• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,381 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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Dragons and Birds


When I found out I was pregnant, I didn’t know what to do. I had always wanted a child of my own. Truly, that was my deepest and most treasured desire. Yet as I grew hungrier and admittingly fatter, I wasn’t sure if it was because of that or that it was the loss of my horn. I did need to consume more energy to make up for the energy that escaped with it breaking. Magic was a part of my being and without an easy way to expel and use it, I needed to consume more and exercise. Sunbathing would help, but it would seem my lovely dragon still doesn’t trust me or the humans fully enough. That will change soon though.

However, as time went by I began to notice something. It was a growing warmth inside me. It had it’s own little magical signature and seemed to pulse, as though it was a living being. I didn’t think much of it at first, but as time went on I couldn’t deny it. I was pregnant. I don’t think I was ever happier then at that moment. Finally, my wish had come true.

I spent the next several minutes prancing around my subterranean home, hollering and hooting in joy. My actions were childish, I admit. I don’t regret them because I didn’t know how else to show my joy. My inner light seemed to shine brighter than ever, both because of my happiness and heritage. Being a goddess of the sun and the daughter of a Light goddess will do that to a being. Of course, Smaug seemed curious about my happiness. I was going to tell him right then and there, but I kept my mouth shut.

He is a dragon, I told myself. I’ve seen his fury and even though I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, I was still scared about what he’d do if he found out about our child. I’ve heard tales of dragons attacking their own offspring on occasions. That’s where I got Spike after a male tried to weed out a young female’s clutch so he wouldn’t have to share resources. I knew better with Smaug. He wouldn’t hurt me or my child, but my fear kept my mouth shut.

So I kept to myself for the next few weeks, talking with him here and there. I busied myself with building a nest. The pegasus part of me was bird-like after all and I wasn’t sure if I was going to lay an egg or not. Dragon biology is strange after all. As the days went by, I couldn’t help but find my fears unfounded and all the more silly. Smaug wouldn’t do anything to our child. He would care for it, whether as his kin or a gem. Either way, no harm would come of it. Now I just worried about how to tell him.

I waited for the right moment to strike. The right moment to tell him the truth and watch events unfold. I had to make it perfect… Which I felt would never happen at this rate, given that it is Smaug I am dealing with. So I decided to tell him the moment he asked what was wrong because I was tired of waiting.

“That’s why I’m not surprised by what’s happened,” I smiled up at me. “I’m pregnant.”

Smaug didn’t react immediately. He just stared at me. He never once blinked in what felt like hours. I frowned as he did nothing but look at me. I felt some of my earlier fears pop up again, “Smaug, are you alright?” I didn’t have the magic to do anything right now and given that my horn was still healing, doing anything might harm my child.

Smaug finally shook his head and furrowed his brow, “You are lying. I am a dragon and you are an alicorn. We can’t have children.”

I rolled my eyes, “You are a dragon, a species notorious for their fertility. I am a being of pure magic and magic usually tends to mess with genetics. That and you were a stallion when we did it.” A very sexy stallion~ A sexy stallion who I wouldn’t mind taking right now~ Oh dear, it would seem being pregnant didn’t stop those thoughts.

Smaug’s eyes widened as he looked at my swollen belly, “So… you really are pregnant.”

I nodded, “Yes, you’re going to be a father.”

Smaug paused and then nodded, “Yes, well…” His breathing seemed to grow more fevered.

“I will of course need some soft fabric to hold our baby in.”

“Yes… of course.” Smaug idly shook his head. His stance seemed to quiver. “Could you perhaps give me a moment.”

“Which I’m sure you’ll love to look into your little baby’s face and-”

Smaug had fallen to his side, unconscious.

I blinked in confusion before sighing, “It would seem that I’m going to have to rely on the humans more then I thought in the coming days.”

Smaug immediately snapped his head up and over to me, snarling and baring his fangs. “You will do no such thing. No humans is to know of this. I will not have that miserable race anywhere near our child.”

“Are you still wear of them?” I quirked an eyebrow. “A strong drake like you could deal with them with little trouble.”

“No trouble at all,” Smaug huffed. “They would scatter to the four corners of the world with a single beat of my wings.”

I chuckled and nuzzled his lower jaw, “And if they were to see me with you, they would quiver in jealousy.”

Smaug chuckled, “Yes, they would. Those pathetic creatures would know that they will never have a being nearly as grandiose as you.”

“And given your strength, they would never dare harm our child.” I spoke. “They would know that it is protected and one day, they will inherit your immense strength.”

Smaug spread his wings, basking in the praise. He just loved the attention, the big cutie~ Then he frowned and narrowed his eyes, “I know what you’re doing.”

“What am I doing, oh great and powerful Smaug?” I tilted my head slightly to the side.

“You’re trying to confuse me,” Smaug snorted. “You’re trying to get me to do what you want. Well it won’t work. I am Smaug, the greatest drake to have ever graced these lands. I will not fall for your tricks.”

I bowed my head, “Of course, you are far too clever for one such as I.”

Smaug nodded, “Yes, of course I am. I do what I wish and if I want to flaunt my child, I shall. All shall bask in their greatness, knowing it came from such powerful sires.” He grinned, “Yes, perhaps I shall visit the humans. Just once, of course. Just to show them the future of Middle Earth shall be dominated by my progeny.”

“I think we should start small,” I slightly grimaced. My children weren’t going to grow up as tyrants. I’ve nearly lost too many to the lust of power. My child shall not fare their fate.

