• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,658 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...

Who run Barter Town?

"Well, that was mighty decent of you." The feline jests with a cheeky tone. As she watches the Kirin's cart speed of and head towards the front gate. "I see you're in a lot higher spirits than from when we first arrived."

The hedgehog shrugs and crosses his arms behind his back. "Hey, I like helping others. That's why I do this." He then turns to the guardian and smiles. "That's how we met isn't it?"

Blaze blushes and looks way. "Yes, we did, and I acted rather foolish during our first encounter. Didn't I?"

"Meh, you were in an unknown land, fighting an enemy you knew nothing about. I'd probably be a bit on edge too." Sonic replies still maintaining his casual stride.

"Still, it wasn't one of my proudest moments." The feline grumbles looking down at the ground.

Sonic turns towards the guardian and places a hand on her shoulder. "C'mon, don't be like that. Everything came through in the end. Right?"



Approaching a massive steel archway, Sonic turns towards the guardian and motions her to stop. "I'm going to need you to promise me something before we go any further.."

The feline crosses her arms across her chest. "Ok, and what would that be?"

"Promise not to freak out once we set foot in the city."

"Uh, ok sure." Blaze replies nervously. "Should I be nervous? What you're asking is making me a tad uneasy."

"Na, it will be just a bit overwhelming when you first walk in." The hedgehog says with a dismissive wave. "You'll be fine."

With an uneasy stance on the matter, the guardian reluctantly follows the hedgehog under the archway and into the city. Two griffins standing on each side. Dressed in steel armor give the two a small nod as they walk past."

"Oh my goodness," The feline exclaims as her eyes widened and senses are overloaded from what's before her.

Stalls of various wares of beautiful fabrics, exotic foods, or even strange bubbles line the large plaza that sits near the main gates. Massive walls of white stone surround the city. As towers jut out from various areas; with most near another walled in place on the far side of the city. Buildings of all shapes and sizes sit crammed and stacked within the city's walls. Creatures of various types mill about or conversate with one another. Some heavy in foreign accents. While others in languages the Guardian has never heard before. As the guardian is overwhelmed by what's before her. A hand is placed on her shoulder; breaking the feline away from the overwhelming sensation.

"Welcome to Barter Town, Blaze." The hedgehog says with a cheeky grin. Most likely amused from the felines reaction to the city.

Blaze turns to Sonic with a raised eyebrow. "Barter town? I thought everything here had some type of pony theme to it."

"It does, just that everyone here calls it 'Barter Town.' So, I figured I might as well do the same." The hedgehog replies with a shrug.

"Hey, Sonic," A voice in the distance shouts. Promoting the two off worlders to turn towards tech source just as a diamond dog dressed in a green sports jacket runs up to the two.

"Rocky, what's going on? I haven't seen you since the cabbage incident. Where have you been?" The hedgehog inquires as he pats the pooch on their shoulder.

"Cabbage incident?" The feline repeats as she slowly turns to the hedgehog in confusion.

"Long story," Sonic replies with a dismissive wave.

With a small chuckle, Rocky adjusts his jacket. "Funny story, you remember that..." The hound trails off as he spots a particular feline standing next to the hedgehog and lets out a deep growl; prompting the Sol guardian to take a step back.

"Whoa, calm down, Rocky. She's on our side." Sonic interjects as he steps between the two; attempting to break up the hostile tension.

"I will when she...yipe!" The Diamond dog yelps and leaps backwards; putting some distance between himself and the feline.

Figuring something is up. Sonic turns towards the guardian and notices a massive orb of flames hovering her her right hand. "Uh Blaze,"

"Watch it, mutt. Or I'll really give you something to growl about." The feline spits with a slight hiss in her voice.

Taking another step backwards, Rocky starts to make a break for it. "Anyway, uh Ruby was looking for you. Said that the next time I see you. To let you know. Uh, I got to go."

Without missing a beat, the pooch makes a break for it and disappears into the crowd.

"Well, that was something." The hedgehog says flatly.

Discharging the flame, Blaze makes her way back towards the speedster and stops next to him. "My apologies, I didn't mean to spook your friend."

