch away from the hedgehog's face.

Sonic takes a few tentative steps backward as he holds up his hands in front of him. "Whoa, calm down, Red; I'm just here to see if the princess is ok." He then turns to the aforementioned alicorn; standing behind the hostile guard. "You ok over there, Sunny?"

"I'm all right, Sonic." The sun goddess replies with a kind smile; Promoting the hedgehog to relax visibly with a heavy sigh of relief. "Just a bit rattled with everything that's transpired." She adds turning to the guard with a sour look,

The guard lowers her weapon slightly and glances in the Sun princess's direction. "You two know each other?"

"Oh course, me and Sunny go way back." The hedgehog replies with an exaggerated wave of his arms. "In fact, we even had a little chat on..."

"I think she get's the point." The alicorn interrupts flatly.

Sanguis raises an eyebrow in response to the two's brief exchange but then shrugs it off before sheathing her sword back into its hilt; located on her back.

"My apologies," The hippogryph begins with an apologetic tone. "Everypony has been a bit on edge since this morning's...'incident.'"

"And I supposed my way of traveling here didn't help things either?" The hedgehog jests as he lets out a nervous chuckle.

The guard locks eyes with the speedster. "It did not. However," She then holds an armored talon to her beak and clears her throat. "My actions towards you were unacceptable. Perhaps we should try this again" She then holds out an armored claw. "Sanguis Rose, sworn protector and personal guard of our Lady Celestia."

Sonic grabs onto the extended appendage and gives it a firm shake. "And I'm Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog. I guess if we're going with descriptive titles. 'Fastest thing alive.'" He grins. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise," Sanguis replies with a stoic nod. Only to shift to a raised eyebrow, as she processes what the hedgehog had just said. "Wait, fastest thing alive?"

"It's a nickname I got a long time and now I just kind of roll with it."

"But why?"

"Because it's true," The speedster smugly replies as he runs a hand through his long blue quills.

The hippogryph lets out an amused snort. "Right,"

Sonic opens his mouth to reply, but then someone loudly clearing their throat. Cuts the hedgehog off and steers things back towards the original conversation.

"Perhaps, we should get back to the topic at claw," Sanguis suggests sheepishly.

The hedgehog clears his throat before responding. "Yeah, let's do that."

A certain princess pats her barrel with a hoof and lowers it down back to the ground."Excuse me,"

"So, you're Sunny's new muscle?" Sonic inquiries with an amused smirk. "You seem to be able to handle yourself."

"In a sense, yes. I have been asked personally by the princess herself to be her Sentinel during these," She then frowns as if what she's about to say leaves a bitter taste. "...Troublesome times. While it is not my place to make such assumptions, but I fear that this is only the beginning."

As if summoned by an unknown force, the sun goddess steps forth and takes a regal stance before addressing the party. "You are not alone in this 'assumption' Rose. I too sense something upon the horizon that may threaten our way of life." Her expression turns serious. "However, after what transpired this morning. Whoever..or whatever this is has made their first move."

"So what happened exactly?" The hedgehog inquires nonchalantly as he crosses his arms behind his back. "Twilight didn't give me a lot of details to go on. Plus, I may have gotten a tad worried and came right over when I heard the news." He adds with a nervous chuckle.

Celestia frowns for a moment in response to the question. Before shifting back to her usually 'calm and pleasant' expression. "I shall have to have a word with Twilight. Regarding the concept of confidential information and how to keep your word not to tell another pony what you promised to keep secret."

"Well for the record, I'm not a 'pony.'" The hedgehog quips with a slight shrug. "So, technically no promised was broken. Plus, Twilight was just worried about you. We both were. I wouldn't have gone all this way over here if I wasn't."

The princess nods solemnly. "And I appreciate that I really do. But regardless, Twilight gave me her word, and essentially broke it without hesitation." She smiles warmly and places her right wing across the hedgehog's back. "And while I do trust you and know you'd never exasperate the situation. Had she told it to another pony, It may have caused a panic."

"Alright, I'll give you that, but I still stand by what I said. Also, we're starting to get off track."

Sanguis turns to the princess and as she addresses her. "Would you mind if I explain this, your highness? You had only arrived when things had already become tense."

"By all mean, Sentinel. You may proceed." The Princess replies with a solemn nod.

