• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,658 Views, 210 Comments

Sonic: Battle for Equestria - Snicket

Something is not right in the land of Equestria. Things sit on a razors edge as tensions run high. As an unknown threat gains strength. The heroes of Equestria are about to face there greatest challenge.

  • ...

Gotta getaway

As the sun begins to peak over the horizon, its warm bright rays sweep over the sleepy little town; signaling the start of a new day. While citizens’ rise from their beds and start their daily routine. A certain fashionestia slumbers peacefully under the confines of a thick blanket. With heavy drapes drawn and a sleeping mask covering her eyes. The designer remains oblivious to the coming of the new day. That is until a particular smell reaches her nose.

The mare smacks her lips as the pleasant aroma is picked up by her senses as she begins to wake. While a dormant thought enters the unicorn’s clouded mine on who would be able to create such a pleasing smell. Who?....Who? Realization snaps the fashionestia out of her slumber and clears away any lingering memories of the now fleeting dream.

With now building dread on who may be responsible for this, Rarity tears her sleeping mask off as she springs out of bed, dashes out of her room, and down the hallway towards the lower levels.


As the now frightened unicorn reaches the foot of first set of stairs, two muffled voices can be heard as she now cautiously makes her way down the second set.

“C’mon, one more time, please.” A small voice pleads that Rarity instantly recognizes as Sweetie Belle. “I promise I won’t ask again after this.”

“Ok Sweets, this is the last time. I’m running out of hay bacon here.” Another voice says that the mare recognizes as her current blue spikey roommate. The second voice clears his throat as the sound of something sizzling on a skillet can be heard.

“♫Hay Bacon Pancakes
Making Hay Bacon Pancakes♫” Sonic begins as he drops a few pieces hay bacon into the iron skillet.

“♪Take some hay bacon and I'll put it in a pancake
Hay Bacon Pancakes that’s what it’s gonna make. ♪” Sweetie Belle continues with a cheerful voice.

“♫♪ Hay Bacon Pancakes. ♪♫” The two voice sing in unison, before both bursting out laughing.

Rarity enters the kitchen and giggles as she notices both Sonic and Sweetie Belle standing in front of the stove. (The small filly on top of a stool respectively.) Each with their backs turned to the new arrival; unware of her presence.

“You’re a pretty good singer, Sweets.” Sonic comments as he removes the now fully cooked hay bacon from the pan and on to a plate.

The small unicorn blushes and looks away. “Thanks, but I’m really not all that great.”

Sonic turns off the stove, grabs a now full plate of hay bacon, and another one stacked high with pancakes off the counter. “You shouldn’t sell yourself short, kid. You’re a natural.”

Sweetie Belle perks up as she hops of the stool and trots next to the blue hedgehog. “You really think so?”

“I wouldn’t say it, if it weren’t true.” Sonic begins as he looks down at the small filly. “Now why don’t you go wake up your sister and tell her breakfast is ready. While I get things set up here.”

The young filly gives the blue hedgehog a salute. “Yes sir, I’ll get right on it. Sir.”

Sonic chuckles at young mare’s antics and readjusts the plats in his hands. “At ease soldier, just go get your sister.”

Sweetie Belle nods and turns around to retrieve the mare in question, but stops as she notices her elder sister standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

“Mission accomplished, sir.”

“What? But you just…” Sonic begins as he turns around spots a certain alabaster unicorn staring back at him with an amused expression. “Well how about that. Speak of the devil and they shall appear.”

Rarity tilts her head. “What?”

Sonic waves his hand to dismiss the comment. “Never mind, so are you just going to keep standing there or are you going to sit down and have some breakfast?”

The mare perks up at the question, begins making her way towards the table, but then stops. “Would you feel offended, if I freshen up a bit first?”

“No at all,” The blue hedgehog comments as he sets the two plates down on the table and makes his way towards one of the cupboards. “Just don’t take too long, Sweets been drooling over those pancakes since I made then,”

“I have not!” The young filly shouts in annoyance.

“Whatever you say, Sweetie Belle.”

“Right, well I shall be back shortly,” The alabaster mare begins as she exits the room, but then stops. “Are you sure you don’t need any help?”

“I got this, you go do your thing.” Sonic waves dismissively as he removes several plates from the cupboard.

“I wanna help too,” Sweetie Belle proclaims with a little hop.

“Alright, why don’t you get a few things from the fridge?”

The young mare dramatically salutes begins making her way towards the fridge.

Glancing at the filly as she always crashing head on with the fridge, the blue hedgehog shakes his head and lets out an amused chuckle. “Kids,”


Having thoroughly freshened herself up and more presentable. The fashionesta returns to the kitchen, just as her younger sister and Sonic seem to reaching the tail end of a conversation.

