• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,381 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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Celestia, meet Smaug. Smaug, meet Celestia.

In all my years, I’ve learned the sights, smells, and sounds of many a creature. Sometimes it would be for fun, such as bird spotting. I personally find hummingbirds to be the most pleasant and relaxing to listen to. Other times, it was out of necessity. Knowing your enemy was essential to surviving and in a world where enemies of every shape and size abounded, every little thing helped.

So when I heard a mighty chuckling rumble, I instantly knew what type of creature lay above me. I sighed in aggravation.

‘Well, I was right. This is definitely a dragon’s hoard. Why is my luck so bad?’

Even before turning my head, I knew he was massive. The creature’s chuckles, it was a he by the sound of it, gave the air of a dragon of great size. Or, he just had a big head. ‘Either one wouldn’t surprise me. Though, I think I’d prefer the giant head idea. Slower, smaller dragons are easy to trick.’

My elegant neck turned to gaze upon the dragon. He was startling, that much was certain. He was large, not the largest dragon I’ve seen, but still great in size. Assuredly, he rivaled the red dragon that had plagued Ponyville not long ago. More likely he surpassed that smoocher.

That wasn’t what really caught my eye. What really drew my attention was his forearms. They were connected to his wings. I’ve met wyrms before and they were not creatures of intellect. They carried themselves around with only the most basic intelligence. They were deadly, but one could outsmart them. This beast was no wyrm. His size alone told me that.

Looking into his eyes, I saw a cunning intellect unlike most any other being I’ve encountered. He was studying me. The way his head tilted and his nostrils flared were clear indicators of that. The rest of his body lay out of eyesight on an ancient ruin, but I could already see the rest of his long serpentine body in my mind. If I had to say, he was handsome for a dragon.

There was nothing I could really do in this situation and that frightened me. I always had some level of control. I’m so used to that feeling that being without it now… ‘I feel like a little filly again, when compared to this beast.’

There was just the dragon and his choice. Nothing else mattered. My fate lay within his wings and I was certain that was the last place any being wishes to be. Dragons aren’t exactly the fairest creatures.

“Well, well, well,” the male drake’s voice wasn’t something I expected. Most dragons have rough and worn out voice. His was cool, cunning, and dare I say, sexy. “Isn’t this an interesting development.”

I did my best to keep the fear out from my face. To show weakness now would destroy any chance I had of escaping the situation.

“It is good to see you’ve finally awoken from your slumber,” the dragon rumbled. “I was beginning to consider that a lost hope.”

‘He wants me awake?’ Truly, I was surprised by that. For what purpose could he have for keeping me alive? Not that I wasn’t grateful of course. It is possible he was a kind dragon.

The dragon studied me for a moment. “Well my trinket, speak. Don’t even think to take me for a fool. I heard you speak not a moment ago.”

I gulped. His tone left nothing to argument. “Where am I?”

“The Lonely Mountain of Erabor,” the dragon proclaimed. "My home."

“And why am I here?”

The dragon chuckled. “Shouldn’t I be asking that question? It is not every day a winged unicorn appears in a flash of light in my hoard. One would think it a trick of the eyes, but I know better. You came here for a reason and I want to know why.” He dragged himself off ruin and onto the gold around myself. His every step caused the ground to shake and gold to fly everywhere. His length caught my breath for he was truly even greater than my mind’s eye portrayed. His scales shown like the stars above and there were even droves of jewels embedded amongst them.

“Well…” My mouth was dry as I tried to come up with an answer. I could tell the truth, but I wasn’t sure he would believe me. “Well, the answer is quite strange and you might find it ludicrous.”

“I have seen and heard many ludicrous things in my life time, winged unicorn,” the dragon tilted his head in curiosity. “I dare you to tell me one stranger than any of them.”

“I come from another world,” I told him honestly. There was no real need to lie needlessly. Not with a fire breathing dragon breathing down my neck…or in my face as the case may be. “I travelled here because…”

I looked away. The real reason was the bottomless hole in my heart yearning for something more. I wanted something to fill it. Something that would make me happy…. ‘Maybe a love once lost?’ I asked myself.

“I am a fool,” I laid my head down on the gold in dismay. “I wished to relive my glory days of old, travelling from too world in search of adventure, but now….” I sighed. “I am without any means of returning home.”