The guard acknowledges this a firm nod. "Thank you, for highness." She then turns towards the blue hedgehog; who's watching this exchange with an amused smirk. "During my time stationed here, our unit received several reports regarding suspicious activity along the coast. Which prompted us to investigate a small collection of derelict vessels straight off the port and..."


Back at the Golden Oaks Library, a now pale green studious mare lies on her back; on top of a large towel spread across the floor, staring blankly (upside down) at the now deactivated communication gem resting on the floor nearby.

"I hope everything is alright," Twilight mutters to herself as she lazily shifts around on the floor; hoping to find a more comfortable position.

"I'm sure everything is fine," A new voice confirms as a certain Sol guardian enters the room, carrying a small bowl in her hands. No longer donning her trademark jacket or gloves; which are now both draped over a nearby chair. But instead, is wearing a pale blue halter top.

The mare turns towards the source of the voice. "But we haven't heard anything back yet." She replies as Blaze kneels beside her and sets the bowl onto the wooden floor.

"If there had been an issue, I'm sure the princess would have informed us." The Guardian reassures the mare as she summons a small burst of fire from her hands and dips them into the bowl. "Besides, Sonic is with them by now. So, any problems that may have arisen since then. Would have been resolved at this point."

Twilight bites her lower lips as she ponders the feline's words for a moment before responding. "I suppose you're right. Maybe I'm just getting worked up over nothing."

"There you go," Blaze replies as she lifts her now ointment covered hand from the bowl and places them on the mare's sides; inciting a sharp gasp, followed by a slight shutter. The feline raises an eyebrow in response, but then shrugs and continues to apply the odd colored mixture onto the mare. "Also, from what you've told me. Your ruler of the sun in more than capable of taking care of herself. So, there is no need to worry regardless."

The mare frowns and looks away. "Fine, you've made your point. I'll stop worrying myself over it." She grumbles a few intangible words under her breath before turning back to the feline and glances at her new attire. "Is that something you bought from your world or did Rarity make that for you?"

Blaze flinches slightly with a slight recoil; broken from her chain of thought at the sudden subject change but then looks down at her top before responding. "Ms. Rarity insisted that she make something that 'emphasizes my traits,'" The feline replies, using finger quotes. "Whatever that means."

"I believe she's implying that you should be a bit less reserved about your attire. You know, not keep yourself so covered up all the time." The mare replies with a matter-of-factly tone. "I may not be an expert on pyrokinesis...at least not yet anyway, but that jacket has to get troublesome to wear at times. doesn't it?"

The feline reaches back into the bowl of ointment and applying a small amount to the mare's sternum; inciting another gasp and a slight moan. "You're starting to sound like Sonic. He asked me something similar a while back and again just recently when..." Blaze trails off and looks away.

"I take it; he now knows that you've been keeping yourself wrapped up like that."

Blaze lets out a sigh as she continues to work ointment into the mare's coat. "Yes, he found out this afternoon." She then lets out an amused laugh. "He actually took it a lot better than I hoped."

"How do you mean?" Twilight inquires looks up at the feline from her position on the floor.

A small smile appears on the guardian's face. "He was shocked, to say the least, but-" Her smile increases slightly. "-then like he always does. Made me realize that I was making a big deal out of nothing." She then frowns. "That I shouldn't be ashamed of who I am and that I don't need to worry about what others think."

Twilight pats the feline on the side with her right foreleg. "We all have our inner struggles. Sometimes all we need is a little push to help us overcome them."

"So, it would be safe to assume that Sonic has assisted you with a similar matter." The feline inquires. "Mind if I ask what that was?"

The mare blushes slightly and looks away. "I wouldn't say it was something like what was weighing on your mind. Rather it was something I was unknowingly doing that was driving everypony away."

"Go on,"

"Well, I was starting to take my studies too seriously and..."

"You were reading too many books, got it." The feline interrupts.

Twilight turns to the guardian and frowns. "No, that's not what I was going to say at all. But it was something similar to that."

Blaze lets out an exaggerated gasp and covers her mouth. "Twilight Sparkle does more than just read a mountain of books?"

The mare rolls her eyes and lets out an annoyed huff. "You know that's not the reason. Knock it off!" She snaps with a slight growl.
Taking a calming breath; the mare continues. "No, I was trying to figure out the solution to a particular spell I was working on and nothing I came up was working."