“You really think it’s worth a shot? The young filly begins in a nervous tone. “I mean you don’t think it’s too dangerous?”

“As long as you take every precaution beforehand, you should be fine.” The blue hedgehog replies with smirk. “Though, I still don’t understand why you think ‘that’ is ‘special talent’.”

“Well not mine, but Scoots or Applebloom…maybe.”

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Rarity begins as she takes a seat at the table.

“Not at all, we were just talking about what Sweets and her friends have planned to her there ‘marks’.”

“Yeah and that what we have planned might work,” Sweetie Belle adds as she grins triumphantly.

“I said it wasn’t a bad idea to try,” Sonic corrects. “However, if it grants any of you three those butt tattoos you seem to eager get. Remains to be seen.”

Sweetie Belle huffs and looks away.

“Anyway,” Rarity begins as she steers the conversation else ware. “How long have you been up, Sonic?”

The hedgehog shrugs as he rises from his seat and returns with a cast-iron pan of eggs. “I dunno, a couple hours I guess. Got up early and went over to Twilight’s for a bit and then came back here. Just as Sweets was walking in and figured I’d make everyone breakfast. Eggs?”

“Yes please,” Rarity says with a nod. “But if you don’t mind me asking. What did you need to do over at Twilight’s?”

“Well you see…”


In the deepest parts of the Golden Oaks Library. Massive machines of ‘science’ lye. That measure and scale various types of energies and powers. One particular mare is able to use these devices and understand the almost foreign language they each display. By either massive lengths of mysterious text or numbers, this protégé of the sun monarch is able to deceiver this mysterious code and read what secrets it has to tell.

“So how’s everything looking on your end, Twi?” A certain blue hedgehog inquires as he stares at a rather large electrode attached to his forehead. “I’m not really liking this.”

“The results are still coming in.” Twilight comments as she continues to look at a readout of numbers scroll across a screen.

“I’m digging this whole ‘mad scientist’ thing you have going here.” Sonic begins as he looks at the various machines and contraptions. “But the moment you shout ‘it’s alive’ and I see lightning, I’m out of here.”

“Oh, stop being a foal.” Twilight chastises as she retrieves a print out from another machine nearby. “Besides, I thought you liked this sort of thing.”

“I said it was kind of cool,” Sonic corrects. “I’m just not liking being hooked up like some sort of science project.”

“We’re almost done,” The mare mutters as she glances at another printout. “Ah-ha!

“What? What did you find?”

“Well, if I’m reading this correct. The magic you absorbed during Nightmare Night, has completely left your system.”

“That’s good right? I mean I no longer have to worry about going ‘scary’ during the night, right?”

The mare nods as she places the printout onto a small pile of others. “Also, I figured something else out.”

What’s that?” Sonic inquires as he removes the various measuring instruments from his body.

“That you’re cute when you’re nervous.” Twilight says with a smirk.

“And you’re adorable when flustered.” The blue hedgehog fires back without missing a beat. “If you ponies ever find a way to weaponize curtness, I’m doomed.” He adds with a mock grim tone.

Twilight blushes and looks away. “W-well a-way way, I was thinking.”

“Strange, I don’t see any smoke coming out of your ears.” Sonic says with a smirk.

The mare frowns at the hedgehog for a moments, before continuing. “As I was saying, Sonic. How’s your Friday looking? I got reservations at that new restaurant I mentioned a while back.”

“Sorry, Friday is no good for me. I already made plans with the others.”

Twilight stares at Sonic with a slack jawed expression and then turns away. “B-but said your weekend was wide open. Then you go and just make plans without telling me.” The groans. “Unbelievable, now I have to reschedule and…how can you be so inconsiderate and…and…”


“…selfish. I was looking forward to this all week and now…”


The mare snaps towards the hedgehog, with a mixture of anger and sadness. “What!”

“I was kidding, Twilight. Relax ok, yeash” The hedgehog frowns. “Do you honestly think I would pull something like that?”

Twilight deflates and looks way. “No, of course not. You just seemed so sure, that…I sort of believed you.”

Sonic lets out an amused chuckle as he removes the last of the strange energy reading devices and strikes a dramatic pose as he hops off the chair. “You wound me, Twilight. To think I’d actually be so heartless.”

The mare rolls her eyes. “Over dramatic much.”

“Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood.”

“Anyway, as I was saying. I made reservations for eight, so we probably should meet at around 6:30-7 o’ clock. Any questions?”

“Nope, I’m good.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow at the hedgehog’s response. “Seriously, no questions at all?”