“You are from another world?” The dragon piped up. “Now that is interesting. I would think you mad, if not for the magic I felt about you. It is like nothing on this earth.” He licked his lips as though savoring something. “So otherworlder, what are you?”

“I am an alicorn,” I replied, lifting my head once more. “And you must be a dragon. Am I wrong?”

The dragon grinned. “Yes, but I am no mere dragon,” he straightened up and flexed his muscles. He was obviously showing off his form to impress me. It worked. “I AM SMAUG THE GOLDEN! Smaug the terrible, chiefest and greatest of calamities.”

And with that, I knew what type of dragon I was dealing with. Now all dragons love to brag. It’s in their very nature. They love to hoard, to fight, and even steal. Some dragons just love to do it more. From just his title, I knew Smaug was a being of destruction. One did not get the title ‘chiefest and greatest of calamities’ and display it with pride for nothing.

He was a killer, that much was certain. I knew I was in hot waters, so to speak. I had to please him and nothing pleases a dragon better than praise.

“I am humbled, Smaug,” I said, looking at him in wonder. Not real wonder, mind you, but I’ve played many parts over the years. Even Shakesponyian loved my acting skills. “I never thought I would be in the presence of such an awe inspiring creature. Truly, you have no equal on any world.”

Smaug beamed, happy with the praise. “That is true, but what of you? What titles do you go by? I will not simply keep referring to you as ‘alicorn’. That would be the same as calling a bird ‘bird’.”

I smiled. “I am Princess Celestia, diarch of Equestria. The world I come from give me many names: Celestia the Mighty, Celestia the Wise, Sun Goddess. Many more come to mind, but I don’t want to bore you.”

“Lovely titles,” Smaug purred. I liked the sound, but I couldn’t help watch him as his eyes travelled over my form. It unsettled me. “A goddess in a form such as yourself? Truly you come from a world that must be seen in order to believe.”

I nodded. “It has its ups and downs, but I like to think we’ve come a long way.” I frowned. “But you haven’t answered my question, oh great and mighty Smaug. He who makes the very ground tremble with each step and whose riches exceed even the greatest of kings.” Smaug was drinking in my honeyed words. “Why am I still here? Was it out of kindness that you keep me in one piece?”

“Why would I destroy what is mine?” Smaug asked, looking confused.

“What?” That threw me through a loop. ‘Mine? What does he mean by ‘what is mine’?’

“You are mine now, Celestia of Equestria,” Smaug said. “I have deemed you worthy to be a part of my hoard. You should feel honored.”

“Honored?” I glared up at the dragon, consequences be damned. “I am no one’s property.”

“You are mine,” Smaug glared back. “And no one disputes the claim of the great and powerful Smaug.”

“I do,” I growled. “I have slain dragons far greater than the measly worm before me….”

Smaug moved quickly, putting his large, fang filled snout in my face. His steps were heavier than normal and had I not been backed up against the ruin, I no doubt would have been sent tumbling around. I reeled back as best I could though, caught off guard by the action. “Choose your next words carefully, alicorn. They may just be your last.”

I gulped. I had pushed him farther than I meant to. I knew I shouldn’t have, but claiming me as his without my own consent? This was slavery! I despised that concept like nothing else. It was one of the few crimes that death was the granted sentence.

“Smaug,” I needed to get on his good side. “Oh, great and powerful Smaug, chiefest and greatest of calamities. I beseech you. I am not used to being owned by a being as grandiose as you. It is indeed an honor to live in your hoard.” I felt bile rise up in my throat as I said that.

Smaug snorted, causing my fur to stand on end. With one more breath, I would be nothing but barbecued alicorn. I am not one to fear death, for in my own world death would be nothing but a setback. My soul would linger and a new body would form. Here I had no idea what would happen to me if I died. I wasn’t going to test that out.

“You are new here,” Smaug pulled his head back somewhat, giving me some room. “So I shall deem your foolish words as nothing more than naivety, but know this. I am not a being one should cross. Do I make myself clear, Celestia?”

I nodded. “Yes, Smaug.”

“Good,” Smaug seemed pleased enough and stormed deeper into his hoard, leaving her alone. “I shall be out hunting. Make yourself at home, Celestia of Equestria. For you shall be here for an eternity.” With that said, he was gone.

I laid my head back down and covered my face with my forelegs. “What the hay have I gotten myself into?”

Author's Note:

Hopefully, I pulled this chapter off well enough for you viewers.

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