• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,383 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

  • ...

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Finally, we meet at last for the first time.

I have never seen such a cute human before in my life. Of course, perhaps that’s just because I haven’t seen many human children before. At least, not up close. This Tilda was certainly a bright, young girl. I could see it in her eyes. The yearning. The dreams. Oh she was just so precious. I wasn’t going to hug her. Not now, but I made a mental note to give her a ride later on. Smaug wouldn’t like it, but I could talk with him about it later.

The elder siblings were nervous. That was plain to see. Which struck me as odd. If there father had brought them here, I would believe that they would be a bit more at ease. Then I noticed something in their eyes. The father’s especially, with how he gave them, when I wasn’t paying much ‘attention’, reprimanding looks. It would appear human children can be just as misbehaving as foals.

“I was of the belief that you wished to see me again,” Bard quickly answered. There was something in the way he talked that told me otherwise. It was hardly noticeable. He was a skilled liar, but I’ve seen every lie known to mortals up close. I know a lie when I see one.

“That much is true,” I inclined my head in agreement. “But I believe there is another reason. As well, I can understand being a tad nervous when around me. Alicorns are creatures few have seen in most lands.”

“I am not nervous,” Bard stated.

“I know ‘you’ aren’t nervous for yourself,” I nodded towards the children. “But you are for them. Tell me, when did you discover that they had snuck into the woods after you?”

Bard sighed. “Not long ago. My son, Bain, is almost as quick witted and stealthy as I am.”

“And we wouldn’t have been caught if Sigrid hadn’t of tripped,” Bain muttered, earning a slap upside the head from Sigrid, the eldest daughter.

“Someone had to keep an eye on you two,” Sigrid scolded. “And the woods are no place for a lady.”

“But there aren’t any ladies he-OW!” Bain rubbed the back of his head after his sister swatted him again.

“I do believe your sister has the advantage here, Bain.” I said, with a warm smile on my face. Bain just folded his arms and grumbled. It was honestly a rather cute display. It reminded me a lot of Luna when she got in trouble.

I frowned at the thought. For a thousand year, I lived without my sister. For a thousand years, I grieved for every moment with her I lost. For a thousand years! Would I go another thousand before I could see her again? Could I ever leave this world? Was the connection shattered? In the back of my mind, I can see my subjects mourning my loss. I can see Twilight wracked with grief Luna….No. I don’t want to see her cry. Never will I let a single tear fall from my sister’s cheek. Yet, what could I do?

“Um, Princess?” I felt Tilda speak, laying a small hand on my chest. I looked down at her and a small droplet of water dripped down into her face. Was I crying? No. I couldn’t be crying, but...Seeing this happy family was a bit much for me. “Are you okay?”

I rubbed my eyes with my wings to clear them. I chided myself for letting myself cry in front of them. Diplomacy always called for a cool head. A ruler wasn’t supposed to break down into tears in front of others. Yet, I just did. I couldn’t help myself. For weeks, months, I haven’t tried to think about home. It would just kill me slowly and now that I did...I could see all their faces haunting me right now. I closed my eyes and did my best to block them out. I would remember them, but I wasn’t going to dwell on them. I’d see them again one day. “Yes and no, young one. I am alright. I just miss my own family is all.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Bard spoke up. His gaze was one of sympathy, but his eyes spoke of something more. He had lost someone. His wife most likely, given the hurt that lingered and how the children were here without her. Perhaps I was wrong. I hoped I was, for his sake. The man started to get up. “Perhaps we should converse another time.”

I smirked. “But you haven’t answered my question.”

“You’re hurting,” Bard stated. “I will not trouble you in your grief.”

Before I could speak, a raven flew onto his shoulder. “It’s impolite to leave without answering a lady’s question.” The raven’s deep voice could only fit one being. Dragons were curious creatures when it came to magic. They were experts and at the same time barbarians in the art. Transformation magic was one of their strong points. At least, for a select few. Most can’t use it, or at least that well.