Sonic lets out an amused laugh and smacks the guarding on the middle of her back; causing her to stumble slightly. "Oh man, you should have seen his face. He way ready to shat a brick. Rocky is probably the craziest son of a bitch I know, and you make him runway with this tail between his legs." The hedgehog wipes a tear away from his eye. "Priceless."

Blaze scowls at the hedgehog. "Sonic,"

"What, he's a diamond dog. I was being literal." The hedgehog replies defensively.

The felines expression shifts to a neutral one. "Still, I wish you would try to make at least an attempt to curb that potty mouth of yours."

"He, he, you said 'potty'."


"Ok fine, yesh. I was just messing with you. I am seriously trying to tone it down some." He then lets out a small chuckle before continuing. "So uh you mind if we check out to see what Ruby wants?" Sonic inquires as he gestures behind him with his thumb. "she probably just wants to say hi or something."

Blaze lets out a quiet sigh and crosses her arms. "Very well, shall see what your friend wants." She then points firmly at the hedgehog. "But no more delays after that. I would like us to find a restaurant or perhaps a dinner sooner than later."

"That's fair, now C'mon this way." The hedgehog motions his hand for the feline to follow.


Entering the room with a towel draped over her back. The usually lavender mare lets out a heavy sigh, and she examines her green colored coat, mane, and tail.

"Looks like it will take one than one bath to get it all out." The unicorn mutters in a sad tone. "I just hope I'm not still like this by Friday or else..."

Twilight trails off as she notices the communication stone pulsating in the spot she left it. The mare lets out an annoyed groan at she approaches it. "I told cadence I was done talking about that. What does she want now?" She grumbles as she uses her magic to activate the crystal. "Now...what?"

The rest of the mare's outburst dies in her throat, and her eyes go wide as she spots not the princess of love, but the monarch of the sun and co-ruler of Equestria.

"P-princess Celestia," The unicorn sputters as she takes a quick bow towards the projection of the alicorn; causing her towel to tumble to the floor in the process. "S-sorry for my outburst. It was meant for somepony else. For what do I owe the pleasures of speaking to you today."

Celestia raises an eyebrow in response to the mare over polite greeting and shakes her head as a smile appears on her face. "Please stand, Twilight. I've told you many times that you don't need to be so formal with me."

"S-sorry force of habit." The mare studders as she returns to a standing position. "It's just been one of those days. You know?"

The alicorn gives the mare a small nod "Indeed; it has been." Her expression turns serious. "I wish this 'call' was a friendly one. But I must inform you and your friends may be in great danger."

With small gaps, the color drains from the unicorn's face. "What's going on?"


Continuing down the numerous stalls that line the streets. A certain blue hedgehog glances left and right; trying to find his ever elusive friend. With a slowly growing impatient feline following behind him "Now where is she?" Sonic mutters to no one in particular. "She usually has a stall in this area."

"Maybe she's not around or decided to go home." Blaze mutters with a hint of venom in her voice.

Sonic slowly turns towards the feline with a sour look. "What the hell?"

"Sorry, sorry," The guardian begins with a dismissive wave. "I haven't had anything all day, and I guess I'm starting to get a bit agitated."

The hedgehog shrugs and returns to his search. "Tell you what, if we don't find her by the time we reach 'that' fountain." He points to the aforementioned object in the distance. "We'll head over to the Cloud District and get a bite to eat. Sound good?"

"Yes, thank you." The feline replies with a small smile.

Sonic chuckles as he continues his search. "Had I know you'd get this ornery, I would have...Woah Hey!"

A long snake-like object bursts from under one of the nearby tables and wraps out the hedgehog's right leg and pulls him away. The feline lets out a startled gasps and runs after her incapacitated friend.

"Sonic!" Blaze exclaims as she runs to towards the booth that took away the blue speedster.

"So, we meet again, my beloved." A velvety voice coos as a female mare with a bright white coat and styled red mane emerges from behind a curtain; while a destruct hedgehog is promptly dropped by a long white snake-like appendage.

Blaze attempts to intervene but is stopped a small hand/paw grasps her should. "Easy now, she does this all the time." A voice replies, sounding distinctly female. The feline snaps her head towards the voice and spots a small diamond god standing before her. Sporting a distinctly similar appearance to the show she just chased off, except this one has a small build and more feline posture to it.

