• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,361 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

  • ...

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To Shoe or Not To Shoe. That is the question.

“Smaug,” I rubbed my forehead in agitation. “I just want you to listen to me and listen well. For the last time, I will not wear those things.”

“Why not?” Smaug narrowed his eyes, holding a pair of diamond high heels. They shone beautifully in the light and he’d been trying to get me into them for the last few hours.

“Because I’m a quadruped first,” I huffed and crossed my arms. “High heels are impractical for ponies and I just don’t see the appeal. Besides, how am I supposed to fight in those things?” I quirked an eyebrow. As Starswirl and my own mother would say, hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Smaug snarled. “None would dare fight against a dragon, least of all those lakemen.” He spat out the last word like it was poison. This outing wasn’t going to go all that well if he kept up that attitude. I’d have to stick close to him and turn on the charm. Hopefully, he’ll keep his attention on me and have a little fun. ‘Hopefully’ is the key word here. Best case scenario, he could start learning the magic of friendship. I don't have high hopes for that happening today, but I can hope nonetheless. “And that is why these will suit you. They shine as fine as any jewel in my hoard. The people of the town will eye them with envy, knowing my treasure is the greatest in all the lands.”

I pouted. “So you just want me to wear them because they’re shiny?” I would never have tried to tease Smaug when I first came to this world. Teasing a dragon is a surefire way to get killed. Yet, I loved seeing him flustered and squirm. It was so cute and I had to resist pulling him into a big hug. I’m sure he’d appreciate one in this form since I have two pillows on my chest for him to rest on. Human biology quirks.

I mean, it’d be weird for him to rest his head on my own alicorn tits….unless he was tasting me….Keep it together. You’re not ready for that sort of thing.

“All my hoard shines,” Smaug huffed. “But you are the most unique piece of it. I want you to shine like your sun and show the world the greatness of my horde.”

That….actually was kind of sweet, in a draconic sort of way. He just wanted me to look my best, but I was still apprehensive about the whole ‘high heels’ thing. No offense to any humans who do enjoy them, and I know a few who did very much so, they’re just not for equines such as myself. Still, he was adamant and that look in his eyes was hard to argue with. It wasn’t hostile. It was imploring. I turned my heel. “Do my golden slippers not meet your expectation?”

“It does in it’s own way,” Smaug eyed the shoes with the same lust he viewed every piece of his horde. Well, except for me. That lust was something different. It made my spine quiver. I did my best to return the favor.

“Do they?” I turned, flexing my legs for him as I showed off my shoes. Legs, just like the butt, I find to be crucial to beauty. Though, again, the butt is my favorite part to focus on. Still, it was clear Smaug’s human guise was affecting his senses, since he was drinking up my form like he was addicted. I couldn’t help but blush slightly at that. I have had countless males fawn over me, but someone as powerful as Smaug? Well, perhaps but they weren’t exactly….likable. I slightly turned my leg a bit further, pulling up my dress. “Huh, my golden slippers shine rather well on their own.”

Smaug twitched in agitation, tearing his eyes off my legs. He definitely has a strong will….for now~ “But you need more gems, my precious jewel. Diamonds, sapphires, rubies. All that and more. How else are those treacherous lakemen supposed to see the wealth I have?”

“They’ll be in awe no matter what we wear,” I corrected him, holding up a finger to boop his nose. “They may be just humans, but they can still sense some of our powers if we let them. All we have to do is let them and they’ll know of your might, oh great and powerful Smaug.”

“Hmm,” Smaug seemed to lose himself in his thoughts. He often made those little rumble noises in his chest as he did. I’m sad to see the clothes keep that amazing chest hidden. To see those scales or fur proudly flexing over that chest was a sight to behold. “That is true. Still, it would be best if you wore more gold.”

I tapped his nose, causing him to flinch away. “Smaug, no.” I sighed. He was the most stubborn dragon I have ever met. “Look, I will dress as I please this time. Next time we go out, I’ll wear whatever you like. Is that fair?”

Smaug sighed and nodded. “That is fair. You may go with such little gold. You are already perfect, my precious jewel.” I smiled in satisfaction. “However, these diamonds would look wonderful on you.” He held up the high heels.

I gave him my best ‘unamused’ face. I picked one up. “Smaug, I could kill someone with these heels.” Seriously, I can. High heels are lethal weapons ready for action. I mean, just look at these pointy heels.

“Yes,” Smaug seemed to smile at that prospect.

“There will be no killing and/or maiming at the festival,” I snapped at him. “We are going to there to have fun and relax.” Not to mention make lots of friends.

“And killing isn’t fun?” Smaug seemed a tad bit confused….I can’t believe this. Cake! I need my stress food.

“You know what,” I took the other heel. I was surrendering. “I’ll wear them.”

Smaug’s wide smile was so adorable~ I wanted to pinch his little cheek. Was this just about the shoes? They’re just shoes, nothing….he can’t be courting me, can he? Dragons usually give their mates to be all sorts of gems and jewel, the biggest kills, anything to catch their lover’s eyes and show them to be fit mates. Now Smaug was giving me things just because he wanted to….

Was it always this hot in here? No, it couldn’t have been. Yet I was so hot and my face felt like it was turning red. No, I couldn’t be blushing. He isn’t trying to court me. He just thinks of myself as a trinket and perhaps as a friend….Oh who am I kidding. With how he’s been acting lately, given my teasing, I can see this. Was it time to move on to the next step? No...I’m sure we can wait.