"And Sonic knew the answer to this...how exactly?" The Guardian inquiries with a raised eyebrow

"He suggested that I take a break and come back to it when I wasn't to frazzled."

Blaze ignites another small flame onto her hands and dips them back into the bowl. "I take it you were able to find the solution to your problem after doing so."

"Yeah, I was," Twilight replied with a soft smile. "Ended up using that same method for a lot of issues I came across." She then frowns. "Ended up starting to shirk some of my lesser responsibilities to just get out of the house for a while and hopefully run into him." The mare looks back up at the feline. "I ended up getting really far behind in my studies, but it was Sonic who got me back on track and offered to come with me so that I would explain myself to the princess. It ended up resolving itself, but still. "She adds with a slight huff.

The feline removes her hands from the bowl and places them back onto the mare; inciting a soft whimper. "Didn't you two live together at the time? How weren't you already seeing each other on a daily basis?"

"Usually, when I'd get up for the day, Sonic would already be gone or be on his way out when I tried to talk to him. He'd offer to stay and chat for a bit, but I didn't want to inconvenience him."

"So, it would see you two had conflicting schedules?" The Guardian inquiries, inciting a small nod from the mare. "I see." She lets out a heavy sigh before continuing. "There is a matter I'd like to discuss with you."

Twilight lazily turns towards the feline with a soft smile. "What's on your mind?"

Blaze looks away for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh and turning back towards the mare. "Pardon me if I'm a bit blunt, but this is something that has been weighing on my mind for a while now." She lets out another sigh before continuing. "Are becoming aroused by this?"

The mare's eyes widen as she pulls her forelegs close to her chest. "W-what do you mean?"

"What I mean is, since I've begun treatment; resulting from your unfortunate encounter with that beehive earlier today. You've started to respond rather peculiarly to any form of physical contact during said procedure. Plus," The bridge of the feline nose crinkles slightly. "There has been a noticeable increase in pheromones present that..."


Torches and candles of various size illuminate the stone hallway in a soft, warm glow. As a certain blue hedgehog, princess, and sentinel travel down it. Sonic lets out an impressed whistle while crossing his arms behind his head, and turns to the Crimson hippogriff.

"And you took it out all by yourself? I gotta say I'm impressed, Red."

The guard turns away briefly to hide the small blush appearing on her face. "Your compliments are unnecessary. And to be fair, it was the princess that delivered the final blow to that foul creature, not I."

"Still, you were the only one to step up and protect Sunny over here, " The Hedgehog adds gesturing to the sun goddess. "Is still kind of cool."

Sanguis lets out an amused chuckle before responding. "I suppose it was. Wasn't it?"

"Of course. I wouldn't' say so unless..." Sonic trails off as he notices the princess giving the two a flat look. "What? Don't tell me you're jealous. You move the sun like it's nothing." The hedgehog exclaims as he holds out his arms. "Red here fought off a...what did you call it? A Draugr?" The alicorn nods. "What are those things anyway? They like a zombie or something?"

"One question at a time, Sonic." The alicorn replies with a shake of her head. "First off no, I am not jealous. I just don't like being ignored. Second, a Draugr is the manipulation of an individual's body; who has already passed, through the use of twisted magic." Celestia turns to the hedgehog just as he's about to ask another question. "And no, you can't be turned into one while still alive, but with enough of that twisted magic. You can be corrupt and transformed into a thrall. Though, it takes a lot for that to happen with most ponies."

Sonic crosses his arms behinds his head and exaggerates a few steps forward. "Well, that was rather informative."

"Indeed," Sanguis adds as she looks down at the ground for a few moments before continuing. "Also, I apologize princess; I wasn't aware that you two were an item. If I somehow overstepped my bounds, I assure you it was not intentional."

The alicorn and hedgehog exchange looks before turning back towards the hippogriff; who now has a nervous expression on her face.

"WHAT!" They both exclaim in unison

"H-have I said something wrong?" The guard shudders as she takes a few steps backward.

The two began snickering with one another; barely able to contain themselves, prompting the hippogryph to give them a puzzled look.

"Uh, did I miss something?"

Sonic is the first to lose his composure and bursts out laughing before falling to the ground; gaining a few odd looks from some of the nearby guards. While Celestia meanwhile, restrains herself and lets out a more dignified laugh into one of her hooves.