"Uh, what?" The feline meekly replies as she glanced back towards her friend and then new arrival.

"I said, those do this shtick all the time. It was funny at first, but now.." The diamond dog rolls her eyes.

The feline turns her attention back toward her friend and notices a particular sight. Instead of trotting towards the hedgehog the mare is more or less glided towards him. With her forelegs almost hovering off the ground. Blaze also notices that the snake-like appendage that has started to coil around Sonic a bears a strikingly similar appearance to the mare's coat.

The feline frowns upon this discovery. "Wait a minute."

Reaching the end of the stall the guardian's suspicions are proven correct as everything below the mare's torso is no longer pony and is instead fused to that of scaly appendage that is now fully wrapped around Sonic.

"You've returned to me at last." The creatures hissed as a forked touch flicks out of her mouth. "Now you have no choice, but to..."

"Hi, Ruby," The Hedgehog interrupts in a cheerful tone.

The creatures now known as Ruby lets out a quiet grown as recoils slightly. "Why didn't you let me finish?" She whines as her lower lip quivers. "We usually always finish."

"Well, we've done this shtick before, and I'm pretty sure my friend over there is about to freak out." Sonic nonchalantly replies.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Blaze shouts as she stomps towards the duo.

The hedgehog grins ."I told you, so."

Closing the gap, the now fiery feline moves in to confront the two. "You two have some explaining to do."

An abrupt and loud gunfall draws everyone attention to a very amused female diamond dog. "Still at it again, Ruby? You've been trying to get that hedgehog since he saved you a few months back."

"Saved?" The feline inquires as she turns back the to diamond dog and the into her friend; who still coiled within the creature's grasp.

Sonic lets out an amused chuckle and wiggles one of his arms free and scratches the back of his head. "Remember when I mentioned freaking out the guards when I first came here." The feline nods. "Well, it was because I was carrying her." He gestures towards the creature beside him.

"I'm sorry, I know this is important, but what are you?" Blaze asks with a hint of hesitation.

"I'm a Lamia if you haven't figured it out," Ruby replies with a cheerful demeanor. "I thought everypony knew what I was."

Blaze tilts her head. "A what?"

"A Lamia, Half snake half pony or so at least that's how I've heard many ponies describe it." The creature adds with a lazy shrug.

"Hm, interesting. The feline ponders. "So, if you don't mind me asking. How did Sonic save you?"

Ruby's eyes light up with excitement as she uncoils herself from the blue hedgehog. "Well you see, it all started..."

"Sonic found Ruby collapsed outside of town and carried her here. That's pretty much the long and short." The hound interrupts, but then snaps her fingers before adding something else. " Oh wait, he brought her to the town's hot spring. To warm her up" The diamond dog replies flatly as she files her nails.

"Roxy" The Lamia scolds. "Why must you ruin everything?"

With a shrug, the diamond dog switches to her other paw. "Because the fire cat is getting pissed and I don't want to a repeat of happened to my brother."

"Rocky was your brother?" The feline exclaims in shock; while Sonic burst into a fit of laughter and falls to the ground.


"Wait a minute slow down." Twilight begins as she holds up a hoof. "Did you just say, you were attacked by a dragu? I thought those were a myth. Who or what pony could create something like that?"

The sun princess frowns. "Not what but who and I only know of one pony that could do that and she has no reason to." Her eyes then go wide. "Unless,"

"What, what, what do you mean?" The mare shouts in a panic. "Why would Princess Luna do that?"

Celestia shakes her head. "My sister wouldn't ever even consider it, but there was another pony who possessed similar magic, but he's gone.

Twilight frowns, "Sombra? But that's impossible. I saw he turns to dust with my own eyes. "

The alicorn exhales through her her nose. "If even the slightest bit remains then another pony of great understanding of magic may be able to resurrect the fallen king, but that would be..."
Celestia shakes her head ."No that's impossible."


"You're not still mad, are you? Sonic asks with slight hesitation as he matches the felines pace. "I mean you looked pretty ticked when..."