He’ll find someone else. Someone better and you’ll be alone like you always are.

I grit my teeth and banished away those thoughts. I wasn’t going to be alone anymore. I don’t want to be alone. I’ll take what is mine when it was due time….wait, did I call Smaug mine? Oh dear, I’m becoming like him. Oh dear, oh dear. I am not possessive of my dragon. Wait, my dragon?

It’s worse than I feared. Okay, I can salvage this. I just won’t think any sexy thoughts about Smaug…….


“Celestia,” Smaug’s wondrous voice spoke up. “You’ve turned a shade of red darker than even my own hide. Are you alright? I’m not sure if this is a normal human thing.”

I cleared my throat and tried my best to hide my blush. “N-No, I’m fine. I’ll wear the high heels and some rings, oh Smaug the dragon dread.” Smaug nodded, still as pleased and cute as ever. I sat down on an old chest and put on my new shoes. “Now let’s go over our names again, shall we?”

Smaug groaned. “I will not. Your insipid little title does not do me justice.”

“Benedict Cumberbatch is a good name.”

“Only a inane mother who despised her offspring with every fiber of her being would name her child such,” Smaug argued.

I huffed and then pouted. “You don’t like it?” I sniffed. “I’m sorry Smaug. I spent a lot of time working on it and-”

“No,” Smaug quickly said. “Don’t cry. You know how I hate that noise. It’s irritating and you are my jewel. You are to be forever happy. I’ll,” he grit his teeth and growled. “Keep that infernal title.”

“Good,” I nodded with a smile. “While we’re in town, you may refer to me as Megan Cumberbatch, your wife.”

“No,” was Smaug’s reply.

“Why ever not?” It was a good name.

“You don’t smell of me,” Smaug closed the distance, narrowing his eyes. He’s even adorable when he’s trying to be serious. “You smell of my hoard, but not of me.” He took a long whiff. “You are unmated and pure. No one would fall for this ruse. Perhaps we should fix that.”

I’m blushing again! Blast this dragon. At this rate, I’ll be a fiery inferno like my sun. “W-we can put that on hold. Humans don’t have powerful noses.”

“That is true,” Smaug scowled. “So...we won’t have to consummate then.”

DO IT, YOU IDIOT! “I’m thankful you see my point.” NO I’M NOT! Be assertive, Smaug. Just do it because I can’t bloody well make up my mind whether I can work up the nerve or not. I stood up. “Now WHA!” And thusly tripped over my new heels.

Human feet can be tricky.

Smaug caught me before I hit the ground. “This is why I told you we shouldn’t wear these forms. Too unbalanced and weak.”

I snorted. “Well, it appears you are right on this venture.” It wouldn’t be that hard to walk in these things. Just a quick spell and I could run in high heels through a jungle. However…. “Can you carry me?”

“You are a grown female,” Smaug frowned.

“But I’m a weak female,” I pouted, giving his big, doe eyes. “A weak female in your possession. You don’t want me to break, do you? Not when you have these big, strong arms. There never was a dragon as strong as you.”

Smaug beamed. “No, there hasn’t.” He then frowned. “I still think-”

“Pwease~” I jutted out my lower lip and made it quiver.

Smaug growled. “Fine. I will carry you only because you’re weak.” He roughly picked me up and held me in his arms. I squeaked in surprise, not becoming of a princess. It didn’t help that one of his hands was roughly grasping my, AH~, butt.

“Smaug,” I gulped, trying to still my heart. “Do you have to grasp my bottom so?”

“Your bottom belongs to me,” Smaug growled, squeezing harder. Ashamedly, I couldn’t help but moan at the touch. Another reason why I think butts are the best parts of a lady. “I can touch it as much as I want and in any way I wish.”

“....Can you do it harder?”

Smaug closed his eyes and started making the long trip to the town. “You’re trying my patience, my precious jewel.”

And you’re trying mine, you sexy drake~


I should be hunting dwarves right now. I should be killing dwarves right now. I should be mounting Thorin’s head on my spike right now! None of that was happening as of now. No. I had to kill some wretched humans and capture something for my master. Instead, my spawn would be having all the fun. As long he brought back Thorin’s damnable head, I would have some satisfaction in this.

If my master was anyone else, I would have slain them on the spot for making me give up my rightful hunt. That runt of a king cut off my hand. He was going to pay and only spilling his blood would right this. No, I had to give up my hunt. I hoped that little town would offer something of a challenge. My force was small, barely five thousand strong. Yet it was more than enough to kill anything that stood in my way. I will kill them quickly and take my prize. My spawn is an excellent hunter, but Thorin rides with a wizard. They are crafty and hard to kill. He will live. I was happy about that. He would offer me the challenge of a lifetime.

One of my waagh riders came to my side. “The human town is not far from here. It looks like they’re celebrating something.”

I chuckled. “They are celebrating their last breaths. We will attack in the morning.” My master told me enough about dragons to know how to fight them. Dragons eyes are weak in the meager dawnlight. If Smaug attacked, my catapults could bring him down or drive him off. Dragons aren’t as strong as they think they are. Orcs are the strongest and we always win.

Author's Note:

This chapter is pretty much based on DreamSmith's comment about Celestia wearing high heels. So yeah, thank DreamSmith for this one....That and I'm such a tease~ Takes me forever to get anywhere. Don't worry, next chapter will be during the festival.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. I love knowing what you all enjoyed and it really does help me write quickly.

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