“No questions on where we’re going or what sort of attire you’d need to wear?”


“Nothing on what the restaurant serves or what to expect?”

“No, I think I got it,”

The mare frowns at the blue hedgehog’s uncaring demeanor and begins sauntering towards him. “Are you being facetious?”

“I have no idea what the word means, but I don’t think this is it.” Sonic states as he begins examining one of the electrodes from the machine.

“Then why aren’t you not taking this seriously?”

“Because it doesn’t matter,”

Twilight recoils in shock. “What do you mean ‘it doesn’t matter’? You have no idea how much this means to me and…and”

“Because, if it’s with someone you enjoy spending time with. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing.” Sonic replies as if the answer was obvious.

The mare relaxes her expression and tilts her head in confusion. “I don’t follow.”

“Well you see,” The blue hedgehog begins as he makes his way towards the confused unicorn. “It doesn’t have be some ritzy dinner or some ritzy club. It can be just hanging out in the park or maybe in around town. As long as it’s someone you like being around, it doesn’t matter.”

Twilight blushes and bits her lower lip. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that you don’t need to go someplace fancy or spend a lot of money to have a good time. That you can have just as fun where you’re at. And that your fun to hang out with, whether it’s just being their while you do whatever test you want to run or just helping you do some mundane task. It’s never a dull moment when you’re around.”

The mare giggles and looks to the side. “I could say the same about you,”

“Maybe, but my point still stands.”

“What about the others, do you enjoy begin around them?”

“Of course, everyone brings something to the party when there around. But I’m not hanging around the others right now. I’m here with you.”

Twilight begins pawing at the floor. “So, you really think I’m going overboard with this?”

“No more than usual,” Sonic comments, graining a frown from the mare. “But if you want my opinion, I’d suggest just letting it happen…go with the flow. See how to turns out. Or however you want to put it.”

The mare perks up at the suggestion. “Alright, I can do that.”

“Cool, so what sort of thing do you have planned?”

“Just dinner and a show at a restaurant a few towns over.”

“Alright, what sort of attire should I wear?”

“Casual, I guess. Though maybe it wouldn’t hurt to dress up a bit.”

“And what are they serving?”

“It’s an omnivorous menu, so I think they serve meat there. But I’m not entirely sure.” Realization dons on the mare, prompting her to let out an annoyed groan and glare at the hedgehog. “Wait a minute, you said these things didn’t matter last time I asked. If so, why are you asking now?”

“Because I wanted to get my point across,” Sonic replies matter-o-factly.

“And that is?” Twilight asks with a raised eyebrow.

“To not sweat the small stuff…and not to think you need to go out of your way to impress someone.”

Twilight frowns and then taps her chin with a hoof. “Good point, but you could have just told me and we could have avoided this whole misunderstanding.”

One of the machines nearby suddenly starts making a rattling noise; drawing everyone’s attention to it for a moment.

“Does it always do that?” Sonic asks in a concerned tone as he gestures to the object in question with his thumb.

The mare nods. “Only when somepony is pulling my leg.”

Sonic rolls his eyes and lets out a sarcastic laugh. “Oh very funny,” The hedgehog trails off as he turns his attention back towards the lavender mare. “Anyway, I gotta jet. I have a few things to take care of today. We’ll hang out later ok?”

Twilight nods and uses to magic to gather a few assorted items that have been scatter onto the floor; while also powering down a few of the machine. “Alright, I’ll see you then.”

The bleu hedgehog nods and begins making his way towards the stairs, but then suddenly stops. “You need any help, Twilight.”

“No, I got it.” The mare confirms as she levitates several large coils of wire into a wood box. “Besides, I still have to recalibrate a few of these before I leave.”

“Alright then, just checking.” Sonic mutters out as he starts making his way up the stairs.

Twilight continues to tidy up, till a small box on a nearby table catches her attention. “Hey Sonic wait!”

Frantic footsteps can be heard at a certain blue hedgehog makes his way back down the stairs and makes his way toward the lavender mare. “What’s up?”

“I forgot to give you something,” Twilight states as she levitates the small box towards Sonic.

The blue hedgehog grabs the item and begins to examine it. “What is it?”

“I overhead Blaze mention that you two had something planned at the quarry outside of town this morning and figured you’d something to protect yourself.”

Sonic opens the small box and examines the object inside for a moment before closing it. “Leave it to Blaze to spill the beans. She’s taking this way too seriously.” The hedgehog glances up at the mare. “Though, I don’t think I’ll be needing this. It’s not going to be anything serious.”

“I know but…” The unicorn trails off as she looks down at the floor.