"I'm not mad," Blaze interrupts. "I was just a tad annoyed that those two kept heckling me after I tried to apologize." She the signs. "Still, I am sorry it had to resort to that. Those two seemed like decent individuals."

Sonic turns to the feline and gives her an amused look. "I think they were just shocked that you could shoot fire from your hands." The hedgehog then taps his chin. "Can you only launch fire from your hands or can you direct it from any part of your body." He the snaps his fingers. "What happens when you eat really spicy food? Does it..."

"Enough!" The feline snaps in annoyance. "Please cease this form of questioning. I do not know the answer as to if my pyrokinesis is effected by ingesting anything spicy. So please, let's talk about something else.

The hedgehog shrugs and crosses his arms behinds his head." Fair enough. So, where you want to eat? You never specified what you wanted."

"As long as it's something usually not found in Ponyville. I don't care." The feline replies as she crosses her arms and looks into the sky just a small bird flies overhead. "I'd even have one of those at this point."

"So, the lady don't care where we go. I find that hard to believe," Sonic jests as he gives the feline a playful jab. "Cmon, what did you have in mind. I'm up for anything."

Blaze lets out an annoyed groan and punches Sonic in the arm. "Must everything be a joke with you? As I said; as long as it's different and we get there in a reasonable time. I'm not picky." She the frowns. "That is if we don't experience any more delays."

Much like the phrase 'what could go wrong?' Or 'it can't get worse. This too seems to 'backfired' upon its mentions. Because just as those words leave the feline's mouth. A dark shadow covers the group momentarily just as something heavy lands nearby."

"Now what?" The feline grumbles as she knits her brow."

"Well, Well, well, look what the cat dragged in." A familiar voice asks as something massive towers over the two. "Look who finally decided to show his face." The voice continues with a hint playfulness to it.

Blaze frowns at the new arrival but is left awestruck in response to what it does next. Two massive talons lift the hedgehog from the ground and pull him towards her feathery breast. It's wings extend to the sides to help maintain balance. The feline attempts to react but stops as she notices Sonic not trying to break free.

"Gilda, what are you doing here?" The Sonic inquires as hs looks up at the feathered griffon. "I thought you went back home after setting everything right."

"Pfft, and do what exactly? Bake cookies?" The griffon jest as she looks down at the hedgehog and grins. "Na, I just wanted to see how you're doing. Didn't expect to find you wandering around here." She then leans in closer. "What are you doing here anyway?"

Sonic shrugs or at leas the best he can given the current situation. "Just looking for a good place to eat. Any suggestions.?"

"Anything but the Chum Bucket, "The griffon grimaces."


"You know what 'chum' is right?" The hedgehog nods. "Not imaging that served as food."

Yuck, that just sounds just awful. "The hedgehog replies gagging at the concept."

"At least we're on the same page with that," Gilda adds with a small chuckle. "

"Indeed we are, but let me ask you something."


"When did you become a hugger? Last I checked you tended to stay way from that sort of thing."

The griffon squares her shoulders. "Dunno felt like the thing to do. You know? Besides, last time we talked you seemed to enjoy this sort of thing." She adds with a smirk.

"Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy a warm hug from time to time, I'm just surprised you're the one to do it."

"Meh, I was just in the mood." She grins. "Anyway, I saw your fight with Nightmare Moon the other night. That was awesome, "She exclaims. "I was going to swing by and congratulate you, but the moon princess was awfully chummy with you and didn't want to invoke her wrath or something."

"Speaking of wrath," The hedgehog comments as he tilts his head toward a very enraged feline.

Gilda's eyes snap open as she spots the feline standing behind her."Oh, my fault, we're you two on a date or something?"

"Something like that, yes." The Sol guardian sethe's. "I would appreciate it if you put him down this instant." She spits as fire begins to roll across her frame.

The griffon promptly set the hedgehog down and opens her wings to take flight. "Hey, I just wanted to say hi before I go. I'll chat with you next time I'm in Ponyville. Bye."

With a might flap of wings the griffon takes flight and flies away; distancing herself from the firey feline.

Sonic turns towards the feline and gives her a flat look, "Really?"