Smaug shook his head, “I have decided. The humans who visit us shall get what we want and when the child is born, she will see the air and sun. Then she shall come back home where it is safe.”

“Not even a chance to play in the warmth of the day?”

Smaug glowered, “I tried that before. I nearly lost you once. I shall not lose you or my child. You will remain here.”

“Smaug, I am not a prisoner.” I glared at him. “You can’t keep me here forever.”

“Do not dispute me,” Smaug snarled.

I looked up at him with pleading eyes, “Smaug, please listen to me-”

“Bah,” Smaug turned away. “I have already made my decision…” He slowly turned to look at me. His gaze lingered on my belly. “Have you… chosen a name?”

I let a small smile slip past my lips. I still have to worm my way out of this circumstance, but it’s nice to know he truly cares. I shook my head, “I’m not sure if it’s going to be a girl or boy, though I wanted to try out some names for either case.”

Smaug paused before he laid down beside the room, “Then tell me your ideas.”

He did have a heart, even if it was drowned out by his dragon pride. “Well, I was thinking something along the lines of either Megan or a jewel inspired name for a filly…”



I still can’t believe that the last few months actually happened. Even after all this time, it’s just hard to believe. A talking horse? A somewhat friendly dragon? The master of the town actually turning a new leaf? It’s just too much for me to think about all at once. That wasn’t even counting the fact that the people of this town, well city now, made me their leader. Me? I mean, I’ve done my best to help everyone out but I don’t think that makes me a leader.

Still, we didn’t have many available candidates and they’ll probably vote someone else into office once we get back on our feet. That would be fine with me. I’d rather just get back to my old life. I pulled out a little locket from my pocket and opened it up. I frowned as I looked to Sigrid, “Where are you?” I asked more to myself.

We had searched everywhere for her. I literally mean everywhere but inside the mountain. Smaug was adamant that only Tilda and the former Master of the town were allowed inside. She wasn’t there either, if Smaug and Celestia were to be trusted. I didn’t trust that infernal dragon, but I did trust Celestia, well mostly. I still don’t believe that my daughter was possessed by an evil horse spirit.

Well somewhat don’t believe it. She has no reason to lie and given everything I’ve seen, it’s a possibility. If she is, at least she’s alive. That’s all that matters right now. I’ll find a way to fix her if she really is possessed.

“DO YOU CALL THAT A THRUST?!!” A shrill woman’s voice nearly shook me to the core and I wasn’t anywhere near it. “I’VE SEEN FIVE YEAR OLD’S DO BETTER THAN THAT!”

I sighed as I passed the city square. This woman named Brisa was certainly something. I’ve never seen a woman so fiery and aggressive. Well i’ve never really seen a woman warrior before either so maybe most of them are like that. Right now she was helping get everyone in shape just in case orcs or bandits attack. She was doing a good job and even I took a few lessons from her. Which is why I was a bit sore right now. Even some of the women were training with them.

“Maxwell,” she shouted at the thinning former Master. He had lost half his fat over the last few months though he still had a ways to go. He was pushing himself up and down on the ground. “Go faster with those push-ups. I want to get rid of that baby fat as soon as possible.”

“Yes…” He huffed. “Yes, Brisa.”

I chuckled at the sight, before someone called out to me.

“Bard,” Percy, my right hand man, ran up to me. “Bard, we’ve got trouble.”

I furrowed my brow, “What kind of trouble?”

“Eagles,” he spoke with slight terror ebbing from his voice. “Big ones.”

My eyes widened. I’ve heard tales of these creatures and they were certainly formidable. “Brisa, we’ve got company.”

“You heard the Mayor,” Brisa shouted. “Get on your feet, you lazy bastards.” The troops didn’t need to be told twice and grabbed what they could. They all rushed to the edge of the city.

As they got onto the top of the castle’s wall, I couldn't help but gape at the creatures. I had never seen a bird that large. Each one could each pluck a full grown man off the ground and throw him about with no trouble. Their talons and beaks could shred through their makeshift armor. I gripped my bow. This wouldn’t be an easy fight if it came down to that.

I could see around twenty of them. There could have been more hidden in the woods and this was just a scouting party. Three of them broke off and headed towards me. Some of the bowmen nocked an arrow and held up their bows. I held up a hand, “Stop. Only shoot if they attack first. We’ve seen our fair share of strange things these last few months. I think we can wait to see if it gets stranger before we strike.” They nodded and put down their bows.

The eagles came to a stop a few meters from him, flying in place. “I wish to speak with the lord of this place.” One of the eagles spoke.

“You speak with him,” I piped up. “What is it that you want?”

“Well first of all I’d like to land,” the eagle said. “My eagles have been flying for quite some time and we are rather tired.”

I nodded, “We shall meet at the city square. You can’t miss it.”

The eagle nodded, “What is your name, Master of Dale?”

“You may call me Bard,” I spoke. “And your’s?”

“My name is Beleram,” the Great Eagle spoke. “I serve Gwaihir, Lord of the Eagles. He is eager to know a great many things.”

I quirked a brow, “Like?”

“We shall talk about that at the city square,” Beleram and his two eagles flew over us and into the city.

Percy chuckled and patted my back, “That went better then I thought it was going to go.”

I sighed, “Seems things will keep getting stranger and stranger around here.”

Author's Note:

Funny thing is, I didn't know the Great Eagles could talk until I played the game Beleram was in. I really wished they did talk in the movies, but eh. Can't have everything. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They are very much appreciated. :twilightsmile:

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