"P-pay up, Sunny." The hedgehog sputters as he burst into another fit of laughter. Celestia uses her magic to summon a small pouch of pits towards the speedster.

"I'm sorry, you must be quite confused right now." The princess replies as she fights to keep her composure.

"Yeah, I don't follow any of this."

Celestia takes a stance as she addresses the confused guard; which loses much of this 'power' since her wings twitch every so often as she continues to control her laughter. "About a few days ago, we made a bet that..*short.*."

The room goes eerily silent as even the laughing hedgehog beside the princess has stopped. One of the guards cringes as all eyes are now on the princess.

"Did you just snort like a pig?" A nearby guard asks.

"No," The Princess responds with a and turns way.

Sonic is the first to burst out laughing, followed by the rest of hallways occupants. Even Sanguis Rose loses it and joins the others as they laugh as the princess's unintentional faux pas.

Celestia narrows her eyes towards the laughing hippogryph. "Et Tu, Sanguis?"

"Why is everypony laughing?" A new voice inquires, as the princess of the night rounds a corner to a rather odd scene before her. The alicorn scans the halls with a bored expression on her face. Which abruptly shifts to a face splitting grin as she spots a certain blue hedgehog, just as he's recovering from his bout of laughter and is rising from the floor.

The two lock eyes and princess's expression intensifies. While the hedgehog's turn to one of worry.

"My champion!" Luna exclaims as she starts galloping towards a rather nervous Sonic.

"No, no, no!" The hedgehog shouts as he holds his hands in front of him in a futile attempt to stop the impending 'glomp' from the princess.

A flash of dark blue crosses the hedgehog's vision, just as he's knocked off his feet and is sent careening across the floor; with the princess in tow.

The group ceases there laughter and begin to depart. In hopes of not invoking the wrath of another princess. Celestia raises a brow to this but then turns back to the younger alicorn. Letting out a small sigh and shaking her head.

Luna; who is now nuzzling the hedgehog doesn't notice this or merely doesn't care. Letting out a small laugh as she does so. While Sonic for the post part. Just allows the Princess to do her thing while returning the embrace and eventually scratching her behind one of her ears; inciting another giggle.

"Hello, dear sister." The elder alicorn says with a hint of distance in her voice. "What did you and your team find on our would-be assassin?"

Luna looks up at her elder sister and sheepishly smiles as he returns to her hooves. "Thee efforts have not bared much fruit, we admit. Most findings have been of which of things we already know." The alicorn looks away just as a small folder; encased in her magic. Emerges from around the same corner she just came she arrived from earlier. "However, we did find some odd markings on the armor." She looks back at the group. "Originally we believed that it was during the early period before the uprising. However, many 'tribute' suits of armor were made and worn after that era for almost a century." She cringes. "Which makes identifying the former wearer's origin rather difficult to locate."

Sanguis glances as the hovering folder and then back at the moon princess. "You mentioned finding 'strange marking' on armor. You wouldn't happen to have made any documentation of these have you?"

"Why yes actually," The Princess replies smugly. "Several magic images were taken as well as a few charcoal rubbings." She tilts her head. "Why do you ask?"

The hippogryph gestures towards the folder. "Would you mind if I took a look at those?"

Celestia and Luna exchange looks; with the former shrugging slightly. "I don't see why not." The elder princess responds with a kind smile. "You were present after all. It seems only fair. Plus, it's thanks to you that I'm talking to all of you right now."

The night princess uses her magic to guide the folder into the hippogriffs awaiting grasp "Thank you for the kind words, Princess. But I doubt whatever that thing was would have been able to deal any significant damage to you."

"Maybe so, but you still prevented it from hurting anypony else. I'd say that still warrants a congratulatory and justifies your reassignment."

Sanguis opens the folder and begins to flip through its contents. "I just did what anygriff would do." Her eyes widen as she stops at one of the magic images. "There is an old Griffon saying; 'You can't put a price on honor.'" She holds out one of the pictures for the rest to see "Well...maybe the offer was too low."

"Are those tool marks?" Sonic skeptically inquires as he leans forward to examine the image.

The guard nods and returns the image back to the folder. "Correct, they are precision tools. And by the looks of it, by somegriff very skilled in the craft. Which weren't around when this armor was first crafted, less it was made very recent."