"B-but we defeated her Twice." Twilight proclaims as she levitates a book from a nearby shelf onto the floor. "Records show that she's been confined to the hive since then. What could have happened since that could have let her out."

Celestia closes her eyes and lets out a long sigh. "I don't know, Twilight. But somepony did, and now we have to figure out what she's up to before it's too late."

"I'll gather everyone and head to Canterlot within the hour." The mare announces as she starts making her way towards the door.

The alicorn lets out a heavy sigh. "Twilight wait, by jumping to conclusions you'll only start a panic. Besides, I'm not in Canterlot at the moment. So, you'll just be wasting a trip out there." She then gives the mare a small smile. "Can I trust that you'll keep this between us. Until we figure out what's going on."

"Of course, princess. You have my word that I won't speak of to this anypony."

The alicorn nods, "Good, for every pony's sake. I trust you that it won't."


A smooth melody plays in the background as tranquil light emits from the several low hanging chandeliers scattered throughout; while pictures or decorative artifacts cover most of the buildings walls or pillars. Creatures and ponies of all types are seated around several tables dotting the establishment.

While a certain hedgehog and feline are seated at a small round table in an offset corner; looking over the possible meal options. The latter of which is currently hiding behind her menu; grumbling something to herself.

Sonic speaks over his menu to the Sol guardian in front of him; who is gripping her's as if it's about to runway. "Hey Blaze," The hedgehog doesn't get a response. "Blaze?"

"Y-yes, Sonic," The feline studders as she increases her death grip on her menu. "Is there something you need?"

The hedgehog frowns and lets his menu fall to the table. "You alright over there. You've been awfully quiet since we got here."

"I-i'm fine Sonic just...just..."

Rises from his seat, Sonic walks over to the feline and places a hand on her shoulder; causing her jump slightly at the contact. "Cmon, whats going on with you. You've been acting a little off since we got here."

Blaze lets out a heavy sigh and sets her menu down on the table. "This all just a bit overwhelming that's all." She frowns and looks away. "No, of course, that's not all of it." Turning back to Sonic the Guardian looks up at him with a small sigh. "I didn't like how they were so familiar with you. Especially that griffon."

"Wait, are you jealous?" Sonic inquires with a wide grin.

Blaze turns way in a huff as a hint of blush appears on her face. "I'm not jealous. I just think such displays of affection are out of place in a public setting."

"Yeah sure, you're standing on 'moral decency' is what caused all those outbursts," Sonic comments as he rolls his eyes. "Next you'll be telling me that..."

"Just drop it alright." The feline snaps and snarls towards the hedgehog." I feel foolish enough as it is. I wish you would stop rubbing it in."

Sonic raises his hands in front of his and makes his back to his chair. "Ok fine didn't mean to get to riled up. I was just messing with you, but for the record. Those types of greeting are kind of standard hat around here."

"How do you mean?" The feline inquires as she looks up at the hedgehog with a raised eyebrow.

The speedster shrugs. "It's pretty much what I just said. A lot of people are rather affectionate by nature here; especially the pony folk."

"You expect me just to believe that?" The feline replies flatly.

Sonic leans back in his chair. "I 'expect' you to at least consider it. And take into account that this place is real heavy on the whole friendship and magic stuff."

"I don't follow. What are you getting at, Sonic?" The guardian reply, with much of the same expression and tone as before.

The hedgehog points to a nearby table just as a female Zebra is seen hugging a unicorn stallion." See that over there?"

"Yeah?" Blaze answers as she turns to the location."It looks like a couple out on a date."

Sonic then points to an older female minotaur hugging a small child. "Ok, how about that?"

"It appears to be a mother or possibly grandmother hugging their child or grandchild."

With one final motion, the hedgehog points to a diamond dog trying to shake a female unicorn's hoof but is instead promptly glomped. Then to a fawn at a nearby stall fist/hoof bumping a griffon only to be hugged instead. "You see since most of the inhabitants here lack the the proper appendages to give a simple handshake." Sonic holds up is hand and twiddles his fingers to emphasize this. "Most will instead just give each other a hug. Though, that doesn't mean everyone does it for every greeting. But since it's a lot more common of a greeting here than where we're from; It lacks the more 'intimate' expression behind it."