The blue hedgehog smirks at the mare’s action and tucks the small box away for safe keeping. “Were you worried about me?” Twilight nods, but still remains focus on the floor. “That is so adorable.”

“Hey, I’m being serious here!” The mare snaps as she looks back up at the blue hedgehog. “You seem to be a magnet for anything…”

Sonic cuts the mare of midsentence as he taps the tips of her nose with his hand. “Boop.”

“Hey!” Twilight shouts as she scrunches her muzzle and give the hedgehog a dirty look. “Can’t you at least one thing seriously?”

“Relax Twilight, I got this.” The blue hedgehog begins as he places a hand on the mare’s shoulder. “But thanks for your concern.”

The mare blushes, looks away, and says nothing.

~flashback end~

“Twilight ran a few tests and figured whatever was causing me to go all ‘tall dark and scary’ wasn’t going to happen anymore.” Sonic finishes as he grabs a small container of syrup from a nearby cupboard and sets it on the table.

“So, does that mean you’ll be leaving after today?” Rarity asks in a worried tone.

“Pretty much, the blue hedgehog replies in a passive tone. “As thankful as I am that you let me crash here, till we know if I’m going to change again. That couch was murder on my back.” Sonic emphasizes his point by cracking his neck and then rubbing a spot on his shoulder.

Rarity silently gaze at her plate as she process the information.

“You changed? How?” Sweetie Belle asks as she looks up at the hedgehog in amazement.

“Well, Lunabelle and I came up with a…”

“Who?” Sweetie Belle Interrupts.

“The princess of the night,”

“Oh,” The filly replies in an oddly relaxed tone; only to spring by tenfold as she process who hedgehog meant. “Wait you mean, Princess Luna?”



“Anyway,” Sonic continues. “The princess and I came up with a plan to entertain the crowd for a show she set up in place a couple of no shows. Long story short, I got a huge does of her freaky magic and…”

“The princess’s magic is not ‘freaky’” Rarity interrupts. “It’s fluid and whimsical.”

“Whimsical, really?” Sonic asks with an amused chuckle.

“That right,”

“Anyway,” The blue hedgehog continues, trying to get back on track. “I got a dose of her magic and got all big, mean, and…stretchy.”

“Cool,” Sweetie Belle proclaims with barley contained excitement. “Then what happened?”

“I won,” Sonic replies in a nonchalant way.

“And I missed it,” The young filly pouts. “I never get to see anything cool.”

“Well if makes you feel any better, there must have been about a dozen cameras recording the event. So, they’ll probably make a movie out of it, if the princess and I give the go ahead.”

“Really? Cool!” Sweetie Belle shouts in excitement. “I can’t wait.”

Rarity lets out a small sigh as she watches her sister gushing over the hedgehog’s tail. “I just can’t believe that it’s already been three days since then.”

“Don’t you mean finally?” Sonic asks in mock annoyance. “Wasn’t it you that stated ‘this ruffian will be the death of me’?”

“Well I only said that because you pulled my tail.” Rarity states in annoyance. “To something so..so unclothe is just...”

“That’s only because you bit me and wouldn’t stop till I snap you out of it!” Sonic fires back. “Or did you forget about that?”

“I’m so confused, what are you talking about?” Sweetie Belle asks as she looks up from her breakfast.

“Short answer, you sister likes to cuddle things in her sleep.” Sonic states before holding up a finder emphasize his next comment. “However, she also likes to kick and bite as well.”

“And how did you come to gain this information.” The filly asks as she narrows her eyes in a suspicious tone.

“During Sonic’s stay here, it came to my attention that his ‘unique’ proportions made it a bit troublesome to find an adequate place to rest.” Rarity says in a hoity tone. “So against my better judgment, I offered to share my bed with Sonic….and nothing else.”

Sonic frowns as the comment and crosses his arms. “Now hold on, we both agreed it was fine the first night, but only got bad after the second. When you tried to pull an all-nighter and I had to literally drag you off to get some sleep. So don’t get all ‘dramatic’ on my for something that can be chopped up as just being a bad call on both our parts.”

Rarity lets out a sigh and looks down at her plate. “You’re right, I’m…I’m sorry,”

“No problem, had I know it was a touchy subject. I wouldn’t have joked about it.” The hedgehog then smirks. “I’m a little surprised honestly. I figured someone would have told you get a bit restless when nearing a deadline.”

“I wouldn’t know, you’re the first stallion I’ve shared a bed with.” Rarity admits in a sad tone.”

“Oh,” Sonic eyes then widen in realization. “Oh….shit. Now I feel like an ass….i’m the one who should be sorry.”

“It’s alright, you didn’t know.”

