• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,362 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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Let the game of wits begin

I had almost forgotten what it felt like to wake well rested. The key word ‘almost’. I never forget anything, even when I wish I could….I really wish I could sometimes. However, this wasn’t one of those things I would rather have erased from my mind. This was a pleasant feeling. ‘Who knew a bed of hard, jagged gold pieces could be so relaxing.’

I yawned and stretched my limbs as I stood. I could clearly hear my joints pop and snap and I played with them. I felt….I felt great! Not my best, but better than I had in weeks. I didn’t know what to say about that. My coat shone brightly as if I had just finished sunbathing. In fact…

‘It feels as though I had been sunbathing.’

It was most curious and…unsettling in a way. Oh sure, it was nice to be so spry after so many weeks of lethargy. I hated just laying around, waiting for something to happen. Nothing would. Not in this place and not with my dragon ‘guardian’ watching over me. I was trapped here and it would be a long time before I ever saw or felt the sun again.‘That certainly killed my joyful mood.’ I frowned at that thought.

I put that aside for now. It would do me no good to dwell on such unsettling thoughts. I needed to cheer myself up, lest I fall into an endless despair. Equestria would not fair well if I did so. I didn’t do it a thousand years ago, I surely wouldn’t now.

Still, I made sure to file my inquiries for later. If I could regain more of my power, I could escape. Escape. I never knew how beautiful a word it could be. It reminded me of how I felt for the word ‘freedom’ under Discord’s rule. I best the god of chaos. A dragon surely could not outdo one such as he.

Although, Discord never took me or my sister’s efforts seriously. He was a jokester. He played with us, tormented us, but he never did much to stop us. He was clever, but stupid at the same time. ‘Thank grandmother for that.’ Smaug was not stupid. Yes, he was not a god. Yes, he didn’t have the ability to warp the fabric of the universe, but he had his own tricks. He was fast, he was deadly, he had his own magic. He was also cunning. Smaug had to be the most cunning villain I had ever met, besides Chrysalis when she was in her prime eons ago.

‘She grew into such an adorable queen. I am so going to hug her when I get back. Maybe even dress her up in that adorable princess outfit she loved as a filly.’

Ehem, getting back on track, I would have to play it safe with Smaug. I needed to get him to trust me. It was the only way I could possibly find a way out of here. I felt bad about it, but he made it quite clear that he was a killer….It still felt wrong to manipulate a beast, even one such as him.

‘But then again. Perhaps manipulation of a different sort will do nicely.’ Yes, that’s true. Smaug has seemed to have warmed up to me. At least, in the ways only a dragon could. I was in no great danger as long as I didn’t do anything asinine. Dragons prided their hordes above all else. Since I was a part of it, I was safe…For the moment at least. I needed to get him to trust me, which was easier said then done.

‘Perhaps I could persuade him to give me a tour,’ I pondered. Oh, that definitely would be useful. Knowing the layout of this place would help wonders when I finally gained enough strength to escape this place. I couldn’t reasonably teleport out of here, not easily of course. I didn’t know how far I was inside the mountain, nor did I know if this mountain had anti-teleportation fields or spells set up in case of intruders. They wouldn’t have done anything to stop the dragon, but they certainly would have curtailed any sorcerers. Trying to teleport through that would be messy. It would be far less dangerous for me to simply find a small, passageway out of the mountain. If I can just get outside, and with enough energy, I can attempt the spell again, or at least teleport far enough away from the dragon.

However, ‘far enough’ was never a factor when it came to dragons. They would literally chase something down to the pits of Tartarus if it took anything of theirs. I know. I’ve seen it happen a few times in my lifespan. It never ended well, for either the dragon or the daemons.

“The mistress is awake,” a little male voice chirped. “Oh how happy an occasion this is.”

I turned to see a little bird land in front of me. A talking bird didn’t phase me one bit. I lived in a world where magic was so abundant that nearly anything was possible. Not to mention my travels with Starswirl across the multi-verse. ‘Who knew fish could sing so well.’

“Hello, little one,” I smiled. “What brings you here?”

“My master, the great and powerful Smaug, greatest of calamaties, wished for me to check upon your health. I am happy to know that you are well. The master was quite concerned for you. Why, I would go so far to say he was panicking.”

Those words took me as off-on guard. “He was panicking? The great dragon Smaug panicked for one such as I?”

The bird nodded. “Oh yes, he was distraught. Why he even scoffed away praise for his magnificence like it was nothing more than a nuisance.”

My jaw nearly dropped. A dragon never turned away praise. They were vain creatures to a fault. They wanted others to grovel before them, yet Smaug didn’t. Well, not this time. I…I was touched. To know a dragon cared enough about me to actually do that was far too much to take in. Which was evident on my now reddened face. “That…” I cleared my throat, fighting off the blush. “Tell him that I am thankful for his concern and humbled by it as well.”

“Will do,” the bird bowed and then flew off.