Blaze opens her mouth to say something, but snaps it shut and motions the hedgehog to continue.

"My point is that yeah, there is some friendliness behind it. It's also just a regular form of greeting around here." Sonic then leans forward. "I've been here long enough to become accustomed to that. You have not. So, I can see how you'd take it the wrong way and think everyone was getting a bit too chummy with me. And for that, I apologize for not explaining this sooner."

"And I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that. I've just been a bit on edge lately, and I've been unintentionally taking it on you."

The hedgehog lets out a small laugh and leans back on this chair. "Yeah, I guess I've been laying on a bit thick lately. I'll tone down."

"Thank you," Replies with a nod and returns to browsing her menu.

The hedgehog leans forward and sets down his menu. "So, if you don't mind me asking. What has got so on edge lately?"

The feline tenses up.

"Order up!" a gruff voice announced as two large plates of omnivore friendly food are placed onto the table.

The two look up to a tan colored minotaur with an apron and white chefs hat. "Wait, we haven't even ordered yet." The feline says with a hint of worry in her voice.

"Yeah, I mean I'm all for fast service, but the waiter hasn't even been by to ask what we want.

The minotaur lazily points to a caribou sitting at a nearby table; who starts eagerly waving upon being noticed. "She ordered, said you two looked like you could use a good meal."

Blaze lets out a low growl and lets her menu fall flat onto the table.


"Bahahaha, I can't believe you said that." A very amused hedgehog announces as the now 'trio' exit the restaurant. "I mean seriously?"

An equally amused caribou laughs alongside the speedster and struts besides the two as they walk down the street. "I know right, how do you mess that up?"

"I'm sorry alright!" Blaze exclaims as she starts to blush. "The antlers threw me off."

The tarandus stops and taps one of the small antlers protruding from the crown of her head. "You mean these little things? Yeah, I guess they're technically antlers, but these as big as they get with does."

"To be fair Baily. I think you guys are the only ones that have antlers on both genders. So, I can see where the confusion came from." The hedgehog then smirks. "Though, it still is pretty funny."

The feline rolls her eyes and lets out an annoyed huff. "Oh, I'm so glad that my incorrect assumption on Miss Bailey's gender is humorous to you two." She says dryly.

"Ok Blaze, calm down we're just messing with you. Honestly, you aren't the first person to think Bailey was a buck." The hedgehog lets out an amused chuckle. "It's been a running joke between us for a while now. Hell, I almost did it."

Blaze narrows her eyes as she crosses her arms. "I find that hard to believe, Sonic. You're usually pretty observant on this sort of thing."

"It's true, ask Bailey."

"It's true," The caribou announces with an amused smirk. "When we were helping Ruby to one of the springs. He turned to be and said; 'man I'm so glad you had said something before I did. I almost thought you were a dude." Bailey giggles into her hoof. "Yeah, I laugh about it now, but there was a time that it would bug me. But you can't expect every single individual you come across to know that my species has antlers on both genders."

The feline gives the doe a small nod and places a hand on the small of her back. "Well said, Bailey. You can't think little of someone that is ignorant of something."

"Wow, you are like an entirely different individual than when I first meet you." The tarandus tilts her head. "What happened?"

"Well, you see..."

"Blaze gets a little grumpy when she hasn't eaten anything in awhile." Sonic interrupts and he wrap an arm around the unsuspecting cat; causing her to blush. "Also, we were having a bit of heated discussion when you showed up. So, it was a few factors in play that prompted things to happen like they did." He turns to the blushing Sol guardian. "Isn't that right Blaze?"

"Y-yeah, i-it was a bit of a sensitive topic." The feline stutters as she turns away and tries; in vain to hide her crimson face. "I am still not familiar with some of the cultural things here."

"Was it about how Sonic was getting all those hugs from seemingly every individual he came across?" Bailey inquires an amused expression.

The color drains from the feline's face. "How did you..."

"You guys were talking about it pretty loudly." The caribou interrupts. "I take it getting a hug has a different meaning than where you're from."

"Well yes, it has a more of closeness to it if you will. Granted there is some individual who uses it as a greeting. Most will express such actions with an individual there close to or have a fondness for."