Bard just stared at the raven for a moment. “And the raven talks as well. I should be surprised.”

“But you’re not,” the raven smirked. “And that’s what I’m curious about. Why aren’t you curious?”

“These past few days have proven anything is possible,” Bard responded. “A talking raven isn’t exactly as outlandish as a winged talking unicorn from a far off land.”

“I would agree with you in that regard, human.” The raven nodded. “You still haven’t answered the question.”

Bard pursed his lips in thought. I could see him flicker his eyes over the forest. He believed they had a chance to escape, or at least distract us long enough for the children to. It was admirable. Admirable and foolish. I’m glad he rested his eyes on me and sighed. Not that I wanted him to feel like he was in a hopeless situation. I just didn’t want him to do something stupid with Smaug nearby. “A wizard asked me to scout the woods.”

“A wizard?” The raven’s claws sunk into Bard’s shoulder, making him wince. Smaug’s tone was harsh and I could sense hatred pouring out from him. Even the children could sense it, since they started to back away.

I glared at the bird. “A civilized being doesn’t hurt another in anger.”

“I can do what I please, Celestia.” Smaug the raven answered. “I am Smaug, King Under the Mountain.”

Bard stared at the bird in surprise. “You’re Smaug, chiefest of all calamities?”

“I go by many names,” Smaug answered. “Some of which you couldn’t possibly pronounce.”

“And what if I don’t believe you?” Bard asked with a quirk of a brow. “You could be a trick upon my eyes and ears by Celestia herself in order to scare me.”

“You are certainly clever for a human,” Smaug narrowed his eyes. I don’t think he liked Bard making the assumption I was tricking them. That or he didn’t take kindly to being scoffed at. Given how long I’ve known him, I would go with both.

“Y-you’re Smaug the dragon?” Bain gulped in fear. I could see his hands twitching, nearing his bow. No one was going to die today, but I knew Bain wasn’t going to go that far. A simple spell could still him, or a harsh word to Smaug.

“Guilty,” Smaug the raven bowed. He flew over to my own shoulder.

“A dragon and a winged unicorn?” Tilda squealed in happiness. “Best day ever.”

Smaug frowned. “Why aren’t you scared of me, child? I laid waste to Dale? Destroyed the dwarves that lived in the mountain. I am the greatest of the fire drakes!” He spread his birdy wings out to show off his magnificence. A raven, however, didn’t have the awe inspiring presence of that of a dragon.

“Well, you’re not a fire drake now.” Tilda pointed out. “And I wasn’t alive back then, so I didn’t see you kill anyone.”

Sigrid grinned. “She’s got you there, oh Smaug the greatest raven of our land.” She had a teasing lilt to her voice.

Smaug would have clenched his claws on me as he had on Bard if but one reason. He liked my coat. I was his prize after all. He wouldn't hurt me. I just hoped that these children wouldn’t push him too far. “The mouse mocks the bear. How it squeaks from the grass only for the bear to smash it into oblivion. I am not so merciful as the bear. You won’t die in an instant. You will burn in my flames.”

“Don’t listen to him,” I rolled my eyes. “He won’t harm you.”

“Why ever not?” Smaug questioned.

“Think of them as a part of a set,” I responded, swaying my hoof over at the humans. “A set that includes me. If you so much as burn one hair on their bodies, I will leave.”

“And I will find you,” Smaug growled.

“Perhaps,” I noted. “My magic is growing stronger. I could return home soon enough and you’d never find me.” Which was true in a way. Given how strong I was, perhaps a few years from now I could try the spell again. Sooner if I found a source of magic from which to draw power from. Of course, then comes the tricky part about finding the right world. Smaug didn’t have to know any of the technical stuff.

Smaug the raven growled. “Fine. I won’t kill the humans.”

“Why?” Bard glared at Smaug with such hate. “Why should I believe you? It was you who destroyed Dale. You killed hundreds, thousands that day. My family’s name dragged through the mud till this day. My family has never known a peaceful night’s rest. Why should I believe a murderous dragon?”