He seemed like a nice bird. I did wonder why Smaug would keep such a small creature as a servant, but that was only for a moment. Smaug didn’t seem like the type who liked company. Not many dragons do. He probably forced one of the local fauna to act as a messenger. Again, he wasn’t stupid. He wouldn’t just blunder his way about in the outside world. Even in Equestria, there were ways to slay dragons. It’s just that dragons were far too clever to mess with my country, lest they know what true fire feels like.

My muse was cut short when the dragon lifted his head. As he did so, my eyes caught his and….’He has such gorgeous eyes.’ No, it was not just their aesthetics, which were tantalizing, it was something more. I would never just lose myself in pretty eyes. It is what lay behind them that intrigued me. They spoke of pain, of sorrow, but they spoke also of such passion. Oh such lovely passion. Some of which was directed towards me. I knew it was simply the passion of greed, but I could not help but see some good in it. Maybe that is just me imagining it. I cannot think of any creature being truly evil, unless created out of evil itself. Even then, there may lie a sliver of righteousness. Only the dead know it not.

I finally averted my eyes, with a face as red as a tomato and hot enough to melt ice.

Thankfully, the bird, a thrush I believed it to be, came back. “My master says that you are welcome and that he wishes me to give you a tour of the mountain.”

I blinked in surprise. ‘Well…this was easier than I thought.’ “I would be most delighted to view my lord’s kingdom.” I walked on after the fluttering bird, wondering, if for but a moment, if there was an ulterior motive behind this.

I was never one to watch a female. They were merely egg-layers, nothing more. Not to mention female dragons tended to attack any and all males that neared them. There was nothing what some would call ‘love’ between my kind. We hated each other with a passion.

Yet, when my precious jewel awoke, I was content with laying within my gold with an eye cast upon her form. The way she stretched and sighed after a good rest was intriguing. A little too intriguing for my own liking. Yet, I continued to spy. Perhaps it was just curiosity. Perhaps it was the fact that she was a new species. I did not honestly know, but the way she radiated motherly warmth was tantalizing. Nothing like the aura of death that we dragons carry, nor was it the haughtiness of the elves, the stench of dwarves, or even the arrogance of man. No, this was something far more pure than any of that combined. ‘Truly, I am the wealthiest of all beings.’

It was then I saw Thrush land and greet her. I had never originally intended to allow the bird or anyone else within my lair. Of course, that was rather foolish of me. Celestia, no matter her sapience, was an equine. They were social creatures, unlike I and the kin of flames. She needed companionship. If that meant allowing a few small animals in here, than by all means I will do it. My precious gem needs to be in perfect condition. I will accept no less for my hoard.

“Master,” Thrush landed on the edge of my snout, bowing low. “Forgive my intrusion, but the mistress wished for me to pass her thanks. She has been humbled by your act of kindness.”

A low content rumble escaped my throat. “Yes, I knew she would be.” I lifted my head off of my gold and looked over at her. She looked back and our eyes met. As I have seen before, she has been nothing of perfection, but her eyes. Why had I not noticed them before? I would think that such pearls of beauty would have been of first notice. Yes, they looked greater than any gem I had seen in my hoard. Of course, they were a part of it now, so they were the greatest of it. What more, I could see such compassion and love. Never before had I seen such, not from even my own blood. It filled me with a feeling most strange. I was thankful when she turned away. I would not like to think of that strange feeling, no matter how good it felt.

Of course, I had other pressing matters. Now that her power was returning, no doubt she would be curious as to how. No doubt she had been thinking of ways to get more and use it to escape. I needed to keep her mind off of it. I needed to keep her distracted long enough for me to come up with a plan. She may be a god, but I was a dragon. We are creatures of intellect when brute force is not enough.

“My little companion,” I started, keeping my voice low. “I want you to tell her that I am welcome of her thanks.” I still found it odd to be thanked. “As well, I want you to take her on a tour of my kingdom.”

“Do you think it’s wise, my master? She may use it as an opportunity…”

“To escape?” I snorted, causing Thrush to be thrown into the air and flap his wings urgently to keep himself from falling. “I am not stupid. I merely wish for her to see her new home and keep her mind elsewhere than her new powers. That, and I’m confident that you won’t show her the front door. I can trust you not to be so careless, can’t I?”

Thrush quickly nodded. “Yes, oh most glorious and merciful king under the mountain. I shall not be so careless.”

“Good. I will meet with you both later in the tour, but do not tell her so. I shall arrive when I wish it and as well, perhaps I may overhear something useful.”

“You are the cleverest being that has ever walked this earth, my lord.”

“I know,” I resisted the urge to roll my eye, such a human gesture. His compliments were starting to irk me. “Now cease your groveling and do as I ask.”

“Right away, my lord.” Thrust flew off as quick as an arrow…I need to think up something far less painful to compare speeds with. For now at least, I was content to ponder my next move. Giving Celestia some of her strength back had set in motion a game of wits. I was not going to lose, not to my own treasure. ‘I do so hope you make it interesting, Celestia.’

Author's Note:

Ugh, finally. I'm sorry for the wait. End of the semester and all.

I hope you all enjoyed this and please leave a comment. They help get new chapters out faster.

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