Celestia frowns slightly after hearing this. She then leans in closer and attempts to view the contents of the folder. "Are there any surviving inscriptions on the armor? Something that may lead us to whoever it used to belong to."

There is your majesty. Most of it seems to still legible. Hm, 'ad interfectorem', The guard mutters to herself. "Ejusque? custos." She adds with a sour look on her face

"That's Latin," Sonic comments as he rises from the floor.

Celestia nods solemnly. "That it correct, it was a popular tradition in early Griffon culture to inscribe the titles you gained during great battles onto your armor." She frowns. "Unfortunately, for a while, it as seen as a rank, since many would have similar titles inscribed onto their armor; this was also copied in the recreations later on."

Sanguis remains fixed onto the folds contents as she continues to flips through a few more pages. "That's a given, everygriff know that. However," She holds up a picture of what remained of the assassins breastplate and taps a section of it with one of her talons. "The symbols around the wording is indigenous to where the solder was originally from and is considered a great dishonor to misrepresent if not from that same area." She then places the image back with the others and continues to search the documents. "So, either this was a soldier from that period, one from the area that made a 'tribute set later on,' or a very dishonorable one who wanted to try and fool others with incorrect markings."

"I never knew that," The elder alicorn comments as she presses her lips together.

"Neither did we, sister," Luna adds with a slight nod.

The guard flips to another page before responding. "It's not exactly common knowledge these days. The act fell out of practice long before the use of this 'iconic' armor did." She looks up at the alicorn. "The only reason I know this is because my grandfather has an original set in his study and would often talk about it if you're willing to listen."

"This is all fascinating, but what does it have to do with our current situation?" Luna asks with a slightly annoyed tone.

Sanguis holds another image of the assassin's armor; of its right front gauntlet. "Originally these were heavily enchanted to withstand most magic. So, to actually do any damage to it, you had to have a very powerful weapon or be a high-level magic user."

"Interfectorem magni Regis?" The hedgehog tilts his head. "Whoever this was, took down a powerful ruler and left the armor mostly the same after." He adds pointing to a huge gash that runs from the tip to the talon guard to almost the forearm.

The guard's eyes widen while she turns the picture over and glances at the image. "The tales never mentioned anything regarding a high-level spellcaster or that they possessed a magic-infused broad sword. So whoever wielded it, was of high standing. Any idea who that would be your highness?" She looks back up to the two alicorns but is only met with silence. Sonic does the same and is treated to similar treatment.


Both princesses appear pale each with a worried look on their faces. Luna continuously opens and closes her mouth as if try to forms a response; while Celestia's nostrils flared as she keeps taking a deep breath as if trying to calm herself down.

Sonic and Sanguis exchange looks before turning back towards the two alicorns.

"Uh, you two ok?" Sonic inquires as he takes a few tentative steps towards the princesses.

"Interfectorem magni Regis," The sun goddess replies in a shaky tone, breaking the silence. "The great king slayer." She takes in a steady breath before continuing. "He's the griffon that had a hoof in my father's demise."

"With an enchanted blade that was forged with very twisted magic," Luna adds with a grim expression. She then turns to the hippogryph. "That...thing you fought this morning. Was it wielding a giant crimson sword?" The princess inquires with a stern tone. "It would have been several feet long with an ornate decoration on its hilt."

The Sentinel shakes her head. "No ma'am, they were was carry an ancient war ax that shattered during the attack.

Luna presses her lips and lets out a small sigh. "Oh course, that would be too easy. She grumbles to herself. "Lieutenant."

A patrolling pegasus guard stops and turns towards the princess. "Yes, your highness."

"Send a detachment to the shipyard and search those vessels that were seized earlier today." The princes' commands, but is met with a confused look. "Why are you still standing there? I gave you an order."

The guard opens his mouth to speak, but is cut off by the sun goddess. "You heard my sister, go on now." Celestia snaps with a hint of annoyance in her voice; causing the guard to flinch. "Tear them apart if you must, but have a suppressor handle the blade." The princess takes a slow breath through her muzzle when the guard remains in the same spot. "Dismissed!"

With a small yelp, the guard quickly salutes the group and makes a beeline down the hallway; gaining a few odd looks as he does so.