“Still, I think I’m going to head out before I stick my other foot in my mouth. I’ll see you later”

Rarity opens her mouth to say something, but says nothing as the hedgehog silently exits the boutique; so as to not create anymore conflict.

Sweetie Belle meanwhile glares at her younger sister, but remains silent as she contentious to eat her breakfast.


Exiting the boutique, Sonic spots a certain high flying speedster sitting on a nearby bench; giving him the biggest shit eating grin possible.

“Sup, big guy? You ready to lose?” The mare comments only shift to a smirk as the blue hedgehog remains quiet and starts walking towards her.

“You alright there bud? You seem to be distracted about something.”

Sonic waves off the notion and plops down next to the mare. “Na, just had a bit of an odd morning. Just found out that I was really wrong about someone.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes widen. “Really? Anything good? Please tell me it’s something good.” The mare pleads. “You have no idea how boring it has been lately.”

“I can image, I haven’t been around to brighten up your usually abysmal day, Dashie.” The blue hedgehog jabs as he springs to his feet. “And to answer your question, no. It’s not some ‘juicy bit of gossip’ that everyone should know.”

The mare recoils in response. “Yeash, you’ve been hanging out with Rares too long, you’re even starting to talk like her.” Dash then leaps off the bench and lands next to the blue hedgehog. “Anyway, I have the perfect solution to get you out of that odd funk you seem to be in.”

“And what’s that.”

“You and me, first one to While Tail Woods and back.” The mare challenges with a dramatic flair of her wings. “Winner take all.”

The blue hedgehog solemn expression shifts into a cockle smirk. “You know me all too well, Skittles. Just say when.”

“Ok, on the count of….Now!” Rainbow Dash shouts as she flies on ahead. “Catch me if you can, slowpoke.”

“Oh, I’ll make you eat those words,” Sonic begins as he begins forming his figure eight technique. “And my dust!” The hedgehog adds as he takes off; kicking up a cloud of dust followed by a defining boom.


With the once sleepy rural town in full swing. Two certain crusaders make their way towards the ‘famed’ Carousel Boutique to pick up there last member.

C’mon Applebloom, we’re running late. Scootaloo shouts as she gallops down the street. “You just had to make that stop and Sugar cube Corner.”

An annoyed yellow filly lets out a grown, followed by long yawn as she chaises after the young speedster. “Well excuse me, yer the one who didn’t wake any of up for breakfast.”

“Are you saying this is my fault?” Scootaloo shouts back as she zips past a group of mares.

“Ya had one job, Scoots. One job.” Applebloom fires back as she closes the gap between herself and the orange filly.

Scootaloo skids to a stop, just outside of the Boutique and turns to the approaching yellow filly. “Excuse me, what did you say?”

“You heard me,”

“You got something to say, Bloom?”

“Yeah I do. You….” The rest of the farm pony’s rant is cut off as something obscures her vision. “…Need to look out!” The mare shouts as she shoves the young pegasus out of way of an approaching mob.


“Damn early morning shoppers,” Dash mutters out as she flies over massive crowd heading into the town market. “You’d think it was the last day of the planet or something.”

“Or a blue light special,” Sonic adds as he leaps over a small section of the crowd and meets up with the mare.

“A what?”

“Never mind, I keep forgetting some jokes don’t translate here that well.”

“Or anywhere else for that matter.” A third voice says, prompting the two to look towards the source.

“Blaze? What are you doing here?” Rainbow Dash asks with a raised eyebrow. “Didn’t take for much of early morning runner.”

“Glad to see you finally took me up on that offer.”

“As am I,” The Sol ruler comments as she keeps pace with the two blue speedsters. “And to answer your question, Ms. Dash. I’m not usually one to partake in such activities this early in the morning. But Sonic was rather persistent on the matter. So I figured I’d give it a try.”

“So…what do you think?” The blue hedgehog inquires as he turns to the lilac refine. “Pretty cool or what?”

“I do admit, it is a lot more, shall we say more; invigorating then I imagined.”

“That’s only if you can keep up.” Dash jabs as she shoots the Sol Ruler a cocky smirk. “Think you can keep up with us till we reach the woods?”

“I believe the bigger question is; will you be able to keep up with me?” Blaze retorts as she begins to pull a head.

“You guys are all just talk.” Sonic comments as he runs ahead of both of them. “Run, run, run, as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm Sonic the F***in' Hedgehog."

Next Chapter Preview:

CMC: "Cutie mark - Explorers!"

Rainbow Dash: "Wahoo! Piece of cake."

Sonic: "Well, this just got a whole lot more interesting."

Blaze: "Choose your works carefully, for they may be your last."

Light my Fire