Bailey shrugs. "Hey as long as none of them lick the big guy across the face then it's nothing you need to worry about."


"Yeah, it's a form of marking....I think." She waves one of her cleft hooves before continuing. "Don't quote me on that, but usually when you see it, then something is going on."

"Interesting," The feline sheepishly smiles as she turns to the hedgehog. "Moving on, if you don't mind me asking. How did you and Sonic meet?" She adds changing the subject to something a lot less 'awkward.'

"Oh, I work at the bathhouse in town here. I met Sonic when he brought Ruby in. I think I mentioned that already." She lets out a happy sigh. "Risking his life, helping a complete stranger. You don't see that much these days."

"Quite," Blaze the turns to the hedgehog. "Looks like you have yourself a fan, Sonic...Sonic?

The hedgehog in question seemed lost in thought as he slowly approaches a small wooden structure sitting near a small shop in the Town square.

"Hey, Blaze, is that what I think it is?" Sonic inquires as he points to the structure.

"I think so,

"Sweet, I've been looking for one of these for ages." He grabs the feline hand. "Come on."

"W-what," The feline studders as she yanked toward the building.

Bailey rolls her eyes and scoff. "Oh yeah sure, just forget about me."

Sonic slides a small coin into a nearby stall and flings open a brightly colored curtain; pulling the unexpecting feline inside.

"Wait what are," A bright flash cuts the guardian off and prompts her to rub her eyes. "What was that?"

The hedgehog frown. "You're supposed to smile Blaze. It's a photo booth.

"You mean, you guys aren't just making out in their." Bailey jests causing the feline to blush profusely.

"You wish, Baily," Sonic mutters before placing his arm around the blushing feline. "Now smile the next one's coming up." Another flash occurs; taking another photo.

Blaze blinks several times in an attempt to clear away all the spots obscuring her vision."How many is there going to be? N-not that I mind this."

The hedgehog shrugs. "Usually it's four or five. Kind of depends on the booth. He then removes his arm from around the feline and makes a funny face towards the camera. Another flash occurs, and Sonic notices that the Sol Guardian was mirroring his own.

"Now you getting it it, " The hedgehog comments with a playful jab "We only have two more, let's make them count.

Blaze nods and rolls her shoulders. "Ok,


Off in the distant land of Cloudsdale, a certain cyan pegasus leans back on a large cushion and sips a brightly colored drink. "Those guys won't ever to think to find me here. Heck, I wouldn't usually go here." The mare laughs to herself. "yep, just hand back and wait for the smoke to clear and everything will be alright."

"I doubt that," A voice in the distance state causing the mare almost to spit up her drink.

Rainbow Dash coughs a few times as she tries to keep her drink down. "Gilda is that you?"

You know it," The griffon replies as she takes a seat next to the mare. "So, what are you doing here?"

The pegasus sets down her drink. "I was going to ask you the same thing. Weren't you supposed to be in Bartertown?"

Gilda motions something to the bartender and lets out a long sigh. "Yeah, but some things came up. The vendor I was supposed to meet, didn't show. The griffon looks down at fiddles with her talons. "Also, I ran into that blue friend of yours when I was there."

As she finishes her Dash then sets the empty glass onto the counter. "Sonic was in Barter Town? What was he doing there."

The griffon shrugs. "Can't tell you. That cat was with him. Didn't take to kindly to me greeting him."

"You hugged him, didn't you?" The mare asks in a flat tone.

Gilda places a talon onto her beak and smirks. "Maybe,"


As the the sun sets on the horizon. Two figures zip into town; kicking up a sizable cloud of dust in their wake.

"Well, that was fun." The feline comments as slows to a leisurely pace and she crosses her arms behind her head. "Thanks for that."

Sonic lets out a small chuckle. "No problem, it certainly was something. I didn't expect to run into so many familiar faces thought."

The two continued their trek through the small hamlet; passing by the local fountain and towards the library; waving to a few locals as they pass by. Blaze reaches into her pocket and removes a small strip of miniature photos.

"I can't believe you dragged me into one of those things. Caught me totally by surprise." Blaze comments with an amused giggle. "Though these did turn out pretty good."