“Because I can kill you right now and there is nothing you can do about it,” Smaug answered. “In the form of a raven, a swallow, a man, a drake. It matters not the the form. I am who I am. I am the living embodiment of fire and death. You are but a mere being of the race of man. I fear you as I fear a fly. You are harmless.”

“Gentlemen,” I gave the both of them reproachful looks. “Now isn’t the time for arguments.”

Smaug snorted. “Perhaps not.”

“You’re right,” Bard nodded.

“He started it,” Smaug added.

“Do you wish to test your raven form’s endurance?” Bard questioned, his fingers inching towards his bow.

“Father,” Sigrid spoke up, glaring at him. “Stop this at once. Antagonizing him won’t help us.”

“No one is antagonizing anyone,” I said, sighing. This was falling apart faster than I would have liked. “Please, let us converse as civilized beings. For that to happen, let us take a moment to calm ourselves.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Letting it go, I repeated the process. I heard the others shuffle about. Tilda was even copying me, which was adorable. “Now, is everyone settled?” With some nods of answer, I smiled. “Good, then let’s get back on track.” I narrowed my eyes at Bard. “Who is this wizard you spoke of?”


How could a being as perfect as I be brought down to this? My plan was perfect. I am perfect! The dark has no flaws and yet here I am. Stuck in the back of a ‘sun’ goddess’ mind. This was humiliating. This was torturous. I was the goddess of the night. The TRUE goddess of the night. Not a figment that treacherous Luna created. No. I was the real thing. She was the copy, not me. I was the beautiful heir to the Equestrian throne. It belonged to me. The world belonged to me! Why couldn’t anyone see that?

They couldn’t see that now. My brilliant plan to take control of this body was foiled. By what? A dragon? They are weak and pitiful and yet this one had enough magic within him to block me? He’s a dragon! He should have writhed in agony upon touching my grandiose presence. No. He still stands. He still flies. He still protects this wretched body. Why does he care?

Wait. He cares doesn’t he? Oh, I see how he cares for her. This body interests him. He wants it. He craves it? Is it because of his dragon greed, or is Celestia working her magic? EIther way, he will come to serve me in my ‘new’ much better plan. It was foolproof! If not, he’d die. I’d prefer the death route myself. I would kill him and control my new form. Then, I will plunge this world into beautiful darkness. World after world will fall before their true ruler. The monarch of the night.

I was the greatest of all the gods! Yet, I needed to work quickly. I needed to reign in this new body. There was something out there. Something dark. Not as dark as I, of course. None can match my power of the night. It held something else. A fire that burned in the dark, but there was no light. There was no heat. It...unsettled me. I was not scared. Of course not. Nothing could ever scare Nightmare Moon, the sole deserving monarch of the Equestrian throne.

I just didn’t want to be near it, that’s all. I just wanted more power so I could swat whatever it was away. I wanted it away from me. I couldn’t stand it when it looked at me. Why couldn’t they feel it? The dark! It was weak. Ha! It was too weak for them to feel. No. It wasn’t there element. It was neither fire nor light. They couldn’t see it. It belonged in my realm. I hated it for it. That was my realm! I will consume Celestia’s heart and then destroy this thing. I will gouge out its eye so never again will it look upon me with its hatred.

Stop hating me! Stop it. Stop it. Stop it! I am Nightmare Moon! I am to be loved by all. If you do not love me, then crawl into the hole that spawned you and die! Just stop looking at me.

I had to focus. I needed to focus. I needed this body. My plan was perfect. Almost as perfect as I, but nothing could match that of the dark. I just needed more time. Perhaps these humans could help. Yes, this could work out nicely.

Author's Note:

Yes, in quite a few myths, dragons could shapeshift. I decided to play with the idea in this story a bit.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. I really appreciate them and they help me get motivated to keep marching on.

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