Celestia taps her forehead with a hoof and lets out a small sigh. "It's been over a year since my sisters return. And the guards still hesitate to follow her orders."

"Tis a minor inconvenience." The Moon Goddess muters herself.

"No, it's messed up. "The hedgehog snaps with a slight snarl. "There is no excuse for those guys to second guess everything you say or do. Nym, you have just as much authority around here as your sister does. It's the both of you that rule this place. We need to make them see that..." Sonic is cut off in his tangent as he's pulled into a warm hug by the Moon Goddess.

Luna lets out an amused giggle as speedster go abruptly silent by her action. "Such fire and determination. I don't believe I've ever seen this side of you before."

"Sorry, I just got a bit worked up." The hedgehog replies with a small sigh as he looks up at the alicorn. "It's just not right, Nim. You shouldn't have to put up with that."

The alicorn frowns and looks away. "It will mostly likely take a while for others to become accustomed to my presence and position as a co-ruler." She then turns back to the speedster and gives him a small. "But hearing that you care, truly warms my heart. But also, why have you started calling me Nim?"

"Meh, it seemed appropriate," Sonic replies nonchalantly with a small shrug.

An amused smirk appears on the alicorn's face. "You never cease to amused me, Sonic."

The sound of someone loudly clearing their throat draws everyone's attention to a very annoyed the Sun Goddess. "Can we please get back to the topic at hoof? Plus, you're making a scene, Luna."

A mischievous expression appears on the Moon Goddess's face as she turns to the elder alicorn. "Art thou jealous, dear sister?"

"Preposterous, I merely wish to not draw attention to ourselves for such foolhardy behavior, Luna."

Sanguis looks around before turning back to the two alicorns. "But we're are alone? There is no Griffin in sight."

Sonic begins snickering, while still within the young alicorns grasps.

"Oh, you shut up."

The hedgehog holds a hand to his mouth as he steps out of the Moon Goddess's grasps. "Come on Sunny, lighten up." He quips, gaining a few amused laughs from the others, except the Sun Goddess; who just narrows her eyes at him. "Yesh, tough crowd." He adds scratching the back of his head. "Oh that's right," He snaps his fingers, upon realizing something. "What are the suppressors? I forgot to ask about that earlier."

"It's a particular type of magic user specially trained in handling and recovering enchanted or corrupt items." The elder alicorn responds. "They were originally formed when the Crystal Empire reappeared, and much of it was still under the former king's dark influence."

The hedgehog taps his chin as he glances at a group of passing guards. "Wait, I heard that crystal heart thing took care of it. So why train a team of suppressors if there is no treat?"

"Most of the empire was cleansed from the dark influence." The alicorn corrects. "There was still remnants of the corruption scattered around the kingdom. That if left unchecked would have started the process all over again."

"Neat," Sonic replies with a shrug, having long since stopped being able to follow the alicorn was saying. He then turns back to the hippogryph, who is now looking at the floor; twiddling her talons every so often. "Hey Red, what's up? You've been awfully quiet for the last few minutes."

Celestia turns to the downcast guard and seems to mirror the hedgehog's concern. "Is something on your mind, Rose?"

Sanguis continues to keep her sight fixed on the floor. "Apologies your majesty. I'm a bit conflicted regarding these recent developments. For somegriff to break in and desecrate the Hall of Heroes. Taking one of it's greatest champions to use in this...this twisted act is deplorable and..and"

"He was no hero, Sentinel." Luna corrects, having recovered from the previous escapades. "That ...thing you fought was a traitor and an enemy to Equestria. She adds in a tone dripping with disdain and hate.

The guard turns to the sun goddess for clarification but is only met with a sad nod. Sanguis lets out a small sigh before directing her attention back onto the floor. "All my life I was taught that Razor Wing was a hero. That he overthrew a corrupt government and slew a wicked, tyrannical king." She shutters and looks back up at the princess. "To find out that was 'possibly' all untrue. Is...hard to process."

"Who told you all this? Celestia inquires as she approaches the hippogryph.

Sanguis looks up at the princess with a sadden expression. "My grandfather spoke of Razor Wing in high regard. Often telling stories of past battles and great feats he accomplished." The guard takes a small breath before continuing. "He would often state that our family's legacy is thanks to descending from his greatness. That even my 'puny pony blood' wouldn't be able to diminish this "She lets out a small forced laugh. "But that latter part was probably an attempt to save face since my mother was no longer able to bear any more children after me."