Sonic glances over at the photos and laughs. "yeah, they did." He points to the last image. "But Bailey wanted to be in there too, so the last one just has her grinning like an idiot."

"Are you sure you don't mind that I keep these?"

The hedgehog waves his hand and produces another set. "It's fine, I had the machine make a duplicate. So, I have a set too."

"I didn't know you were so popular with everyone." The feline comments as she glances at some of the passing pony's.

"Meh, I get around." The hedgehog replies with a shrug.

Blaze lets out a huge sigh and crosses her arms. "I'm just glad you haven't taken a more questionable approach to your new found 'fame'."

"How do you mean?"

The feline frown. "You save a lot of individual. Some of them happen to be a pretty young woman and well..."

"You think I'd ever use my status to get into women's beds?" Sonic frowns. "Why would you think I'd ever do that?"

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I guess I'm still processing our conversation from earlier." Blaze waves her hand dismissively. "Given how everyone was so chummy with you. I originally thought something else was going on. I'm glad that was not true."

Sonic laughs. "Ok, I admit. I can see how you'd perceive that but as I stated before. It was just how everyone greets each other around here." He frowns. "Besides. What kind of hero would that make me? If I was asking for 'that' sort of payment when I saved them. Everyone would think I was some deviant or something."

"I suppose you're right,"

"I mean about it, what would you think if right after I saved you. I demanded we find some place quiet and..."

"Ok, I get it!" The feline snaps. "I was foolish to assume such things and now can't seem to..."

"Stop sticking your foot in your mouth?" The hedgehog interrupts.

Blaze smirks. "I was going to say let it go, but I guess your assessment is also correct."

Noticing the feline's tone, Sonic opens his mouth to comment but trails off when they reach the library. "Ok, you're going to have to explain why your..oh hey we're here."

A soft purple light can be seen from one of the upper-level windows; prompting the feline to let out a heavy sigh. "She's still on that thing. "

Blaze turns to Sonic. "Hey mind helping me with this. Twilight has been on that thing all day, and I'm sure poor Cadence needs a break."

Sonic shrugs. "Yeah sure.

The hedgehog follows the feline through the front door of the library and up a set stairs to a large room with a bright pink box; that catches the hedgehog's eye. "Hey, what's thing." He opens up the box. "Well, hello Ms. October."

"Put that down," Twilight chastises.

Sonic looks up at the mare and grimaces. "Hey, Twilight, what happened to you fac-oh!"

"I-is it really that bad?" The unicorn studders as she begins to panic. "I-I assure you. It's only temporary. I just need B-Blaze to reapply more of the ointment and..."

A certain alicorn clears her throat, prompting everyone to turn towards her." I don't mean to be a bother, but there is a pressing matter I'd like to discuss with you."

"Oh hey, what's up, Sunny? It looks like Twilight got the gem transmitter working already." Sonic says walking toward the projection of the sun goddess.

"We are facing troubling times," Celestia replies with a sad tone.

The hedgehog approaches the projection. "What happened? Where are you."

"Somepony tried to attack the princess in Soleanna," Twilight replies, but instantly covers her mouth.

With a flash of light, Sonic disappears from sight

"Did he just..."


Off in a distant land. The sun goddess stars at the projections of Twilight and Blaze. "Did he just run off?" The princess inquires.

"Yes, and I'm sure he's heading your way." The mare confirms.

"My way? Would he.." Celestia trails off as the ground beneath her hooves begins to shake, and its start falling off their shelves or walls. Causing everyone to go into a panic. "Calm down, everypony. It's only."

A certain hedgehog sudden appears before the frighten guard. "Hey, Sunny I came as fast as I -whoa!" Sonic leaps back as a sword is pointed at his face.

"Stand down creature, what business do you have with our Lady Celestia?" A red hippogriff gilded in heavy armor states holding a silver word.

Next Chapter Preview:

Celestia: "This is a troubling development."

Luna: "Techniques of twisted forbidden magic. May Faust have mercy on there soul."

Sonic: "This is all fine and dandy, but where do I fit in all of this?"

Sanguis Rose: "There is an old griffon saying; 'You can't put a price on honor.' Well...maybe the offer was too low."

Feathers of flight