The hippogryph suddenly notices a gloved hand on the crook of her neck. Sanguis turns to its source and is meet with a sympathetic hedgehog. "The guy sounds like a real piece of work. Don't give him the satisfaction by dwelling on something that's beyond your control. And 'apparent' lineage be damned. That shouldn't define you."

"Agreed," The Moon Goddess adds with a solemn nod.

The guard places an armored wing across the speedsters back. "Thank you," Sanguis then turns to the princess's' "Really, thank you. It's been something that's been hanging over my head for as long as I can remember." She then lets out a sad chuckle. "Which makes it all the more messed up that the whole thing's based on an old wise tale. That's probably almost as old as you are, princess."

This time it was the elder alicorn's turn be confused. "I don't' follow. What do you mean?"

Sanguis lets out a sigh before responding. "A few years back I did some research into if this. Since it always struck me as odd that we only had Mistress Sabre's armor and not his; since it's a tradition that armor is passed down the family line. Less the owner perishes while wearing it." She waves her right talon as if to say 'moving on' "During my search, I found that that the two served in the same unit during the early part of Razor Wing's military career. Eventually going their separate ways once they got reassigned." She then frowns. "But here's where it gets weird. The two married other individuals and were even on opposite sides during the 'rebellion.'"
The guard uses talon quotes when appropriate. "And there is no record of them having a child together. However, there is one of Sabre having a thrist with an unknown Gryphon and laying the egg out of wedlock. But to lie about it if it was his."

"Maybe the guy was a jerk, and she wanted the spare the kid of knowing," Sonic comments with a sympathetic tone,

Sanguis turns to the hedgehog and then to the floor. "Perhaps, but then how did this 'rumor get started?"

"It would have been that this Sabre lady kept secret who was her kid's dad was. Until after this rebellion thing was resolved. When it wouldn't have been a big thing to be related to this guy."

The guard snaps a talon in realization. "Of course, that makes so much sense. It would explain why my family never received his armor since there was no record of him having any offspring. He must have requested to be buried with it instead."

"It seems we are being ignored again," Luna comments as she turns to her elder sister.

The elder alicorn shakes her head. "No dear sister. We are merely witnessing our 'champion' in action."

"Yesh, don't say it like that." The hedgehog quips. "You make me sound like some politician. " This gains a laugh from the three. " I know this is out of left field, but did this Rahzar guy do exactly? That lead to all of this?"

"I too would like to know what transpired that day...The truth." The hippogryph adds.

Celestia lets out a heavy sigh and turns her attention to the duo.


"As you can see by section 3 of figure 7." A particular unicorn drones on before a very detailed series of drawing. Pointing to one every so often to emphasize her point. "That as we discussed earlier, mentioned on page 4, paragraph 2 that..."

The mare's tangent falls on deaf ears as the room's only other occupant sits in a plush chair; fighting to keep their eyes open. Much less pay attention to whatever it being said.

A loud crash emphasizes this as the Sol guardian falls from the chair and onto the floor. Twilight stops her rant and turns to the feline, just as she's springing to her feet.


"I-I'm up!" The guardian shouts as she takes a rigid stance.

The mare frowns as she uses her magic to place the point next to a nearby chalkboard and trots towards the feline. "You are such a bad liar." She teases and continues her approach. "You've been drifting in and out of consciousness for about an hour now."

"Apologies Ms. Twilight," Blaze begins in an apologetic tone. "I meant no disrespect. It's just the subject matter seemed forced and tended to repeat itself more than once."

Twilight blushed upon realization of her blunder and then smiles sheepishly. "No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I tend to get a bit wrapped up in certain subject matters and lose track of time.

"It's fine, Ms. Twilight. You were just trying to make a point and got a bit carried away."

"And was my point made?" The mare inquires with a nervous grin.

Blaze scratches the back of her head. "Possibly, though I must admit. I didn't catch the last portion of your lecture."

The mare rolls her eyes. "Very well then, I have one last thing to show you that will make my point."

"And what would be?" The Guardian asks with a hint of worry in her voice."

Twilight grins and powers up her horn. "Oh, just a new spell I've been working on."

"Twilight wait!" The feline shouts as her vision is consumed by a bright light.